blob: 0a43551ad0a1c3a403ddb7e5d26a25745b8dc9ee [file] [log] [blame]
@ Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
@ Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
@ that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
@ tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
@ in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
@ be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
@ Contains a function for WebRtcIsacfix_AllpassFilter2FixDec16Neon()
@ in iSAC codec, optimized for ARM Neon platform. Bit exact with function
@ WebRtcIsacfix_AllpassFilter2FixDec16Neon() in filterbanks.c. Prototype
@ C code is at end of this file.
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/asm_defines.h"
GLOBAL_FUNCTION WebRtcIsacfix_AllpassFilter2FixDec16Neon
.align 2
@void WebRtcIsacfix_AllpassFilter2FixDec16Neon(
@ int16_t *data_ch1, // Input and output in channel 1, in Q0
@ int16_t *data_ch2, // Input and output in channel 2, in Q0
@ const int16_t *factor_ch1, // Scaling factor for channel 1, in Q15
@ const int16_t *factor_ch2, // Scaling factor for channel 2, in Q15
@ const int length, // Length of the data buffers
@ int32_t *filter_state_ch1, // Filter state for channel 1, in Q16
@ int32_t *filter_state_ch2); // Filter state for channel 2, in Q16
DEFINE_FUNCTION WebRtcIsacfix_AllpassFilter2FixDec16Neon
push {r4 - r7}
ldr r5, [sp, #24] @ filter_state_ch2
ldr r6, [sp, #20] @ filter_state_ch1
@ Initialize the Neon registers.
vld1.16 d0[0], [r0]! @ data_ch1[0]
vld1.16 d0[2], [r1]! @ data_ch2[0]
vld1.32 d30[0], [r2] @ factor_ch1[0], factor_ch1[1]
vld1.32 d30[1], [r3] @ factor_ch2[0], factor_ch2[1]
vld1.32 d16[0], [r6]! @ filter_state_ch1[0]
vld1.32 d17[0], [r5]! @ filter_state_ch2[0]
vneg.s16 d31, d30
ldr r3, [sp, #16] @ length
mov r4, #4 @ Post offset value for the loop
mov r2, #-2 @ Post offset value for the loop
sub r3, #2 @ Loop counter
@ Loop unrolling pre-processing.
vqdmull.s16 q1, d30, d0
vshll.s16 q0, d0, #16
vqadd.s32 q2, q1, q8
vshrn.i32 d6, q2, #16
vmull.s16 q1, d31, d6
vshl.s32 q1, #1
vqadd.s32 q8, q1, q0
vld1.32 d16[1], [r6] @ filter_state_ch1[1]
vld1.32 d17[1], [r5] @ filter_state_ch2[1]
sub r6, #4 @ &filter_state_ch1[0]
sub r5, #4 @ &filter_state_ch2[0]
vld1.16 d6[1], [r0], r2 @ data_ch1[1]
vld1.16 d6[3], [r1], r2 @ data_ch2[1]
vrev32.16 d0, d6
vqdmull.s16 q1, d30, d0
vshll.s16 q0, d0, #16
vqadd.s32 q2, q1, q8
vshrn.i32 d4, q2, #16
vmull.s16 q1, d31, d4
vst1.16 d4[1], [r0], r4 @ Store data_ch1[n]
vst1.16 d4[3], [r1], r4 @ Store data_ch2[n]
vshl.s32 q1, #1
vld1.16 d4[1], [r0], r2 @ Load data_ch1[n + 2]
vld1.16 d4[3], [r1], r2 @ Load data_ch2[n + 2]
vqadd.s32 q8, q1, q0
vrev32.16 d0, d4
vqdmull.s16 q1, d30, d0
subs r3, #2
vqadd.s32 q2, q1, q8
vshrn.i32 d6, q2, #16
vmull.s16 q1, d31, d6
vshll.s16 q0, d0, #16
vst1.16 d6[1], [r0], r4 @ Store data_ch1[n + 1]
vst1.16 d6[3], [r1], r4 @ Store data_ch2[n + 1]
vshl.s32 q1, #1
vld1.16 d6[1], [r0], r2 @ Load data_ch1[n + 3]
vld1.16 d6[3], [r1], r2 @ Load data_ch2[n + 3]
vqadd.s32 q8, q1, q0
vrev32.16 d0, d6
@ Loop unrolling post-processing.
vqdmull.s16 q1, d30, d0
vshll.s16 q0, d0, #16
vqadd.s32 q2, q1, q8
vshrn.i32 d4, q2, #16
vmull.s16 q1, d31, d4
vst1.16 d4[1], [r0]! @ Store data_ch1[n]
vst1.16 d4[3], [r1]! @ Store data_ch2[n]
vshl.s32 q1, #1
vqadd.s32 q8, q1, q0
vrev32.16 d0, d4
vqdmull.s16 q1, d30, d0
vshll.s16 q0, d0, #16
vqadd.s32 q2, q1, q8
vshrn.i32 d6, q2, #16
vmull.s16 q1, d31, d6
vst1.16 d6[1], [r0] @ Store data_ch1[n + 1]
vst1.16 d6[3], [r1] @ Store data_ch2[n + 1]
vshl.s32 q1, #1
vst1.32 d16[0], [r6]! @ Store filter_state_ch1[0]
vqadd.s32 q9, q1, q0
vst1.32 d17[0], [r5]! @ Store filter_state_ch1[1]
vst1.32 d18[1], [r6] @ Store filter_state_ch2[0]
vst1.32 d19[1], [r5] @ Store filter_state_ch2[1]
pop {r4 - r7}
bx lr
@void AllpassFilter2FixDec16BothChannels(
@ int16_t *data_ch1, // Input and output in channel 1, in Q0
@ int16_t *data_ch2, // Input and output in channel 2, in Q0
@ const int16_t *factor_ch1, // Scaling factor for channel 1, in Q15
@ const int16_t *factor_ch2, // Scaling factor for channel 2, in Q15
@ const int length, // Length of the data buffers
@ int32_t *filter_state_ch1, // Filter state for channel 1, in Q16
@ int32_t *filter_state_ch2) { // Filter state for channel 2, in Q16
@ int n = 0;
@ int32_t state0_ch1 = filter_state_ch1[0], state1_ch1 = filter_state_ch1[1];
@ int32_t state0_ch2 = filter_state_ch2[0], state1_ch2 = filter_state_ch2[1];
@ int16_t sample0_ch1 = 0, sample0_ch2 = 0;
@ int16_t sample1_ch1 = 0, sample1_ch2 = 0;
@ int32_t a0_ch1 = 0, a0_ch2 = 0;
@ int32_t b0_ch1 = 0, b0_ch2 = 0;
@ int32_t a1_ch1 = 0, a1_ch2 = 0;
@ int32_t b1_ch1 = 0, b1_ch2 = 0;
@ int32_t b2_ch1 = 0, b2_ch2 = 0;
@ // Loop unrolling preprocessing.
@ sample0_ch1 = data_ch1[n];
@ sample0_ch2 = data_ch2[n];
@ a0_ch1 = (factor_ch1[0] * sample0_ch1) << 1;
@ a0_ch2 = (factor_ch2[0] * sample0_ch2) << 1;
@ b0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1, state0_ch1);
@ b0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2, state0_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ a0_ch1 = -factor_ch1[0] * (int16_t)(b0_ch1 >> 16);
@ a0_ch2 = -factor_ch2[0] * (int16_t)(b0_ch2 >> 16);
@ state0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1 <<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch1 << 16);
@ state0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2 <<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch2 << 16);
@ sample1_ch1 = data_ch1[n + 1];
@ sample0_ch1 = (int16_t) (b0_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ sample1_ch2 = data_ch2[n + 1];
@ sample0_ch2 = (int16_t) (b0_ch2 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ for (n = 0; n < length - 2; n += 2) {
@ a1_ch1 = (factor_ch1[0] * sample1_ch1) << 1;
@ a0_ch1 = (factor_ch1[1] * sample0_ch1) << 1;
@ a1_ch2 = (factor_ch2[0] * sample1_ch2) << 1;
@ a0_ch2 = (factor_ch2[1] * sample0_ch2) << 1;
@ b1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1, state0_ch1);
@ b0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1, state1_ch1); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ b1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2, state0_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ b0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2, state1_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ a1_ch1 = -factor_ch1[0] * (int16_t)(b1_ch1 >> 16);
@ a0_ch1 = -factor_ch1[1] * (int16_t)(b0_ch1 >> 16);
@ a1_ch2 = -factor_ch2[0] * (int16_t)(b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ a0_ch2 = -factor_ch2[1] * (int16_t)(b0_ch2 >> 16);
@ state0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch1 <<16);
@ state1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch1 <<16);
@ state0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch2 <<16);
@ state1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch2 <<16);
@ sample0_ch1 = data_ch1[n + 2];
@ sample1_ch1 = (int16_t) (b1_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ sample0_ch2 = data_ch2[n + 2];
@ sample1_ch2 = (int16_t) (b1_ch2 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ a0_ch1 = (factor_ch1[0] * sample0_ch1) << 1;
@ a1_ch1 = (factor_ch1[1] * sample1_ch1) << 1;
@ a0_ch2 = (factor_ch2[0] * sample0_ch2) << 1;
@ a1_ch2 = (factor_ch2[1] * sample1_ch2) << 1;
@ b2_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1, state0_ch1);
@ b1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1, state1_ch1); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ b2_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2, state0_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ b1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2, state1_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ a0_ch1 = -factor_ch1[0] * (int16_t)(b2_ch1 >> 16);
@ a1_ch1 = -factor_ch1[1] * (int16_t)(b1_ch1 >> 16);
@ a0_ch2 = -factor_ch2[0] * (int16_t)(b2_ch2 >> 16);
@ a1_ch2 = -factor_ch2[1] * (int16_t)(b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ state0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch1<<16);
@ state1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch1<<16);
@ state0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch2<<16);
@ state1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch2<<16);
@ sample1_ch1 = data_ch1[n + 3];
@ sample0_ch1 = (int16_t) (b2_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ sample1_ch2 = data_ch2[n + 3];
@ sample0_ch2 = (int16_t) (b2_ch2 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ data_ch1[n] = (int16_t) (b0_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ data_ch1[n + 1] = (int16_t) (b1_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ data_ch2[n] = (int16_t) (b0_ch2 >> 16);
@ data_ch2[n + 1] = (int16_t) (b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ }
@ // Loop unrolling post-processing.
@ a1_ch1 = (factor_ch1[0] * sample1_ch1) << 1;
@ a0_ch1 = (factor_ch1[1] * sample0_ch1) << 1;
@ a1_ch2 = (factor_ch2[0] * sample1_ch2) << 1;
@ a0_ch2 = (factor_ch2[1] * sample0_ch2) << 1;
@ b1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1, state0_ch1);
@ b0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1, state1_ch1);
@ b1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2, state0_ch2);
@ b0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2, state1_ch2);
@ a1_ch1 = -factor_ch1[0] * (int16_t)(b1_ch1 >> 16);
@ a0_ch1 = -factor_ch1[1] * (int16_t)(b0_ch1 >> 16);
@ a1_ch2 = -factor_ch2[0] * (int16_t)(b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ a0_ch2 = -factor_ch2[1] * (int16_t)(b0_ch2 >> 16);
@ state0_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch1 << 16);
@ state1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch1 << 16);
@ state0_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch2 << 16);
@ state1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a0_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample0_ch2 << 16);
@ data_ch1[n] = (int16_t) (b0_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ data_ch2[n] = (int16_t) (b0_ch2 >> 16);
@ sample1_ch1 = (int16_t) (b1_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ sample1_ch2 = (int16_t) (b1_ch2 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ a1_ch1 = (factor_ch1[1] * sample1_ch1) << 1;
@ a1_ch2 = (factor_ch2[1] * sample1_ch2) << 1;
@ b1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1, state1_ch1); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ b1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2, state1_ch2); //Q16+Q16=Q16
@ a1_ch1 = -factor_ch1[1] * (int16_t)(b1_ch1 >> 16);
@ a1_ch2 = -factor_ch2[1] * (int16_t)(b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ state1_ch1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch1<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch1<<16);
@ state1_ch2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(a1_ch2<<1, (uint32_t)sample1_ch2<<16);
@ data_ch1[n + 1] = (int16_t) (b1_ch1 >> 16); //Save as Q0
@ data_ch2[n + 1] = (int16_t) (b1_ch2 >> 16);
@ filter_state_ch1[0] = state0_ch1;
@ filter_state_ch1[1] = state1_ch1;
@ filter_state_ch2[0] = state0_ch2;
@ filter_state_ch2[1] = state1_ch2;