blob: 741c21cf0e006de0bfbe362a9bd0d7064b7c4684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/interpreter/register-translator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-builder.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace interpreter {
RegisterTranslator::RegisterTranslator(RegisterMover* mover)
: mover_(mover), emitting_moves_(false), window_registers_count_(0) {}
void RegisterTranslator::TranslateInputRegisters(Bytecode bytecode,
uint32_t* raw_operands,
int raw_operand_count) {
DCHECK_EQ(Bytecodes::NumberOfOperands(bytecode), raw_operand_count);
if (!emitting_moves_) {
emitting_moves_ = true;
DCHECK_EQ(window_registers_count_, 0);
int register_bitmap = Bytecodes::GetRegisterOperandBitmap(bytecode);
for (int i = 0; i < raw_operand_count; i++) {
if ((register_bitmap & (1 << i)) == 0) {
Register in_reg = Register::FromRawOperand(raw_operands[i]);
Register out_reg = TranslateAndMove(bytecode, i, in_reg);
raw_operands[i] = out_reg.ToRawOperand();
emitting_moves_ = false;
} else {
// When the register translator is translating registers, it will
// cause the bytecode generator to emit moves on it's behalf. This
// path is reached by these moves.
DCHECK(bytecode == Bytecode::kMovWide && raw_operand_count == 2 &&
Register::FromRawOperand(raw_operands[0]).is_valid() &&
Register RegisterTranslator::TranslateAndMove(Bytecode bytecode,
int operand_index, Register reg) {
OperandType operand_type = Bytecodes::GetOperandType(bytecode, operand_index);
Register translated_reg = Translate(reg);
Register addressable_reg = MakeAddressable(translated_reg, operand_type);
if (addressable_reg != translated_reg) {
CHECK(operand_type == OperandType::kReg8 &&
mover()->RegisterOperandIsMovable(bytecode, operand_index));
mover()->MoveRegisterUntranslated(translated_reg, addressable_reg);
return addressable_reg;
void RegisterTranslator::TranslateOutputRegisters() {
if (!emitting_moves_) {
emitting_moves_ = true;
while (window_registers_count_ > 0) {
window_registers_count_ -= 1;
Register source(kTranslationWindowStart + window_registers_count_);
Register destination = window_registers_[window_registers_count_];
mover()->MoveRegisterUntranslated(source, destination);
emitting_moves_ = false;
Register RegisterTranslator::MakeAddressable(Register reg,
OperandType reg_type) {
OperandSize reg_size = Bytecodes::SizeOfOperand(reg_type);
if (reg_size == OperandSize::kByte && !FitsInReg8Operand(reg)) {
// TODO(oth): Moves into and out from translation window could be
// decoupled if there were metadata to say whether the register
// operand was an input, output, or input-and-output for a given
// bytecode.
Register destination(kTranslationWindowStart + window_registers_count_);
window_registers_[window_registers_count_] = reg;
window_registers_count_ += 1;
DCHECK_LE(window_registers_count_, kTranslationWindowLength);
return destination;
} else {
return reg;
// static
Register RegisterTranslator::Translate(Register reg) {
if (reg.index() >= kTranslationWindowStart) {
return Register(reg.index() + kTranslationWindowLength);
} else {
return reg;
// static
bool RegisterTranslator::InTranslationWindow(Register reg) {
return (reg.index() >= kTranslationWindowStart &&
reg.index() <= kTranslationWindowLimit);
// static
Register RegisterTranslator::UntranslateRegister(Register reg) {
if (reg.index() >= kTranslationWindowStart) {
return Register(reg.index() - kTranslationWindowLength);
} else {
return reg;
// static
int RegisterTranslator::DistanceToTranslationWindow(Register reg) {
return kTranslationWindowStart - reg.index();
// static
bool RegisterTranslator::FitsInReg8Operand(Register reg) {
return reg.is_byte_operand() && reg.index() < kTranslationWindowStart;
// static
bool RegisterTranslator::FitsInReg16Operand(Register reg) {
int max_index = Register::MaxRegisterIndex() - kTranslationWindowLength + 1;
return reg.is_short_operand() && reg.index() < max_index;
// static
int RegisterTranslator::RegisterCountAdjustment(int register_count,
int parameter_count) {
if (register_count > kTranslationWindowStart) {
return kTranslationWindowLength;
} else if (parameter_count > 0) {
Register param0 = Register::FromParameterIndex(0, parameter_count);
if (!param0.is_byte_operand()) {
// TODO(oth): Number of parameters means translation is
// required, but the translation window location is such that
// some space is wasted. Hopefully a rare corner case, but could
// relocate window to limit waste.
return kTranslationWindowLimit + 1 - register_count;
return 0;
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8