blob: 7e07e17f89faa3d800a3bf9eec83c3b853e05aed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkDevice.h"
#include "SkImageEncoder.h"
#include "SkImage_Base.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkRRect.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "SkUtils.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
#include "GrTest.h"
class GrContextFactory;
class GrContext;
enum SurfaceType {
kLastSurfaceType = kGpuScratch_SurfaceType
static const int kSurfaceTypeCnt = kLastSurfaceType + 1;
static void release_storage(void* pixels, void* context) {
SkASSERT(pixels == context);
static SkSurface* create_surface(SurfaceType surfaceType, GrContext* context,
SkAlphaType at = kPremul_SkAlphaType,
SkImageInfo* requestedInfo = nullptr) {
const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(10, 10, at);
if (requestedInfo) {
*requestedInfo = info;
switch (surfaceType) {
case kRaster_SurfaceType:
return SkSurface::NewRaster(info);
case kRasterDirect_SurfaceType: {
const size_t rowBytes = info.minRowBytes();
void* storage = sk_malloc_throw(info.getSafeSize(rowBytes));
return SkSurface::NewRasterDirectReleaseProc(info, storage, rowBytes,
release_storage, storage);
case kGpu_SurfaceType:
return SkSurface::NewRenderTarget(context, SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted, info, 0, nullptr);
case kGpuScratch_SurfaceType:
return SkSurface::NewRenderTarget(context, SkSurface::kYes_Budgeted, info, 0, nullptr);
return nullptr;
static void test_empty_surface(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* ctx) {
const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(0, 0, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == SkSurface::NewRaster(info));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == SkSurface::NewRasterDirect(info, nullptr, 0));
if (ctx) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr ==
SkSurface::NewRenderTarget(ctx, SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted, info, 0, nullptr));
static void test_wrapped_texture_surface(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* ctx) {
if (nullptr == ctx) {
const GrGpu* gpu = ctx->getGpu();
if (!gpu) {
// Test the wrapped factory for SkSurface by creating a backend texture and then wrap it in
// a SkSurface.
static const int kW = 100;
static const int kH = 100;
static const uint32_t kOrigColor = 0xFFAABBCC;
SkAutoTArray<uint32_t> pixels(kW * kH);
sk_memset32(pixels.get(), kOrigColor, kW * kH);
GrBackendObject texHandle = gpu->createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(pixels.get(), kW, kH,
GrBackendTextureDesc wrappedDesc;
wrappedDesc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
wrappedDesc.fWidth = kW;
wrappedDesc.fHeight = kH;
wrappedDesc.fOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
wrappedDesc.fSampleCnt = 0;
wrappedDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrBackendTextureFlag;
wrappedDesc.fTextureHandle = texHandle;
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::NewWrappedRenderTarget(ctx, wrappedDesc, nullptr));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, surface);
if (surface) {
// Validate that we can draw to the canvas and that the original texture color is preserved
// in pixels that aren't rendered to via the surface.
SkPaint paint;
static const SkColor kRectColor = ~kOrigColor | 0xFF000000;
surface->getCanvas()->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(kW), SkIntToScalar(kH)/2),
SkImageInfo readInfo = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(kW, kH);
surface->readPixels(readInfo, pixels.get(), kW * sizeof(uint32_t), 0, 0);
bool stop = false;
SkPMColor origColorPM = SkPackARGB32((kOrigColor >> 24 & 0xFF),
(kOrigColor >> 0 & 0xFF),
(kOrigColor >> 8 & 0xFF),
(kOrigColor >> 16 & 0xFF));
SkPMColor rectColorPM = SkPackARGB32((kRectColor >> 24 & 0xFF),
(kRectColor >> 16 & 0xFF),
(kRectColor >> 8 & 0xFF),
(kRectColor >> 0 & 0xFF));
for (int y = 0; y < kH/2 && !stop; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < kW && !stop; ++x) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, rectColorPM == pixels[x + y * kW]);
if (rectColorPM != pixels[x + y * kW]) {
stop = true;
stop = false;
for (int y = kH/2; y < kH && !stop; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < kW && !stop; ++x) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, origColorPM == pixels[x + y * kW]);
if (origColorPM != pixels[x + y * kW]) {
stop = true;
static void test_canvaspeek(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
GrContextFactory* factory) {
static const struct {
SurfaceType fType;
bool fPeekShouldSucceed;
} gRec[] = {
{ kRaster_SurfaceType, true },
{ kRasterDirect_SurfaceType, true },
{ kGpu_SurfaceType, false },
{ kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, false },
const SkColor color = SK_ColorRED;
const SkPMColor pmcolor = SkPreMultiplyColor(color);
int cnt;
cnt = GrContextFactory::kGLContextTypeCnt;
cnt = 1;
for (int i= 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
GrContext* context = nullptr;
GrContextFactory::GLContextType glCtxType = (GrContextFactory::GLContextType) i;
if (!GrContextFactory::IsRenderingGLContext(glCtxType)) {
context = factory->get(glCtxType);
if (nullptr == context) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gRec); ++i) {
SkImageInfo info, requestInfo;
size_t rowBytes;
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(create_surface(gRec[i].fType, context,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, &requestInfo));
const void* addr = surface->getCanvas()->peekPixels(&info, &rowBytes);
bool success = SkToBool(addr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gRec[i].fPeekShouldSucceed == success);
SkImageInfo info2;
size_t rb2;
const void* addr2 = surface->peekPixels(&info2, &rb2);
if (success) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, requestInfo == info);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, requestInfo.minRowBytes() <= rowBytes);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pmcolor == *(const SkPMColor*)addr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, addr2 == addr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, info2 == info);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, rb2 == rowBytes);
} else {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == addr2);
// For compatibility with clients that still call accessBitmap(), we need to ensure that we bump
// the bitmap's genID when we draw to it, else they won't know it has new values. When they are
// exclusively using surface/image, and we can hide accessBitmap from device, we can remove this
// test.
static void test_accessPixels(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContextFactory* factory) {
static const struct {
SurfaceType fType;
bool fPeekShouldSucceed;
} gRec[] = {
{ kRaster_SurfaceType, true },
{ kRasterDirect_SurfaceType, true },
{ kGpu_SurfaceType, false },
{ kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, false },
int cnt;
cnt = GrContextFactory::kGLContextTypeCnt;
cnt = 1;
for (int i= 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
GrContext* context = nullptr;
GrContextFactory::GLContextType glCtxType = (GrContextFactory::GLContextType) i;
if (!GrContextFactory::IsRenderingGLContext(glCtxType)) {
context = factory->get(glCtxType);
if (nullptr == context) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gRec); ++j) {
SkImageInfo info, requestInfo;
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(create_surface(gRec[j].fType, context,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, &requestInfo));
SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
SkBaseDevice* device = canvas->getDevice_just_for_deprecated_compatibility_testing();
SkBitmap bm = device->accessBitmap(false);
uint32_t genID0 = bm.getGenerationID();
// Now we draw something, which needs to "dirty" the genID (sorta like copy-on-write)
// Now check that we get a different genID
uint32_t genID1 = bm.getGenerationID();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, genID0 != genID1);
static void test_snap_alphatype(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContextFactory* factory) {
GrContext* context = nullptr;
context = factory->get(GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType);
if (nullptr == context) {
for (int opaque = 0; opaque < 2; ++opaque) {
SkAlphaType atype = SkToBool(opaque) ? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType;
for (int st = 0; st < kSurfaceTypeCnt; ++st) {
SurfaceType stype = (SurfaceType)st;
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(create_surface(stype, context, atype));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, surface);
if (surface) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image(surface->newImageSnapshot());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, image);
if (image) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, image->isOpaque() == SkToBool(opaque));
static void test_backend_cow(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SkSurface* surface,
SkSurface::BackendHandleAccess mode,
GrBackendObject (*func)(SkSurface*, SkSurface::BackendHandleAccess)) {
GrBackendObject obj1 = func(surface, mode);
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> snap1(surface->newImageSnapshot());
GrBackendObject obj2 = func(surface, mode);
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> snap2(surface->newImageSnapshot());
// If the access mode triggers CoW, then the backend objects should reflect it.
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (obj1 == obj2) == (snap1 == snap2));
static void TestSurfaceCopyOnWrite(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SurfaceType surfaceType,
GrContext* context) {
// Verify that the right canvas commands trigger a copy on write
SkSurface* surface = create_surface(surfaceType, context);
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> aur_surface(surface);
SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
const SkRect testRect =
SkRect::MakeXYWH(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0),
SkIntToScalar(4), SkIntToScalar(5));
SkPath testPath;
testPath.addRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0),
SkIntToScalar(2), SkIntToScalar(1)));
const SkIRect testIRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 2, 1);
SkRegion testRegion;
const SkColor testColor = 0x01020304;
const SkPaint testPaint;
const SkPoint testPoints[3] = {
{SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0)},
{SkIntToScalar(2), SkIntToScalar(1)},
{SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(2)}
const size_t testPointCount = 3;
SkBitmap testBitmap;
testBitmap.allocN32Pixels(10, 10);
SkRRect testRRect;
testRRect.setRectXY(testRect, SK_Scalar1, SK_Scalar1);
SkString testText("Hello World");
const SkPoint testPoints2[] = {
{ SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(1), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(2), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(3), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(4), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(5), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(6), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(7), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(8), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(9), SkIntToScalar(1) },
{ SkIntToScalar(10), SkIntToScalar(1) },
#define EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(command) \
{ \
SkImage* imageBefore = surface->newImageSnapshot(); \
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> aur_before(imageBefore); \
canvas-> command ; \
SkImage* imageAfter = surface->newImageSnapshot(); \
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> aur_after(imageAfter); \
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, imageBefore != imageAfter); \
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawPoints(SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode, testPointCount, testPoints, \
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawOval(testRect, testPaint))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawRect(testRect, testPaint))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawRRect(testRRect, testPaint))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawPath(testPath, testPaint))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawBitmap(testBitmap, 0, 0))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawBitmapRect(testBitmap, testRect, nullptr))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawBitmapNine(testBitmap, testIRect, testRect, nullptr))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawSprite(testBitmap, 0, 0, nullptr))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawText(testText.c_str(), testText.size(), 0, 1, testPaint))
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawPosText(testText.c_str(), testText.size(), testPoints2, \
EXPECT_COPY_ON_WRITE(drawTextOnPath(testText.c_str(), testText.size(), testPath, nullptr, \
const SkSurface::BackendHandleAccess accessModes[] = {
for (auto access : accessModes) {
test_backend_cow(reporter, surface, access,
[](SkSurface* s, SkSurface::BackendHandleAccess a) -> GrBackendObject {
return s->getTextureHandle(a);
test_backend_cow(reporter, surface, access,
[](SkSurface* s, SkSurface::BackendHandleAccess a) -> GrBackendObject {
GrBackendObject result;
if (!s->getRenderTargetHandle(&result, a)) {
return 0;
return result;
static void TestSurfaceWritableAfterSnapshotRelease(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SurfaceType surfaceType,
GrContext* context) {
// This test succeeds by not triggering an assertion.
// The test verifies that the surface remains writable (usable) after
// acquiring and releasing a snapshot without triggering a copy on write.
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(create_surface(surfaceType, context));
SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
surface->newImageSnapshot()->unref(); // Create and destroy SkImage
canvas->clear(2); // Must not assert internally
static void Test_crbug263329(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SurfaceType surfaceType,
GrContext* context) {
// This is a regression test for
// Bug was caused by onCopyOnWrite releasing the old surface texture
// back to the scratch texture pool even though the texture is used
// by and active SkImage_Gpu.
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface1(create_surface(surfaceType, context));
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface2(create_surface(surfaceType, context));
SkCanvas* canvas1 = surface1->getCanvas();
SkCanvas* canvas2 = surface2->getCanvas();
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image1(surface1->newImageSnapshot());
// Trigger copy on write, new backing is a scratch texture
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image2(surface1->newImageSnapshot());
// Trigger copy on write, old backing should not be returned to scratch
// pool because it is held by image2
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image3(surface2->newImageSnapshot());
// Trigger copy on write on surface2. The new backing store should not
// be recycling a texture that is held by an existing image.
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image4(surface2->newImageSnapshot());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image4)->getTexture() != as_IB(image3)->getTexture());
// The following assertion checks
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image4)->getTexture() != as_IB(image2)->getTexture());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image4)->getTexture() != as_IB(image1)->getTexture());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image3)->getTexture() != as_IB(image2)->getTexture());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image3)->getTexture() != as_IB(image1)->getTexture());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image2)->getTexture() != as_IB(image1)->getTexture());
static void TestGetTexture(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SurfaceType surfaceType,
GrContext* context) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> surface(create_surface(surfaceType, context));
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image(surface->newImageSnapshot());
GrTexture* texture = as_IB(image)->getTexture();
if (surfaceType == kGpu_SurfaceType || surfaceType == kGpuScratch_SurfaceType) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, texture);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 != texture->getTextureHandle());
} else {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == texture);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, as_IB(image)->getTexture() == texture);
#include "GrGpuResourcePriv.h"
#include "SkGpuDevice.h"
#include "SkImage_Gpu.h"
#include "SkSurface_Gpu.h"
SkSurface::Budgeted is_budgeted(SkSurface* surf) {
return ((SkSurface_Gpu*)surf)->getDevice()->accessRenderTarget()->resourcePriv().isBudgeted() ?
SkSurface::kYes_Budgeted : SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted;
SkSurface::Budgeted is_budgeted(SkImage* image) {
return ((SkImage_Gpu*)image)->getTexture()->resourcePriv().isBudgeted() ?
SkSurface::kYes_Budgeted : SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted;
static void test_surface_budget(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* context) {
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(8,8);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
SkSurface::Budgeted sbudgeted = i ? SkSurface::kYes_Budgeted : SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
SkSurface::Budgeted ibudgeted = j ? SkSurface::kYes_Budgeted : SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted;
surface(SkSurface::NewRenderTarget(context, sbudgeted, info, 0));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sbudgeted == is_budgeted(surface));
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> image(surface->newImageSnapshot(ibudgeted));
// Initially the image shares a texture with the surface, and the surface decides
// whether it is budgeted or not.
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sbudgeted == is_budgeted(surface));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sbudgeted == is_budgeted(image));
// Now trigger copy-on-write
// They don't share a texture anymore. They should each have made their own budget
// decision.
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sbudgeted == is_budgeted(surface));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ibudgeted == is_budgeted(image));
static void TestSurfaceNoCanvas(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SurfaceType surfaceType,
GrContext* context,
SkSurface::ContentChangeMode mode) {
// Verifies the robustness of SkSurface for handling use cases where calls
// are made before a canvas is created.
// Test passes by not asserting
SkSurface* surface = create_surface(surfaceType, context);
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> aur_surface(surface);
SkSurface* surface = create_surface(surfaceType, context);
SkAutoTUnref<SkSurface> aur_surface(surface);
SkImage* image1 = surface->newImageSnapshot();
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> aur_image1(image1);
SkImage* image2 = surface->newImageSnapshot();
SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> aur_image2(image2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, image1 != image2);
DEF_GPUTEST(Surface, reporter, factory) {
TestSurfaceCopyOnWrite(reporter, kRaster_SurfaceType, nullptr);
TestSurfaceWritableAfterSnapshotRelease(reporter, kRaster_SurfaceType, nullptr);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kRaster_SurfaceType, nullptr, SkSurface::kDiscard_ContentChangeMode);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kRaster_SurfaceType, nullptr, SkSurface::kRetain_ContentChangeMode);
test_empty_surface(reporter, nullptr);
test_canvaspeek(reporter, factory);
test_accessPixels(reporter, factory);
test_snap_alphatype(reporter, factory);
TestGetTexture(reporter, kRaster_SurfaceType, nullptr);
if (factory) {
for (int i= 0; i < GrContextFactory::kGLContextTypeCnt; ++i) {
GrContextFactory::GLContextType glCtxType = (GrContextFactory::GLContextType) i;
if (!GrContextFactory::IsRenderingGLContext(glCtxType)) {
GrContext* context = factory->get(glCtxType);
if (context) {
Test_crbug263329(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context);
Test_crbug263329(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context);
TestSurfaceCopyOnWrite(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context);
TestSurfaceCopyOnWrite(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context);
TestSurfaceWritableAfterSnapshotRelease(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context);
TestSurfaceWritableAfterSnapshotRelease(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context, SkSurface::kDiscard_ContentChangeMode);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context, SkSurface::kDiscard_ContentChangeMode);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context, SkSurface::kRetain_ContentChangeMode);
TestSurfaceNoCanvas(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context, SkSurface::kRetain_ContentChangeMode);
TestGetTexture(reporter, kGpu_SurfaceType, context);
TestGetTexture(reporter, kGpuScratch_SurfaceType, context);
test_empty_surface(reporter, context);
test_surface_budget(reporter, context);
test_wrapped_texture_surface(reporter, context);