blob: 63b2c94758c1b6c91bea6e78fa6373c399dfdfb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h"
#include "src/code-factory.h"
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/compiler/interpreter-assembler.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-generator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h"
#include "src/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace interpreter {
using compiler::Node;
#define __ assembler->
Interpreter::Interpreter(Isolate* isolate)
: isolate_(isolate) {}
// static
Handle<FixedArray> Interpreter::CreateUninitializedInterpreterTable(
Isolate* isolate) {
Handle<FixedArray> handler_table = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(
static_cast<int>(Bytecode::kLast) + 1, TENURED);
// We rely on the interpreter handler table being immovable, so check that
// it was allocated on the first page (which is always immovable).
return handler_table;
void Interpreter::Initialize() {
Handle<FixedArray> handler_table = isolate_->factory()->interpreter_table();
if (!IsInterpreterTableInitialized(handler_table)) {
Zone zone;
HandleScope scope(isolate_);
#define GENERATE_CODE(Name, ...) \
{ \
compiler::InterpreterAssembler assembler(isolate_, &zone, \
Bytecode::k##Name); \
Do##Name(&assembler); \
Handle<Code> code = assembler.GenerateCode(); \
handler_table->set(static_cast<int>(Bytecode::k##Name), *code); \
bool Interpreter::MakeBytecode(CompilationInfo* info) {
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info = info->shared_info();
BytecodeGenerator generator(info->isolate(), info->zone());
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecodes = generator.MakeBytecode(info);
if (FLAG_print_bytecode) {
if (!shared_info->function_data()->IsUndefined()) {
return false;
return true;
bool Interpreter::IsInterpreterTableInitialized(
Handle<FixedArray> handler_table) {
DCHECK(handler_table->length() == static_cast<int>(Bytecode::kLast) + 1);
return handler_table->get(0) != isolate_->heap()->undefined_value();
// LdaZero
// Load literal '0' into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaZero(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* zero_value = __ NumberConstant(0.0);
__ SetAccumulator(zero_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaSmi8 <imm8>
// Load an 8-bit integer literal into the accumulator as a Smi.
void Interpreter::DoLdaSmi8(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* raw_int = __ BytecodeOperandImm8(0);
Node* smi_int = __ SmiTag(raw_int);
__ SetAccumulator(smi_int);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaConstant <idx>
// Load constant literal at |idx| in the constant pool into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaConstant(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* constant = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ SetAccumulator(constant);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaUndefined
// Load Undefined into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaUndefined(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* undefined_value =
__ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value());
__ SetAccumulator(undefined_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaNull
// Load Null into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaNull(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* null_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->null_value());
__ SetAccumulator(null_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaTheHole
// Load TheHole into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaTheHole(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* the_hole_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->the_hole_value());
__ SetAccumulator(the_hole_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaTrue
// Load True into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaTrue(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* true_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->true_value());
__ SetAccumulator(true_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaFalse
// Load False into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaFalse(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* false_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->false_value());
__ SetAccumulator(false_value);
__ Dispatch();
// Ldar <src>
// Load accumulator with value from register <src>.
void Interpreter::DoLdar(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* value = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
__ SetAccumulator(value);
__ Dispatch();
// Star <dst>
// Store accumulator to register <dst>.
void Interpreter::DoStar(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
__ StoreRegister(accumulator, reg_index);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaGlobal <slot_index>
// Load the global at |slot_index| into the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLdaGlobal(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* smi_slot_index = __ SmiTag(slot_index);
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kLoadGlobalViaContext, smi_slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void Interpreter::DoPropertyLoadIC(Callable ic,
compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* name = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* type_feedback_vector = __ LoadTypeFeedbackVector();
Node* result = __ CallIC(ic.descriptor(), code_target, object, name, smi_slot,
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LoadIC <object> <slot>
// Calls the LoadIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the name
// in the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoLoadIC(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::LoadICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF,
DoPropertyLoadIC(ic, assembler);
// KeyedLoadIC <object> <slot>
// Calls the KeyedLoadIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the key
// in the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoKeyedLoadIC(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic =
CodeFactory::KeyedLoadICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY, UNINITIALIZED);
DoPropertyLoadIC(ic, assembler);
void Interpreter::DoPropertyStoreIC(Callable ic,
compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* object_reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(object_reg_index);
Node* name_reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* name = __ LoadRegister(name_reg_index);
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* type_feedback_vector = __ LoadTypeFeedbackVector();
Node* result = __ CallIC(ic.descriptor(), code_target, object, name, value,
smi_slot, type_feedback_vector);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// StoreIC <object> <name> <slot>
// Calls the StoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the name
// <name> with the value in the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoStoreIC(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic =
CodeFactory::StoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY, UNINITIALIZED);
DoPropertyStoreIC(ic, assembler);
// KeyedStoreIC <object> <key> <slot>
// Calls the KeyStoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the key
// <key> with the value in the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoKeyedStoreIC(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic =
CodeFactory::KeyedStoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY, UNINITIALIZED);
DoPropertyStoreIC(ic, assembler);
void Interpreter::DoBinaryOp(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// TODO(rmcilroy): Call ICs which back-patch bytecode with type specialized
// operations, instead of calling builtins directly.
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(function_id, lhs, rhs);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Add <src>
// Add register <src> to accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoAdd(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBinaryOp(Runtime::kAdd, assembler);
// Sub <src>
// Subtract register <src> from accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoSub(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBinaryOp(Runtime::kSubtract, assembler);
// Mul <src>
// Multiply accumulator by register <src>.
void Interpreter::DoMul(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBinaryOp(Runtime::kMultiply, assembler);
// Div <src>
// Divide register <src> by accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoDiv(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBinaryOp(Runtime::kDivide, assembler);
// Mod <src>
// Modulo register <src> by accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoMod(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBinaryOp(Runtime::kModulus, assembler);
// Call <receiver> <arg_count>
// Call a JS function with receiver and |arg_count| arguments in subsequent
// registers. The JSfunction or Callable to call is in the accumulator.
void Interpreter::DoCall(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* function_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* function = __ LoadRegister(function_reg);
Node* receiver_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(receiver_reg);
Node* args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* result = __ CallJS(function, first_arg, args_count);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Return
// Return the value in register 0.
void Interpreter::DoReturn(compiler::InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ Return();
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8