blob: ededda6781928cc87df1ade0d6b2fbaaeb4052ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequestContext;
class IOBufferWithSize;
namespace storage {
class BlobDataBuilder;
class BlobDataHandle;
class BlobStorageContext;
class QuotaManagerProxy;
namespace content {
class ChromeBlobStorageContext;
class ServiceWorkerCacheMetadata;
class TestServiceWorkerCache;
// Represents a ServiceWorker Cache as seen in
// Callbacks to the public functions will be called so long as the cache object
// lives.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerCache
: public base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerCache> {
enum ErrorType {
ErrorTypeOK = 0,
typedef base::Callback<void(ErrorType)> ErrorCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(ErrorType,
typedef std::vector<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> Requests;
typedef base::Callback<void(ErrorType, scoped_ptr<Requests>)>
static scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerCache> CreateMemoryCache(
const GURL& origin,
net::URLRequestContext* request_context,
const scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy>& quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context);
static scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerCache> CreatePersistentCache(
const GURL& origin,
const base::FilePath& path,
net::URLRequestContext* request_context,
const scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy>& quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context);
// Returns ErrorTypeNotFound if not found.
void Match(scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
const ResponseCallback& callback);
// Puts the request and response object in the cache. The response body (if
// present) is stored in the cache, but not the request body. Returns
// ErrorTypeOK on success.
void Put(scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponse> response,
const ResponseCallback& callback);
// Returns ErrorNotFound if not found. Otherwise deletes and returns
// ErrorTypeOK.
void Delete(scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
const ErrorCallback& callback);
// TODO(jkarlin): Have keys take an optional ServiceWorkerFetchRequest.
// Returns ErrorTypeOK and a vector of requests if there are no errors.
void Keys(const RequestsCallback& callback);
// Closes the backend. Pending and future operations that require the backend
// will exit early. Close should only be called once per ServiceWorkerCache.
void Close(const base::Closure& callback);
// The size of the cache contents in memory. Returns 0 if the cache backend is
// not a memory cache backend.
int64 MemoryBackedSize() const;
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerCache> AsWeakPtr();
friend class base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerCache>;
friend class TestServiceWorkerCache;
class BlobReader;
struct KeysContext;
struct MatchContext;
struct PutContext;
// The backend progresses from uninitialized, to open, to closed, and cannot
// reverse direction. The open step may be skipped.
enum BackendState {
BACKEND_UNINITIALIZED, // No backend, create backend on first operation.
BACKEND_OPEN, // Backend can be used.
BACKEND_CLOSED // Backend cannot be used. All ops should fail.
typedef std::vector<disk_cache::Entry*> Entries;
typedef scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Backend> ScopedBackendPtr;
const GURL& origin,
const base::FilePath& path,
net::URLRequestContext* request_context,
const scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy>& quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context);
// Async operations in progress will cancel and not run their callbacks.
virtual ~ServiceWorkerCache();
// Match callbacks
void MatchDidOpenEntry(scoped_ptr<MatchContext> match_context, int rv);
void MatchDidReadMetadata(scoped_ptr<MatchContext> match_context,
scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerCacheMetadata> headers);
void MatchDidReadResponseBodyData(scoped_ptr<MatchContext> match_context,
int rv);
void MatchDoneWithBody(scoped_ptr<MatchContext> match_context);
// Put callbacks.
void PutImpl(scoped_ptr<PutContext> put_context);
void PutDidDelete(scoped_ptr<PutContext> put_context, ErrorType delete_error);
void PutDidCreateEntry(scoped_ptr<PutContext> put_context, int rv);
void PutDidWriteHeaders(scoped_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
int expected_bytes,
int rv);
void PutDidWriteBlobToCache(scoped_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
scoped_ptr<BlobReader> blob_reader,
disk_cache::ScopedEntryPtr entry,
bool success);
// Delete callbacks
void DeleteDidOpenEntry(
const GURL& origin,
scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
const ServiceWorkerCache::ErrorCallback& callback,
scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Entry*> entryptr,
const scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy>& quota_manager_proxy,
int rv);
// Keys callbacks.
void KeysDidOpenNextEntry(scoped_ptr<KeysContext> keys_context, int rv);
void KeysProcessNextEntry(scoped_ptr<KeysContext> keys_context,
const Entries::iterator& iter);
void KeysDidReadMetadata(scoped_ptr<KeysContext> keys_context,
const Entries::iterator& iter,
scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerCacheMetadata> metadata);
void CloseImpl(const base::Closure& callback);
// Loads the backend and calls the callback with the result (true for
// success). The callback will always be called. Virtual for tests.
virtual void CreateBackend(const ErrorCallback& callback);
void CreateBackendDidCreate(const ServiceWorkerCache::ErrorCallback& callback,
scoped_ptr<ScopedBackendPtr> backend_ptr,
int rv);
void InitBackend(const base::Closure& callback);
void InitDone(ErrorType error);
void IncPendingOps() { pending_ops_++; }
void DecPendingOps();
void PendingErrorCallback(const ErrorCallback& callback, ErrorType error);
void PendingResponseCallback(
const ResponseCallback& callback,
ErrorType error,
scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponse> response,
scoped_ptr<storage::BlobDataHandle> blob_data_handle);
void PendingRequestsCallback(const RequestsCallback& callback,
ErrorType error,
scoped_ptr<Requests> requests);
// The backend can be deleted via the Close function at any time so always
// check for its existence before use.
scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Backend> backend_;
GURL origin_;
base::FilePath path_;
net::URLRequestContext* request_context_;
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy_;
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_storage_context_;
BackendState backend_state_;
std::vector<base::Closure> init_callbacks_;
// Whether or not to store data in disk or memory.
bool memory_only_;
// The number of started operations that have yet to complete.
// TODO(jkarlin): pending_ops_ gets double counted on lazy initialization (say
// in ::Put). The counting still works but pending_ops_ doesn't accurately
// represent the number of operations in flight. Fix this by having the lazy
// init callback call a different function than the original caller (::Put).
size_t pending_ops_;
base::Closure ops_complete_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceWorkerCache> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content