blob: 87b4c55e89f5925ec6e10d1b03f5f757b2831539 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom3/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom3/dom_key.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/layout/keyboard_layout_engine_manager.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/layout/layout_util.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/layout/xkb/xkb_keyboard_layout_engine.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// This XkbKeyCodeConverter simply uses the numeric value of the DomCode.
class VkTestXkbKeyCodeConverter : public XkbKeyCodeConverter {
VkTestXkbKeyCodeConverter() {
invalid_xkb_keycode_ = static_cast<xkb_keycode_t>(DomCode::NONE);
~VkTestXkbKeyCodeConverter() override {}
xkb_keycode_t DomCodeToXkbKeyCode(DomCode dom_code) const override {
return static_cast<xkb_keycode_t>(dom_code);
// This mock XkbKeyboardLayoutEngine fakes a layout that succeeds only when the
// supplied keycode matches its |Entry|, in which case it supplies DomKey::NONE
// and a character that depends on the flags.
class VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine : public XkbKeyboardLayoutEngine {
struct Entry {
base::char16 plain_character;
base::char16 shift_character;
base::char16 altgr_character;
ui::DomCode dom_code;
ui::KeyboardCode key_code;
struct RuleNames {
std::string layout_name;
std::string layout;
std::string variant;
VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine(const XkbKeyCodeConverter& keycode_converter)
: XkbKeyboardLayoutEngine(keycode_converter), entry_(nullptr) {
// For testing, use the same modifier values as ui::EventFlags.
static const int kTestFlags[] = {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestFlags); ++i) {
XkbFlagMapEntry e = {kTestFlags[i], kTestFlags[i]};
~VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine() override {}
void SetEntry(const Entry* entry) { entry_ = entry; }
xkb_keysym_t CharacterToKeySym(base::char16 c) const {
return 0x01000000u + c;
KeyboardCode GetKeyboardCode(DomCode dom_code,
int flags,
base::char16 character) const {
KeyboardCode key_code = DifficultKeyboardCode(
dom_code, flags, key_code_converter_.DomCodeToXkbKeyCode(dom_code),
flags, CharacterToKeySym(character), DomKey::CHARACTER, character);
if (key_code == VKEY_UNKNOWN)
key_code = DomCodeToNonLocatedKeyboardCode(dom_code);
return key_code;
// XkbKeyboardLayoutEngine overrides:
bool XkbLookup(xkb_keycode_t xkb_keycode,
xkb_mod_mask_t xkb_flags,
xkb_keysym_t* xkb_keysym,
base::char16* character) const override {
if (!entry_ ||
(xkb_keycode != static_cast<xkb_keycode_t>(entry_->dom_code)))
return false;
if (xkb_flags & EF_ALTGR_DOWN)
*character = entry_->altgr_character;
else if (xkb_flags & EF_SHIFT_DOWN)
*character = entry_->shift_character;
*character = entry_->plain_character;
*xkb_keysym = CharacterToKeySym(*character);
return *character != 0;
const Entry* entry_;
} // anonymous namespace
class XkbLayoutEngineVkTest : public testing::Test {
XkbLayoutEngineVkTest() {}
~XkbLayoutEngineVkTest() override {}
void SetUp() override {
make_scoped_ptr(new VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine(keycode_converter_)));
layout_engine_ = static_cast<VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine*>(
void TearDown() override {}
VkTestXkbKeyCodeConverter keycode_converter_;
VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine* layout_engine_;
TEST_F(XkbLayoutEngineVkTest, KeyboardCodeForPrintable) {
// This table contains U+2460 CIRCLED DIGIT ONE, U+2461 CIRCLED DIGIT TWO,
// and DomCode::NONE where the result should not depend on those values.
static const VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine::Entry kVkeyTestCase[] = {
// Cases requiring mapping tables.
// exclamation mark, *, *
/* 0 */ {0x0021, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_1},
// exclamation mark, *, *
/* 1 */ {0x0021, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// exclamation mark, *, *
/* 2 */ {0x0021, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_8},
// quotation mark, *, *
/* 3 */ {0x0022, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// quotation mark, *, *
/* 4 */ {0x0022, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_3},
// number sign, apostrophe, *
/* 5 */ {0x0023, 0x0027, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// number sign, tilde, unmapped
/* 6 */ {0x0023, 0x007E, 0x0000, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_7},
// number sign, *, *
/* 7 */ {0x0023, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// dollar sign, *, *
/* 8 */ {0x0024, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_8},
// dollar sign, *, *
/* 9 */ {0x0024, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// percent sign, *, *
/* 10 */ {0x0025, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_5},
// ampersand, *, *
/* 11 */ {0x0026, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_1},
// apostrophe, unmapped, *
/* 12 */ {0x0027, 0x0000, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// apostrophe, quotation mark, unmapped
/* 13 */ {0x0027, 0x0022, 0x0000, DomCode::KEY_Z, VKEY_Z},
// apostrophe, quotation mark, R caron
/* 14 */ {0x0027, 0x0022, 0x0158, DomCode::KEY_Z, VKEY_OEM_7},
// apostrophe, quotation mark, *
/* 15 */ {0x0027, 0x0022, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// apostrophe, quotation mark, *
/* 16 */ {0x0027, 0x0022, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// apostrophe, asterisk, unmapped
/* 17 */ {0x0027, 0x002A, 0x0000, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// apostrophe, asterisk, unmapped
/* 18 */ {0x0027, 0x002A, 0x0000, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// apostrophe, asterisk, vulgar fraction one half
/* 19 */ {0x0027, 0x002A, 0x00BD, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// apostrophe, asterisk, L stroke
/* 20 */ {0x0027, 0x002A, 0x0141, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// apostrophe, question mark, unmapped
/* 21 */ {0x0027, 0x003F, 0x0000, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_4},
// apostrophe, question mark, Y acute
/* 22 */ {0x0027, 0x003F, 0x00DD, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_4},
// apostrophe, commercial at, unmapped
/* 23 */ {0x0027, 0x0040, 0x0000, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// apostrophe, middle dot, *
/* 24 */ {0x0027, 0x00B7, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// apostrophe, *, *
/* 25 */ {0x0027, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// apostrophe, *, *
/* 26 */ {0x0027, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// apostrophe, *, *
/* 27 */ {0x0027, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_Q, VKEY_OEM_7},
// apostrophe, *, *
/* 28 */ {0x0027, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_7},
// left parenthesis, *, *
/* 29 */ {0x0028, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// left parenthesis, *, *
/* 30 */ {0x0028, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT5, VKEY_5},
// left parenthesis, *, *
/* 31 */ {0x0028, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT9, VKEY_9},
// right parenthesis, *, *
/* 32 */ {0x0029, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// right parenthesis, *, *
/* 33 */ {0x0029, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_0},
// right parenthesis, *, *
/* 34 */ {0x0029, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_4},
// asterisk, *, *
/* 35 */ {0x002A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// asterisk, *, *
/* 36 */ {0x002A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// plus sign, question mark, unmapped
/* 37 */ {0x002B, 0x003F, 0x0000, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// plus sign, question mark, reverse solidus
/* 38 */ {0x002B, 0x003F, 0x005C, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// plus sign, question mark, o double acute
/* 39 */ {0x002B, 0x003F, 0x0151, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 40 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 41 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 42 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 43 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_1},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 44 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// plus sign, *, *
/* 45 */ {0x002B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// comma, *, *
/* 46 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::COMMA, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// comma, *, *
/* 47 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_3},
// comma, *, *
/* 48 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT5, VKEY_5},
// comma, *, *
/* 49 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// comma, *, *
/* 50 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT9, VKEY_9},
// comma, *, *
/* 51 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_M, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// comma, *, *
/* 52 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_V, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// comma, *, *
/* 53 */ {0x002C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_W, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// hyphen-minus, equals sign, *
/* 54 */ {0x002D, 0x003D, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, low line, unmapped
/* 55 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x0000, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, low line, unmapped
/* 56 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x0000, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, low line, asterisk
/* 57 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x002A, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, low line, solidus
/* 58 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x002F, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// hyphen-minus, low line, n
/* 59 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x006E, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, low line, r cedilla
/* 60 */ {0x002D, 0x005F, 0x0157, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_4},
// hyphen-minus, *, *
/* 61 */ {0x002D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// hyphen-minus, *, *
/* 62 */ {0x002D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// hyphen-minus, *, *
/* 63 */ {0x002D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_A, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, *, *
/* 64 */ {0x002D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// hyphen-minus, *, *
/* 65 */ {0x002D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// full stop, *, *
/* 66 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT7, VKEY_7},
// full stop, *, *
/* 67 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// full stop, *, *
/* 68 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_E, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// full stop, *, *
/* 69 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_O, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// full stop, *, *
/* 70 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_R, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// full stop, *, *
/* 71 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::PERIOD, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// full stop, *, *
/* 72 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// full stop, *, *
/* 73 */ {0x002E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// solidus, digit zero, *
/* 74 */ {0x002F, 0x0030, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_0},
// solidus, digit three, *
/* 75 */ {0x002F, 0x0033, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_3},
// solidus, question mark, *
/* 76 */ {0x002F, 0x003F, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_OEM_2},
// solidus, question mark, *
/* 77 */ {0x002F, 0x003F, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_OEM_2},
// solidus, *, *
/* 78 */ {0x002F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// solidus, *, *
/* 79 */ {0x002F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// solidus, *, *
/* 80 */ {0x002F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_2},
// solidus, *, *
/* 81 */ {0x002F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_4},
// solidus, *, *
/* 82 */ {0x002F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// colon, *, *
/* 83 */ {0x003A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_1},
// colon, *, *
/* 84 */ {0x003A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT5, VKEY_5},
// colon, *, *
/* 85 */ {0x003A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// colon, *, *
/* 86 */ {0x003A, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::PERIOD, VKEY_OEM_2},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 87 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 88 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 89 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 90 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::COMMA, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 91 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 92 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 93 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_Q, VKEY_OEM_1},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 94 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_Z, VKEY_OEM_1},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 95 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// semicolon, *, *
/* 96 */ {0x003B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// less-than sign, *, *
/* 97 */ {0x003C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// equals sign, percent sign, unmapped
/* 98 */ {0x003D, 0x0025, 0x0000, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// equals sign, percent sign, hyphen-minus
/* 99 */ {0x003D, 0x0025, 0x002D, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// equals sign, percent sign, *
/* 100 */ {0x003D, 0x0025, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_8},
// equals sign, plus sign, *
/* 101 */ {0x003D, 0x002B, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// equals sign, *, *
/* 102 */ {0x003D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// equals sign, *, *
/* 103 */ {0x003D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// equals sign, *, *
/* 104 */ {0x003D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// question mark, *, *
/* 105 */ {0x003F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// question mark, *, *
/* 106 */ {0x003F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT7, VKEY_7},
// question mark, *, *
/* 107 */ {0x003F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// question mark, *, *
/* 108 */ {0x003F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// commercial at, *, *
/* 109 */ {0x0040, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// commercial at, *, *
/* 110 */ {0x0040, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// left square bracket, *, *
/* 111 */ {0x005B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// left square bracket, *, *
/* 112 */ {0x005B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// left square bracket, *, *
/* 113 */ {0x005B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_OEM_4},
// left square bracket, *, *
/* 114 */ {0x005B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_4},
// left square bracket, *, *
/* 115 */ {0x005B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// reverse solidus, solidus, *
/* 116 */ {0x005C, 0x002F, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_7},
// reverse solidus, vertical line, digit one
/* 117 */ {0x005C, 0x007C, 0x0031, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// reverse solidus, vertical line, N cedilla
/* 118 */ {0x005C, 0x007C, 0x0145, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// reverse solidus, vertical line, *
/* 119 */ {0x005C, 0x007C, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// reverse solidus, *, *
/* 120 */ {0x005C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_4},
// right square bracket, *, *
/* 121 */ {0x005D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// right square bracket, *, *
/* 122 */ {0x005D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// right square bracket, *, *
/* 123 */ {0x005D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// right square bracket, *, *
/* 124 */ {0x005D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_OEM_6},
// right square bracket, *, *
/* 125 */ {0x005D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_6},
// low line, *, *
/* 126 */ {0x005F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// low line, *, *
/* 127 */ {0x005F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// grave accent, unmapped, *
/* 128 */ {0x0060, 0x0000, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, unmapped
/* 129 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x0000, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, digit one
/* 130 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x0031, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, semicolon
/* 131 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x003B, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, grave accent
/* 132 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x0060, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, inverted question mark
/* 133 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x00BF, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, tilde, o double acute
/* 134 */ {0x0060, 0x007E, 0x0151, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// grave accent, not sign, *
/* 135 */ {0x0060, 0x00AC, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_8},
// left curly bracket, *, *
/* 136 */ {0x007B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// vertical line, *, *
/* 137 */ {0x007C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// right curly bracket, *, *
/* 138 */ {0x007D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_2},
// tilde, *, *
/* 139 */ {0x007E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// inverted exclamation mark, *, *
/* 140 */ {0x00A1, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// section sign, degree sign, *
/* 141 */ {0x00A7, 0x00B0, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_2},
// section sign, vulgar fraction one half, *
/* 142 */ {0x00A7, 0x00BD, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// section sign, *, *
/* 143 */ {0x00A7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// section sign, *, *
/* 144 */ {0x00A7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// section sign, *, *
/* 145 */ {0x00A7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// left-pointing double angle quotation mark, *, *
/* 146 */ {0x00AB, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// left-pointing double angle quotation mark, *, *
/* 147 */ {0x00AB, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_6},
// soft hyphen, *, *
/* 148 */ {0x00AD, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// degree sign, *, *
/* 149 */ {0x00B0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// degree sign, *, *
/* 150 */ {0x00B0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_2},
// superscript two, *, *
/* 151 */ {0x00B2, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// micro sign, *, *
/* 152 */ {0x00B5, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// masculine ordinal indicator, *, *
/* 153 */ {0x00BA, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// masculine ordinal indicator, *, *
/* 154 */ {0x00BA, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// right-pointing double angle quotation mark, *, *
/* 155 */ {0x00BB, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_9},
// vulgar fraction one half, *, *
/* 156 */ {0x00BD, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// inverted question mark, *, *
/* 157 */ {0x00BF, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// sharp s, *, *
/* 158 */ {0x00DF, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// a grave, degree sign, *
/* 159 */ {0x00E0, 0x00B0, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// a grave, a diaeresis, *
/* 160 */ {0x00E0, 0x00E4, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// a grave, *, *
/* 161 */ {0x00E0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// a grave, *, *
/* 162 */ {0x00E0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_0},
// a acute, *, *
/* 163 */ {0x00E1, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// a acute, *, *
/* 164 */ {0x00E1, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// a circumflex, *, *
/* 165 */ {0x00E2, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// a circumflex, *, *
/* 166 */ {0x00E2, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// a diaeresis, A diaeresis, unmapped
/* 167 */ {0x00E4, 0x00C4, 0x0000, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// a diaeresis, A diaeresis, r caron
/* 168 */ {0x00E4, 0x00C4, 0x0159, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// a diaeresis, A diaeresis, S acute
/* 169 */ {0x00E4, 0x00C4, 0x015A, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// a diaeresis, a grave, *
/* 170 */ {0x00E4, 0x00E0, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// a diaeresis, *, *
/* 171 */ {0x00E4, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// a ring above, *, *
/* 172 */ {0x00E5, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// ae, *, *
/* 173 */ {0x00E6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// ae, *, *
/* 174 */ {0x00E6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// c cedilla, C cedilla, unmapped
/* 175 */ {0x00E7, 0x00C7, 0x0000, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// c cedilla, C cedilla, Thorn
/* 176 */ {0x00E7, 0x00C7, 0x00DE, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 177 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 178 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 179 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 180 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::COMMA, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 181 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT9, VKEY_9},
// c cedilla, *, *
/* 182 */ {0x00E7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// e grave, *, *
/* 183 */ {0x00E8, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// e grave, *, *
/* 184 */ {0x00E8, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT7, VKEY_7},
// e grave, *, *
/* 185 */ {0x00E8, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// e acute, E acute, *
/* 186 */ {0x00E9, 0x00C9, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// e acute, o diaeresis, *
/* 187 */ {0x00E9, 0x00F6, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_7},
// e acute, *, *
/* 188 */ {0x00E9, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_0},
// e acute, *, *
/* 189 */ {0x00E9, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// e acute, *, *
/* 190 */ {0x00E9, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// e circumflex, *, *
/* 191 */ {0x00EA, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_3},
// e diaeresis, *, *
/* 192 */ {0x00EB, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_1},
// i grave, *, *
/* 193 */ {0x00EC, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// i acute, *, *
/* 194 */ {0x00ED, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKQUOTE, VKEY_0},
// i acute, *, *
/* 195 */ {0x00ED, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT9, VKEY_9},
// i circumflex, *, *
/* 196 */ {0x00EE, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// eth, *, *
/* 197 */ {0x00F0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// eth, *, *
/* 198 */ {0x00F0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// n tilde, *, *
/* 199 */ {0x00F1, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// o grave, *, *
/* 200 */ {0x00F2, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// o acute, *, *
/* 201 */ {0x00F3, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// o acute, *, *
/* 202 */ {0x00F3, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// o circumflex, *, *
/* 203 */ {0x00F4, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// o circumflex, *, *
/* 204 */ {0x00F4, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// o tilde, *, *
/* 205 */ {0x00F5, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// o diaeresis, O diaeresis, unmapped
/* 206 */ {0x00F6, 0x00D6, 0x0000, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// o diaeresis, O diaeresis, T cedilla
/* 207 */ {0x00F6, 0x00D6, 0x0162, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// o diaeresis, e acute, *
/* 208 */ {0x00F6, 0x00E9, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_7},
// o diaeresis, *, *
/* 209 */ {0x00F6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// o diaeresis, *, *
/* 210 */ {0x00F6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_OEM_3},
// o diaeresis, *, *
/* 211 */ {0x00F6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// division sign, *, *
/* 212 */ {0x00F7, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// o stroke, *, *
/* 213 */ {0x00F8, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// o stroke, *, *
/* 214 */ {0x00F8, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// u grave, *, *
/* 215 */ {0x00F9, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// u grave, *, *
/* 216 */ {0x00F9, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// u acute, *, *
/* 217 */ {0x00FA, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// u acute, *, *
/* 218 */ {0x00FA, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// u diaeresis, U diaeresis, unmapped
/* 219 */ {0x00FC, 0x00DC, 0x0000, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// u diaeresis, U diaeresis, unmapped
/* 220 */ {0x00FC, 0x00DC, 0x0000, DomCode::MINUS, VKEY_OEM_2},
// u diaeresis, U diaeresis, L stroke
/* 221 */ {0x00FC, 0x00DC, 0x0141, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_3},
// u diaeresis, e grave, *
/* 222 */ {0x00FC, 0x00E8, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_1},
// u diaeresis, *, *
/* 223 */ {0x00FC, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_W, VKEY_W},
// y acute, *, *
/* 224 */ {0x00FD, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_7},
// thorn, *, *
/* 225 */ {0x00FE, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// a macron, *, *
/* 226 */ {0x0101, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_8},
// a breve, *, *
/* 227 */ {0x0103, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// a breve, *, *
/* 228 */ {0x0103, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_1},
// a ogonek, *, *
/* 229 */ {0x0105, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT1, VKEY_1},
// a ogonek, *, *
/* 230 */ {0x0105, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_Q, VKEY_Q},
// a ogonek, *, *
/* 231 */ {0x0105, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// c acute, *, *
/* 232 */ {0x0107, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// c dot above, *, *
/* 233 */ {0x010B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// c caron, *, *
/* 234 */ {0x010D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::COMMA, VKEY_OEM_COMMA},
// c caron, *, *
/* 235 */ {0x010D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT2, VKEY_2},
// c caron, *, *
/* 236 */ {0x010D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// c caron, *, *
/* 237 */ {0x010D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_P, VKEY_X},
// c caron, *, *
/* 238 */ {0x010D, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// d stroke, *, *
/* 239 */ {0x0111, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, VKEY_OEM_6},
// d stroke, *, *
/* 240 */ {0x0111, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT0, VKEY_0},
// e macron, *, *
/* 241 */ {0x0113, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_W},
// e dot above, *, *
/* 242 */ {0x0117, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT4, VKEY_4},
// e dot above, *, *
/* 243 */ {0x0117, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::QUOTE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// e ogonek, E ogonek, unmapped
/* 244 */ {0x0119, 0x0118, 0x0000, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_MINUS},
// e ogonek, E ogonek, n
/* 245 */ {0x0119, 0x0118, 0x006E, DomCode::SLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// e ogonek, *, *
/* 246 */ {0x0119, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_3},
// e caron, *, *
/* 247 */ {0x011B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_2},
// g breve, *, *
/* 248 */ {0x011F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// g dot above, *, *
/* 249 */ {0x0121, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// h stroke, *, *
/* 250 */ {0x0127, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// i macron, *, *
/* 251 */ {0x012B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// i ogonek, I ogonek, unmapped
/* 252 */ {0x012F, 0x012E, 0x0000, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// i ogonek, *, *
/* 253 */ {0x012F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT5, VKEY_5},
// dotless i, *, *
/* 254 */ {0x0131, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_1},
// k cedilla, *, *
/* 255 */ {0x0137, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// l cedilla, *, *
/* 256 */ {0x013C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_2},
// l caron, *, *
/* 257 */ {0x013E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_2},
// l stroke, *, *
/* 258 */ {0x0142, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_2},
// l stroke, *, *
/* 259 */ {0x0142, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// n cedilla, *, *
/* 260 */ {0x0146, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// n caron, *, *
/* 261 */ {0x0148, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// o double acute, *, *
/* 262 */ {0x0151, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// r caron, *, *
/* 263 */ {0x0159, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_5},
// s cedilla, *, *
/* 264 */ {0x015F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::PERIOD, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// s cedilla, *, *
/* 265 */ {0x015F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// s caron, *, *
/* 266 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// s caron, *, *
/* 267 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT3, VKEY_3},
// s caron, *, *
/* 268 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// s caron, *, *
/* 269 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_A, VKEY_OEM_1},
// s caron, *, *
/* 270 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_F, VKEY_F},
// s caron, *, *
/* 271 */ {0x0161, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::PERIOD, VKEY_OEM_PERIOD},
// t cedilla, *, *
/* 272 */ {0x0163, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_7},
// t caron, *, *
/* 273 */ {0x0165, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_5},
// u macron, *, *
/* 274 */ {0x016B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT8, VKEY_8},
// u macron, *, *
/* 275 */ {0x016B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_Q, VKEY_Q},
// u macron, *, *
/* 276 */ {0x016B, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_X, VKEY_X},
// u ring above, *, *
/* 277 */ {0x016F, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_1},
// u double acute, *, *
/* 278 */ {0x0171, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_5},
// u ogonek, U ogonek, unmapped
/* 279 */ {0x0173, 0x0172, 0x0000, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_3},
// u ogonek, U ogonek, T cedilla
/* 280 */ {0x0173, 0x0172, 0x0162, DomCode::SEMICOLON, VKEY_OEM_1},
// u ogonek, *, *
/* 281 */ {0x0173, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT7, VKEY_7},
// z dot above, *, *
/* 282 */ {0x017C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// z dot above, *, *
/* 283 */ {0x017C, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_OEM_4},
// z caron, *, *
/* 284 */ {0x017E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BACKSLASH, VKEY_OEM_5},
// z caron, *, *
/* 285 */ {0x017E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::BRACKET_LEFT, VKEY_Y},
// z caron, *, *
/* 286 */ {0x017E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::DIGIT6, VKEY_6},
// z caron, *, *
/* 287 */ {0x017E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::EQUAL, VKEY_OEM_PLUS},
// z caron, *, *
/* 288 */ {0x017E, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::KEY_W, VKEY_W},
// o horn, *, *
/* 289 */ {0x01A1, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// u horn, *, *
/* 290 */ {0x01B0, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_4},
// z stroke, *, *
/* 291 */ {0x01B6, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_6},
// schwa, *, *
/* 292 */ {0x0259, 0x2460, 0x2461, DomCode::NONE, VKEY_OEM_3},
// Simple alphanumeric cases.
/* 293 */ {'a', 'A', '?', DomCode::NONE, VKEY_A},
/* 294 */ {'z', 'Z', '!', DomCode::NONE, VKEY_Z},
/* 295 */ {'9', '(', '+', DomCode::NONE, VKEY_9},
/* 296 */ {'0', ')', '-', DomCode::NONE, VKEY_0},
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kVkeyTestCase); ++i) {
const VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine::Entry* e = &kVkeyTestCase[i];
// Test with predetermined plain character.
KeyboardCode key_code = layout_engine_->GetKeyboardCode(
e->dom_code, EF_NONE, e->plain_character);
EXPECT_EQ(e->key_code, key_code);
if (e->shift_character) {
// Test with predetermined shifted character.
key_code = layout_engine_->GetKeyboardCode(e->dom_code, EF_SHIFT_DOWN,
EXPECT_EQ(e->key_code, key_code);
if (e->altgr_character) {
// Test with predetermined AltGr character.
key_code = layout_engine_->GetKeyboardCode(e->dom_code, EF_ALTGR_DOWN,
EXPECT_EQ(e->key_code, key_code);
// Test with unrelated predetermined character.
key_code =
layout_engine_->GetKeyboardCode(e->dom_code, EF_MOD3_DOWN, 0xFFFFu);
EXPECT_EQ(e->key_code, key_code);
TEST_F(XkbLayoutEngineVkTest, XkbRuleNamesForLayoutName) {
static const VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine::RuleNames kVkeyTestCase[] = {
/* 0 */ {"us", "us", ""},
/* 1 */ {"jp", "jp", ""},
/* 2 */ {"us(intl)", "us", "intl"},
/* 3 */ {"us(altgr-intl)", "us", "altgr-intl"},
/* 4 */ {"us(dvorak)", "us", "dvorak"},
/* 5 */ {"us(colemak)", "us", "colemak"},
/* 6 */ {"be", "be", ""},
/* 7 */ {"fr", "fr", ""},
/* 8 */ {"ca", "ca", ""},
/* 9 */ {"ch(fr)", "ch", "fr"},
/* 10 */ {"ca(multix)", "ca", "multix"},
/* 11 */ {"de", "de", ""},
/* 12 */ {"de(neo)", "de", "neo"},
/* 13 */ {"ch", "ch", ""},
/* 14 */ {"ru", "ru", ""},
/* 15 */ {"ru(phonetic)", "ru", "phonetic"},
/* 16 */ {"br", "br", ""},
/* 17 */ {"bg", "bg", ""},
/* 18 */ {"bg(phonetic)", "bg", "phonetic"},
/* 19 */ {"ca(eng)", "ca", "eng"},
/* 20 */ {"cz", "cz", ""},
/* 21 */ {"cz(qwerty)", "cz", "qwerty"},
/* 22 */ {"ee", "ee", ""},
/* 23 */ {"es", "es", ""},
/* 24 */ {"es(cat)", "es", "cat"},
/* 25 */ {"dk", "dk", ""},
/* 26 */ {"gr", "gr", ""},
/* 27 */ {"il", "il", ""},
/* 28 */ {"latam", "latam", ""},
/* 29 */ {"lt", "lt", ""},
/* 30 */ {"lv(apostrophe)", "lv", "apostrophe"},
/* 31 */ {"hr", "hr", ""},
/* 32 */ {"gb(extd)", "gb", "extd"},
/* 33 */ {"gb(dvorak)", "gb", "dvorak"},
/* 34 */ {"fi", "fi", ""},
/* 35 */ {"hu", "hu", ""},
/* 36 */ {"it", "it", ""},
/* 37 */ {"is", "is", ""},
/* 38 */ {"no", "no", ""},
/* 39 */ {"pl", "pl", ""},
/* 40 */ {"pt", "pt", ""},
/* 41 */ {"ro", "ro", ""},
/* 42 */ {"se", "se", ""},
/* 43 */ {"sk", "sk", ""},
/* 44 */ {"si", "si", ""},
/* 45 */ {"rs", "rs", ""},
/* 46 */ {"tr", "tr", ""},
/* 47 */ {"ua", "ua", ""},
/* 48 */ {"by", "by", ""},
/* 49 */ {"am", "am", ""},
/* 50 */ {"ge", "ge", ""},
/* 51 */ {"mn", "mn", ""},
/* 52 */ {"ie", "ie", ""}};
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kVkeyTestCase); ++i) {
const VkTestXkbKeyboardLayoutEngine::RuleNames* e = &kVkeyTestCase[i];
std::string layout_id;
std::string layout_variant;
XkbKeyboardLayoutEngine::ParseLayoutName(e->layout_name, &layout_id,
EXPECT_EQ(layout_id, e->layout);
EXPECT_EQ(layout_variant, e->variant);
} // namespace ui