Web Performance Objectives

2020 Q3 Objectives

New web performance APIs

  • Continue previous work on performance.measureMemory.
    • Extend the scope of the API to workers and cross-site iframes.
    • Do a review over the spec and polish it.
  • Continue previous work on Single Page Apps (SPAs).
    • Complete partnerships with frameworks and begin gathering data using the strategy based on User Timing annotations.
  • Continue previous work on page load abandonment.
    • Decide a path forward for a potential new web API based on data from the metric we recently implemented.
  • Continue previous work on exposing full Page Visibility history. We intend to spec and ship the VisibilityStateEntry.
  • Work on the Frame Timing proposal.
    • Draft a spec.
    • (Stretch) Land a prototype of the API.

Existing web performance API improvements

  • Improve quality of Largest Contentful Paint.
    • Decide whether LCP including removals is better than the current definition (which excludes removals).
    • Address problems with LCP not correctly accounting for opacity in some cases due to optimizations in paint code: see relevant bug.
  • Brainstorm ideas around better normalization techniques for existing web performance metrics and socialize these ideas with the W3C Web Perf WG.


  • Triage spec issues filed on GitHub. We intend to give higher priority to feeedback on web vitals specs.
  • Reduce WPT test flakiness on Event Timing.
  • Change more of Chrome's Paint Timing implementation to pass more of the currently failing WPTs.

2020 Q2 Progress

  • performance.measureMemory:
    • Crafted a plan to enable extending the API to workers as well as to cross-site iframes with the appropriate COEP headers.
    • Drafted a spec, but it requires review.
  • Single Page Apps:
    • Designed a strategy for routing frameworks to report the start and end of SPAs via User Timing.
    • Began conversations with such frameworks but haven't started gathering data with the strategy we designed.
    • Presented our data-driven approach to the W3C Web Perf WG.
  • Page abandonment: Socialized a proposal for how to define abandonment and brainstormed ways in which we could expose the data to web developers. However, we have not yet reached a decision on how we plan to expose the data because there is no one actively working on solving design issues with Origin Policy.
  • Event Timing: Shipped the API, which should be available on Chrome 85 (see chromestatus entry).
  • Page Visibility: Socialized our proposal and based on feedback will work on shipping VisibilityStateEntry (see the explainer).
  • Layout Instability sources: Shipped the sources attribute, which should be available on Chrome 84 (see chromestatus entry).
  • Fixed layout shifts being reported from controls in the video element, see relevant bug. The fix is available on Chrome 85.
  • Largest Contentful Paint removal: Added a metric that computes an experimental version of LCP which includes content that is removed from the page. We're waiting to get Stable data in order to decide whether this is an improvement over the existing LCP metric.
  • Final Largest Contentful Paint: Wrote a proposal on how to surface the final LCP candidate to a page, but this work has been deprioritized for the time being.
  • Paint Timing: Implemented a couple of fixes and now pass two more tests, but more work is needed to pass all of them.
  • Documentation: Submitted feedback on some of the metrics content on web.dev, most of which was actioned upon. Updated MDN entries for core web vitals metrics.

2020 Q2 Objectives

New web performance APIs

  • Work towards shipping performance.measureMemory. This API intends to provide memory measurements for web pages without leaking information. It will replace the non-standard performance.memory and provide more accurate information, but will require the website to be cross-origin isolated. Try it out with the Origin Trial here! Deliverables for this quarter:

    • Extend the scope of the API to workers.
    • Draft a spec.
  • Work towards web perf support for Single Page Apps (SPAs). SPAs have long been mistreated by our web performance APIs, which mostly focus on the initial page load for ‘multi-page apps’. It will be a long process to resolve all measurement gaps, but we intend to start making progress on better performance measurements for SPAs by using a data-driven approach. Deliverables for this quarter:

    • Implement a strategy for measuring the performance of SPA navigations in RUM, based on explicit navigation annotations via User Timing.
    • Partner with some frameworks to gather data using said strategy.
    • Socialize an explainer with our ideas.
  • Work towards web perf support for page abandonment. Currently, our APIs are blind to a class of users that decide to leave the website very early on, before the performance measurement framework of the website is set into place. This quarter, we plan to create and socialize a proposal about measuring early page abandonment.

  • Ship the full Event Timing API. Currently, Chrome ships only ‘first-input’ to enable users to measure their First Input Delay. We intend to ship support for ‘event’ so that developers can track all slow events. Each entry will include a ‘target’ attribute to know which was the EventTarget. We’ll support a durationThreshold parameter in the observer to tweak the duration of events being observed. Finally, we’ll also have performance.eventCounts to enable computing estimated percentiles based on the data received.

  • Ship a Page Visibility observer. Right now, the Page Visibility API allows registering an event listener for future changes in visibility, but any visibility states prior to that are missed. The solution to this is having an observer which enables ‘buffered’ entries, so a full history of the visibility states of the page is available. An alternative considered was having a boolean flag in the PerformanceEntry stating that the page was backgrounded before the entry was created, but there was overwhelming support for the observer instead.

  • Provide support for two Facebook-driven APIs: isInputPending and JavaScript Self-Profiling. The isInputPending API enables developers to query whether the browser has received but not yet processed certain kinds of user inputs. This way, work can be scheduled on longer tasks while still enabling the task to stopped when higher priority work arises. The JS Self-Profiling API enables developers to collect JS profiles from real users, given a sampling rate and capacity. It enables measuring the performance impact of specific JS functions and finding hotspots in JS code.

Existing web performance API improvements

  • Ship the sources attribute for the LayoutInstability API. The Layout Instability API provides excellent information about content shifting on a website. This API is already shipped in Chrome. However, it’s often hard to figure out which content is shifting. This new attribute will inform developers about the shifting elements and their locations within the viewport.

  • LargestContentfulPaint: gather data about LCP without excluding DOM nodes that were removed. The Largest Contentful Paint API exposes the largest image or text that is painted in the page. Currently, content removed from the website is also removed as a candidate for LCP. However, this negatively affects some websites, for instance those with certain types of image carousels. This quarter, we’ll gather data internally to determine whether we should start including removed DOM content. The API itself will not change for now.

  • (Stretch) Work on exposing the ‘final’ LargestContentfulPaint candidate. Currently LCP just emits a new entry whenever a new candidate is found. This means that a developer has no way to know when LCP is ‘done’, which can happen early on if there is some relevant user input in the page. We could consider surfacing an entry to indicate that LCP computations are finished and including the final LCP value, when possible. There’s also an idea to include some heuristics to get a higher quality signal regarding whether the LCP obtained seems ‘valid’. If we have time this quarter, we’d be happy to do some exploration on this.

  • (Stretch) ResourceTiming: outline a plan to fix the problem of TAO (Timing-Allow-Origin) being an opt-in for non-timing information such as transferSize. This may mean using a new header or relying on some of the upcoming new security primitives in the web. If we have time this quarter, we’d like to begin tackling this problem by socializing a concrete proposal for a fix.

Interop and documentation

  • Paint Timing: change the Chromium implementation so it passes new web platform tests. These tests are based on the feedback from WebKit. They intend to ship First Contentful Paint in the near future!

  • Improve the documentation of our APIs on MDN and web.dev. We have been busily shipping new web perf APIs, but some of the documentation of them has lagged behind. For instance, we’ll make sure that there’s MDN pages on all of the new APIs we’ve shipped, and we’ll collaborate with DevRel to ensure that the documentation on web.dev is accurate.