blob: 3c85171b4dd80c815ae9d5d3cbb320907954decb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Other contributors:
* Robert O'Callahan <>
* David Baron <>
* Christian Biesinger <>
* Randall Jesup <>
* Roland Mainz <>
* Josh Soref <>
* Boris Zbarsky <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
* licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
* deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
* version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayer.h"
#include "core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/css/PseudoStyleRequest.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/frame/DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameElement.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestRequest.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestingTransformState.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFlowThread.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutGeometryMap.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutPart.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutReplica.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutScrollbar.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutScrollbarPart.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTreeAsText.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/PaintLayerCompositor.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGRoot.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/ReferenceFilterBuilder.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/page/scrolling/ScrollingCoordinator.h"
#include "core/paint/FilterEffectBuilder.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintTiming.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/TraceEvent.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatPoint3D.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatRect.h"
#include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/Filter.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/SourceGraphic.h"
#include "platform/transforms/ScaleTransformOperation.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TransformationMatrix.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TranslateTransformOperation.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "wtf/Partitions.h"
#include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
static CompositingQueryMode gCompositingQueryMode =
} // namespace
using namespace HTMLNames;
PaintLayer::PaintLayer(LayoutBoxModelObject* layoutObject, PaintLayerType type)
: m_layerType(type)
, m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant(false)
, m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty(false)
, m_isRootLayer(layoutObject->isLayoutView())
, m_visibleContentStatusDirty(true)
, m_hasVisibleContent(false)
, m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty(false)
, m_hasVisibleDescendant(false)
, m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent(false)
, m_needsPositionUpdate(true)
, m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty(true)
, m_has3DTransformedDescendant(false)
, m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars(false)
, m_hasFilterInfo(false)
, m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate(true)
, m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate(true)
, m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate(true)
, m_hasCompositingDescendant(false)
, m_hasNonCompositedChild(false)
, m_shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants(false)
, m_lostGroupedMapping(false)
, m_needsRepaint(false)
, m_layoutObject(layoutObject)
, m_parent(0)
, m_previous(0)
, m_next(0)
, m_first(0)
, m_last(0)
, m_staticInlinePosition(0)
, m_staticBlockPosition(0)
, m_enclosingPaginationLayer(0)
, m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle(CompositingReasonNone)
, m_compositingReasons(CompositingReasonNone)
, m_groupedMapping(0)
, m_clipper(*layoutObject)
m_isSelfPaintingLayer = shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();
if (!layoutObject->slowFirstChild() && layoutObject->style()) {
m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
m_hasVisibleContent = layoutObject->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE;
if (layoutObject()->frame() && layoutObject()->frame()->page()) {
if (ScrollingCoordinator* scrollingCoordinator = layoutObject()->frame()->page()->scrollingCoordinator())
if (groupedMapping()) {
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
setGroupedMapping(0, InvalidateLayerAndRemoveFromMapping);
// Child layers will be deleted by their corresponding layout objects, so
// we don't need to delete them ourselves.
if (m_reflectionInfo)
if (m_scrollableArea)
String PaintLayer::debugName() const
if (isReflection())
return layoutObject()->parent()->debugName() + " (reflection)";
return layoutObject()->debugName();
PaintLayerCompositor* PaintLayer::compositor() const
if (!layoutObject()->view())
return 0;
return layoutObject()->view()->compositor();
void PaintLayer::contentChanged(ContentChangeType changeType)
// updateLayerCompositingState will query compositingReasons for accelerated overflow scrolling.
// This is tripped by LayoutTests/compositing/content-changed-chicken-egg.html
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
if (changeType == CanvasChanged)
if (changeType == CanvasContextChanged) {
// Although we're missing test coverage, we need to call
// GraphicsLayer::setContentsToPlatformLayer with the new platform
// layer for this canvas.
// See
if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
if (m_compositedLayerMapping)
bool PaintLayer::paintsWithFilters() const
if (!layoutObject()->hasFilter())
return false;
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
return !m_compositedLayerMapping || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking;
bool PaintLayer::paintsWithBackdropFilters() const
if (!layoutObject()->hasBackdropFilter())
return false;
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
return !m_compositedLayerMapping || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking;
LayoutSize PaintLayer::subpixelAccumulation() const
return m_subpixelAccumulation;
void PaintLayer::setSubpixelAccumulation(const LayoutSize& size)
m_subpixelAccumulation = size;
void PaintLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout()
TRACE_EVENT0("blink,benchmark", "PaintLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout");
// FIXME: Remove incremental compositing updates after fixing the chicken/egg issues
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
void PaintLayer::updateLayerPositionRecursive()
if (m_reflectionInfo)
// FIXME(400589): We would like to do this in PaintLayerScrollableArea::updateAfterLayout,
// but it depends on the size computed by updateLayerPosition.
if (m_scrollableArea) {
if (ScrollAnimatorBase* scrollAnimator = m_scrollableArea->existingScrollAnimator())
// FIXME: We should be able to remove this call because we don't care about
// any descendant-dependent flags, but code somewhere else is reading these
// flags and depending on us to update them.
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
void PaintLayer::updateHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant() const
m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant = false;
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->isSelfPaintingLayer() || child->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant()) {
m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant = true;
m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty = false;
void PaintLayer::dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus()
for (PaintLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
layer->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty = true;
// If we have reached a self-painting layer, we know our parent should have a self-painting descendant
// in this case, there is no need to dirty our ancestors further.
if (layer->isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
ASSERT(!parent() || parent()->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty || parent()->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant);
bool PaintLayer::scrollsWithViewport() const
return layoutObject()->style()->position() == FixedPosition && layoutObject()->containerForFixedPosition() == layoutObject()->view();
bool PaintLayer::scrollsWithRespectTo(const PaintLayer* other) const
if (scrollsWithViewport() != other->scrollsWithViewport())
return true;
return ancestorScrollingLayer() != other->ancestorScrollingLayer();
void PaintLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterOverflowScroll(const DoubleSize& scrollDelta)
updateLayerPositionsAfterScrollRecursive(scrollDelta, isPaintInvalidationContainer());
void PaintLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterScrollRecursive(const DoubleSize& scrollDelta, bool paintInvalidationContainerWasScrolled)
if (paintInvalidationContainerWasScrolled && !isPaintInvalidationContainer()) {
// Paint invalidation rects are in the coordinate space of the paint invalidation container.
// If it has scrolled, the rect must be adjusted. Note that it is not safe to reset it to
// the current bounds rect, as the LayoutObject may have moved since the last invalidation.
// FIXME(416535): Ideally, pending invalidations of scrolling content should be stored in
// the coordinate space of the scrolling content layer, so that they need no adjustment.
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
paintInvalidationContainerWasScrolled && !child->isPaintInvalidationContainer());
void PaintLayer::updateTransformationMatrix()
if (m_transform) {
LayoutBox* box = layoutBox();
box->style()->applyTransform(*m_transform, LayoutSize(box->pixelSnappedSize()), ComputedStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin, ComputedStyle::IncludeMotionPath, ComputedStyle::IncludeIndependentTransformProperties);
makeMatrixRenderable(*m_transform, compositor()->hasAcceleratedCompositing());
void PaintLayer::updateTransform(const ComputedStyle* oldStyle, const ComputedStyle& newStyle)
if (oldStyle && newStyle.transformDataEquivalent(*oldStyle))
// hasTransform() on the layoutObject is also true when there is transform-style: preserve-3d or perspective set,
// so check style too.
bool hasTransform = layoutObject()->hasTransformRelatedProperty() && newStyle.hasTransform();
bool had3DTransform = has3DTransform();
bool hadTransform = m_transform;
if (hasTransform != hadTransform) {
if (hasTransform)
m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix);
// PaintLayers with transforms act as clip rects roots, so clear the cached clip rects here.
} else if (hasTransform) {
if (had3DTransform != has3DTransform())
static PaintLayer* enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(PaintLayer* layer)
if (LayoutObject* containingBlock = layer->layoutObject()->containingBlock())
return containingBlock->enclosingLayer();
return 0;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::renderingContextRoot()
PaintLayer* renderingContext = 0;
if (shouldPreserve3D())
renderingContext = this;
for (PaintLayer* current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(this); current && current->shouldPreserve3D(); current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(current))
renderingContext = current;
return renderingContext;
TransformationMatrix PaintLayer::currentTransform() const
if (!m_transform)
return TransformationMatrix();
return *m_transform;
TransformationMatrix PaintLayer::renderableTransform(GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags) const
if (!m_transform)
return TransformationMatrix();
if (globalPaintFlags & GlobalPaintFlattenCompositingLayers) {
TransformationMatrix matrix = *m_transform;
makeMatrixRenderable(matrix, false /* flatten 3d */);
return matrix;
return *m_transform;
// Convert a bounding box from flow thread coordinates, relative to |layer|, to visual coordinates, relative to |ancestorLayer|.
// See for more info on these coordinate types.
static void convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(const PaintLayer* layer, const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect& rect)
PaintLayer* paginationLayer = layer->enclosingPaginationLayer();
LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = toLayoutFlowThread(paginationLayer->layoutObject());
// First make the flow thread rectangle relative to the flow thread, not to |layer|.
LayoutPoint offsetWithinPaginationLayer;
layer->convertToLayerCoords(paginationLayer, offsetWithinPaginationLayer);
// Then make the rectangle visual, relative to the fragmentation context. Split our box up into
// the actual fragment boxes that layout in the columns/pages and unite those together to get
// our true bounding box.
rect = flowThread->fragmentsBoundingBox(rect);
// Finally, make the visual rectangle relative to |ancestorLayer|.
if (ancestorLayer->enclosingPaginationLayer() != paginationLayer) {
// The ancestor layer is inside the same pagination layer as |layer|, so we need to subtract
// the visual distance from the ancestor layer to the pagination layer.
void PaintLayer::updatePaginationRecursive(bool needsPaginationUpdate)
m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;
if (layoutObject()->isLayoutFlowThread())
needsPaginationUpdate = true;
if (needsPaginationUpdate) {
// Each paginated layer has to paint on its own. There is no recurring into child layers. Each
// layer has to be checked individually and genuinely know if it is going to have to split
// itself up when painting only its contents (and not any other descendant layers). We track an
// enclosingPaginationLayer instead of using a simple bit, since we want to be able to get back
// to that layer easily.
if (LayoutFlowThread* containingFlowThread = layoutObject()->flowThreadContainingBlock())
m_enclosingPaginationLayer = containingFlowThread->layer();
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
void PaintLayer::clearPaginationRecursive()
m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
LayoutPoint PaintLayer::positionFromPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState)
FloatPoint point = layoutObject->localToContainerPoint(FloatPoint(), paintInvalidationContainer, 0, 0, paintInvalidationState);
// FIXME: Eventually we are going to unify coordinates in GraphicsLayer space.
if (paintInvalidationContainer && paintInvalidationContainer->layer()->groupedMapping())
mapPointToPaintBackingCoordinates(paintInvalidationContainer, point);
return LayoutPoint(point);
void PaintLayer::mapPointToPaintBackingCoordinates(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, FloatPoint& point)
PaintLayer* paintInvalidationLayer = paintInvalidationContainer->layer();
if (!paintInvalidationLayer->groupedMapping()) {
LayoutBoxModelObject* transformedAncestor = paintInvalidationLayer->enclosingTransformedAncestor()->layoutObject();
if (!transformedAncestor)
// |paintInvalidationContainer| may have a local 2D transform on it, so take that into account when mapping into the space of the
// transformed ancestor.
point = paintInvalidationContainer->localToContainerPoint(point, transformedAncestor);
void PaintLayer::mapRectToPaintBackingCoordinates(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect& rect)
PaintLayer* paintInvalidationLayer = paintInvalidationContainer->layer();
if (!paintInvalidationLayer->groupedMapping()) {
LayoutBoxModelObject* transformedAncestor = paintInvalidationLayer->enclosingTransformedAncestor()->layoutObject();
if (!transformedAncestor)
// |paintInvalidationContainer| may have a local 2D transform on it, so take that into account when mapping into the space of the
// transformed ancestor.
rect = LayoutRect(paintInvalidationContainer->localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(rect), transformedAncestor).boundingBox());
void PaintLayer::mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect& rect, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState)
if (!paintInvalidationContainer->layer()->groupedMapping()) {
layoutObject->mapToVisibleRectInContainerSpace(paintInvalidationContainer, rect, paintInvalidationState);
// This code adjusts the paint invalidation rectangle to be in the space of the transformed ancestor of the grouped (i.e. squashed)
// layer. This is because all layers that squash together need to issue paint invalidations w.r.t. a single container that is
// an ancestor of all of them, in order to properly take into account any local transforms etc.
// FIXME: remove this special-case code that works around the paint invalidation code structure.
layoutObject->mapToVisibleRectInContainerSpace(paintInvalidationContainer, rect, paintInvalidationState);
mapRectToPaintBackingCoordinates(paintInvalidationContainer, rect);
LayoutRect PaintLayer::computePaintInvalidationRect(const LayoutObject& layoutObject, const PaintLayer* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState)
if (!paintInvalidationContainer->groupedMapping())
return layoutObject.computePaintInvalidationRect(*paintInvalidationContainer->layoutObject(), paintInvalidationState);
LayoutRect rect = layoutObject.clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer->layoutObject(), paintInvalidationState);
mapRectToPaintBackingCoordinates(paintInvalidationContainer->layoutObject(), rect);
return rect;
void PaintLayer::dirtyVisibleContentStatus()
m_visibleContentStatusDirty = true;
if (parent())
// Non-self-painting layers paint into their ancestor layer, and count as part of the "visible contents" of the parent, so we need to dirty it.
if (!isSelfPaintingLayer())
void PaintLayer::potentiallyDirtyVisibleContentStatus(EVisibility visibility)
if (m_visibleContentStatusDirty)
if (hasVisibleContent() == (visibility == VISIBLE))
void PaintLayer::dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus()
for (PaintLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
if (layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty)
layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = true;
// FIXME: this is quite brute-force. We could be more efficient if we were to
// track state and update it as appropriate as changes are made in the layout tree.
void PaintLayer::updateScrollingStateAfterCompositingChange()
TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "PaintLayer::updateScrollingStateAfterCompositingChange");
m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent = false;
for (LayoutObject* r = layoutObject()->slowFirstChild(); r; r = r->nextSibling()) {
if (!r->hasLayer()) {
m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent = true;
m_hasNonCompositedChild = false;
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->compositingState() == NotComposited) {
m_hasNonCompositedChild = true;
void PaintLayer::updateDescendantDependentFlags()
if (m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty) {
m_hasVisibleDescendant = false;
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
m_hasVisibleDescendant = true;
m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = false;
if (m_visibleContentStatusDirty) {
bool previouslyHasVisibleContent = m_hasVisibleContent;
if (layoutObject()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
m_hasVisibleContent = true;
} else {
// layer may be hidden but still have some visible content, check for this
m_hasVisibleContent = false;
LayoutObject* r = layoutObject()->slowFirstChild();
while (r) {
if (r->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && (!r->hasLayer() || !r->enclosingLayer()->isSelfPaintingLayer())) {
m_hasVisibleContent = true;
LayoutObject* layoutObjectFirstChild = r->slowFirstChild();
if (layoutObjectFirstChild && (!r->hasLayer() || !r->enclosingLayer()->isSelfPaintingLayer())) {
r = layoutObjectFirstChild;
} else if (r->nextSibling()) {
r = r->nextSibling();
} else {
do {
r = r->parent();
if (r == layoutObject())
r = 0;
} while (r && !r->nextSibling());
if (r)
r = r->nextSibling();
m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
if (hasVisibleContent() != previouslyHasVisibleContent) {
// We need to tell m_layoutObject to recheck its rect because we
// pretend that invisible LayoutObjects have 0x0 rects. Changing
// visibility therefore changes our rect and we need to visit
// this LayoutObject during the invalidateTreeIfNeeded walk.
void PaintLayer::dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
PaintLayerStackingNode* stackingNode = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContextNode();
if (!stackingNode)
stackingNode->layer()->m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = true;
// This propagates up through preserve-3d hierarchies to the enclosing flattening layer.
// Note that preserves3D() creates stacking context, so we can just run up the stacking containers.
while (stackingNode && stackingNode->layer()->preserves3D()) {
stackingNode->layer()->m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = true;
stackingNode = stackingNode->ancestorStackingContextNode();
// Return true if this layer or any preserve-3d descendants have 3d.
bool PaintLayer::update3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
if (m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty) {
m_has3DTransformedDescendant = false;
// Transformed or preserve-3d descendants can only be in the z-order lists, not
// in the normal flow list, so we only need to check those.
PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode.get(), PositiveZOrderChildren | NegativeZOrderChildren);
while (PaintLayerStackingNode* node =
m_has3DTransformedDescendant |= node->layer()->update3DTransformedDescendantStatus();
m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = false;
// If we live in a 3d hierarchy, then the layer at the root of that hierarchy needs
// the m_has3DTransformedDescendant set.
if (preserves3D())
return has3DTransform() || m_has3DTransformedDescendant;
return has3DTransform();
bool PaintLayer::updateLayerPosition()
LayoutPoint localPoint;
LayoutPoint inlineBoundingBoxOffset; // We don't put this into the Layer x/y for inlines, so we need to subtract it out when done.
if (layoutObject()->isInline() && layoutObject()->isLayoutInline()) {
LayoutInline* inlineFlow = toLayoutInline(layoutObject());
IntRect lineBox = inlineFlow->linesBoundingBox();
m_size = lineBox.size();
inlineBoundingBoxOffset = lineBox.location();
} else if (LayoutBox* box = layoutBox()) {
m_size = pixelSnappedIntSize(box->size(), box->location());
if (!layoutObject()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !layoutObject()->isColumnSpanAll() && layoutObject()->parent()) {
// We must adjust our position by walking up the layout tree looking for the
// nearest enclosing object with a layer.
LayoutObject* curr = layoutObject()->parent();
while (curr && !curr->hasLayer()) {
if (curr->isBox() && !curr->isTableRow()) {
// Rows and cells share the same coordinate space (that of the section).
// Omit them when computing our xpos/ypos.
curr = curr->parent();
if (curr->isBox() && curr->isTableRow()) {
// Put ourselves into the row coordinate space.
// Subtract our parent's scroll offset.
if (PaintLayer* positionedParent = layoutObject()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() ? enclosingPositionedAncestor() : nullptr) {
// For positioned layers, we subtract out the enclosing positioned layer's scroll offset.
if (positionedParent->layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip()) {
IntSize offset = positionedParent->layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();
localPoint -= offset;
if (positionedParent->layoutObject()->isInFlowPositioned() && positionedParent->layoutObject()->isLayoutInline()) {
LayoutSize offset = toLayoutInline(positionedParent->layoutObject())->offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(*toLayoutBox(layoutObject()));
localPoint += offset;
} else if (parent() && parent()->layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip()) {
IntSize scrollOffset = parent()->layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();
localPoint -= scrollOffset;
bool positionOrOffsetChanged = false;
if (layoutObject()->isInFlowPositioned()) {
LayoutSize newOffset = layoutObject()->offsetForInFlowPosition();
positionOrOffsetChanged = newOffset != m_offsetForInFlowPosition;
m_offsetForInFlowPosition = newOffset;
} else {
m_offsetForInFlowPosition = LayoutSize();
// FIXME: We'd really like to just get rid of the concept of a layer rectangle and rely on the layoutObjects.
if (m_location != localPoint) {
positionOrOffsetChanged = true;
m_location = localPoint;
m_needsPositionUpdate = false;
return positionOrOffsetChanged;
TransformationMatrix PaintLayer::perspectiveTransform() const
if (!layoutObject()->hasTransformRelatedProperty())
return TransformationMatrix();
const ComputedStyle& style = layoutObject()->styleRef();
if (!style.hasPerspective())
return TransformationMatrix();
TransformationMatrix t;
return t;
FloatPoint PaintLayer::perspectiveOrigin() const
if (!layoutObject()->hasTransformRelatedProperty())
return FloatPoint();
const LayoutRect borderBox = toLayoutBox(layoutObject())->borderBoxRect();
const ComputedStyle& style = layoutObject()->styleRef();
return FloatPoint(floatValueForLength(style.perspectiveOriginX(), borderBox.width().toFloat()), floatValueForLength(style.perspectiveOriginY(), borderBox.height().toFloat()));
static inline bool isFixedPositionedContainer(PaintLayer* layer)
return layer->isRootLayer() || layer->hasTransformRelatedProperty();
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::enclosingPositionedAncestor(const PaintLayer* ancestor, bool* skippedAncestor) const
ASSERT(!ancestor || skippedAncestor); // If we have specified an ancestor, surely the caller needs to know whether we skipped it.
if (skippedAncestor)
*skippedAncestor = false;
if (layoutObject()->style()->position() == FixedPosition) {
PaintLayer* curr = parent();
while (curr && !isFixedPositionedContainer(curr)) {
if (skippedAncestor && curr == ancestor)
*skippedAncestor = true;
curr = curr->parent();
return curr;
PaintLayer* curr = parent();
while (curr && !curr->isPositionedContainer()) {
if (skippedAncestor && curr == ancestor)
*skippedAncestor = true;
curr = curr->parent();
return curr;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::enclosingTransformedAncestor() const
PaintLayer* curr = parent();
while (curr && !curr->isRootLayer() && !curr->layoutObject()->hasTransformRelatedProperty())
curr = curr->parent();
return curr;
LayoutPoint PaintLayer::computeOffsetFromTransformedAncestor() const
const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs& properties = ancestorDependentCompositingInputs();
TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, FloatPoint());
// FIXME: add a test that checks flipped writing mode and ApplyContainerFlip are correct.
layoutObject()->mapLocalToContainer(properties.transformAncestor ? properties.transformAncestor->layoutObject() : 0, transformState, ApplyContainerFlip);
return LayoutPoint(transformState.lastPlanarPoint());
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::compositingContainer() const
if (!stackingNode()->isTreatedAsOrStackingContext())
return parent();
if (PaintLayerStackingNode* ancestorStackingNode = stackingNode()->ancestorStackingContextNode())
return ancestorStackingNode->layer();
return nullptr;
bool PaintLayer::isPaintInvalidationContainer() const
return compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking || compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking;
// Note: enclosingCompositingLayer does not include squashed layers. Compositing stacking children of squashed layers
// receive graphics layers that are parented to the compositing ancestor of the squashed layer.
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::enclosingLayerWithCompositedLayerMapping(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const
if ((includeSelf == IncludeSelf) && compositingState() != NotComposited && compositingState() != PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)
return const_cast<PaintLayer*>(this);
for (PaintLayer* curr = compositingContainer(); curr; curr = curr->compositingContainer()) {
if (curr->compositingState() != NotComposited && curr->compositingState() != PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)
return curr;
return nullptr;
// Return the enclosingCompositedLayerForPaintInvalidation for the given Layer
// including crossing frame boundaries.
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidationCrossingFrameBoundaries() const
const PaintLayer* layer = this;
PaintLayer* compositedLayer = 0;
while (!compositedLayer) {
compositedLayer = layer->enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidation();
if (!compositedLayer) {
LayoutObject* owner = layer->layoutObject()->frame()->ownerLayoutObject();
if (!owner)
layer = owner->enclosingLayer();
return compositedLayer;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidation() const
if (isPaintInvalidationContainer())
return const_cast<PaintLayer*>(this);
for (PaintLayer* curr = compositingContainer(); curr; curr = curr->compositingContainer()) {
if (curr->isPaintInvalidationContainer())
return curr;
return nullptr;
void PaintLayer::setNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate()
m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate = true;
m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate = true;
for (PaintLayer* current = this; current && !current->m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate; current = current->parent())
current->m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate = true;
void PaintLayer::updateAncestorDependentCompositingInputs(const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs& compositingInputs)
m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs = compositingInputs;
m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate = false;
void PaintLayer::updateDescendantDependentCompositingInputs(const DescendantDependentCompositingInputs& compositingInputs)
m_descendantDependentCompositingInputs = compositingInputs;
m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate = false;
void PaintLayer::didUpdateCompositingInputs()
m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate = false;
if (m_scrollableArea)
bool PaintLayer::hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode() const
if (descendantDependentCompositingInputs().hasNonIsolatedDescendantWithBlendMode)
return true;
if (layoutObject()->isSVGRoot())
return toLayoutSVGRoot(layoutObject())->hasNonIsolatedBlendingDescendants();
return false;
void PaintLayer::setCompositingReasons(CompositingReasons reasons, CompositingReasons mask)
if ((compositingReasons() & mask) == (reasons & mask))
m_compositingReasons = (reasons & mask) | (compositingReasons() & ~mask);
void PaintLayer::setHasCompositingDescendant(bool hasCompositingDescendant)
if (m_hasCompositingDescendant == static_cast<unsigned>(hasCompositingDescendant))
m_hasCompositingDescendant = hasCompositingDescendant;
if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
void PaintLayer::setShouldIsolateCompositedDescendants(bool shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants)
if (m_shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants == static_cast<unsigned>(shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants))
m_shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants = shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants;
if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
bool PaintLayer::hasAncestorWithFilterOutsets() const
for (const PaintLayer* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
LayoutBoxModelObject* layoutObject = curr->layoutObject();
if (layoutObject->style()->hasFilterOutsets())
return true;
return false;
static void expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(LayoutRect& clipRect, const PaintLayer* layer, const PaintLayer* rootLayer,
PaintLayer::TransparencyClipBoxBehavior transparencyBehavior, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags)
// If we have a mask, then the clip is limited to the border box area (and there is
// no need to examine child layers).
if (!layer->layoutObject()->hasMask()) {
// Note: we don't have to walk z-order lists since transparent elements always establish
// a stacking container. This means we can just walk the layer tree directly.
for (PaintLayer* curr = layer->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (!layer->reflectionInfo() || layer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() != curr)
clipRect.unite(PaintLayer::transparencyClipBox(curr, rootLayer, transparencyBehavior, PaintLayer::DescendantsOfTransparencyClipBox, subPixelAccumulation, globalPaintFlags));
// If we have a reflection, then we need to account for that when we push the clip. Reflect our entire
// current transparencyClipBox to catch all child layers.
// FIXME: Accelerated compositing will eventually want to do something smart here to avoid incorporating this
// size into the parent layer.
if (layer->layoutObject()->hasReflection()) {
LayoutPoint delta;
layer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, delta);
clipRect.move(-delta.x(), -delta.y());
LayoutRect PaintLayer::transparencyClipBox(const PaintLayer* layer, const PaintLayer* rootLayer, TransparencyClipBoxBehavior transparencyBehavior,
TransparencyClipBoxMode transparencyMode, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags)
// FIXME: Although this function completely ignores CSS-imposed clipping, we did already intersect with the
// paintDirtyRect, and that should cut down on the amount we have to paint. Still it
// would be better to respect clips.
if (rootLayer != layer && ((transparencyBehavior == PaintingTransparencyClipBox && layer->paintsWithTransform(globalPaintFlags))
|| (transparencyBehavior == HitTestingTransparencyClipBox && layer->hasTransformRelatedProperty()))) {
// The best we can do here is to use enclosed bounding boxes to establish a "fuzzy" enough clip to encompass
// the transformed layer and all of its children.
const PaintLayer* paginationLayer = transparencyMode == DescendantsOfTransparencyClipBox ? layer->enclosingPaginationLayer() : 0;
const PaintLayer* rootLayerForTransform = paginationLayer ? paginationLayer : rootLayer;
LayoutPoint delta;
layer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayerForTransform, delta);
IntPoint pixelSnappedDelta = roundedIntPoint(delta);
TransformationMatrix transform;
transform.translate(pixelSnappedDelta.x(), pixelSnappedDelta.y());
if (layer->transform())
transform = transform * *layer->transform();
// We don't use fragment boxes when collecting a transformed layer's bounding box, since it always
// paints unfragmented.
LayoutRect clipRect = layer->physicalBoundingBox(layer);
expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(clipRect, layer, layer, transparencyBehavior, subPixelAccumulation, globalPaintFlags);
LayoutRect result = transform.mapRect(clipRect);
if (!paginationLayer)
return result;
// We have to break up the transformed extent across our columns.
// Split our box up into the actual fragment boxes that layout in the columns/pages and unite those together to
// get our true bounding box.
LayoutFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = toLayoutFlowThread(paginationLayer->layoutObject());
result = enclosingFlowThread->fragmentsBoundingBox(result);
LayoutPoint rootLayerDelta;
paginationLayer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, rootLayerDelta);
return result;
LayoutRect clipRect = layer->fragmentsBoundingBox(rootLayer);
expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(clipRect, layer, rootLayer, transparencyBehavior, subPixelAccumulation, globalPaintFlags);
return clipRect;
LayoutRect PaintLayer::paintingExtent(const PaintLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags)
return transparencyClipBox(this, rootLayer, PaintingTransparencyClipBox, RootOfTransparencyClipBox, subPixelAccumulation, globalPaintFlags);
void* PaintLayer::operator new(size_t sz)
return partitionAlloc(WTF::Partitions::layoutPartition(), sz, WTF_HEAP_PROFILER_TYPE_NAME(PaintLayer));
void PaintLayer::operator delete(void* ptr)
void PaintLayer::addChild(PaintLayer* child, PaintLayer* beforeChild)
PaintLayer* prevSibling = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
if (prevSibling) {
ASSERT(prevSibling != child);
} else {
if (beforeChild) {
ASSERT(beforeChild != child);
} else {
child->m_parent = this;
if (!child->stackingNode()->isTreatedAsOrStackingContext() && !layoutObject()->documentBeingDestroyed())
if (child->stackingNode()->isTreatedAsOrStackingContext() || child->firstChild()) {
// Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. The ancestorStackingContextNode() can be null in the
// case where we're building up generated content layers. This is ok, since the lists will start
// off dirty in that case anyway.
// Non-self-painting children paint into this layer, so the visible contents status of this layer is affected.
if (!child->isSelfPaintingLayer())
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::removeChild(PaintLayer* oldChild)
if (oldChild->previousSibling())
if (oldChild->nextSibling())
if (m_first == oldChild)
m_first = oldChild->nextSibling();
if (m_last == oldChild)
m_last = oldChild->previousSibling();
if (!oldChild->stackingNode()->isTreatedAsOrStackingContext() && !layoutObject()->documentBeingDestroyed())
if (oldChild->stackingNode()->isTreatedAsOrStackingContext() || oldChild->firstChild()) {
// Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. When called via the
// reattachment process in removeOnlyThisLayer, the layer may already be disconnected
// from the main layer tree, so we need to null-check the
// |stackingContext| value.
if (layoutObject()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
oldChild->m_parent = 0;
if (oldChild->m_hasVisibleContent || oldChild->m_hasVisibleDescendant)
if (oldChild->enclosingPaginationLayer())
return oldChild;
void PaintLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer()
if (!m_parent)
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()) {
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler; // We need the current compositing status.
if (isPaintInvalidationContainer()) {
// Our children will be reparented and contained by a new paint invalidation container,
// so need paint invalidation. CompositingUpdate can't see this layer (which has been
// removed) so won't do this for us.
DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts disabler;
PaintLayer* nextSib = nextSibling();
// Remove the child reflection layer before moving other child layers.
// The reflection layer should not be moved to the parent.
if (m_reflectionInfo)
// Now walk our kids and reattach them to our parent.
PaintLayer* current = m_first;
while (current) {
PaintLayer* next = current->nextSibling();
m_parent->addChild(current, nextSib);
// FIXME: We should call a specialized version of this function.
current = next;
// Remove us from the parent.
void PaintLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer()
if (!m_parent && layoutObject()->parent()) {
// We need to connect ourselves when our layoutObject() has a parent.
// Find our enclosingLayer and add ourselves.
PaintLayer* parentLayer = layoutObject()->parent()->enclosingLayer();
PaintLayer* beforeChild = !parentLayer->reflectionInfo() || parentLayer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() != this ? layoutObject()->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, layoutObject()) : 0;
parentLayer->addChild(this, beforeChild);
// Remove all descendant layers from the hierarchy and add them to the new position.
for (LayoutObject* curr = layoutObject()->slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
curr->moveLayers(m_parent, this);
// Clear out all the clip rects.
// Returns the layer reached on the walk up towards the ancestor.
static inline const PaintLayer* accumulateOffsetTowardsAncestor(const PaintLayer* layer, const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint& location)
ASSERT(ancestorLayer != layer);
const LayoutBoxModelObject* layoutObject = layer->layoutObject();
EPosition position = layoutObject->style()->position();
if (position == FixedPosition && (!ancestorLayer || ancestorLayer == layoutObject->view()->layer())) {
// If the fixed layer's container is the root, just add in the offset of the view. We can obtain this by calling
// localToAbsolute() on the LayoutView.
FloatPoint absPos = layoutObject->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), IsFixed);
location += LayoutSize(absPos.x(), absPos.y());
return ancestorLayer;
PaintLayer* parentLayer;
if (position == AbsolutePosition || position == FixedPosition) {
bool foundAncestorFirst;
parentLayer = layer->enclosingPositionedAncestor(ancestorLayer, &foundAncestorFirst);
if (foundAncestorFirst) {
// Found ancestorLayer before the container of the out-of-flow object, so compute offset
// of both relative to the container and subtract.
LayoutPoint thisCoords;
layer->convertToLayerCoords(parentLayer, thisCoords);
LayoutPoint ancestorCoords;
ancestorLayer->convertToLayerCoords(parentLayer, ancestorCoords);
location += (thisCoords - ancestorCoords);
return ancestorLayer;
} else if (layoutObject->isColumnSpanAll()) {
LayoutBlock* multicolContainer = layoutObject->containingBlock();
parentLayer = multicolContainer->layer();
} else {
parentLayer = layer->parent();
if (!parentLayer)
return nullptr;
location += layer->location();
return parentLayer;
void PaintLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint& location) const
if (ancestorLayer == this)
const PaintLayer* currLayer = this;
while (currLayer && currLayer != ancestorLayer)
currLayer = accumulateOffsetTowardsAncestor(currLayer, ancestorLayer, location);
void PaintLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect& rect) const
LayoutPoint delta;
convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);
LayoutPoint PaintLayer::visualOffsetFromAncestor(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer) const
LayoutPoint offset;
if (ancestorLayer == this)
return offset;
PaintLayer* paginationLayer = enclosingPaginationLayer();
if (paginationLayer == this)
paginationLayer = parent()->enclosingPaginationLayer();
if (!paginationLayer) {
convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, offset);
return offset;
LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = toLayoutFlowThread(paginationLayer->layoutObject());
convertToLayerCoords(paginationLayer, offset);
offset = flowThread->flowThreadPointToVisualPoint(offset);
if (ancestorLayer == paginationLayer)
return offset;
if (ancestorLayer->enclosingPaginationLayer() != paginationLayer) {
} else {
// The ancestor layer is also inside the pagination layer, so we need to subtract the visual
// distance from the ancestor layer to the pagination layer.
return offset;
void PaintLayer::didUpdateNeedsCompositedScrolling()
void PaintLayer::updateReflectionInfo(const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
ASSERT(!oldStyle || !layoutObject()->style()->reflectionDataEquivalent(oldStyle));
if (layoutObject()->hasReflection()) {
if (!m_reflectionInfo)
m_reflectionInfo = adoptPtr(new PaintLayerReflectionInfo(*layoutBox()));
} else if (m_reflectionInfo) {
m_reflectionInfo = nullptr;
void PaintLayer::updateStackingNode()
if (requiresStackingNode())
m_stackingNode = adoptPtr(new PaintLayerStackingNode(this));
m_stackingNode = nullptr;
void PaintLayer::updateScrollableArea()
if (requiresScrollableArea())
m_scrollableArea = PaintLayerScrollableArea::create(*this);
bool PaintLayer::hasOverflowControls() const
return m_scrollableArea && (m_scrollableArea->hasScrollbar() || m_scrollableArea->scrollCorner() || layoutObject()->style()->resize() != RESIZE_NONE);
void PaintLayer::appendSingleFragmentIgnoringPagination(PaintLayerFragments& fragments, const PaintLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect, ClipRectsCacheSlot clipRectsCacheSlot, OverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, ShouldRespectOverflowClip respectOverflowClip, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation)
PaintLayerFragment fragment;
ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(rootLayer, clipRectsCacheSlot, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, subPixelAccumulation);
if (respectOverflowClip == IgnoreOverflowClip)
clipper().calculateRects(clipRectsContext, dirtyRect, fragment.layerBounds, fragment.backgroundRect, fragment.foregroundRect, offsetFromRoot);
void PaintLayer::collectFragments(PaintLayerFragments& fragments, const PaintLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect,
ClipRectsCacheSlot clipRectsCacheSlot, OverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, ShouldRespectOverflowClip respectOverflowClip, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot,
const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, const LayoutRect* layerBoundingBox)
if (!enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
// For unpaginated layers, there is only one fragment.
appendSingleFragmentIgnoringPagination(fragments, rootLayer, dirtyRect, clipRectsCacheSlot, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, respectOverflowClip, offsetFromRoot, subPixelAccumulation);
// Compute our offset within the enclosing pagination layer.
LayoutPoint offsetWithinPaginatedLayer;
convertToLayerCoords(enclosingPaginationLayer(), offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);
// Calculate clip rects relative to the enclosingPaginationLayer. The purpose of this call is to determine our bounds clipped to intermediate
// layers between us and the pagination context. It's important to minimize the number of fragments we need to create and this helps with that.
ClipRectsContext paginationClipRectsContext(enclosingPaginationLayer(), clipRectsCacheSlot, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy);
if (respectOverflowClip == IgnoreOverflowClip)
LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread;
ClipRect backgroundRectInFlowThread;
ClipRect foregroundRectInFlowThread;
clipper().calculateRects(paginationClipRectsContext, LayoutRect(LayoutRect::infiniteIntRect()), layerBoundsInFlowThread,
backgroundRectInFlowThread, foregroundRectInFlowThread, &offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);
// Take our bounding box within the flow thread and clip it.
LayoutRect layerBoundingBoxInFlowThread = layerBoundingBox ? *layerBoundingBox : physicalBoundingBox(offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);
// Make the dirty rect relative to the fragmentation context (multicol container, etc.).
LayoutFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = toLayoutFlowThread(enclosingPaginationLayer()->layoutObject());
LayoutPoint offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot; // Visual offset from the root layer to the nearest fragmentation context.
bool rootLayerIsInsidePaginationLayer = rootLayer->enclosingPaginationLayer() == enclosingPaginationLayer();
if (rootLayerIsInsidePaginationLayer) {
// The root layer is in the same fragmentation context as this layer, so we need to look
// inside it and subtract the offset between the fragmentation context and the root layer.
offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot = -rootLayer->visualOffsetFromAncestor(enclosingPaginationLayer());
} else {
offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot = enclosingPaginationLayer()->visualOffsetFromAncestor(rootLayer);
LayoutRect dirtyRectInFlowThread(dirtyRect);
// Tell the flow thread to collect the fragments. We pass enough information to create a minimal number of fragments based off the pages/columns
// that intersect the actual dirtyRect as well as the pages/columns that intersect our layer's bounding box.
enclosingFlowThread->collectLayerFragments(fragments, layerBoundingBoxInFlowThread, dirtyRectInFlowThread);
if (fragments.isEmpty())
// Get the parent clip rects of the pagination layer, since we need to intersect with that when painting column contents.
ClipRect ancestorClipRect = dirtyRect;
if (const PaintLayer* paginationParentLayer = enclosingPaginationLayer()->parent()) {
const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer = rootLayerIsInsidePaginationLayer ? paginationParentLayer : rootLayer;
ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(ancestorLayer, clipRectsCacheSlot, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy);
if (respectOverflowClip == IgnoreOverflowClip)
ancestorClipRect = enclosingPaginationLayer()->clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext);
if (rootLayerIsInsidePaginationLayer)
const LayoutSize subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded = offsetFromRoot ? subPixelAccumulation : LayoutSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
PaintLayerFragment& fragment =;
// Set our four rects with all clipping applied that was internal to the flow thread.
fragment.setRects(layerBoundsInFlowThread, backgroundRectInFlowThread, foregroundRectInFlowThread);
// Shift to the root-relative physical position used when painting the flow thread in this fragment.
fragment.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset + offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded);
// Intersect the fragment with our ancestor's background clip so that e.g., columns in an overflow:hidden block are
// properly clipped by the overflow.
// Now intersect with our pagination clip. This will typically mean we're just intersecting the dirty rect with the column
// clip, so the column clip ends up being all we apply.
static inline LayoutRect frameVisibleRect(LayoutObject* layoutObject)
FrameView* frameView = layoutObject->document().view();
if (!frameView)
return LayoutRect();
return LayoutRect(frameView->visibleContentRect());
bool PaintLayer::hitTest(HitTestResult& result)
ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());
// LayoutView should make sure to update layout before entering hit testing
const HitTestRequest& request = result.hitTestRequest();
const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation = result.hitTestLocation();
// Start with frameVisibleRect to ensure we include the scrollbars.
LayoutRect hitTestArea = frameVisibleRect(layoutObject());
if (request.ignoreClipping())
PaintLayer* insideLayer = hitTestLayer(this, 0, result, hitTestArea, hitTestLocation, false);
if (!insideLayer && isRootLayer()) {
IntRect hitRect = hitTestLocation.boundingBox();
bool fallback = false;
// If we didn't hit any layers but are still inside the document
// bounds, then we should fallback to hitting the document.
// For rect-based hit test, we do the fallback only when the hit-rect
// is totally within the document bounds.
if (hitTestArea.contains(LayoutRect(hitRect))) {
fallback = true;
// Mouse dragging outside the main document should also be
// delivered to the document.
// TODO(miletus): Capture behavior inconsistent with iframes
// TODO(majidvp): This should apply more consistently across different event types and we
// should not use RequestType for it. Perhaps best for it to be done at a higher level. See
} else if (( || request.release()) && !request.isChildFrameHitTest()) {
fallback = true;
if (fallback) {
layoutObject()->updateHitTestResult(result, toLayoutView(layoutObject())->flipForWritingMode(hitTestLocation.point()));
insideLayer = this;
// Don't cache this result since it really wasn't a true hit.
// Now determine if the result is inside an anchor - if the urlElement isn't already set.
Node* node = result.innerNode();
if (node && !result.URLElement())
// Now return whether we were inside this layer (this will always be true for the root
// layer).
return insideLayer;
Node* PaintLayer::enclosingNode() const
for (LayoutObject* r = layoutObject(); r; r = r->parent()) {
if (Node* e = r->node())
return e;
return 0;
bool PaintLayer::isInTopLayer() const
Node* node = layoutObject()->node();
return node && node->isElementNode() && toElement(node)->isInTopLayer();
// Compute the z-offset of the point in the transformState.
// This is effectively projecting a ray normal to the plane of ancestor, finding where that
// ray intersects target, and computing the z delta between those two points.
static double computeZOffset(const HitTestingTransformState& transformState)
// We got an affine transform, so no z-offset
if (transformState.m_accumulatedTransform.isAffine())
return 0;
// Flatten the point into the target plane
FloatPoint targetPoint = transformState.mappedPoint();
// Now map the point back through the transform, which computes Z.
FloatPoint3D backmappedPoint = transformState.m_accumulatedTransform.mapPoint(FloatPoint3D(targetPoint));
return backmappedPoint.z();
PassRefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> PaintLayer::createLocalTransformState(PaintLayer* rootLayer, PaintLayer* containerLayer,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
const HitTestingTransformState* containerTransformState,
const LayoutPoint& translationOffset) const
RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> transformState;
LayoutPoint offset;
if (containerTransformState) {
// If we're already computing transform state, then it's relative to the container (which we know is non-null).
transformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(*containerTransformState);
convertToLayerCoords(containerLayer, offset);
} else {
// If this is the first time we need to make transform state, then base it off of hitTestLocation,
// which is relative to rootLayer.
transformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(hitTestLocation.transformedPoint(), hitTestLocation.transformedRect(), FloatQuad(FloatRect(hitTestRect)));
convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offset);
LayoutObject* containerLayoutObject = containerLayer ? containerLayer->layoutObject() : 0;
if (layoutObject()->shouldUseTransformFromContainer(containerLayoutObject)) {
TransformationMatrix containerTransform;
layoutObject()->getTransformFromContainer(containerLayoutObject, toLayoutSize(offset), containerTransform);
transformState->applyTransform(containerTransform, HitTestingTransformState::AccumulateTransform);
} else {
transformState->translate(offset.x(), offset.y(), HitTestingTransformState::AccumulateTransform);
return transformState;
static bool isHitCandidate(const PaintLayer* hitLayer, bool canDepthSort, double* zOffset, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState)
if (!hitLayer)
return false;
// The hit layer is depth-sorting with other layers, so just say that it was hit.
if (canDepthSort)
return true;
// We need to look at z-depth to decide if this layer was hit.
if (zOffset) {
// This is actually computing our z, but that's OK because the hitLayer is coplanar with us.
double childZOffset = computeZOffset(*transformState);
if (childZOffset > *zOffset) {
*zOffset = childZOffset;
return true;
return false;
return true;
// hitTestLocation and hitTestRect are relative to rootLayer.
// A 'flattening' layer is one preserves3D() == false.
// transformState.m_accumulatedTransform holds the transform from the containing flattening layer.
// transformState.m_lastPlanarPoint is the hitTestLocation in the plane of the containing flattening layer.
// transformState.m_lastPlanarQuad is the hitTestRect as a quad in the plane of the containing flattening layer.
// If zOffset is non-null (which indicates that the caller wants z offset information),
// *zOffset on return is the z offset of the hit point relative to the containing flattening layer.
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::hitTestLayer(PaintLayer* rootLayer, PaintLayer* containerLayer, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, bool appliedTransform,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset)
ASSERT(layoutObject()->document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::CompositingClean);
if (!isSelfPaintingLayer() && !hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
return 0;
ClipRectsCacheSlot clipRectsCacheSlot = result.hitTestRequest().ignoreClipping() ? RootRelativeClipRectsIgnoringViewportClip : RootRelativeClipRects;
// Apply a transform if we have one.
if (transform() && !appliedTransform) {
if (enclosingPaginationLayer())
return hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments(rootLayer, containerLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffset, clipRectsCacheSlot);
// Make sure the parent's clip rects have been calculated.
if (parent()) {
ClipRect clipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(ClipRectsContext(rootLayer, clipRectsCacheSlot, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize));
// Go ahead and test the enclosing clip now.
if (!clipRect.intersects(hitTestLocation))
return 0;
return hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(rootLayer, containerLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffset);
// Ensure our lists and 3d status are up-to-date.
// The natural thing would be to keep HitTestingTransformState on the stack, but it's big, so we heap-allocate.
RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> localTransformState;
if (appliedTransform) {
// We computed the correct state in the caller (above code), so just reference it.
localTransformState = const_cast<HitTestingTransformState*>(transformState);
} else if (transformState || m_has3DTransformedDescendant || preserves3D()) {
// We need transform state for the first time, or to offset the container state, so create it here.
localTransformState = createLocalTransformState(rootLayer, containerLayer, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState);
// Check for hit test on backface if backface-visibility is 'hidden'
if (localTransformState && layoutObject()->style()->backfaceVisibility() == BackfaceVisibilityHidden) {
TransformationMatrix invertedMatrix = localTransformState->m_accumulatedTransform.inverse();
// If the z-vector of the matrix is negative, the back is facing towards the viewer.
if (invertedMatrix.m33() < 0)
return 0;
RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> unflattenedTransformState = localTransformState;
if (localTransformState && !preserves3D()) {
// Keep a copy of the pre-flattening state, for computing z-offsets for the container
unflattenedTransformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(*localTransformState);
// This layer is flattening, so flatten the state passed to descendants.
// The following are used for keeping track of the z-depth of the hit point of 3d-transformed
// descendants.
double localZOffset = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double* zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = 0;
double* zOffsetForContentsPtr = 0;
bool depthSortDescendants = false;
if (preserves3D()) {
depthSortDescendants = true;
// Our layers can depth-test with our container, so share the z depth pointer with the container, if it passed one down.
zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
zOffsetForContentsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
} else if (zOffset) {
zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = 0;
// Container needs us to give back a z offset for the hit layer.
zOffsetForContentsPtr = zOffset;
// This variable tracks which layer the mouse ends up being inside.
PaintLayer* candidateLayer = 0;
// Begin by walking our list of positive layers from highest z-index down to the lowest z-index.
PaintLayer* hitLayer = hitTestChildren(PositiveZOrderChildren, rootLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
if (hitLayer) {
if (!depthSortDescendants)
return hitLayer;
candidateLayer = hitLayer;
// Now check our overflow objects.
hitLayer = hitTestChildren(NormalFlowChildren, rootLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
if (hitLayer) {
if (!depthSortDescendants)
return hitLayer;
candidateLayer = hitLayer;
// Collect the fragments. This will compute the clip rectangles for each layer fragment.
PaintLayerFragments layerFragments;
if (appliedTransform)
appendSingleFragmentIgnoringPagination(layerFragments, rootLayer, hitTestRect, clipRectsCacheSlot, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);
collectFragments(layerFragments, rootLayer, hitTestRect, clipRectsCacheSlot, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);
if (m_scrollableArea && m_scrollableArea->hitTestResizerInFragments(layerFragments, hitTestLocation)) {
layoutObject()->updateHitTestResult(result, hitTestLocation.point());
return this;
// Next we want to see if the mouse pos is inside the child LayoutObjects of the layer. Check
// every fragment in reverse order.
if (isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
// Hit test with a temporary HitTestResult, because we only want to commit to 'result' if we know we're frontmost.
HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestRequest(), result.hitTestLocation());
bool insideFragmentForegroundRect = false;
if (hitTestContentsForFragments(layerFragments, tempResult, hitTestLocation, HitTestDescendants, insideFragmentForegroundRect)
&& isHitCandidate(this, false, zOffsetForContentsPtr, unflattenedTransformState.get())) {
if (result.hitTestRequest().listBased())
result = tempResult;
if (!depthSortDescendants)
return this;
// Foreground can depth-sort with descendant layers, so keep this as a candidate.
candidateLayer = this;
} else if (insideFragmentForegroundRect && result.hitTestRequest().listBased()) {
// Now check our negative z-index children.
hitLayer = hitTestChildren(NegativeZOrderChildren, rootLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
if (hitLayer) {
if (!depthSortDescendants)
return hitLayer;
candidateLayer = hitLayer;
// If we found a layer, return. Child layers, and foreground always render in front of background.
if (candidateLayer)
return candidateLayer;
if (isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestRequest(), result.hitTestLocation());
bool insideFragmentBackgroundRect = false;
if (hitTestContentsForFragments(layerFragments, tempResult, hitTestLocation, HitTestSelf, insideFragmentBackgroundRect)
&& isHitCandidate(this, false, zOffsetForContentsPtr, unflattenedTransformState.get())) {
if (result.isRectBasedTest())
result = tempResult;
return this;
if (insideFragmentBackgroundRect && result.hitTestRequest().listBased())
return 0;
bool PaintLayer::hitTestContentsForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments& layerFragments, HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter, bool& insideClipRect) const
if (layerFragments.isEmpty())
return false;
for (int i = layerFragments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const PaintLayerFragment& fragment =;
if ((hitTestFilter == HitTestSelf && !fragment.backgroundRect.intersects(hitTestLocation))
|| (hitTestFilter == HitTestDescendants && !fragment.foregroundRect.intersects(hitTestLocation)))
insideClipRect = true;
if (hitTestContents(result, fragment.layerBounds, hitTestLocation, hitTestFilter))
return true;
return false;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments(PaintLayer* rootLayer, PaintLayer* containerLayer, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset, ClipRectsCacheSlot clipRectsCacheSlot)
PaintLayerFragments enclosingPaginationFragments;
LayoutPoint offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot;
// FIXME: We're missing a sub-pixel offset here
LayoutRect transformedExtent = transparencyClipBox(this, enclosingPaginationLayer(), HitTestingTransparencyClipBox, PaintLayer::RootOfTransparencyClipBox, LayoutSize());
enclosingPaginationLayer()->collectFragments(enclosingPaginationFragments, rootLayer, hitTestRect,
clipRectsCacheSlot, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize, RespectOverflowClip, &offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot, LayoutSize(), &transformedExtent);
for (int i = enclosingPaginationFragments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const PaintLayerFragment& fragment =;
// Apply the page/column clip for this fragment, as well as any clips established by layers in between us and
// the enclosing pagination layer.
LayoutRect clipRect = fragment.backgroundRect.rect();
// Now compute the clips within a given fragment
if (parent() != enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
enclosingPaginationLayer()->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);
LayoutRect parentClipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(ClipRectsContext(enclosingPaginationLayer(), clipRectsCacheSlot, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize)).rect();
parentClipRect.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset + offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);
if (!hitTestLocation.intersects(clipRect))
PaintLayer* hitLayer = hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(rootLayer, containerLayer, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
transformState, zOffset, fragment.paginationOffset);
if (hitLayer)
return hitLayer;
return 0;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(PaintLayer* rootLayer, PaintLayer* containerLayer, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset,
const LayoutPoint& translationOffset)
// Create a transform state to accumulate this transform.
RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> newTransformState = createLocalTransformState(rootLayer, containerLayer, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, translationOffset);
// If the transform can't be inverted, then don't hit test this layer at all.
if (!newTransformState->m_accumulatedTransform.isInvertible())
return 0;
// Compute the point and the hit test rect in the coords of this layer by using the values
// from the transformState, which store the point and quad in the coords of the last flattened
// layer, and the accumulated transform which lets up map through preserve-3d layers.
// We can't just map hitTestLocation and hitTestRect because they may have been flattened (losing z)
// by our container.
FloatPoint localPoint = newTransformState->mappedPoint();
FloatQuad localPointQuad = newTransformState->mappedQuad();
LayoutRect localHitTestRect = newTransformState->boundsOfMappedArea();
HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation;
if (hitTestLocation.isRectBasedTest())
newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint, localPointQuad);
newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint);
// Now do a hit test with the root layer shifted to be us.
return hitTestLayer(this, containerLayer, result, localHitTestRect, newHitTestLocation, true, newTransformState.get(), zOffset);
bool PaintLayer::hitTestContents(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter) const
ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());
if (!layoutObject()->hitTest(result, hitTestLocation, toLayoutPoint(layerBounds.location() - layoutBoxLocation()), hitTestFilter)) {
// It's wrong to set innerNode, but then claim that you didn't hit anything, unless it is
// a rect-based test.
ASSERT(!result.innerNode() || (result.hitTestRequest().listBased() && result.listBasedTestResult().size()));
return false;
if (!result.innerNode()) {
// We hit something anonymous, and we didn't find a DOM node ancestor in this layer.
if (layoutObject()->isLayoutFlowThread()) {
// For a flow thread it's safe to just say that we didn't hit anything. That means that
// we'll continue as normally, and eventually hit a column set sibling instead. Column
// sets are also anonymous, but, unlike flow threads, they don't establish layers, so
// we'll fall back and hit the multicol container parent (which should have a DOM node).
return false;
Node* e = enclosingNode();
// FIXME: should be a call to result.setNodeAndPosition. What we would really want to do here is to
// return and look for the nearest non-anonymous ancestor, and ignore aunts and uncles on
// our way. It's bad to look for it manually like we do here, and give up on setting a local
// point in the result, because that has bad implications for text selection and
// caretRangeFromPoint(). See
if (!result.innerNode())
return true;
PaintLayer* PaintLayer::hitTestChildren(ChildrenIteration childrentoVisit, PaintLayer* rootLayer,
HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState,
double* zOffsetForDescendants, double* zOffset,
const HitTestingTransformState* unflattenedTransformState,
bool depthSortDescendants)
if (!hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
return 0;
PaintLayer* resultLayer = 0;
PaintLayerStackingNodeReverseIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode, childrentoVisit);
while (PaintLayerStackingNode* child = {
PaintLayer* childLayer = child->layer();
PaintLayer* hitLayer = 0;
HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestRequest(), result.hitTestLocation());
hitLayer = childLayer->hitTestLayer(rootLayer, this, tempResult, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, false, transformState, zOffsetForDescendants);
// If it is a list-based test, we can safely append the temporary result since it might had hit
// nodes but not necesserily had hitLayer set.
ASSERT(!result.isRectBasedTest() || result.hitTestRequest().listBased());
if (result.hitTestRequest().listBased())
if (isHitCandidate(hitLayer, depthSortDescendants, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState)) {
resultLayer = hitLayer;
if (!result.hitTestRequest().listBased())
result = tempResult;
if (!depthSortDescendants)
return resultLayer;
void PaintLayer::blockSelectionGapsBoundsChanged()
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled())
void PaintLayer::addBlockSelectionGapsBounds(const LayoutRect& bounds)
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled())
void PaintLayer::clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds()
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled())
m_blockSelectionGapsBounds = IntRect();
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
void PaintLayer::invalidatePaintForBlockSelectionGaps()
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled())
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
// FIXME: We should not allow paint invalidation out of paint invalidation state.
DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts disabler;
if (m_blockSelectionGapsBounds.isEmpty())
LayoutRect rect(m_blockSelectionGapsBounds);
if (layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip()) {
LayoutBox* box = layoutBox();
if (!scrollableArea()->usesCompositedScrolling())
if (layoutObject()->hasClip())
if (!rect.isEmpty()) {
// FIXME: We should not allow paint invalidation out of paint invalidation state.
DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts disabler;
IntRect PaintLayer::blockSelectionGapsBounds() const
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled())
return IntRect();
if (!layoutObject()->isLayoutBlockFlow())
return IntRect();
LayoutBlockFlow* layoutBlockFlow = toLayoutBlockFlow(layoutObject());
LayoutRect gapRects = layoutBlockFlow->selectionGapRectsForPaintInvalidation(layoutBlockFlow);
return pixelSnappedIntRect(gapRects);
bool PaintLayer::hasBlockSelectionGapBounds() const
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled())
return false;
// FIXME: it would be more accurate to return !blockSelectionGapsBounds().isEmpty(), but this is impossible
// at the moment because it causes invalid queries to layout-dependent code (
// ASSERT(layoutObject()->document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::LayoutClean);
if (!layoutObject()->isLayoutBlock())
return false;
return toLayoutBlock(layoutObject())->shouldPaintSelectionGaps();
bool PaintLayer::intersectsDamageRect(const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const LayoutRect& damageRect, const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot) const
// Always examine the canvas and the root.
// FIXME: Could eliminate the isDocumentElement() check if we fix background painting so that the LayoutView
// paints the root's background.
if (isRootLayer() || layoutObject()->isDocumentElement())
return true;
// If we aren't an inline flow, and our layer bounds do intersect the damage rect, then we
// can go ahead and return true.
LayoutView* view = layoutObject()->view();
if (view && !layoutObject()->isLayoutInline()) {
if (layerBounds.intersects(damageRect))
return true;
// Otherwise we need to compute the bounding box of this single layer and see if it intersects
// the damage rect.
return physicalBoundingBox(offsetFromRoot).intersects(damageRect);
LayoutRect PaintLayer::logicalBoundingBox() const
return layoutObject()->visualOverflowRect();
static inline LayoutRect flippedLogicalBoundingBox(LayoutRect boundingBox, LayoutObject* layoutObjects)
LayoutRect result = boundingBox;
if (layoutObjects->isBox())
return result;
LayoutRect PaintLayer::physicalBoundingBox(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer) const
LayoutPoint offsetFromRoot;
convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, offsetFromRoot);
return physicalBoundingBox(offsetFromRoot);
LayoutRect PaintLayer::physicalBoundingBox(const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot) const
LayoutRect result = flippedLogicalBoundingBox(logicalBoundingBox(), layoutObject());
return result;
LayoutRect PaintLayer::fragmentsBoundingBox(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer) const
if (!enclosingPaginationLayer())
return physicalBoundingBox(ancestorLayer);
LayoutRect result = flippedLogicalBoundingBox(logicalBoundingBox(), layoutObject());
convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(this, ancestorLayer, result);
return result;
LayoutRect PaintLayer::boundingBoxForCompositingOverlapTest() const
// Apply NeverIncludeTransformForAncestorLayer, because the geometry map in CompositingInputsUpdater will take care of applying the
// transform of |this| (== the ancestorLayer argument to boundingBoxForCompositing).
return overlapBoundsIncludeChildren() ? boundingBoxForCompositing(this, NeverIncludeTransformForAncestorLayer) : fragmentsBoundingBox(this);
static void expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect& result)
if (ancestorLayer->reflectionInfo() && !ancestorLayer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer()->hasCompositedLayerMapping())
ASSERT(ancestorLayer->stackingNode()->isStackingContext() || !ancestorLayer->stackingNode()->hasPositiveZOrderList());
LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(const_cast<PaintLayer*>(ancestorLayer)->stackingNode());
PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*ancestorLayer->stackingNode(), AllChildren);
while (PaintLayerStackingNode* node = {
// Here we exclude both directly composited layers and squashing layers
// because those Layers don't paint into the graphics layer
// for this Layer. For example, the bounds of squashed Layers
// will be included in the computation of the appropriate squashing
// GraphicsLayer.
if (node->layer()->compositingState() != NotComposited)
LayoutRect PaintLayer::physicalBoundingBoxIncludingReflectionAndStackingChildren(const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot) const
LayoutRect result = physicalBoundingBox(LayoutPoint());
expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(this, result);
return result;
LayoutRect PaintLayer::boundingBoxForCompositing(const PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, CalculateBoundsOptions options) const
if (!isSelfPaintingLayer())
return LayoutRect();
if (!ancestorLayer)
ancestorLayer = this;
// FIXME: This could be improved to do a check like hasVisibleNonCompositingDescendantLayers() (bug 92580).
if (this != ancestorLayer && !hasVisibleContent() && !hasVisibleDescendant())
return LayoutRect();
// The root layer is always just the size of the document.
if (isRootLayer())
return LayoutRect(m_layoutObject->view()->documentRect());
// The layer created for the LayoutFlowThread is just a helper for painting and hit-testing,
// and should not contribute to the bounding box. The LayoutMultiColumnSets will contribute
// the correct size for the layout content of the multicol container.
if (layoutObject()->isLayoutFlowThread())
return LayoutRect();
// If there is a clip applied by an ancestor to this PaintLayer but below or equal to |ancestorLayer|,
// use that clip as the bounds rather than the recursive bounding boxes, since the latter may be larger than the
// actual size. See for examples.
LayoutRect result = clipper().localClipRect(ancestorLayer);
// TODO(chrishtr): avoid converting to IntRect and back.
if (result == LayoutRect(LayoutRect::infiniteIntRect())) {
result = physicalBoundingBox(LayoutPoint());
// Reflections are implemented with Layers that hang off of the reflected layer. However,
// the reflection layer subtree does not include the subtree of the parent Layer, so
// a recursive computation of stacking children yields no results. This breaks cases when there are stacking
// children of the parent, that need to be included in reflected composited bounds.
// Fix this by including composited bounds of stacking children of the reflected Layer.
if (hasCompositedLayerMapping() && parent() && parent()->reflectionInfo() && parent()->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() == this)
expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(parent(), result);
expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(this, result);
// FIXME: We can optimize the size of the composited layers, by not enlarging
// filtered areas with the outsets if we know that the filter is going to render in hardware.
if (transform() && paintsWithTransform(GlobalPaintNormalPhase) && (this != ancestorLayer || options == MaybeIncludeTransformForAncestorLayer))
result = transform()->mapRect(result);
if (enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(this, ancestorLayer, result);
return result;
LayoutPoint delta;
convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);
return result;
CompositingState PaintLayer::compositingState() const
// This is computed procedurally so there is no redundant state variable that
// can get out of sync from the real actual compositing state.
if (m_groupedMapping) {
return PaintsIntoGroupedBacking;
if (!m_compositedLayerMapping)
return NotComposited;
return PaintsIntoOwnBacking;
bool PaintLayer::isAllowedToQueryCompositingState() const
if (gCompositingQueryMode == CompositingQueriesAreAllowed || RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled())
return true;
return layoutObject()->document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate;
CompositedLayerMapping* PaintLayer::compositedLayerMapping() const
return m_compositedLayerMapping.get();
GraphicsLayer* PaintLayer::graphicsLayerBacking() const
switch (compositingState()) {
case NotComposited:
return 0;
case PaintsIntoGroupedBacking:
return groupedMapping()->squashingLayer();
return compositedLayerMapping()->mainGraphicsLayer();
GraphicsLayer* PaintLayer::graphicsLayerBackingForScrolling() const
switch (compositingState()) {
case NotComposited:
return 0;
case PaintsIntoGroupedBacking:
return groupedMapping()->squashingLayer();
return compositedLayerMapping()->scrollingContentsLayer() ? compositedLayerMapping()->scrollingContentsLayer() : compositedLayerMapping()->mainGraphicsLayer();
void PaintLayer::ensureCompositedLayerMapping()
if (m_compositedLayerMapping)
m_compositedLayerMapping = adoptPtr(new CompositedLayerMapping(*this));
void PaintLayer::clearCompositedLayerMapping(bool layerBeingDestroyed)
if (!layerBeingDestroyed) {
// We need to make sure our decendants get a geometry update. In principle,
// we could call setNeedsGraphicsLayerUpdate on our children, but that would
// require walking the z-order lists to find them. Instead, we over-invalidate
// by marking our parent as needing a geometry update.
if (PaintLayer* compositingParent = enclosingLayerWithCompositedLayerMapping(ExcludeSelf))
if (!layerBeingDestroyed)
void PaintLayer::setGroupedMapping(CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping, SetGroupMappingOptions options)
if (groupedMapping == m_groupedMapping)
if (options == InvalidateLayerAndRemoveFromMapping && m_groupedMapping) {
m_groupedMapping = groupedMapping;
ASSERT(!m_groupedMapping || m_groupedMapping->verifyLayerInSquashingVector(this));
if (options == InvalidateLayerAndRemoveFromMapping && m_groupedMapping)
bool PaintLayer::hasCompositedMask() const
return m_compositedLayerMapping && m_compositedLayerMapping->hasMaskLayer();
bool PaintLayer::hasCompositedClippingMask() const
return m_compositedLayerMapping && m_compositedLayerMapping->hasChildClippingMaskLayer();
bool PaintLayer::paintsWithTransform(GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags) const
return (transform() || layoutObject()->style()->position() == FixedPosition) && ((globalPaintFlags & GlobalPaintFlattenCompositingLayers) || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking);
bool PaintLayer::backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect& localRect) const
if (!isSelfPaintingLayer() && !hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
return false;
if (paintsWithTransparency(GlobalPaintNormalPhase))
return false;
// We can't use hasVisibleContent(), because that will be true if our layoutObject is hidden, but some child
// is visible and that child doesn't cover the entire rect.
if (layoutObject()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
return false;
if (paintsWithFilters() && layoutObject()->style()->filter().hasFilterThatAffectsOpacity())
return false;
// FIXME: Handle simple transforms.
if (paintsWithTransform(GlobalPaintNormalPhase))
return false;
// FIXME: Remove this check.
// This function should not be called when layer-lists are dirty.
// It is somehow getting triggered during style update.
if (m_stackingNode->zOrderListsDirty())
return false;
// FIXME: We currently only check the immediate layoutObject,
// which will miss many cases.
if (layoutObject()->backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(localRect))
return true;
// We can't consult child layers if we clip, since they might cover
// parts of the rect that are clipped out.
if (layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip())
return false;
return childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(localRect);
bool PaintLayer::childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect& localRect) const
PaintLayerStackingNodeReverseIterator revertseIterator(*m_stackingNode, PositiveZOrderChildren | NormalFlowChildren | NegativeZOrderChildren);
while (PaintLayerStackingNode* child = {
const PaintLayer* childLayer = child->layer();
// Stop at composited paint boundaries.
if (childLayer->isPaintInvalidationContainer())
if (!childLayer->canUseConvertToLayerCoords())
LayoutPoint childOffset;
LayoutRect childLocalRect(localRect);
childLayer->convertToLayerCoords(this, childOffset);
if (childLayer->backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(childLocalRect))
return true;
return false;
bool PaintLayer::shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const
if (layoutObject()->isLayoutPart() && toLayoutPart(layoutObject())->requiresAcceleratedCompositing())
return true;
return m_layerType == NormalPaintLayer
|| (m_scrollableArea && m_scrollableArea->hasOverlayScrollbars())
|| needsCompositedScrolling();
void PaintLayer::updateSelfPaintingLayer()
bool isSelfPaintingLayer = shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();
if (this->isSelfPaintingLayer() == isSelfPaintingLayer)
m_isSelfPaintingLayer = isSelfPaintingLayer;
if (parent())
bool PaintLayer::hasNonEmptyChildLayoutObjects() const
// Some HTML can cause whitespace text nodes to have layoutObjects, like:
// <div>
// <img src=...>
// </div>
// so test for 0x0 LayoutTexts here
for (LayoutObject* child = layoutObject()->slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (!child->hasLayer()) {
if (child->isLayoutInline() || !child->isBox())
return true;
if (toLayoutBox(child)->size().width() > 0 || toLayoutBox(child)->size().height() > 0)
return true;
return false;
bool PaintLayer::hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() const
return layoutObject()->style()->hasBoxDecorations() || layoutObject()->style()->hasBackground();
bool PaintLayer::hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const
if (!hasVisibleContent())
return false;
return hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() || hasOverflowControls();
void PaintLayer::updateFilters(const ComputedStyle* oldStyle, const ComputedStyle& newStyle)
if (!newStyle.hasFilter() && (!oldStyle || !oldStyle->hasFilter()))
bool PaintLayer::attemptDirectCompositingUpdate(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
CompositingReasons oldPotentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle = m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle;
// This function implements an optimization for transforms and opacity.
// A common pattern is for a touchmove handler to update the transform
// and/or an opacity of an element every frame while the user moves their
// finger across the screen. The conditions below recognize when the
// compositing state is set up to receive a direct transform or opacity
// update.
if (!diff.hasAtMostPropertySpecificDifferences(StyleDifference::TransformChanged | StyleDifference::OpacityChanged))
return false;
// The potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle could have changed without
// a corresponding StyleDifference if an animation started or ended.
if (m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle != oldPotentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle)
return false;
// We could add support for reflections if we updated the transform on
// the reflection layers.
if (layoutObject()->hasReflection())
return false;
// If we're unwinding a scheduleSVGFilterLayerUpdateHack(), then we can't
// perform a direct compositing update because the filters code is going
// to produce different output this time around. We can remove this code
// once we fix the chicken/egg bugs in the filters code and delete the
// scheduleSVGFilterLayerUpdateHack().
if (layoutObject()->node() && layoutObject()->node()->svgFilterNeedsLayerUpdate())
return false;
if (!m_compositedLayerMapping)
return false;
// To cut off almost all the work in the compositing update for
// this case, we treat inline transforms has having assumed overlap
// (similar to how we treat animated transforms). Notice that we read
// CompositingReasonInlineTransform from the m_compositingReasons, which
// means that the inline transform actually triggered assumed overlap in
// the overlap map.
if (diff.transformChanged() && !(m_compositingReasons & CompositingReasonInlineTransform))
return false;
// We composite transparent Layers differently from non-transparent
// Layers even when the non-transparent Layers are already a
// stacking context.
if (diff.opacityChanged() && m_layoutObject->style()->hasOpacity() != oldStyle->hasOpacity())
return false;
// Changes in pointer-events affect hit test visibility of the scrollable
// area and its |m_scrollsOverflow| value which determines if the layer
// requires composited scrolling or not.
if (m_scrollableArea && m_layoutObject->style()->pointerEvents() != oldStyle->pointerEvents())
return false;
updateTransform(oldStyle, layoutObject()->styleRef());
// FIXME: Consider introducing a smaller graphics layer update scope
// that just handles transforms and opacity. GraphicsLayerUpdateLocal
// will also program bounds, clips, and many other properties that could
// not possibly have changed.
if (m_scrollableArea)
return true;
void PaintLayer::styleChanged(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
if (attemptDirectCompositingUpdate(diff, oldStyle))
if (m_scrollableArea)
// Overlay scrollbars can make this layer self-painting so we need
// to recompute the bit once scrollbars have been updated.
if (!oldStyle || !layoutObject()->style()->reflectionDataEquivalent(oldStyle)) {
ASSERT(!oldStyle || diff.needsFullLayout());
updateTransform(oldStyle, layoutObject()->styleRef());
updateFilters(oldStyle, layoutObject()->styleRef());
bool PaintLayer::scrollsOverflow() const
if (PaintLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = this->scrollableArea())
return scrollableArea->scrollsOverflow();
return false;
namespace {
FilterOperations computeFilterOperationsHandleReferenceFilters(const FilterOperations& filters, float effectiveZoom, Node* enclosingNode)
if (filters.hasReferenceFilter()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < filters.size(); ++i) {
FilterOperation* filterOperation = filters.operations().at(i).get();
if (filterOperation->type() != FilterOperation::REFERENCE)
ReferenceFilterOperation& referenceOperation = toReferenceFilterOperation(*filterOperation);
// FIXME: Cache the Filter if it didn't change.
RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Filter> referenceFilter = ReferenceFilterBuilder::build(effectiveZoom, toElement(enclosingNode), nullptr, referenceOperation);
return filters;
} // unnamed namespace
FilterOperations PaintLayer::computeFilterOperations(const ComputedStyle& style) const
return computeFilterOperationsHandleReferenceFilters(style.filter(), style.effectiveZoom(), enclosingNode());
FilterOperations PaintLayer::computeBackdropFilterOperations(const ComputedStyle& style) const
return computeFilterOperationsHandleReferenceFilters(style.backdropFilter(), style.effectiveZoom(), enclosingNode());
void PaintLayer::updateOrRemoveFilterClients()
if (!hasFilter()) {
if (layoutObject()->style()->filter().hasReferenceFilter())
else if (hasFilterInfo())
FilterEffectBuilder* PaintLayer::updateFilterEffectBuilder() const
// TODO(chrishtr): ensure (and assert) that compositing is clean here.
if (!paintsWithFilters())
return nullptr;
PaintLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = this->filterInfo();
// Should have been added by updateOrRemoveFilterEffectBuilder().
if (filterInfo->builder())
return filterInfo->builder();
float zoom = layoutObject()->style() ? layoutObject()->style()->effectiveZoom() : 1.0f;
if (!filterInfo->builder()->build(toElement(enclosingNode()), computeFilterOperations(layoutObject()->styleRef()), zoom))
return filterInfo->builder();
FilterEffect* PaintLayer::lastFilterEffect() const
FilterEffectBuilder* builder = updateFilterEffectBuilder();
if (!builder)
return nullptr;
return builder->lastEffect().get();
FilterOutsets PaintLayer::filterOutsets() const
if (!layoutObject()->hasFilter())
return FilterOutsets();
// Ensure the filter-chain is refreshed wrt reference filters.
return layoutObject()->style()->filter().outsets();
void PaintLayer::updateOrRemoveFilterEffectBuilder()
// FilterEffectBuilder is only used to render the filters in software mode,
// so we always need to run updateOrRemoveFilterEffectBuilder after the composited
// mode might have changed for this layer.
if (!paintsWithFilters()) {
// Don't delete the whole filter info here, because we might use it
// for loading CSS shader files.
if (PaintLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = this->filterInfo())
void PaintLayer::filterNeedsPaintInvalidation()
DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout marker(layoutObject()->document().lifecycle());
// It's possible for scheduleSVGFilterLayerUpdateHack to schedule a style recalc, which
// is a problem because this function can be called while performing layout.
// Presumably this represents an illegal data flow of layout or compositing
// information into the style system.
void PaintLayer::addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects) const
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
void PaintLayer::computeSelfHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects) const
if (!size().isEmpty()) {
Vector<LayoutRect> rect;
if (layoutBox() && layoutBox()->scrollsOverflow()) {
// For scrolling layers, rects are taken to be in the space of the contents.
// We need to include the bounding box of the layer in the space of its parent
// (eg. for border / scroll bars) and if it's composited then the entire contents
// as well as they may be on another composited layer. Skip reporting contents
// for non-composited layers as they'll get projected to the same layer as the
// bounding box.
if (compositingState() != NotComposited)
rects.set(this, rect);
if (const PaintLayer* parentLayer = parent()) {
LayerHitTestRects::iterator iter = rects.find(parentLayer);
if (iter == rects.end()) {
rects.add(parentLayer, Vector<LayoutRect>()).storedValue->value.append(physicalBoundingBox(parentLayer));
} else {
} else {
rects.set(this, rect);
void PaintLayer::setNeedsRepaint()
m_needsRepaint = true;
// Do this unconditionally to ensure container chain is marked when compositing status of the layer changes.
void PaintLayer::markCompositingContainerChainForNeedsRepaint()
// Need to access compositingState(). We've ensured correct flag setting when compositingState() changes.
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
PaintLayer* layer = this;
while (true) {
if (layer->compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)
if (CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping = layer->groupedMapping()) {
PaintLayer* container = layer->compositingContainer();
if (!container) {
LayoutObject* owner = layer->layoutObject()->frame()->ownerLayoutObject();
if (!owner)
container = owner->enclosingLayer();
if (container->m_needsRepaint)
container->m_needsRepaint = true;
layer = container;
void PaintLayer::clearNeedsRepaintRecursively()
for (PaintLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
m_needsRepaint = false;
PaintTiming* PaintLayer::paintTiming()
if (Node* node = layoutObject()->node())
return &PaintTiming::from(node->document());
return nullptr;
: m_disabler(gCompositingQueryMode, CompositingQueriesAreAllowed) { }
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// FIXME: Rename?
void showLayerTree(const blink::PaintLayer* layer)
if (!layer) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot showLayerTree. Root is (nil)\n");
if (blink::LocalFrame* frame = layer->layoutObject()->frame()) {
WTF::String output = externalRepresentation(frame, blink::LayoutAsTextShowAllLayers | blink::LayoutAsTextShowLayerNesting | blink::LayoutAsTextShowCompositedLayers | blink::LayoutAsTextShowAddresses | blink::LayoutAsTextShowIDAndClass | blink::LayoutAsTextDontUpdateLayout | blink::LayoutAsTextShowLayoutState);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", output.utf8().data());
void showLayerTree(const blink::LayoutObject* layoutObject)
if (!layoutObject) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot showLayerTree. Root is (nil)\n");