blob: 60e2962c13a372e75be1a8b7217e590f640b4c7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import driver_tools
import filetype
import ldtools
import multiprocessing
import os
from driver_env import env
from driver_log import Log
from driver_temps import TempFiles
import subprocess
# Determine if we should build nexes compatible with the IRT
'USE_IRT' : '1',
# Allow zero-cost C++ exception handling in the pexe, which is not
# supported by PNaCl's stable ABI.
# Use the IRT shim by default. This can be disabled with an explicit
# flag (--noirtshim) or via -nostdlib.
'USE_IRT_SHIM' : '1',
# To simulate the sandboxed translator better and avoid user surprises,
# reject LLVM bitcode (non-finalized) by default, accepting only PNaCl
# (finalized) bitcode. --allow-llvm-bitcode-input has to be passed
# explicitly to override this.
# Flags for nativeld
'LD_FLAGS': '',
'USE_STDLIB' : '1',
'INPUTS' : '',
'OUTPUT' : '',
# Library Strings
'LD_ARGS' : '${USE_STDLIB ? ${LD_ARGS_normal} : ${LD_ARGS_nostdlib}}',
# Note: we always require a shim now, but the dummy shim is not doing
# anything useful.
# libpnacl_irt_shim.a is generated during the SDK packaging not
# during the toolchain build and there are hacks in pnacl/driver/
# and pnacl/driver/ that will fall back to
# libpnacl_irt_shim_dummy.a if libpnacl_irt_shim.a does not exist.
'LD_ARGS_IRT_SHIM': '-l:libpnacl_irt_shim.a',
'LD_ARGS_IRT_SHIM_DUMMY': '-l:libpnacl_irt_shim_dummy.a',
# In addition to specifying the entry point, we also specify an undefined
# reference to _start, which is called by the shim's entry function,
# __pnacl_wrapper_start. _start normally comes from libnacl and will be in
# the pexe, however for the IRT it comes from irt_entry.c and when linking it
# using native object files, this reference is required to make sure it gets
# pulled in from the archive.
'${TRANSLATE_PSO ? --entry=__pnacl_pso_root : '
' ? --entry=__pnacl_start_linux : --entry=__pnacl_start} '
' --undefined=_start}',
'CRTBEGIN': '${ALLOW_ZEROCOST_CXX_EH ? -l:crtbegin_for_eh.o : -l:crtbegin.o}',
'CRTEND': '-l:crtend.o',
'LD_ARGS_nostdlib': '-nostdlib ${ld_inputs}',
# These are just the dependencies in the native link.
'${ld_inputs} ' +
'--start-group ' +
'--end-group ' +
'DEFAULTLIBS': '${ALLOW_ZEROCOST_CXX_EH ? -l:libgcc_eh.a} ' +
'-l:libgcc.a -l:libcrt_platform.a ',
# BE CAREFUL: anything added here can introduce skew between
# the pnacl-translate commandline tool and the in-browser translator.
# See: llvm/tools/pnacl-llc/srpc_main.cpp and
# Chromium's plugin/
'LLC_FLAGS_COMMON': '${PIC ? -relocation-model=pic} ' +
# -force-tls-non-pic makes the code generator (llc)
# do the work that would otherwise be done by
# linker rewrites which are quite messy in the nacl
# case and hence have not been implemented in gold
'${PIC ? -force-tls-non-pic} ',
# LLC flags which set the target and output type.
'LLC_FLAGS_TARGET' : '-mtriple=${TRIPLE} -filetype=${outfiletype}',
# Append additional non-default flags here.
# BE CAREFUL: anything added here can introduce skew between
# the pnacl-translate commandline tool and the in-browser translator.
# See: llvm/tools/pnacl-llc/srpc_main.cpp and
# Chromium's plugin/
'${#OPT_LEVEL ? -O${OPT_LEVEL}} ' +
'${OPT_LEVEL == 0 ? -disable-fp-elim}',
# Opt level from command line (if any)
'OPT_LEVEL' : '',
# faster translation == slower code
# This, surprisingly, makes a measurable difference
' -tail-merge-threshold=20',
# Note: this is only used in the unsandboxed case
'${input} -o ${output} ',
# Whether to stream the bitcode from a single FD in unsandboxed mode
# (otherwise it will use concurrent file reads when using multithreaded module
# splitting)
# Rate in bits/sec to stream the bitcode from sel_universal over SRPC
# for testing. Defaults to 1Gbps (effectively unlimited).
'BITCODE_STREAM_RATE' : '1000000000',
# Default to 0, which means unset by the user. In this cases the driver will
# use up to 4 modules if there are enough cores. If the user overrides,
# use as many modules as specified (which could be only 1).
# Module split scheduling. 'dynamic' will produce non-deterministic results
# with faster compilation, whereas 'static' will still use multiple cores but
# will be deterministic and slightly slower.
'SPLIT_MODULE_SCHED' : '${SANDBOXED ? dynamic : static}',
TranslatorPatterns = [
( '-o(.+)', "env.set('OUTPUT', pathtools.normalize($0))"),
( ('-o', '(.+)'), "env.set('OUTPUT', pathtools.normalize($0))"),
( '-pso', "env.set('TRANSLATE_PSO', '1')"),
( '-S', "env.set('OUTPUT_TYPE', 's')"), # Stop at .s
( '-c', "env.set('OUTPUT_TYPE', 'o')"), # Stop at .o
# Expose a very limited set of llc flags.
# BE CAREFUL: anything added here can introduce skew between
# the pnacl-translate commandline tool and the in-browser translator.
# See: llvm/tools/pnacl-llc/srpc_main.cpp and
# Chromium's plugin/
( '(-sfi-.+)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
( '(-mtls-use-call)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
( '(-force-align-stack)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
# These flags are usually used for linktime dead code/data
# removal but also help with reloc overflows on ARM
( '(-fdata-sections)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', '-data-sections')"),
( '(-ffunction-sections)',
"env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', '-function-sections')"),
( '(--gc-sections)', "env.append('LD_FLAGS', $0)"),
( '(-mattr=.*)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
( '(-mcpu=.*)', "env.set('LLC_MCPU', '')\n"
"env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
( '(-pnaclabi-verify=.*)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
( '(-pnaclabi-verify-fatal-errors=.*)', "env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', $0)"),
# Allow overriding the -O level.
( '-O([0-3])', "env.set('OPT_LEVEL', $0)"),
# This adds arch specific flags to the llc invocation aimed at
# improving translation speed at the expense of code quality.
( '-translate-fast', "env.set('FAST_TRANSLATION', '1')"),
( '-nostdlib', "env.set('USE_STDLIB', '0')"),
# Disables the default libraries.
# This flag is needed for building
( '-nodefaultlibs', "env.set('USE_DEFAULTLIBS', '0')"),
( '--noirt', "env.set('USE_IRT', '0')"),
( '--noirtshim', "env.set('USE_IRT_SHIM', '0')"),
# Allowing zero-cost C++ exception handling causes a specific set of
# native objects to get linked into the nexe.
( '--pnacl-allow-zerocost-eh', "env.set('ALLOW_ZEROCOST_CXX_EH', '1')"),
# TODO(mseaborn): Remove "--pnacl-allow-exceptions", replaced by
# "--pnacl-allow-zerocost-eh".
( '--pnacl-allow-exceptions', "env.set('ALLOW_ZEROCOST_CXX_EH', '1')"),
( '--allow-llvm-bitcode-input', "env.set('ALLOW_LLVM_BITCODE_INPUT', '1')"),
( '-fPIC', "env.set('PIC', '1')"),
( '(--build-id)', "env.append('LD_FLAGS', $0)"),
( '-bitcode-stream-rate=([0-9]+)', "env.set('BITCODE_STREAM_RATE', $0)"),
( '-split-module=([0-9]+)', "env.set('SPLIT_MODULE', $0)"),
( '-split-module-sched=(.*)', "env.set('SPLIT_MODULE_SCHED', $0)"),
( '-no-stream-bitcode', "env.set('STREAM_BITCODE', '0')"),
# Treat general linker flags as inputs so they don't get re-ordered
( '-Wl,(.*)', "env.append('INPUTS', *($0).split(','))"),
( '(-.*)', driver_tools.UnrecognizedOption),
( '(.*)', "env.append('INPUTS', pathtools.normalize($0))"),
def SetUpArch():
base_arch = env.getone('BASE_ARCH')
env.set('TARGET_OS', 'nacl')
if base_arch.endswith('_LINUX'):
base_arch = base_arch[:-len('_LINUX')]
env.set('TARGET_OS', 'linux')
elif base_arch.endswith('_MAC'):
base_arch = base_arch[:-len('_MAC')]
env.set('TARGET_OS', 'mac')
if env.getbool('NONSFI_NACL'):
triple_map = {
{'X8632': 'i686-linux-gnu',
'ARM': 'armv7a-linux-gnueabihf'}}
triple_map = {
{'X8632': 'i686-none-nacl-gnu',
'X8664': 'x86_64-none-nacl-gnu',
'ARM': 'armv7a-none-nacl-gnueabihf',
'MIPS32': 'mipsel-none-nacl-gnu'},
'linux': {'X8632': 'i686-linux-gnu'},
'mac': {'X8632': 'i686-apple-darwin'}}
env.set('TRIPLE', triple_map[env.getone('TARGET_OS')][base_arch])
# CPU that is representative of baseline feature requirements for NaCl
# and/or chrome. We may want to make this more like "-mtune"
# by specifying both "-mcpu=X" and "-mattr=+feat1,-feat2,...".
# Note: this may be different from the in-browser translator, which may
# do auto feature detection based on CPUID, but constrained by what is
# accepted by NaCl validators.
cpu_map = {
'X8632': 'pentium4m',
'X8664': 'x86-64',
'ARM': 'cortex-a9',
'MIPS32': 'mips32r2'}
env.set('LLC_MCPU', '-mcpu=%s' % cpu_map[base_arch])
llc_flags_map = {
'ARM': ['-float-abi=hard', '-mattr=+neon'],
# Once PNaCl's build of compiler-rt (libgcc.a) defines __aeabi_*
# functions, we can drop '-arm-enable-aeabi-functions=0' option.
'ARM_NONSFI': ['-float-abi=hard', '-arm-enable-aeabi-functions=0',
# To translate x86-32 binary, we set -malign-double option so that the
# backend's datalayout matches the datalayout for "le32" used by the
# frontend. The le32 datalayout uses 8-byte alignment for the types i64
# and double. i386's datalayout usually uses only 4-byte alignment for
# these types, but -malign-double changes that to 8-byte alignment.
# This is only needed when translating LLVM IR that hasn't had PNaCl's IR
# simplification passes applied to it.
'X8632_NONSFI': ['-malign-double'],
env.set('LLC_FLAGS_ARCH', *llc_flags_map.get(env.getone('ARCH'), []))
# When linking against a host OS's libc (such as Linux glibc), don't
# use %gs:0 to read the thread pointer because that won't be
# compatible with the libc's use of %gs:0. Similarly, Non-SFI Mode
# currently offers no optimized path for reading the thread pointer.
if env.getone('TARGET_OS') != 'nacl' or env.getbool('NONSFI_NACL'):
env.append('LLC_FLAGS_ARCH', '-mtls-use-call')
def SetUpLinkOptions():
if env.getbool('TRANSLATE_PSO'):
# Using "-pie" rather than "-shared" has the effect of suppressing the
# creation of a PLT and R_*_JUMP_SLOT relocations, which come from the
# external symbol references that multi-threaded translation produces.
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '-pie')
if env.getbool('NONSFI_NACL'):
# "_begin" allows a PIE to find its load address in order to apply
# dynamic relocations.
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '-defsym=_begin=0')
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '-pie')
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '-static')
# Give non-IRT builds 12MB of text before starting rodata instead of
# the larger default gap. The gap cannot be too small (e.g., 0) because
# sel_ldr requires space for adding a halt sled.
if not env.getbool('USE_IRT'):
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '--rosegment-gap=0xc00000')
def main(argv):
driver_tools.ParseArgs(argv, TranslatorPatterns)
driver_tools.GetArch(required = True)
inputs = env.get('INPUTS')
output = env.getone('OUTPUT')
if len(inputs) == 0:
Log.Fatal("No input files")
for path in inputs:
if output == '':
Log.Fatal("Please specify output file with -o")
# Find the bitcode file on the command line.
bcfiles = [f for f in inputs
if not ldtools.IsFlag(f) and
or filetype.IsLLVMBitcode(f)
or filetype.FileType(f) == 'll')]
if len(bcfiles) > 1:
Log.Fatal('Expecting at most 1 bitcode file')
elif len(bcfiles) == 1:
bcfile = bcfiles[0]
bcfile = None
if not env.getbool('SPLIT_MODULE'):
env.set('SPLIT_MODULE', str(min(4, multiprocessing.cpu_count())))
except NotImplementedError:
env.set('SPLIT_MODULE', '2')
elif int(env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE')) < 1:
Log.Fatal('Value given for -split-module must be > 0')
if (env.getbool('ALLOW_LLVM_BITCODE_INPUT') or
env.getone('TARGET_OS') != 'nacl' or
# When llvm input is allowed, the pexe may not be ABI-stable, so do not
# split it. Non-ABI-stable pexes may have symbol naming and visibility
# issues that the current splitting scheme doesn't account for.
# For now, also do not enable multi-threaded translation when TARGET_OS !=
# 'nacl', since in these cases we will be using the host toolchain's
# linker.
# The x86->arm emulator is very flaky when threading is used, so don't
# do module splitting when using it.
env.set('SPLIT_MODULE', '1')
# Do not set -streaming-bitcode for sandboxed mode, because it is already
# in the default command line.
if not env.getbool('SANDBOXED') and env.getbool('STREAM_BITCODE'):
env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', '-streaming-bitcode')
modules = env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE')
module_sched = env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE_SCHED')
env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', '-split-module=' + modules)
env.append('LD_FLAGS', '-split-module=' + modules)
env.append('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA', '-split-module-sched=' + module_sched)
# If there's a bitcode file, translate it now.
tng = driver_tools.TempNameGen(inputs + bcfiles, output)
output_type = env.getone('OUTPUT_TYPE')
if bcfile:
sfile = None
if output_type == 's':
sfile = output
ofile = None
if output_type == 'o':
ofile = output
elif output_type != 's':
ofile = tng.TempNameForInput(bcfile, 'o')
if sfile:
RunLLC(bcfile, sfile, outfiletype='asm')
if ofile:
RunAS(sfile, ofile)
RunLLC(bcfile, ofile, outfiletype='obj')
ofile = None
# If we've been told to stop after translation, stop now.
if output_type in ('o','s'):
return 0
# Replace the bitcode file with __BITCODE__ in the input list
if bcfile:
inputs = ListReplace(inputs, bcfile, '__BITCODE__')
env.set('INPUTS', *inputs)
if int(env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE')) > 1:
modules = int(env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE'))
for i in range(1, modules):
filename = ofile + '.module%d' % i
env.append('INPUTS', filename)
if env.getone('TARGET_OS') != 'nacl':
RunHostLD(ofile, output)
RunLD(ofile, output)
return 0
def RunAS(infile, outfile):
driver_tools.RunDriver('pnacl-as', [infile, '-o', outfile])
def ListReplace(items, old, new):
ret = []
for k in items:
if k == old:
return ret
def RunLD(infile, outfile):
inputs = env.get('INPUTS')
if infile:
# Put llc-translated-file at the beginning of the inputs so that it will
# pull in all needed symbols from any native archives that may also be
# in the input list. This is in case there are any mixed groups of bitcode
# and native archives in the link (as is the case with irt_browser_lib)
inputs = ['--llc-translated-file=' + infile] + inputs
env.set('ld_inputs', *inputs)
args = env.get('LD_ARGS') + ['-o', outfile]
if env.getbool('USE_STDLIB'):
args += env.get('LD_ARGS_ENTRY')
args += env.get('LD_FLAGS')
driver_tools.RunDriver('nativeld', args)
def RunHostLD(infile, outfile):
if env.getone('TARGET_OS') == 'linux':
driver_tools.Run(['objcopy', '--redefine-sym', '_start=_user_start',
lib_dir = (env.getone('BASE_LIB_NATIVE')
+ 'x86-32-%s/lib' % env.getone('TARGET_OS'))
args = ['gcc', '-m32', infile, '-o', outfile,
os.path.join(lib_dir, 'unsandboxed_irt.o'),
os.path.join(lib_dir, 'irt_random.o'),
os.path.join(lib_dir, 'irt_query_list.o'),
if env.getone('TARGET_OS') == 'linux':
args.append('-lrt') # For clock_gettime()
def RunLLC(infile, outfile, outfiletype):
env.setmany(input=infile, output=outfile, outfiletype=outfiletype)
if env.getbool('SANDBOXED'):
args = ["${RUN_LLC}"]
if filetype.IsPNaClBitcode(infile):
elif filetype.IsLLVMBitcode(infile):
if not env.getbool('ALLOW_LLVM_BITCODE_INPUT'):
Log.Fatal('Translator expects finalized PNaCl bitcode. '
'Pass --allow-llvm-bitcode-input to override.')
driver_tools.Run(' '.join(args))
return 0
def RunLLCSandboxed():
infile = env.getone('input')
outfile = env.getone('output')
is_pnacl = filetype.IsPNaClBitcode(infile)
if not is_pnacl and not env.getbool('ALLOW_LLVM_BITCODE_INPUT'):
Log.Fatal('Translator expects finalized PNaCl bitcode. '
'Pass --allow-llvm-bitcode-input to override.')
script = MakeSelUniversalScriptForLLC(infile, outfile, is_pnacl)
'-- ${LLC_SB}')
# stdout/stderr will be automatically dumped
# upon failure
def BuildOverrideLLCCommandLine(is_pnacl):
extra_flags = env.get('LLC_FLAGS_EXTRA')
# The mcpu is not part of the default flags, so append that too.
mcpu = env.getone('LLC_MCPU')
if mcpu:
if not is_pnacl:
# command_line is a NUL (\x00) terminated sequence.
kTerminator = '\0'
command_line = kTerminator.join(extra_flags) + kTerminator
command_line_escaped = command_line.replace(kTerminator, '\\x00')
return len(command_line), command_line_escaped
def MakeSelUniversalScriptForLLC(infile, outfile, is_pnacl):
script = []
script.append('readwrite_file objfile %s' % outfile)
modules = int(env.getone('SPLIT_MODULE'))
if modules > 1:
script.extend(['readwrite_file objfile%d %s.module%d' % (m, outfile, m)
for m in range(1, modules)])
stream_rate = int(env.getraw('BITCODE_STREAM_RATE'))
assert stream_rate != 0
cmdline_len, cmdline_escaped = BuildOverrideLLCCommandLine(is_pnacl)
assert modules in range(1, 17)
script.append('rpc StreamInitWithSplit i(%d) h(objfile) ' % modules +
' '.join(['h(objfile%d)' % m for m in range(1, modules)] +
['h(invalid)' for x in range(modules, 16)]) +
' C(%d,%s) * s()' % (cmdline_len, cmdline_escaped))
# specify filename, chunk size and rate in bits/s
script.append('stream_file %s %s %s' % (infile, 64 * 1024, stream_rate))
script.append('rpc StreamEnd * i() s() s() s()')
script.append('echo "pnacl-llc complete"')
return '\n'.join(script)
def get_help(argv):
return """
PNaCl bitcode to native code translator.
Usage: pnacl-translate [options] -arch <arch> <input> -o <output>
<input> Input file (bitcode).
-arch <arch> Translate to <arch> (i686, x86-64, armv7).
Note: <arch> is a generic arch specifier. This
generates code assuming certain baseline CPU features,
required by NaCl or Chrome. For finer control of
tuning and features, see -mattr, and -mcpu.
-o <output> Output file.
The default output file type is .nexe, which assumes that the input file
type is .pexe. Native object files and assembly can also be generated
with the -S and -c commandline flags.
-mattr=<+feat1,-feat2> Toggle specific cpu features on and off.
-mcpu=<cpu-name> Target a specific cpu type. Tunes code as well as
turns cpu features on and off.
-S Generate native assembly only.
-c Generate native object file only.
--pnacl-sb Use the translator which runs inside the NaCl sandbox.
-O[0-3] Change translation-time optimization level.