blob: 5047ab6e23f289342e02621113f98ffaaf7afa9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* An engine to process {@link UrlRequest}s, which uses the best HTTP stack
* available on the current platform.
public abstract class CronetEngine {
* A builder for {@link CronetEngine}s, which allows runtime configuration of
* {@code CronetEngine}. Configuration options are set on the builder and
* then {@link #build} is called to create the {@code CronetEngine}.
public static class Builder {
private final JSONObject mConfig;
private final Context mContext;
* Default config enables SPDY, disables QUIC, SDCH and HTTP cache.
* @param context Android {@link Context} for engine to use.
public Builder(Context context) {
mConfig = new JSONObject();
mContext = context;
enableHttpCache(HTTP_CACHE_DISABLED, 0);
* Constructs a User-Agent string including Cronet version, and
* application name and version.
* @return User-Agent string.
public String getDefaultUserAgent() {
return UserAgent.from(mContext);
* Overrides the User-Agent header for all requests.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
String getUserAgent() {
return mConfig.optString(CronetEngineBuilderList.USER_AGENT);
* Sets directory for HTTP Cache and Cookie Storage. The directory must
* exist.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> Do not use the same storage directory with more than one
* {@code CronetEngine} at a time. Access to the storage directory does
* not support concurrent access by multiple {@code CronetEngine}s.
* @param value path to existing directory.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder setStoragePath(String value) {
if (!new File(value).isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Storage path must be set to existing directory");
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.STORAGE_PATH, value);
String storagePath() {
return mConfig.optString(CronetEngineBuilderList.STORAGE_PATH);
* Sets whether falling back to implementation based on system's
* {@link} implementation is enabled.
* Defaults to disabled.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
* @deprecated Not supported by the new API.
public Builder enableLegacyMode(boolean value) {
return putBoolean(CronetEngineBuilderList.ENABLE_LEGACY_MODE, value);
boolean legacyMode() {
return mConfig.optBoolean(CronetEngineBuilderList.ENABLE_LEGACY_MODE);
* Overrides the name of the native library backing Cronet.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
Builder setLibraryName(String libName) {
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME, libName);
String libraryName() {
return mConfig.optString(CronetEngineBuilderList.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME, "cronet");
* Sets whether <a href="">QUIC</a> protocol
* is enabled. Defaults to disabled.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder enableQUIC(boolean value) {
return putBoolean(CronetEngineBuilderList.ENABLE_QUIC, value);
* Sets whether <a href="">HTTP/2</a>
* protocol is enabled. Defaults to enabled.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder enableHTTP2(boolean value) {
return putBoolean(CronetEngineBuilderList.ENABLE_SPDY, value);
* Sets whether
* <a
* href="">
* SDCH</a> compression is enabled. Defaults to disabled.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder enableSDCH(boolean value) {
return putBoolean(CronetEngineBuilderList.ENABLE_SDCH, value);
* Enables
* <a href="">Data
* Reduction Proxy</a>. Defaults to disabled.
* @param key key to use when authenticating with the proxy.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder enableDataReductionProxy(String key) {
return (putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_KEY, key));
* Overrides
* <a href="">
* Data Reduction Proxy</a> configuration parameters with a primary
* proxy name, fallback proxy name, and a secure proxy check URL. Proxies
* are specified as [scheme://]host[:port]. Used for testing.
* @param primaryProxy the primary data reduction proxy to use.
* @param fallbackProxy a fallback data reduction proxy to use.
* @param secureProxyCheckUrl a URL to fetch to determine if using a secure
* proxy is allowed.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
* @hide
* @deprecated Marked as deprecated because @hide doesn't properly hide but
* javadocs are built with nodeprecated="yes".
public Builder setDataReductionProxyOptions(
String primaryProxy, String fallbackProxy, String secureProxyCheckUrl) {
if (primaryProxy.isEmpty() || fallbackProxy.isEmpty()
|| secureProxyCheckUrl.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Primary and fallback proxies and check url must be set");
putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.DATA_REDUCTION_PRIMARY_PROXY, primaryProxy);
putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.DATA_REDUCTION_FALLBACK_PROXY, fallbackProxy);
return this;
/** @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden. */
public @interface HttpCacheSetting {}
* Setting to disable HTTP cache. Some data may still be temporarily stored in memory.
* Passed to {@link #enableHttpCache}.
public static final int HTTP_CACHE_DISABLED = 0;
* Setting to enable in-memory HTTP cache, including HTTP data.
* Passed to {@link #enableHttpCache}.
public static final int HTTP_CACHE_IN_MEMORY = 1;
* Setting to enable on-disk cache, excluding HTTP data.
* {@link #setStoragePath} must be called prior to passing this constant to
* {@link #enableHttpCache}.
public static final int HTTP_CACHE_DISK_NO_HTTP = 2;
* Setting to enable on-disk cache, including HTTP data.
* {@link #setStoragePath} must be called prior to passing this constant to
* {@link #enableHttpCache}.
public static final int HTTP_CACHE_DISK = 3;
* Enables or disables caching of HTTP data and other information like QUIC
* server information.
* @param cacheMode control location and type of cached data. Must be one of
* @param maxSize maximum size in bytes used to cache data (advisory and maybe
* exceeded at times).
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder enableHttpCache(@HttpCacheSetting int cacheMode, long maxSize) {
if (cacheMode == HTTP_CACHE_DISK || cacheMode == HTTP_CACHE_DISK_NO_HTTP) {
if (storagePath().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Storage path must be set");
} else {
if (!storagePath().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Storage path must be empty");
putLong(CronetEngineBuilderList.HTTP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, maxSize);
switch (cacheMode) {
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.HTTP_CACHE,
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.HTTP_CACHE,
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.HTTP_CACHE,
return this;
* Adds hint that {@code host} supports QUIC.
* Note that {@link #enableHttpCache enableHttpCache}
* ({@link #HTTP_CACHE_DISK}) is needed to take advantage of 0-RTT
* connection establishment between sessions.
* @param host hostname of the server that supports QUIC.
* @param port host of the server that supports QUIC.
* @param alternatePort alternate port to use for QUIC.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder addQuicHint(String host, int port, int alternatePort) {
if (host.contains("/")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal QUIC Hint Host: " + host);
try {
JSONArray quicHints = mConfig.optJSONArray(CronetEngineBuilderList.QUIC_HINTS);
if (quicHints == null) {
quicHints = new JSONArray();
mConfig.put(CronetEngineBuilderList.QUIC_HINTS, quicHints);
JSONObject hint = new JSONObject();
hint.put(CronetEngineBuilderList.QUIC_HINT_HOST, host);
hint.put(CronetEngineBuilderList.QUIC_HINT_PORT, port);
hint.put(CronetEngineBuilderList.QUIC_HINT_ALT_PORT, alternatePort);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Intentionally do nothing.
return this;
* Sets experimental options to be used in Cronet.
* @param options JSON formatted experimental options.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
public Builder setExperimentalOptions(String options) {
return putString(CronetEngineBuilderList.EXPERIMENTAL_OPTIONS, options);
* Sets a native MockCertVerifier for testing.
Builder setMockCertVerifierForTesting(long mockCertVerifier) {
return putString(
CronetEngineBuilderList.MOCK_CERT_VERIFIER, String.valueOf(mockCertVerifier));
* Gets a JSON string representation of the builder.
String toJSONString() {
return mConfig.toString();
* Returns {@link Context} for builder.
* @return {@link Context} for builder.
Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* Sets a boolean value in the config. Returns a reference to the same
* config object, so you can chain put calls together.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
private Builder putBoolean(String key, boolean value) {
try {
mConfig.put(key, value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Intentionally do nothing.
return this;
* Sets a long value in the config. Returns a reference to the same
* config object, so you can chain put calls together.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
private Builder putLong(String key, long value) {
try {
mConfig.put(key, value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Intentionally do nothing.
return this;
* Sets a string value in the config. Returns a reference to the same
* config object, so you can chain put calls together.
* @return the builder to facilitate chaining.
private Builder putString(String key, String value) {
try {
mConfig.put(key, value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Intentionally do nothing.
return this;
* Build a {@link CronetEngine} using this builder's configuration.
public CronetEngine build() {
return createContext(this);
private static final String TAG = "UrlRequestFactory";
private static final String CRONET_URL_REQUEST_CONTEXT =
* Creates a {@link UrlRequest} object. All callbacks will
* be called on {@code executor}'s thread. {@code executor} must not run
* tasks on the current thread to prevent blocking networking operations
* and causing exceptions during shutdown. Request is given medium priority,
* see {@link UrlRequest.Builder#REQUEST_PRIORITY_MEDIUM}. To specify other
* priorities see {@link #createRequest(String, UrlRequest.Callback,
* Executor, int priority)}.
* @param url {@link URL} for the request.
* @param callback callback object that gets invoked on different events.
* @param executor {@link Executor} on which all callbacks will be invoked.
* @return new request.
* @deprecated Use {@link UrlRequest.Builder#build}.
public abstract UrlRequest createRequest(
String url, UrlRequest.Callback callback, Executor executor);
* Creates a {@link UrlRequest} object. All callbacks will
* be called on {@code executor}'s thread. {@code executor} must not run
* tasks on the current thread to prevent blocking networking operations
* and causing exceptions during shutdown.
* @param url {@link URL} for the request.
* @param callback callback object that gets invoked on different events.
* @param executor {@link Executor} on which all callbacks will be invoked.
* @param priority priority of the request which should be one of the
* values.
* @return new request.
* @deprecated Use {@link UrlRequest.Builder#build}.
public abstract UrlRequest createRequest(
String url, UrlRequest.Callback callback, Executor executor, int priority);
* Creates a {@link BidirectionalStream} object. {@code callback} methods will
* be invoked on {@code executor}. {@code executor} must not run
* tasks on the current thread to prevent blocking networking operations
* and causing exceptions during shutdown.
* @param url the URL for the stream
* @param callback the object whose methods get invoked upon different events
* @param executor the {@link Executor} on which all callbacks will be called
* @param httpMethod the HTTP method to use for the stream
* @param requestHeaders the list of request headers
* @return a new stream.
abstract BidirectionalStream createBidirectionalStream(String url,
BidirectionalStream.Callback callback, Executor executor, String httpMethod,
List<Map.Entry<String, String>> requestHeaders);
* @return {@code true} if the engine is enabled.
abstract boolean isEnabled();
* @return a human-readable version string of the engine.
public abstract String getVersionString();
* Shuts down the {@link CronetEngine} if there are no active requests,
* otherwise throws an exception.
* Cannot be called on network thread - the thread Cronet calls into
* Executor on (which is different from the thread the Executor invokes
* callbacks on). May block until all the {@code CronetEngine}'s
* resources have been cleaned up.
public abstract void shutdown();
* Starts NetLog logging to a file. The NetLog is useful for debugging.
* The file can be viewed using a Chrome browser navigated to
* chrome://net-internals/#import
* @param fileName the complete file path. It must not be empty. If the file
* exists, it is truncated before starting. If actively logging,
* this method is ignored.
* @param logAll {@code true} to include basic events, user cookies,
* credentials and all transferred bytes in the log.
* {@code false} to just include basic events.
public abstract void startNetLogToFile(String fileName, boolean logAll);
* Stops NetLog logging and flushes file to disk. If a logging session is
* not in progress, this call is ignored.
public abstract void stopNetLog();
* Returns differences in metrics collected by Cronet since the last call to
* {@link #getGlobalMetricsDeltas}.
* <p>
* Cronet collects these metrics globally. This means deltas returned by
* {@code getGlobalMetricsDeltas()} will include measurements of requests
* processed by other {@link CronetEngine} instances. Since this function
* returns differences in metrics collected since the last call, and these
* metrics are collected globally, a call to any {@code CronetEngine}
* instance's {@code getGlobalMetricsDeltas()} method will affect the deltas
* returned by any other {@code CronetEngine} instance's
* {@code getGlobalMetricsDeltas()}.
* <p>
* Cronet starts collecting these metrics after the first call to
* {@code getGlobalMetricsDeltras()}, so the first call returns no
* useful data as no metrics have yet been collected.
* @return differences in metrics collected by Cronet, since the last call
* to {@code getGlobalMetricsDeltas()}, serialized as a
* <a href=>protobuf
* </a>.
public abstract byte[] getGlobalMetricsDeltas();
* Enables the network quality estimator, which collects and reports
* measurements of round trip time (RTT) and downstream throughput at
* various layers of the network stack. After enabling the estimator,
* listeners of RTT and throughput can be added with
* {@link #addRttListener} and {@link #addThroughputListener} and
* removed with {@link #removeRttListener} and
* {@link #removeThroughputListener}. The estimator uses memory and CPU
* only when enabled.
* @param executor an executor that will be used to notified all
* added RTT and throughput listeners.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
@Deprecated public abstract void enableNetworkQualityEstimator(Executor executor);
* Enables the network quality estimator for testing. This must be called
* before round trip time and throughput listeners are added. Set both
* boolean parameters to false for default behavior.
* @param useLocalHostRequests include requests to localhost in estimates.
* @param useSmallerResponses include small responses in throughput estimates.
* @param executor an {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} on which all
* listeners will be called.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
abstract void enableNetworkQualityEstimatorForTesting(
boolean useLocalHostRequests, boolean useSmallerResponses, Executor executor);
* Registers a listener that gets called whenever the network quality
* estimator witnesses a sample round trip time. This must be called
* after {@link #enableNetworkQualityEstimator}, and with throw an
* exception otherwise. Round trip times may be recorded at various layers
* of the network stack, including TCP, QUIC, and at the URL request layer.
* The listener is called on the {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} that
* is passed to {@link #enableNetworkQualityEstimator}.
* @param listener the listener of round trip times.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
@Deprecated public abstract void addRttListener(NetworkQualityRttListener listener);
* Removes a listener of round trip times if previously registered with
* {@link #addRttListener}. This should be called after a
* {@link NetworkQualityRttListener} is added in order to stop receiving
* observations.
* @param listener the listener of round trip times.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
@Deprecated public abstract void removeRttListener(NetworkQualityRttListener listener);
* Registers a listener that gets called whenever the network quality
* estimator witnesses a sample throughput measurement. This must be called
* after {@link #enableNetworkQualityEstimator}. Throughput observations
* are computed by measuring bytes read over the active network interface
* at times when at least one URL response is being received. The listener
* is called on the {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} that is passed to
* {@link #enableNetworkQualityEstimator}.
* @param listener the listener of throughput.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
public abstract void addThroughputListener(NetworkQualityThroughputListener listener);
* Removes a listener of throughput. This should be called after a
* {@link NetworkQualityThroughputListener} is added with
* {@link #addThroughputListener} in order to stop receiving observations.
* @param listener the listener of throughput.
* @deprecated not really deprecated but hidden for now as it's a prototype.
public abstract void removeThroughputListener(NetworkQualityThroughputListener listener);
* Establishes a new connection to the resource specified by the {@link URL} {@code url}.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Cronet's {@link} implementation is subject to certain
* limitations, see {@link #createURLStreamHandlerFactory} for details.
* @param url URL of resource to connect to.
* @return an {@link} instance implemented by this CronetEngine.
public abstract URLConnection openConnection(URL url);
* Establishes a new connection to the resource specified by the {@link URL} {@code url}
* using the given proxy.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Cronet's {@link} implementation is subject to certain
* limitations, see {@link #createURLStreamHandlerFactory} for details.
* @param url URL of resource to connect to.
* @param proxy proxy to use when establishing connection.
* @return an {@link} instance implemented by this CronetEngine.
* @hide
* @deprecated Marked as deprecated because @hide doesn't properly hide but
* javadocs are built with nodeprecated="yes".
* TODO(pauljensen): Expose once implemented,
@SuppressWarnings("DepAnn") public abstract URLConnection openConnection(URL url, Proxy proxy);
* Creates a {@link URLStreamHandlerFactory} to handle HTTP and HTTPS
* traffic. An instance of this class can be installed via
* {@link URL#setURLStreamHandlerFactory} thus using this CronetEngine by default for
* all requests created via {@link URL#openConnection}.
* <p>
* Cronet does not use certain HTTP features provided via the system:
* <ul>
* <li>the HTTP cache installed via
* {@link, long)
* HttpResponseCache.install()}</li>
* <li>the HTTP authentication method installed via
* {@link}</li>
* <li>the HTTP cookie storage installed via {@link}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* While Cronet supports and encourages requests using the HTTPS protocol,
* Cronet does not provide support for the
* {@link} API. This lack of support also
* includes not using certain HTTPS features provided via the system:
* <ul>
* <li>the HTTPS hostname verifier installed via {@link
* HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier()}</li>
* <li>the HTTPS socket factory installed via {@link
* HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory()}</li>
* </ul>
* @return an {@link URLStreamHandlerFactory} instance implemented by this
* CronetEngine.
public abstract URLStreamHandlerFactory createURLStreamHandlerFactory();
* Creates a {@link CronetEngine} with the given {@link Builder}.
* @param builder builder to used for creating the CronetEngine instance.
* @return the created CronetEngine instance.
* @deprecated Use {@link CronetEngine.Builder}.
public static CronetEngine createContext(Builder builder) {
CronetEngine cronetEngine = null;
if (builder.getUserAgent().isEmpty()) {
if (!builder.legacyMode()) {
cronetEngine = createCronetEngine(builder);
if (cronetEngine == null) {
// TODO(mef): Fallback to stub implementation. Once stub
// implementation is available merge with createCronetFactory.
cronetEngine = createCronetEngine(builder);
Log.i(TAG, "Using network stack: " + cronetEngine.getVersionString());
return cronetEngine;
private static CronetEngine createCronetEngine(Builder builder) {
CronetEngine cronetEngine = null;
try {
Class<? extends CronetEngine> engineClass =
Constructor<? extends CronetEngine> constructor =
CronetEngine possibleEngine = constructor.newInstance(builder);
if (possibleEngine.isEnabled()) {
cronetEngine = possibleEngine;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Leave as null.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot instantiate: " + CRONET_URL_REQUEST_CONTEXT, e);
return cronetEngine;