blob: b1855f969965f1fddcc991d474604f1ddca389c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- c++ -*-
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The portable representation of an instance and root scriptable object.
// The PPAPI version of the plugin instantiates a subclass of this class.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_macros.h"
#include "native_client/src/include/nacl_scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_nacl_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/instance.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/private/uma_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/url_loader.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/view.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/nacl_subprocess.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/pnacl_coordinator.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/service_runtime.h"
#include "ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/utility.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/completion_callback_factory.h"
namespace nacl {
class DescWrapper;
class DescWrapperFactory;
} // namespace nacl
namespace pp {
class CompletionCallback;
class URLLoader;
class URLUtil_Dev;
namespace plugin {
class ErrorInfo;
class Manifest;
int32_t ConvertFileDescriptor(PP_FileHandle handle);
const PP_NaClFileInfo kInvalidNaClFileInfo = {
0, // token_lo
0, // token_hi
class Plugin : public pp::Instance {
explicit Plugin(PP_Instance instance);
// ----- Methods inherited from pp::Instance:
// Initializes this plugin with <embed/object ...> tag attribute count |argc|,
// names |argn| and values |argn|. Returns false on failure.
// Gets called by the browser right after New().
bool Init(uint32_t argc, const char* argn[], const char* argv[]) override;
// Handles document load, when the plugin is a MIME type handler.
bool HandleDocumentLoad(const pp::URLLoader& url_loader) override;
// Load support.
// Starts NaCl module but does not wait until low-level
// initialization (e.g. dynamic loading of manifest files) is
// done. The module will become ready later, asynchronously. Other
// event handlers should block until the module is ready before
// trying to communicate with it, i.e., until nacl_ready_state is
// DONE.
// NB: currently we do not time out, so if the untrusted code
// does not signal that it is ready, then we will deadlock the main
// thread of the renderer on this subsequent event delivery. We
// should include a time-out at which point we declare the
// nacl_ready_state to be done, and let the normal crash detection
// mechanism(s) take over.
void LoadNaClModule(PP_NaClFileInfo file_info,
bool uses_nonsfi_mode,
PP_NaClAppProcessType process_type);
// Load support.
// A helper SRPC NaCl module can be loaded given a PP_NaClFileInfo.
// Blocks until the helper module signals initialization is done.
// Does not update nacl_module_origin().
// Returns NULL or the NaClSubprocess of the new helper NaCl module.
NaClSubprocess* LoadHelperNaClModule(const std::string& helper_url,
PP_NaClFileInfo file_info,
ErrorInfo* error_info);
// Report an error that was encountered while loading a module.
void ReportLoadError(const ErrorInfo& error_info);
nacl::DescWrapperFactory* wrapper_factory() const { return wrapper_factory_; }
const PPB_NaCl_Private* nacl_interface() const { return nacl_interface_; }
pp::UMAPrivate& uma_interface() { return uma_interface_; }
// The browser will invoke the destructor via the pp::Instance
// pointer to this object, not from base's Delete().
~Plugin() override;
// Shuts down socket connection, service runtime, and receive thread,
// in this order, for the main nacl subprocess.
void ShutDownSubprocesses();
// Histogram helper functions, internal to Plugin so they can use
// uma_interface_ normally.
void HistogramTimeSmall(const std::string& name, int64_t ms);
// Loads and starts a helper (e.g. llc, ld) NaCl module.
// Only to be used from a background (non-main) thread for the PNaCl
// translator. This will fully initialize the |subprocess| if the load was
// successful.
bool LoadHelperNaClModuleInternal(NaClSubprocess* subprocess,
const SelLdrStartParams& params);
// Start sel_ldr from the main thread, given the start params.
// |pp_error| is set by CallOnMainThread (should be PP_OK).
void StartSelLdrOnMainThread(int32_t pp_error,
ServiceRuntime* service_runtime,
const SelLdrStartParams& params,
pp::CompletionCallback callback);
// Signals that StartSelLdr has finished.
// This is invoked on the main thread.
void SignalStartSelLdrDone(int32_t pp_error,
bool* started,
ServiceRuntime* service_runtime);
// This is invoked on the main thread.
void StartNexe(int32_t pp_error, ServiceRuntime* service_runtime);
// Callback used when getting the URL for the .nexe file. If the URL loading
// is successful, the file descriptor is opened and can be passed to sel_ldr
// with the sandbox on.
void NexeFileDidOpen(int32_t pp_error);
// Callback used when a .nexe is translated from bitcode. If the translation
// is successful, the file descriptor is opened and can be passed to sel_ldr
// with the sandbox on.
void BitcodeDidTranslate(int32_t pp_error);
// NaCl ISA selection manifest file support. The manifest file is specified
// using the "nacl" attribute in the <embed> tag. First, the manifest URL (or
// data: URI) is fetched, then the JSON is parsed. Once a valid .nexe is
// chosen for the sandbox ISA, any current service runtime is shut down, the
// .nexe is loaded and run.
// Callback used when getting the manifest file as a local file descriptor.
void NaClManifestFileDidOpen(int32_t pp_error);
// Processes the JSON manifest string and starts loading the nexe.
void ProcessNaClManifest(const std::string& manifest_json);
// Keep track of the NaCl module subprocess that was spun up in the plugin.
NaClSubprocess main_subprocess_;
bool uses_nonsfi_mode_;
nacl::DescWrapperFactory* wrapper_factory_;
pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<Plugin> callback_factory_;
nacl::scoped_ptr<PnaclCoordinator> pnacl_coordinator_;
int exit_status_;
PP_NaClFileInfo nexe_file_info_;
const PPB_NaCl_Private* nacl_interface_;
pp::UMAPrivate uma_interface_;
} // namespace plugin