blob: 5c84226bb0513822dbe1e1302c733ee9d61bf841 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
namespace net {
// The implementation for setting/retrieving the HTTP server properties.
class NET_EXPORT HttpServerPropertiesImpl
: public HttpServerProperties,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) {
~HttpServerPropertiesImpl() override;
// Initializes |spdy_servers_map_| with the servers (host/port) from
// |spdy_servers| that either support SPDY or not.
void InitializeSpdyServers(std::vector<std::string>* spdy_servers,
bool support_spdy);
void InitializeAlternateProtocolServers(
AlternateProtocolMap* alternate_protocol_servers);
void InitializeSpdySettingsServers(SpdySettingsMap* spdy_settings_map);
void InitializeSupportsQuic(IPAddressNumber* last_address);
void InitializeServerNetworkStats(
ServerNetworkStatsMap* server_network_stats_map);
// Get the list of servers (host/port) that support SPDY. The max_size is the
// number of MRU servers that support SPDY that are to be returned.
void GetSpdyServerList(base::ListValue* spdy_server_list,
size_t max_size) const;
// Returns flattened string representation of the |host_port_pair|. Used by
// unittests.
static std::string GetFlattenedSpdyServer(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair);
// Debugging to simulate presence of an AlternateProtocol.
// If we don't have an alternate protocol in the map for any given host/port
// pair, force this ProtocolPortPair.
static void ForceAlternateProtocol(const AlternateProtocolInfo& pair);
static void DisableForcedAlternateProtocol();
// Returns the canonical host suffix for |host|, or std::string() if none
// exists.
std::string GetCanonicalSuffix(const std::string& host);
// -----------------------------
// HttpServerProperties methods:
// -----------------------------
base::WeakPtr<HttpServerProperties> GetWeakPtr() override;
void Clear() override;
bool SupportsRequestPriority(const HostPortPair& server) override;
void SetSupportsSpdy(const HostPortPair& server, bool support_spdy) override;
bool RequiresHTTP11(const HostPortPair& server) override;
void SetHTTP11Required(const HostPortPair& server) override;
void MaybeForceHTTP11(const HostPortPair& server,
SSLConfig* ssl_config) override;
AlternateProtocolInfo GetAlternateProtocol(
const HostPortPair& server) override;
void SetAlternateProtocol(const HostPortPair& server,
uint16 alternate_port,
AlternateProtocol alternate_protocol,
double probability) override;
void SetBrokenAlternateProtocol(const HostPortPair& server) override;
bool WasAlternateProtocolRecentlyBroken(const HostPortPair& server) override;
void ConfirmAlternateProtocol(const HostPortPair& server) override;
void ClearAlternateProtocol(const HostPortPair& server) override;
const AlternateProtocolMap& alternate_protocol_map() const override;
void SetAlternateProtocolProbabilityThreshold(double threshold) override;
const SettingsMap& GetSpdySettings(
const HostPortPair& host_port_pair) override;
bool SetSpdySetting(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
SpdySettingsIds id,
SpdySettingsFlags flags,
uint32 value) override;
void ClearSpdySettings(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair) override;
void ClearAllSpdySettings() override;
const SpdySettingsMap& spdy_settings_map() const override;
bool GetSupportsQuic(IPAddressNumber* last_address) const override;
void SetSupportsQuic(bool used_quic, const IPAddressNumber& address) override;
void SetServerNetworkStats(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
ServerNetworkStats stats) override;
const ServerNetworkStats* GetServerNetworkStats(
const HostPortPair& host_port_pair) override;
const ServerNetworkStatsMap& server_network_stats_map() const override;
// |spdy_servers_map_| has flattened representation of servers (host, port)
// that either support or not support SPDY protocol.
typedef base::MRUCache<std::string, bool> SpdyServerHostPortMap;
typedef std::map<HostPortPair, HostPortPair> CanonicalHostMap;
typedef std::vector<std::string> CanonicalSufficList;
typedef std::set<HostPortPair> Http11ServerHostPortSet;
// Server, port, and AlternateProtocol: an entity that can be broken. (Once
// we use AlternativeService, the same AltSvc can be broken for one server but
// not for another depending on what certificate it can offer.)
struct BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry {
BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry(const BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry&) = default;
BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry(const HostPortPair& server,
uint16 port,
AlternateProtocol protocol)
: server(server), port(port), protocol(protocol) {}
bool operator<(const BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry& other) const {
if (!server.Equals(other.server))
return server < other.server;
if (port != other.port)
return port < other.port;
return protocol < other.protocol;
HostPortPair server;
uint16 port;
AlternateProtocol protocol;
// BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry with expiration time.
struct BrokenAlternateProtocolEntryWithTime {
const BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry& broken_alternate_protocol_entry,
base::TimeTicks when)
: broken_alternate_protocol_entry(broken_alternate_protocol_entry),
when(when) {}
BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry broken_alternate_protocol_entry;
base::TimeTicks when;
// Deque of BrokenAlternateProtocolEntryWithTime items, ordered by expiration
// time.
typedef std::deque<BrokenAlternateProtocolEntryWithTime>
// Map from (server, alternate protocol and port) to the number of
// times that alternate protocol has been marked broken for that server.
typedef std::map<BrokenAlternateProtocolEntry, int>
// Return the iterator for |server|, or for its canonical host, or end.
AlternateProtocolMap::const_iterator GetAlternateProtocolIterator(
const HostPortPair& server);
// Return the canonical host for |server|, or end if none exists.
CanonicalHostMap::const_iterator GetCanonicalHost(HostPortPair server) const;
void RemoveCanonicalHost(const HostPortPair& server);
void ExpireBrokenAlternateProtocolMappings();
void ScheduleBrokenAlternateProtocolMappingsExpiration();
SpdyServerHostPortMap spdy_servers_map_;
Http11ServerHostPortSet http11_servers_;
AlternateProtocolMap alternate_protocol_map_;
BrokenAlternateProtocolList broken_alternate_protocol_list_;
BrokenAlternateProtocolMap broken_alternate_protocol_map_;
IPAddressNumber last_quic_address_;
SpdySettingsMap spdy_settings_map_;
ServerNetworkStatsMap server_network_stats_map_;
// Contains a map of servers which could share the same alternate protocol.
// Map from a Canonical host/port (host is some postfix of host names) to an
// actual origin, which has a plausible alternate protocol mapping.
CanonicalHostMap canonical_host_to_origin_map_;
// Contains list of suffixes (for exmaple "",
// "", "") of canonical hostnames.
CanonicalSufficList canonical_suffixes_;
double alternate_protocol_probability_threshold_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HttpServerPropertiesImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace net