blob: 393cc5077374a1b4f35302de9c1e6647b8273470 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "components/scheduler/scheduler_export.h"
namespace scheduler {
class TimeDomain;
class SCHEDULER_EXPORT TaskQueue : public base::SingleThreadTaskRunner {
TaskQueue() {}
// Unregisters the task queue after which no tasks posted to it will run and
// the TaskQueueManager's reference to it will be released soon.
virtual void UnregisterTaskQueue() = 0;
// Post a delayed task at an absolute desired run time instead of a time
// delta from the current time.
virtual bool PostDelayedTaskAt(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const base::Closure& task,
base::TimeTicks desired_run_time) = 0;
enum QueuePriority {
// Queues with control priority will run before any other queue, and will
// explicitly starve other queues. Typically this should only be used for
// private queues which perform control operations.
// Queues with high priority will be selected preferentially over normal or
// best effort queues. The selector will ensure that high priority queues
// cannot completely starve normal priority queues.
// Queues with normal priority are the default.
// Queues with best effort priority will only be run if all other queues are
// empty. They can be starved by the other queues.
// Queues with this priority are never run. Must be penultimate entry.
// Must be the last entry.
// Keep TaskQueue::PumpPolicyToString in sync with this enum.
enum class PumpPolicy {
// Tasks posted to an incoming queue with an AUTO pump policy will be
// automatically scheduled for execution or transferred to the work queue
// automatically.
// Tasks posted to an incoming queue with an AFTER_WAKEUP pump policy
// will be scheduled for execution or transferred to the work queue
// automatically but only after another queue has executed a task.
// Tasks posted to an incoming queue with a MANUAL will not be
// automatically scheduled for execution or transferred to the work queue.
// Instead, the selector should call PumpQueue() when necessary to bring
// in new tasks for execution.
// Must be last entry.
// Keep TaskQueue::WakeupPolicyToString in sync with this enum.
enum class WakeupPolicy {
// Tasks run on a queue with CAN_WAKE_OTHER_QUEUES wakeup policy can
// cause queues with the AFTER_WAKEUP PumpPolicy to be woken up.
// Tasks run on a queue with DONT_WAKE_OTHER_QUEUES won't cause queues
// with the AFTER_WAKEUP PumpPolicy to be woken up.
// Must be last entry.
enum class QueueState {
// A queue in the EMPTY state is empty and has no tasks in either the
// work or incoming task queue.
// A queue in the NEEDS_PUMPING state has no tasks in the work task queue,
// but has tasks in the incoming task queue which can be pumped to make them
// runnable.
// A queue in the HAS_WORK state has tasks in the work task queue which
// are runnable.
// Options for constructing a TaskQueue. Once set the |name|,
// |should_monitor_quiescence| and |wakeup_policy| are immutable. The
// |pump_policy| can be mutated with |SetPumpPolicy()|.
struct Spec {
// Note |name| must have application lifetime.
explicit Spec(const char* name)
: name(name),
should_notify_observers(true) {}
Spec SetShouldMonitorQuiescence(bool should_monitor) {
should_monitor_quiescence = should_monitor;
return *this;
Spec SetPumpPolicy(PumpPolicy policy) {
pump_policy = policy;
return *this;
Spec SetWakeupPolicy(WakeupPolicy policy) {
wakeup_policy = policy;
return *this;
Spec SetShouldNotifyObservers(bool run_observers) {
should_notify_observers = run_observers;
return *this;
Spec SetTimeDomain(TimeDomain* domain) {
time_domain = domain;
return *this;
const char* name;
bool should_monitor_quiescence;
TaskQueue::PumpPolicy pump_policy;
TaskQueue::WakeupPolicy wakeup_policy;
TimeDomain* time_domain;
bool should_notify_observers;
// Returns true if the queue priority is not
// TaskQueueSelector::DISABLED_PRIORITY. NOTE this must be called on the
// thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual bool IsQueueEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns true if there no tasks in either the work or incoming task queue.
// Note that this function involves taking a lock, so calling it has some
// overhead. NOTE this must be called on the thread this TaskQueue was created
// by.
virtual bool IsQueueEmpty() const;
// Returns the QueueState. Note that this function involves taking a lock, so
// calling it has some overhead.
virtual QueueState GetQueueState() const = 0;
// Can be called on any thread.
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
// Set the priority of the queue to |priority|. NOTE this must be called on
// the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual void SetQueuePriority(QueuePriority priority) = 0;
// Set the pumping policy of the queue to |pump_policy|. NOTE this must be
// called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual void SetPumpPolicy(PumpPolicy pump_policy) = 0;
// Reloads new tasks from the incoming queue into the work queue, regardless
// of whether the work queue is empty or not. After this, the function ensures
// that the tasks in the work queue, if any, are scheduled for execution.
// This function only needs to be called if automatic pumping is disabled.
// By default automatic pumping is enabled for all queues. NOTE this must be
// called on the thread this TaskQueue was created by.
virtual void PumpQueue() = 0;
// These functions can only be called on the same thread that the task queue
// manager executes its tasks on.
virtual void AddTaskObserver(
base::MessageLoop::TaskObserver* task_observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveTaskObserver(
base::MessageLoop::TaskObserver* task_observer) = 0;
// Removes the task queue from the previous TimeDomain and adds it to
// |domain|. This is a moderately expensive operation.
virtual void SetTimeDomain(const scoped_refptr<TimeDomain>& domain) = 0;
~TaskQueue() override {}
} // namespace scheduler