blob: 632d59ce6e36a7acc11a741bab76b36fad94cea1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is the buildmaster config file for the 'chromium.perf' bot. It must
# be installed as 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory
# (although the filename can be changed with the --basedir option to
# 'mktap buildbot master').
# It has one job: define a dictionary named BuildmasterConfig. This
# dictionary has a variety of keys to control different aspects of the
# buildmaster. They are documented in docs/config.xhtml .
# This file follows this naming convention:
# Factories: f_cr_rel_[type]
# Builders: b_chromium_rel_[os]_[type]
# BuildDir: chromium-rel-[os]-[type]
# os = xp/vista/linux/mac
# type = perf
from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
from buildbot.scheduler import Triggerable
from common import chromium_utils
from master import chromium_notifier
from master import gitiles_poller
from master import master_config
from master import master_utils
from master import slaves_list
from master.factory import annotator_factory
import config
import master_site_config
ActiveMaster = master_site_config.ChromiumPerf
# Enable MAIL_NOTIFIER in production to send perf sheriff alerts.
MAIL_NOTIFIER = ActiveMaster.is_production_host
# This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use
# a shorter alias to save typing.
c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
# 'slavePortnum' defines the TCP port to listen on. This must match the value
# configured into the buildslaves (with their --master option)
c['slavePortnum'] = ActiveMaster.slave_port
# Disable compression for the stdio files.
c['logCompressionLimit'] = False
# Load the list of slaves.
slaves = slaves_list.SlavesList('slaves.cfg', 'ChromiumPerf')
config.DatabaseSetup(c, require_dbconfig=ActiveMaster.is_production_host)
def recipe_factory(recipe):
f_annotations = annotator_factory.AnnotatorFactory(ActiveMaster)
return f_annotations.BaseFactory(recipe=recipe)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change Sources.
# Polls config.Master.trunk_url for changes
master_poller = gitiles_poller.GitilesPoller(
c['change_source'] = [master_poller]
# End Change Sources.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Builders.
# The 'builders' list defines the Builders. Each one is configured with a
# dictionary, using the following keys:
# name (required): the name used to describe this bilder
# builddir (required): which subdirectory to run the builder in
# factory (required): a BuildFactory to define how the build is run
# periodicBuildTime (optional): if set, force a build every N seconds
# category (optional): it is not used in the normal 'buildbot' meaning. It is
# used by gatekeeper to determine which steps it should
# look for to close the tree.
def _TriggerName(platform, target_bits):
return '%s_%d' % (platform, target_bits)
_category_index = enumerate(('builders', 'android', 'win', 'mac', 'linux'))
_category_index = {category: index + 1 for index, category in _category_index}
def _CategoryIndex(category):
return _category_index[category]
_builder_names = []
def _AddBuilder(name, platform, merge_requests=True, timeout=1200,
if platform == 'android':
recipe = 'android/builder'
recipe = 'chromium'
'name': name,
'factory': annotator_factory.AnnotatorFactory().BaseFactory(
triggers=[_TriggerName(platform, target_bits)],
'%d%s|%s' % (_CategoryIndex('builders'), 'builders', platform),
'mergeRequests': merge_requests,
'auto_reboot': False,
_trigger_testers = {}
def _AddTesterShard(name, recipe, platform, target_bits):
'name': name,
'factory': recipe_factory(recipe),
'category': '%d%s|builder_testers' % (_CategoryIndex(platform), platform),
trigger_name = _TriggerName(platform, target_bits)
if trigger_name not in _trigger_testers:
_trigger_testers[trigger_name] = []
def _AddTester(name, platform, num_shards=1, target_bits=64):
if platform == 'android':
recipe = 'android/perf'
recipe = 'chromium'
if num_shards == 1:
_AddTesterShard(name, recipe, platform, target_bits)
for index in xrange(num_shards):
indexed_name = '%s (%d)' % (name, index + 1)
_AddTesterShard(indexed_name, recipe, platform, target_bits)
c['builders'] = []
_AddBuilder('Android Builder', 'android', target_bits=32, merge_requests=False)
_AddBuilder('Android arm64 Builder', 'android', merge_requests=False)
_AddBuilder('Win Builder', 'win', timeout=3600, target_bits=32)
_AddBuilder('Win x64 Builder', 'win', timeout=3600)
_AddBuilder('Mac Builder', 'mac')
# TODO(krasin): decrease the timeout when is fixed.
_AddBuilder('Linux Builder', 'linux', timeout=4800, merge_requests=False)
_AddTester('Android Galaxy S5 Perf', 'android', num_shards=3, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Android Nexus5 Perf', 'android', num_shards=2, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Android Nexus6 Perf', 'android', num_shards=2, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Android Nexus7v2 Perf', 'android', num_shards=2, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Android Nexus9 Perf', 'android', num_shards=2)
_AddTester('Android One Perf', 'android', num_shards=2, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Win Zenbook Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 10 Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 8 Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 7 Perf', 'win', num_shards=5, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Win 7 x64 Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 7 ATI GPU Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 7 Intel GPU Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 7 Nvidia GPU Perf', 'win', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Win 7 Low-End Perf', 'win', num_shards=2, target_bits=32)
_AddTester('Mac 10.11 Perf', 'mac', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Mac 10.10 Perf', 'mac', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Mac Retina Perf', 'mac', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Mac HDD Perf', 'mac', num_shards=5)
_AddTester('Linux Perf', 'linux', num_shards=5)
# End Builders.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Schedulers.
## configure the Schedulers
c['schedulers'] = [
for trigger_name, tester_names in _trigger_testers.iteritems():
c['schedulers'].append(Triggerable(trigger_name, tester_names))
# End Schedulers.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Associate the slaves to the manual builders. The configuration is in
# slaves.cfg.
for builder in c['builders']:
builder['slavenames'] = slaves.GetSlavesName(builder=builder['name'])
# The 'slaves' list defines the set of allowable buildslaves. List all the
# slaves registered to a builder. Remove dupes.
c['slaves'] = master_utils.AutoSetupSlaves(c['builders'],
master_utils.VerifySetup(c, slaves)
# the 'buildbotURL' string should point to the location where the buildbot's
# internal web server (usually the html.Waterfall page) is visible. This
# typically uses the port number set in the Waterfall 'status' entry, but
# with an externally-visible host name which the buildbot cannot figure out
# without some help.
#Must come before AutoSetupMaster().
c['buildbotURL'] = ActiveMaster.buildbot_url
# Adds common status and tools to this master.
master_utils.AutoSetupMaster(c, ActiveMaster,
templates=['./templates', '../master.chromium/templates'],
# Add more.
status_header='Perf alert on "%(builder)s":\n%(steps)s',
subject='%(projectName)s %(builder)s %(result)s',
# the 'projectName' string will be used to describe the project that this
# buildbot is working on. For example, it is used as the title of the
# waterfall HTML page. The 'projectURL' string will be used to provide a link
# from buildbot HTML pages to your project's home page.
c['projectName'] = ActiveMaster.project_name
c['projectURL'] = config.Master.project_url