blob: 0d8197664912ec95d72399e686c8d2f4a0e8e5f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/permissions/permission_service_context.h"
#include "content/common/permission_service.mojom.h"
namespace content {
enum class PermissionType;
// Implements the PermissionService Mojo interface.
// This service can be created from a RenderFrameHost or a RenderProcessHost.
// It is owned by a PermissionServiceContext.
// It receives at PermissionServiceContext instance when created which allows it
// to have some information about the current context. That enables the service
// to know whether it can show UI and have knowledge of the associated
// WebContents for example.
class PermissionServiceImpl : public mojo::InterfaceImpl<PermissionService> {
~PermissionServiceImpl() override;
// Clear pending operations currently run by the service. This will be called
// by PermissionServiceContext when it will need the service to clear its
// state for example, if the frame changes.
void CancelPendingOperations();
friend PermissionServiceContext;
PermissionServiceImpl(PermissionServiceContext* context);
using PermissionStatusCallback = mojo::Callback<void(PermissionStatus)>;
struct PendingRequest {
PendingRequest(PermissionType permission, const GURL& origin,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback);
PermissionType permission;
GURL origin;
PermissionStatusCallback callback;
using RequestsMap = IDMap<PendingRequest, IDMapOwnPointer>;
struct PendingSubscription {
PendingSubscription(PermissionType permission, const GURL& origin,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback);
PermissionType permission;
GURL origin;
PermissionStatusCallback callback;
using SubscriptionsMap = IDMap<PendingSubscription, IDMapOwnPointer>;
// PermissionService.
void HasPermission(PermissionName permission,
const mojo::String& origin,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback) override;
void RequestPermission(PermissionName permission,
const mojo::String& origin,
bool user_gesture,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback) override;
void RevokePermission(PermissionName permission,
const mojo::String& origin,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback) override;
void GetNextPermissionChange(
PermissionName permission,
const mojo::String& origin,
PermissionStatus last_known_status,
const PermissionStatusCallback& callback) override;
// mojo::InterfaceImpl.
void OnConnectionError() override;
void OnRequestPermissionResponse(int request_id, PermissionStatus status);
PermissionStatus GetPermissionStatusFromName(PermissionName permission,
const GURL& origin);
PermissionStatus GetPermissionStatusFromType(PermissionType type,
const GURL& origin);
void ResetPermissionStatus(PermissionType type, const GURL& origin);
void OnPermissionStatusChanged(const int* subscription_id,
PermissionStatus status);
RequestsMap pending_requests_;
SubscriptionsMap pending_subscriptions_;
// context_ owns |this|.
PermissionServiceContext* context_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PermissionServiceImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content