blob: 5c6cea0167653669d9a8b0f5b569819bc1252ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/v8.h"
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-generator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h"
#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace interpreter {
class BytecodeGeneratorHelper {
const char* kFunctionName = "f";
const int kLastParamIndex =
-InterpreterFrameConstants::kLastParamFromRegisterPointer / kPointerSize;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper() {
i::FLAG_vector_stores = true;
i::FLAG_ignition = true;
i::FLAG_ignition_filter = StrDup(kFunctionName);
i::FLAG_always_opt = false;
Factory* factory() { return CcTest::i_isolate()->factory(); }
Handle<BytecodeArray> MakeBytecode(const char* script,
const char* function_name) {
Local<Function> function =
i::Handle<i::JSFunction> js_function = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*function);
return handle(js_function->shared()->bytecode_array(), CcTest::i_isolate());
Handle<BytecodeArray> MakeBytecodeForFunctionBody(const char* body) {
ScopedVector<char> program(1024);
SNPrintF(program, "function %s() { %s }\n%s();", kFunctionName, body,
return MakeBytecode(program.start(), kFunctionName);
Handle<BytecodeArray> MakeBytecodeForFunction(const char* function) {
ScopedVector<char> program(1024);
SNPrintF(program, "%s\n%s();", function, kFunctionName);
return MakeBytecode(program.start(), kFunctionName);
// Helper macros for handcrafting bytecode sequences.
#define B(x) static_cast<uint8_t>(Bytecode::k##x)
#define U8(x) static_cast<uint8_t>((x) & 0xff)
#define R(x) static_cast<uint8_t>(-(x) & 0xff)
#define _ static_cast<uint8_t>(0x5a)
// Structure for containing expected bytecode snippets.
template<typename T>
struct ExpectedSnippet {
const char* code_snippet;
int frame_size;
int parameter_count;
int bytecode_length;
const uint8_t bytecode[32];
int constant_count;
T constants[16];
static void CheckConstant(int expected, Object* actual) {
CHECK_EQ(expected, Smi::cast(actual)->value());
static void CheckConstant(double expected, Object* actual) {
CHECK_EQ(expected, HeapNumber::cast(actual)->value());
static void CheckConstant(const char* expected, Object* actual) {
Handle<String> expected_string =
template <typename T>
static void CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(struct ExpectedSnippet<T> expected,
Handle<BytecodeArray> actual,
bool has_unknown = false) {
CHECK_EQ(actual->frame_size(), expected.frame_size);
CHECK_EQ(actual->parameter_count(), expected.parameter_count);
CHECK_EQ(actual->length(), expected.bytecode_length);
if (expected.constant_count == 0) {
CHECK_EQ(actual->constant_pool(), CcTest::heap()->empty_fixed_array());
} else {
CHECK_EQ(actual->constant_pool()->length(), expected.constant_count);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.constant_count; i++) {
CheckConstant(expected.constants[i], actual->constant_pool()->get(i));
BytecodeArrayIterator iterator(actual);
int i = 0;
while (!iterator.done()) {
int bytecode_index = i++;
Bytecode bytecode = iterator.current_bytecode();
if (Bytecodes::ToByte(bytecode) != expected.bytecode[bytecode_index]) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Check failed: expected bytecode [" << bytecode_index
<< "] to be " << Bytecodes::ToString(static_cast<Bytecode>(
<< " but got " << Bytecodes::ToString(bytecode);
for (int j = 0; j < Bytecodes::NumberOfOperands(bytecode); ++j, ++i) {
uint8_t raw_operand =
iterator.GetRawOperand(j, Bytecodes::GetOperandType(bytecode, j));
if (has_unknown) {
// Check actual bytecode array doesn't have the same byte as the
// one we use to specify an unknown byte.
CHECK_NE(raw_operand, _);
if (expected.bytecode[i] == _) {
if (raw_operand != expected.bytecode[i]) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Check failed: expected operand [" << j << "] for bytecode ["
<< bytecode_index << "] to be "
<< static_cast<unsigned int>(expected.bytecode[i]) << " but got "
<< static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_operand);
TEST(PrimitiveReturnStatements) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
ExpectedSnippet<int> snippets[] = {
{"", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaUndefined), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return;", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaUndefined), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return null;", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaNull), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return true;", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaTrue), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return false;", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaFalse), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return 0;", 0, 1, 2, {B(LdaZero), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return +1;", 0, 1, 3, {B(LdaSmi8), U8(1), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return -1;", 0, 1, 3, {B(LdaSmi8), U8(-1), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return +127;", 0, 1, 3, {B(LdaSmi8), U8(127), B(Return)}, 0},
{"return -128;", 0, 1, 3, {B(LdaSmi8), U8(-128), B(Return)}, 0},
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(PrimitiveExpressions) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
ExpectedSnippet<int> snippets[] = {
{"var x = 0; return x;",
B(LdaZero), //
B(Star), R(0), //
B(Ldar), R(0), //
B(Return) //
{"var x = 0; return x + 3;",
2 * kPointerSize,
B(LdaZero), //
B(Star), R(0), //
B(Ldar), R(0), // Easy to spot r1 not really needed here.
B(Star), R(1), // Dead store.
B(LdaSmi8), U8(3), //
B(Add), R(1), //
B(Return) //
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(Parameters) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
ExpectedSnippet<int> snippets[] = {
{"function f() { return this; }",
0, 1, 3, {B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex), B(Return)}, 0},
{"function f(arg1) { return arg1; }",
0, 2, 3, {B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex), B(Return)}, 0},
{"function f(arg1) { return this; }",
0, 2, 3, {B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 1), B(Return)}, 0},
{"function f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) { return arg4; }",
0, 8, 3, {B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 3), B(Return)}, 0},
{"function f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) { return this; }",
0, 8, 3, {B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 7), B(Return)}, 0}
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(Constants) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
// Check large SMIs.
ExpectedSnippet<int> snippets[] = {
{"return 12345678;", 0, 1, 3,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
}, 1, { 12345678 }
{"var a = 1234; return 5678;", 1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
}, 2, { 1234, 5678 }
{"var a = 1234; return 1234;",
1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
}, 1, { 1234 }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
// Check heap number double constants
ExpectedSnippet<double> snippets[] = {
{"return 1.2;",
0, 1, 3,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
}, 1, { 1.2 }
{"var a = 1.2; return 2.6;", 1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
}, 2, { 1.2, 2.6 }
{"var a = 3.14; return 3.14;", 1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
}, 2,
// TODO(rmcilroy): Currently multiple identical double literals end up
// being allocated as new HeapNumbers and so require multiple constant
// pool entries. De-dup identical values.
{ 3.14, 3.14 }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
// Check string literals
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"return \"This is a string\";", 0, 1, 3,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
}, 1,
{ "This is a string" }
{"var a = \"First string\"; return \"Second string\";",
1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
}, 2, { "First string", "Second string"}
{"var a = \"Same string\"; return \"Same string\";",
1 * kPointerSize, 1, 7,
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
}, 1, { "Same string" }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(PropertyLoads) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
Code::Kind ic_kinds[] = { i::Code::LOAD_IC, i::Code::LOAD_IC };
FeedbackVectorSpec feedback_spec(0, 2, ic_kinds);
Handle<i::TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"function f(a) { return; }\nf({name : \"test\"})",
1 * kPointerSize, 2, 10,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(0), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
1, { "name" }
{"function f(a) { return a[\"key\"]; }\nf({key : \"test\"})",
1 * kPointerSize, 2, 10,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(0), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
1, { "key" }
{"function f(a) { return a[100]; }\nf({100 : \"test\"})",
1 * kPointerSize, 2, 10,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(100),
B(KeyedLoadIC), R(0), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
}, 0
{"function f(a, b) { return a[b]; }\nf({arg : \"test\"}, \"arg\")",
1 * kPointerSize, 3, 10,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 1),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(KeyedLoadIC), R(0), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
}, 0
{"function f(a) { var b =; return a[-124]; }\n"
"f({\"-124\" : \"test\", name : 123 })",
2 * kPointerSize, 2, 21,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(-124),
B(KeyedLoadIC), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index() + 2),
1, { "name" }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
helper.MakeBytecode(snippets[i].code_snippet, "f");
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(PropertyStores) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
Code::Kind ic_kinds[] = { i::Code::STORE_IC, i::Code::STORE_IC };
FeedbackVectorSpec feedback_spec(0, 2, ic_kinds);
Handle<i::TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"function f(a) { = \"val\"; }\nf({name : \"test\"})",
2 * kPointerSize, 2, 16,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
B(StoreIC), R(0), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
2, { "name", "val" }
{"function f(a) { a[\"key\"] = \"val\"; }\nf({key : \"test\"})",
2 * kPointerSize, 2, 16,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(1),
B(StoreIC), R(0), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
2, { "key", "val" }
{"function f(a) { a[100] = \"val\"; }\nf({100 : \"test\"})",
2 * kPointerSize, 2, 16,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(100),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(KeyedStoreIC), R(0), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
1, { "val" }
{"function f(a, b) { a[b] = \"val\"; }\nf({arg : \"test\"}, \"arg\")",
2 * kPointerSize, 3, 16,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 1),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(KeyedStoreIC), R(0), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
1, { "val" }
{"function f(a) { = a[-124]; }\n"
"f({\"-124\" : \"test\", name : 123 })",
3 * kPointerSize, 2, 23,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(Star), R(1),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(2),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(-124),
B(KeyedLoadIC), R(2), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index()),
B(StoreIC), R(0), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index() + 2),
1, { "name" }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
helper.MakeBytecode(snippets[i].code_snippet, "f");
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
#define FUNC_ARG "new (function Obj() { this.func = function() { return; }})()"
TEST(PropertyCall) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
Code::Kind ic_kinds[] = { i::Code::LOAD_IC, i::Code::LOAD_IC };
FeedbackVectorSpec feedback_spec(0, 2, ic_kinds);
Handle<i::TypeFeedbackVector> vector =
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"function f(a) { return a.func(); }\nf(" FUNC_ARG ")",
2 * kPointerSize, 2, 16,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index() + 2),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Call), R(0), R(1), U8(0),
1, { "func" }
{"function f(a, b, c) { return a.func(b, c); }\nf(" FUNC_ARG ", 1, 2)",
4 * kPointerSize, 4, 24,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 2),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index() + 2),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 1),
B(Star), R(2),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(3),
B(Call), R(0), R(1), U8(2),
1, { "func" }
{"function f(a, b) { return a.func(b + b, b); }\nf(" FUNC_ARG ", 1)",
4 * kPointerSize, 3, 30,
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex - 1),
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaConstant), U8(0),
B(LoadIC), R(1), U8(vector->first_ic_slot_index() + 2),
B(Star), R(0),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(2),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Add), R(2),
B(Star), R(2),
B(Ldar), R(helper.kLastParamIndex),
B(Star), R(3),
B(Call), R(0), R(1), U8(2),
1, { "func" }
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
helper.MakeBytecode(snippets[i].code_snippet, "f");
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array);
TEST(LoadGlobal) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"var a = 1;\nfunction f() { return a; }\nf()",
0, 1, 3,
B(LdaGlobal), _,
{"function t() { }\nfunction f() { return t; }\nf()",
0, 1, 3,
B(LdaGlobal), _,
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
helper.MakeBytecode(snippets[i].code_snippet, "f");
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array, true);
TEST(CallGlobal) {
InitializedHandleScope handle_scope;
BytecodeGeneratorHelper helper;
ExpectedSnippet<const char*> snippets[] = {
{"function t() { }\nfunction f() { return t(); }\nf()",
2 * kPointerSize, 1, 12,
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaGlobal), _,
B(Star), R(0),
B(Call), R(0), R(1), U8(0),
{"function t(a, b, c) { }\nfunction f() { return t(1, 2, 3); }\nf()",
5 * kPointerSize, 1, 24,
B(Star), R(1),
B(LdaGlobal), _,
B(Star), R(0),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(1),
B(Star), R(2),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(2),
B(Star), R(3),
B(LdaSmi8), U8(3),
B(Star), R(4),
B(Call), R(0), R(1), U8(3),
size_t num_snippets = sizeof(snippets) / sizeof(snippets[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_snippets; i++) {
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array =
helper.MakeBytecode(snippets[i].code_snippet, "f");
CheckBytecodeArrayEqual(snippets[i], bytecode_array, true);
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace internal
} // namespance v8