Rebaseline 59 layout tests under compositing/.

Set diff base to patchset 1 to compare RLS baseline to flag-generic baselines.
For layer-tree.html and hidden-with-visible-text.html, an existing RLS baseline
is updated to match current output.  These diffs have the following causes:

- In layout tree dumps, PaintLayer positions reflect document scroll offset.

- Some layers gain or lose "clip" and "backgroundClip", e.g. tiled-mask.html.
  This is because LayoutTreeAsText clips to the root PaintLayer's bounds in
  FrameView-content space.  Without RLS, that's the initial containing block;
  with RLS it's the layout viewport, which is a better reflection of what the
  user would see.

- In GraphicsLayer tree dumps, all documents have composited scrolling layers,
  and iframes have no PLC layers and no background layer.

- Document transforms have "flattenInheritedTransform": false with RLS because
  the scrolling layer does not flatten transforms (

Bug: 544140
Change-Id: I4b5e38379d1e811953a4feb116eb03b4142191a2
Reviewed-by: Philip Rogers <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Zager <>
Commit-Queue: Steve Kobes <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#511886}
77 files changed