blob: 7953d2d8075fd7cf407ff6d8db7c6180fa88274d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/json/json_value_converter.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
class URLRequestContextBuilder;
} // namespace net
namespace cronet {
// Common configuration parameters used by Cronet to configure
// URLRequestContext. Can be parsed from JSON string passed through JNI.
struct URLRequestContextConfig {
// App-provided hint that server supports QUIC.
struct QuicHint {
// Register |converter| for use in converter.Convert().
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<QuicHint>* converter);
// Host name of the server that supports QUIC.
std::string host;
// Port of the server that supports QUIC.
int port;
// Alternate protocol port.
int alternate_port;
// Load config values from JSON format.
bool LoadFromJSON(const std::string& config_string);
// Configure |context_builder| based on |this|.
void ConfigureURLRequestContextBuilder(
net::URLRequestContextBuilder* context_builder);
// Register |converter| for use in converter.Convert().
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<URLRequestContextConfig>* converter);
// Enable QUIC.
bool enable_quic;
// Enable SPDY.
bool enable_spdy;
// Enable SDCH.
bool enable_sdch;
// Type of http cache: "HTTP_CACHE_DISABLED", "HTTP_CACHE_DISK" or
std::string http_cache;
// Max size of http cache in bytes.
int http_cache_max_size;
// Disable caching for HTTP responses. Other information may be stored in
// the cache.
bool load_disable_cache;
// Storage path for http cache and cookie storage.
std::string storage_path;
// User-Agent request header field.
std::string user_agent;
// App-provided list of servers that support QUIC.
ScopedVector<QuicHint> quic_hints;
// Experimental options encoded as a string in a JSON format containing
// experiments and their corresponding configuration options. The format
// is a JSON object with the name of the experiment as the key, and the
// configuration options as the value. An example:
// {"experiment1": {"option1": "option_value1", "option2": "option_value2",
// ...}, "experiment2: {"option3", "option_value3", ...}, ...}
std::string experimental_options;
// Enable Data Reduction Proxy with authentication key.
std::string data_reduction_proxy_key;
std::string data_reduction_primary_proxy;
std::string data_reduction_fallback_proxy;
std::string data_reduction_secure_proxy_check_url;
// Certificate verifier for testing.
scoped_ptr<net::CertVerifier> mock_cert_verifier;
} // namespace cronet