net: make HSTS hosts use the normal SSL interstitials

(Reland of r102947, which was reverted in r102950.)

SSL interstitials have better translations for the error messages and this
returns us to the point where we have only a single UI for SSL errors, which
will make some future changes easier.

First, this change changes the SSL error callbacks to take an SSLInfo& rather
than a X509Certificate* (which was already a TODO(wtc) in the code). Most of
this change is the resulting plumbing.

It also adds a |is_hsts_host| flag to the callbacks to denote an HSTS host.

Finally, in the |is_hsts_host| flag causes any error to be


git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
21 files changed