blob: 1d48e706e83b4938fb9139c32a39fdbf47920f09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Utility class that asynchronously fetches any Websites and the permissions
* that the user has set for them.
public class WebsitePermissionsFetcher {
* A callback to pass to WebsitePermissionsFetcher. This is run when the
* website permissions have been fetched.
public interface WebsitePermissionsCallback {
void onWebsitePermissionsAvailable(
Map<String, Set<Website>> sitesByOrigin, Map<String, Set<Website>> sitesByHost);
// This is a 1 <--> 1..N mapping between origin and Website.
// TODO(mvanouwerkerk): The Website class has no equals or hashCode methods so storing them in
// a HashSet is really confusing to readers of this code. There is no deduplication at all.
private final Map<String, Set<Website>> mSitesByOrigin = new HashMap<>();
// This is a 1 <--> 1..N mapping between host and Website.
// TODO(mvanouwerkerk): The Website class has no equals or hashCode methods so storing them in
// a HashSet is really confusing to readers of this code. There is no deduplication at all.
private final Map<String, Set<Website>> mSitesByHost = new HashMap<>();
// The callback to run when the permissions have been fetched.
private final WebsitePermissionsCallback mCallback;
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public WebsitePermissionsFetcher(WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
mCallback = callback;
* Fetches preferences for all sites that have them.
* TODO(mvanouwerkerk): Add an argument |url| to only fetch permissions for
* sites from the same origin as that of |url| -
public void fetchAllPreferences() {
TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
// Populate features from more specific to less specific.
// Geolocation lookup permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new GeolocationInfoFetcher());
// Midi sysex access permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new MidiInfoFetcher());
// Cookies are stored per-origin.
queue.add(new CookieInfoFetcher());
// Fullscreen are stored per-origin.
queue.add(new FullscreenInfoFetcher());
// Keygen permissions are per-origin.
queue.add(new KeygenInfoFetcher());
// Local storage info is per-origin.
queue.add(new LocalStorageInfoFetcher());
// Website storage is per-host.
queue.add(new WebStorageInfoFetcher());
// Popup exceptions are host-based patterns (unless we start
// synchronizing popup exceptions with desktop Chrome.)
queue.add(new PopupExceptionInfoFetcher());
// JavaScript exceptions are host-based patterns.
queue.add(new JavaScriptExceptionInfoFetcher());
// Protected media identifier permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoFetcher());
// Push notification permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new PushNotificationInfoFetcher());
// Camera capture permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new CameraCaptureInfoFetcher());
// Micropohone capture permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new MicrophoneCaptureInfoFetcher());
queue.add(new PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner());;
* Fetches all preferences within a specific category.
* @param catgory A category to fetch.
public void fetchPreferencesForCategory(SiteSettingsCategory category) {
if (category.showAllSites()) {
TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
// Populate features from more specific to less specific.
if (category.showGeolocationSites()) {
// Geolocation lookup permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new GeolocationInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showCookiesSites()) {
// Cookies are stored per-origin.
queue.add(new CookieInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showStorageSites()) {
// Local storage info is per-origin.
queue.add(new LocalStorageInfoFetcher());
// Website storage is per-host.
queue.add(new WebStorageInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showFullscreenSites()) {
// Full screen is per-origin.
queue.add(new FullscreenInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showCameraSites()) {
// Camera capture permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new CameraCaptureInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showMicrophoneSites()) {
// Micropohone capture permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new MicrophoneCaptureInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showPopupSites()) {
// Popup exceptions are host-based patterns (unless we start
// synchronizing popup exceptions with desktop Chrome.)
queue.add(new PopupExceptionInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showJavaScriptSites()) {
// JavaScript exceptions are host-based patterns.
queue.add(new JavaScriptExceptionInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showNotificationsSites()) {
// Push notification permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new PushNotificationInfoFetcher());
} else if (category.showProtectedMediaSites()) {
// Protected media identifier permission is per-origin and per-embedder.
queue.add(new ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoFetcher());
queue.add(new PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner());;
private Website createSiteByOriginAndHost(WebsiteAddress address) {
String origin = address.getOrigin();
String host = address.getHost();
Website site = new Website(address);
if (!mSitesByOrigin.containsKey(origin)) mSitesByOrigin.put(origin, new HashSet<Website>());
if (!mSitesByHost.containsKey(host)) mSitesByHost.put(host, new HashSet<Website>());
return site;
private Set<Website> findOrCreateSitesByOrigin(WebsiteAddress address) {
String origin = address.getOrigin();
if (!mSitesByOrigin.containsKey(origin)) createSiteByOriginAndHost(address);
return mSitesByOrigin.get(origin);
private Set<Website> findOrCreateSitesByHost(WebsiteAddress address) {
String host = address.getHost();
if (!mSitesByHost.containsKey(host)) {
mSitesByHost.put(host, new HashSet<Website>());
mSitesByHost.get(host).add(new Website(address));
return mSitesByHost.get(host);
* A single task in the WebsitePermissionsFetcher task queue. We need fetching of features to be
* serialized, as we need to have all the origins in place prior to populating the hosts.
private abstract class Task {
/** Override this method to implement a synchronous task. */
void run() {}
* Override this method to implement an asynchronous task. Call once execution
* is complete.
void runAsync(TaskQueue queue) {
* A queue used to store the sequence of tasks to run to fetch the website preferences. Each
* task is run sequentially, and some of the tasks may run asynchronously.
private static class TaskQueue extends LinkedList<Task> {
void next() {
if (!isEmpty()) removeFirst().runAsync(this);
private class GeolocationInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (GeolocationInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getGeolocationInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class MidiInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (MidiInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getMidiInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class PopupExceptionInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (ContentSettingException exception :
// The pattern "*" represents the default setting, not a
// specific website.
if (exception.getPattern().equals("*")) continue;
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(exception.getPattern());
if (address == null) continue;
Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByHost(address);
for (Website site : sites) {
private class JavaScriptExceptionInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (ContentSettingException exception
: WebsitePreferenceBridge.getContentSettingsExceptions(
// The pattern "*" represents the default setting, not a specific website.
if (exception.getPattern().equals("*")) continue;
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(exception.getPattern());
if (address == null) continue;
Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByHost(address);
for (Website site : sites) {
private class KeygenInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (KeygenInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getKeygenInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class CookieInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (CookieInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getCookieInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
* Class for fetching the fullscreen information.
private class FullscreenInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (FullscreenInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getFullscreenInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class LocalStorageInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new WebsitePreferenceBridge.LocalStorageInfoReadyCallback() {
public void onLocalStorageInfoReady(HashMap map) {
for (Object o : map.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo> entry =
(Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo>) o;
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(entry.getKey());
if (address == null) continue;
Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByOrigin(address);
for (Website site : sites) {
private class WebStorageInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new WebsitePreferenceBridge.StorageInfoReadyCallback() {
public void onStorageInfoReady(ArrayList array) {
ArrayList<StorageInfo> infoArray = array;
for (StorageInfo info : infoArray) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getHost());
if (address == null) continue;
Set<Website> sites = findOrCreateSitesByHost(address);
for (Website site : sites) {
private class ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo info :
WebsitePreferenceBridge.getProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class PushNotificationInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (PushNotificationInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getPushNotificationInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class CameraCaptureInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (CameraInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getCameraInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class MicrophoneCaptureInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
for (MicrophoneInfo info : WebsitePreferenceBridge.getMicrophoneInfo()) {
WebsiteAddress address = WebsiteAddress.create(info.getOrigin());
if (address == null) continue;
private class PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner extends Task {
public void run() {
mCallback.onWebsitePermissionsAvailable(mSitesByOrigin, mSitesByHost);