blob: cf3dc7b7eddae9cf451a4e8d98e50e224c70625a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* Utility class that interacts with native to retrieve and set website settings.
public abstract class WebsitePreferenceBridge {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "WebsiteSettingsUtils";
* Interface for an object that listens to local storage info is ready callback.
public interface LocalStorageInfoReadyCallback {
public void onLocalStorageInfoReady(HashMap map);
* Interface for an object that listens to storage info is ready callback.
public interface StorageInfoReadyCallback {
public void onStorageInfoReady(ArrayList array);
* Interface for an object that listens to storage info is cleared callback.
public interface StorageInfoClearedCallback {
public void onStorageInfoCleared();
* @return the list of all origins that have keygen permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<KeygenInfo> getKeygenInfo() {
ArrayList<KeygenInfo> list = new ArrayList<KeygenInfo>();
return list;
private static void insertKeygenInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<KeygenInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new KeygenInfo(origin, embedder, false));
* @return whether we've blocked key generation in the current tab.
public static boolean getKeygenBlocked(WebContents webContents) {
return nativeGetKeygenBlocked(webContents);
* @return the list of all origins that have geolocation permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<GeolocationInfo> getGeolocationInfo() {
// Location can be managed by the custodian of a supervised account or by enterprise policy.
boolean managedOnly = !PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isAllowLocationUserModifiable();
ArrayList<GeolocationInfo> list = new ArrayList<GeolocationInfo>();
nativeGetGeolocationOrigins(list, managedOnly);
return list;
private static void insertGeolocationInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<GeolocationInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new GeolocationInfo(origin, embedder, false));
* @return the list of all origins that have midi permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<MidiInfo> getMidiInfo() {
ArrayList<MidiInfo> list = new ArrayList<MidiInfo>();
return list;
private static void insertMidiInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<MidiInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new MidiInfo(origin, embedder, false));
public static List<CookieInfo> getCookieInfo() {
boolean managedOnly = PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isAcceptCookiesManaged();
ArrayList<CookieInfo> list = new ArrayList<CookieInfo>();
nativeGetCookieOrigins(list, managedOnly);
return list;
private static void insertCookieInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<CookieInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new CookieInfo(origin, embedder, false));
private static Object createStorageInfoList() {
return new ArrayList<StorageInfo>();
private static void insertStorageInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<StorageInfo> list, String host, int type, long size) {
list.add(new StorageInfo(host, type, size));
private static Object createLocalStorageInfoMap() {
return new HashMap<String, LocalStorageInfo>();
private static void insertLocalStorageInfoIntoMap(
HashMap map, String origin, String fullOrigin, long size) {
((HashMap<String, LocalStorageInfo>) map).put(origin, new LocalStorageInfo(origin, size));
* @return the list of all origins that have protected media identifier permissions
* in non-incognito mode.
public static List<ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo> getProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo() {
ArrayList<ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo> list =
new ArrayList<ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo>();
return list;
private static void insertProtectedMediaIdentifierInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new ProtectedMediaIdentifierInfo(origin, embedder, false));
* @return the list of all origins that have push notification permissions in
* non-incognito mode.
public static List<PushNotificationInfo> getPushNotificationInfo() {
ArrayList<PushNotificationInfo> list = new ArrayList<PushNotificationInfo>();
return list;
private static void insertPushNotificationIntoList(
ArrayList<PushNotificationInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new PushNotificationInfo(origin, embedder, false));
* @return the list of all origins that have camera permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<CameraInfo> getCameraInfo() {
ArrayList<CameraInfo> list = new ArrayList<CameraInfo>();
// Camera can be managed by the custodian of a supervised account or by enterprise policy.
boolean managedOnly = !PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isCameraUserModifiable();
nativeGetCameraOrigins(list, managedOnly);
return list;
private static void insertCameraInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<CameraInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).getOrigin().equals(origin)
&& list.get(i).getEmbedder().equals(embedder)) {
list.add(new CameraInfo(origin, embedder, false));
* @return the list of all origins that have microphone permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<MicrophoneInfo> getMicrophoneInfo() {
ArrayList<MicrophoneInfo> list =
new ArrayList<MicrophoneInfo>();
// Microphone can be managed by the custodian of a supervised account or by enterprise
// policy.
boolean managedOnly = !PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isMicUserModifiable();
nativeGetMicrophoneOrigins(list, managedOnly);
return list;
private static void insertMicrophoneInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<MicrophoneInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).getOrigin().equals(origin)
&& list.get(i).getEmbedder().equals(embedder)) {
list.add(new MicrophoneInfo(origin, embedder, false));
public static List<ContentSettingException> getContentSettingsExceptions(
int contentSettingsType) {
List<ContentSettingException> exceptions =
if (!PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isContentSettingManaged(contentSettingsType)) {
return exceptions;
List<ContentSettingException> managedExceptions =
new ArrayList<ContentSettingException>();
for (ContentSettingException exception : exceptions) {
if (exception.getSource().equals("policy")) {
return managedExceptions;
public static void fetchLocalStorageInfo(LocalStorageInfoReadyCallback callback) {
public static void fetchStorageInfo(StorageInfoReadyCallback callback) {
* @return the list of all sites that have fullscreen permissions in non-incognito mode.
public static List<FullscreenInfo> getFullscreenInfo() {
boolean managedOnly = PrefServiceBridge.getInstance().isFullscreenManaged();
ArrayList<FullscreenInfo> list = new ArrayList<FullscreenInfo>();
nativeGetFullscreenOrigins(list, managedOnly);
return list;
* Inserts fullscreen information into a list.
private static void insertFullscreenInfoIntoList(
ArrayList<FullscreenInfo> list, String origin, String embedder) {
list.add(new FullscreenInfo(origin, embedder, false));
private static native void nativeGetGeolocationOrigins(Object list, boolean managedOnly);
static native int nativeGetGeolocationSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
public static native void nativeSetGeolocationSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native void nativeGetKeygenOrigins(Object list);
static native int nativeGetKeygenSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetKeygenSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native boolean nativeGetKeygenBlocked(Object webContents);
private static native void nativeGetMidiOrigins(Object list);
static native int nativeGetMidiSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetMidiSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native void nativeGetPushNotificationOrigins(Object list);
static native int nativeGetPushNotificationSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetPushNotificationSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native void nativeGetProtectedMediaIdentifierOrigins(Object list);
static native int nativeGetProtectedMediaIdentifierSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetProtectedMediaIdentifierSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native void nativeGetCameraOrigins(Object list, boolean managedOnly);
private static native void nativeGetMicrophoneOrigins(Object list, boolean managedOnly);
static native int nativeGetMicrophoneSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native int nativeGetCameraSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetMicrophoneSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetCameraSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);
private static native void nativeGetCookieOrigins(Object list, boolean managedOnly);
static native int nativeGetCookieSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetCookieSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int setting, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeClearCookieData(String path);
static native void nativeClearLocalStorageData(String path);
static native void nativeClearStorageData(String origin, int type, Object callback);
private static native void nativeFetchLocalStorageInfo(Object callback);
private static native void nativeFetchStorageInfo(Object callback);
static native boolean nativeIsContentSettingsPatternValid(String pattern);
static native boolean nativeUrlMatchesContentSettingsPattern(String url, String pattern);
private static native void nativeGetFullscreenOrigins(Object list, boolean managedOnly);
static native int nativeGetFullscreenSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, boolean isIncognito);
static native void nativeSetFullscreenSettingForOrigin(
String origin, String embedder, int value, boolean isIncognito);