blob: 322dcce754393993d52697e5b51d0e816e847550 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/icon_with_badge_image_source.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/material_design/material_design_controller.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_operations.h"
#include "ui/resources/grit/ui_resources.h"
namespace {
// Different platforms need slightly different constants to look good.
// TODO(devlin): Comb through these and see if they are all still needed/
// appropriate.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const float kTextSize = 10;
// The padding between the top of the badge and the top of the text.
const int kTopTextPadding = -1;
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
const float kTextSize = 9.0;
const int kTopTextPadding = 0;
#elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const float kTextSize = 8.0;
const int kTopTextPadding = 1;
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
const float kTextSize = 9.0;
const int kTopTextPadding = 0;
const int kPadding = 2;
const int kBadgeHeight = 11;
const int kMaxTextWidth = 23;
// The minimum width for center-aligning the badge.
const int kCenterAlignThreshold = 20;
// Helper routine that returns a singleton SkPaint object configured for
// rendering badge overlay text (correct font, typeface, etc).
SkPaint* GetBadgeTextPaintSingleton() {
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kPreferredTypeface[] = "Helvetica Bold";
const char kPreferredTypeface[] = "Arial";
static SkPaint* text_paint = NULL;
if (!text_paint) {
text_paint = new SkPaint;
skia::RefPtr<SkTypeface> typeface = skia::AdoptRef(
SkTypeface::CreateFromName(kPreferredTypeface, SkTypeface::kBold));
// Skia doesn't do any font fallback---if the user is missing the font then
// typeface will be NULL. If we don't do manual fallback then we'll crash.
if (typeface) {
} else {
// Fall back to the system font. We don't bold it because we aren't sure
// how it will look.
// For the most part this code path will only be hit on Linux systems
// that don't have Arial.
ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
const gfx::Font& base_font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
typeface = skia::AdoptRef(SkTypeface::CreateFromName(
base_font.GetFontName().c_str(), SkTypeface::kNormal));
// |text_paint| adds its own ref. Release the ref from CreateFontName.
return text_paint;
gfx::ImageSkiaRep ScaleImageSkiaRep(const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& rep,
float target_scale) {
gfx::Size scaled_size =
gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(rep.pixel_size(), target_scale / rep.scale());
return gfx::ImageSkiaRep(skia::ImageOperations::Resize(
scaled_size.height()), target_scale);
} // namespace
IconWithBadgeImageSource::Badge::Badge(const std::string& text,
SkColor text_color,
SkColor background_color)
: text(text), text_color(text_color), background_color(background_color) {}
IconWithBadgeImageSource::Badge::~Badge() {}
IconWithBadgeImageSource::IconWithBadgeImageSource(const gfx::Size& size)
: gfx::CanvasImageSource(size, false),
paint_decoration_(false) {}
IconWithBadgeImageSource::~IconWithBadgeImageSource() {}
void IconWithBadgeImageSource::SetIcon(const gfx::Image& icon) {
icon_ = icon;
void IconWithBadgeImageSource::SetBadge(scoped_ptr<Badge> badge) {
badge_ = std::move(badge);
void IconWithBadgeImageSource::Draw(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
if (icon_.IsEmpty())
gfx::ImageSkia skia = icon_.AsImageSkia();
// TODO(estade): Fix setIcon and enable this on !MD.
if (ui::MaterialDesignController::IsModeMaterial()) {
gfx::ImageSkiaRep rep = skia.GetRepresentation(canvas->image_scale());
if (rep.scale() != canvas->image_scale())
skia.AddRepresentation(ScaleImageSkiaRep(rep, canvas->image_scale()));
if (grayscale_)
skia = gfx::ImageSkiaOperations::CreateHSLShiftedImage(skia, {-1, 0, 0.6});
int x_offset = std::floor((size().width() - icon_.Width()) / 2.0);
int y_offset = std::floor((size().height() - icon_.Height()) / 2.0);
canvas->DrawImageInt(skia, x_offset, y_offset);
// Draw a badge on the provided browser action icon's canvas.
if (paint_decoration_)
// Paints badge with specified parameters to |canvas|.
void IconWithBadgeImageSource::PaintBadge(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
if (!badge_ || badge_->text.empty())
SkColor text_color = SkColorGetA(badge_->text_color) == SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT
: badge_->text_color;
SkColor background_color = ui::MaterialDesignController::IsModeMaterial()
? gfx::kGoogleBlue500
: SkColorSetARGB(255, 218, 0, 24);
if (SkColorGetA(badge_->background_color) != SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT)
background_color = badge_->background_color;
SkPaint* text_paint = nullptr;
int text_width = 0;
ResourceBundle* rb = &ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
gfx::FontList base_font = rb->GetFontList(ResourceBundle::BaseFont)
base::string16 utf16_text = base::UTF8ToUTF16(badge_->text);
if (ui::MaterialDesignController::IsModeMaterial()) {
text_width =
std::min(kMaxTextWidth, canvas->GetStringWidth(utf16_text, base_font));
} else {
text_paint = GetBadgeTextPaintSingleton();
float scale = canvas->image_scale();
// Calculate text width. Font width may not be linear with respect to the
// scale factor (e.g. when hinting is applied), so we need to use the font
// size that canvas actually uses when drawing a text.
text_paint->setTextSize(SkFloatToScalar(kTextSize) * scale);
SkScalar sk_text_width_in_pixel =
text_paint->measureText(badge_->text.c_str(), badge_->text.size());
// We clamp the width to a max size. SkPaint::measureText returns the width
// in pixel (as a result of scale multiplier), so convert
// sk_text_width_in_pixel back to DIP (density independent pixel) first.
text_width = std::min(
kMaxTextWidth, static_cast<int>(std::ceil(
SkScalarToFloat(sk_text_width_in_pixel) / scale)));
// Calculate badge size. It is clamped to a min width just because it looks
// silly if it is too skinny.
int badge_width = text_width + kPadding * 2;
// Force the pixel width of badge to be either odd (if the icon width is odd)
// or even otherwise. If there is a mismatch you get
if (size().width() != 0 && (badge_width % 2 != size().width() % 2))
badge_width += 1;
badge_width = std::max(kBadgeHeight, badge_width);
// Calculate the badge background rect. It is usually right-aligned, but it
// can also be center-aligned if it is large.
gfx::Rect rect(badge_width >= kCenterAlignThreshold
? (size().width() - badge_width) / 2
: size().width() - badge_width,
size().height() - kBadgeHeight, badge_width, kBadgeHeight);
SkPaint rect_paint;
if (ui::MaterialDesignController::IsModeMaterial()) {
// Clear part of the background icon.
gfx::Rect cutout_rect(rect);
cutout_rect.Inset(-1, -1);
SkPaint cutout_paint = rect_paint;
canvas->DrawRoundRect(cutout_rect, 2, cutout_paint);
// Paint the backdrop.
canvas->DrawRoundRect(rect, 1, rect_paint);
// Paint the text.
rect.Inset(std::max(kPadding, (rect.width() - text_width) / 2),
kBadgeHeight - base_font.GetHeight(), kPadding, 0);
canvas->DrawStringRect(utf16_text, base_font, text_color, rect);
} else {
// Paint the backdrop.
canvas->DrawRoundRect(rect, 2, rect_paint);
// Overlay the gradient. It is stretchy, so we do this in three parts.
ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
gfx::ImageSkia* gradient_left =
gfx::ImageSkia* gradient_right =
gfx::ImageSkia* gradient_center =
canvas->DrawImageInt(*gradient_left, rect.x(), rect.y());
*gradient_center, rect.x() + gradient_left->width(), rect.y(),
rect.width() - gradient_left->width() - gradient_right->width(),
rect.right() - gradient_right->width(), rect.y());
// Finally, draw the text centered within the badge. We set a clip in case
// the text was too large.
rect.Inset(kPadding, 0);
badge_->text.c_str(), badge_->text.size(),
SkFloatToScalar(rect.x() +
static_cast<float>(rect.width() - text_width) / 2),
SkFloatToScalar(rect.y() + kTextSize + kTopTextPadding), *text_paint);
void IconWithBadgeImageSource::PaintDecoration(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
static const SkColor decoration_color = SkColorSetARGB(255, 70, 142, 226);
int major_radius = std::ceil(size().width() / 5.0);
int minor_radius = std::ceil(major_radius / 2.0);
gfx::Point center_point(major_radius + 1, size().height() - (major_radius)-1);
SkPaint paint;
canvas->DrawCircle(center_point, major_radius, paint);
canvas->DrawCircle(center_point, minor_radius, paint);