blob: 762075fab6556e5378f57bfcd9e6066b6410d254 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_zip.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "crazy_linker_debug.h"
#include "crazy_linker_system.h"
#include "crazy_linker_util.h"
namespace {
// All offsets are given in bytes relative to the start of the header.
// Arithmetic is used to indicate the size of small fields that are skipped.
// Section 4.3.16
// This marker appears at the start of the end of central directory record
const uint32_t kEndOfCentralDirectoryMarker = 0x06054b50;
// Length of the end of central directory record, the point back from the
// end of file at which we start to scan backwards for the end of central
// directory marker
const uint32_t kEndOfCentralDirectoryRecordSize =
4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2;
// Offsets of fields in End of Central Directory.
const int kOffsetNumOfEntriesInEndOfCentralDirectory = 4 + 2 + 2;
const int kOffsetOfCentralDirLengthInEndOfCentralDirectory =
kOffsetNumOfEntriesInEndOfCentralDirectory + 2 + 2;
const int kOffsetOfStartOfCentralDirInEndOfCentralDirectory =
kOffsetOfCentralDirLengthInEndOfCentralDirectory + 4;
// Section 4.3.12
// This marker appears at the start of the central directory
const uint32_t kCentralDirHeaderMarker = 0x2014b50;
// Offsets of fields in Central Directory Header.
const int kOffsetFilenameLengthInCentralDirectory =
4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4;
const int kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInCentralDirectory =
kOffsetFilenameLengthInCentralDirectory + 2;
const int kOffsetCommentLengthInCentralDirectory =
kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInCentralDirectory + 2;
const int kOffsetLocalHeaderOffsetInCentralDirectory =
kOffsetCommentLengthInCentralDirectory + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4;
const int kOffsetFilenameInCentralDirectory =
kOffsetLocalHeaderOffsetInCentralDirectory + 4;
// Section 4.3.7
// This marker appears at the start of local header
const uint32_t kLocalHeaderMarker = 0x04034b50;
// Section 4.4.5
// This value denotes that the file is stored (no compression).
const uint32_t kCompressionMethodStored = 0;
// Offsets of fields in the Local Header.
const int kOffsetCompressionMethodInLocalHeader = 4 + 2 + 2;
const int kOffsetFilenameLengthInLocalHeader =
kOffsetCompressionMethodInLocalHeader + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4;
const int kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInLocalHeader =
kOffsetFilenameLengthInLocalHeader + 2;
const int kOffsetFilenameInLocalHeader =
kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInLocalHeader + 2;
// RAII pattern for unmapping and closing the mapped file.
class ScopedMMap {
ScopedMMap(void* mem, uint32_t len) : mem_(mem), len_(len) {}
~ScopedMMap() {
if (munmap(mem_, len_) == -1) {
LOG_ERRNO("%s: munmap failed when trying to unmap zip file\n",
void* mem_;
uint32_t len_;
inline uint32_t ReadUInt16(uint8_t* mem_bytes, int offset) {
static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset + 1]) << 8);
inline uint32_t ReadUInt32(uint8_t* mem_bytes, int offset) {
static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset + 1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset + 2]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(mem_bytes[offset + 3]) << 24);
} // unnamed namespace
namespace crazy {
const uint32_t kMaxZipFileLength = 1U << 31; // 2GB
int FindStartOffsetOfFileInZipFile(const char* zip_file, const char* filename) {
// Open the file
FileDescriptor fd;
if (!fd.OpenReadOnly(zip_file)) {
LOG_ERRNO("%s: open failed trying to open zip file %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, zip_file);
// Find the length of the file.
struct stat stat_buf;
if (stat(zip_file, &stat_buf) == -1) {
LOG_ERRNO("%s: stat failed trying to stat zip file %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, zip_file);
if (stat_buf.st_size > kMaxZipFileLength) {
LOG("%s: The size %ld of %s is too large to map\n",
__FUNCTION__, stat_buf.st_size, zip_file);
// Map the file into memory.
void* mem = fd.Map(NULL, stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 0);
if (mem == MAP_FAILED) {
LOG_ERRNO("%s: mmap failed trying to mmap zip file %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, zip_file);
ScopedMMap scoped_mmap(mem, stat_buf.st_size);
// Scan backwards from the end of the file searching for the end of
// central directory marker. The earliest occurrence we accept is
// size of end of central directory bytes back from from the end of the
// file.
uint8_t* mem_bytes = static_cast<uint8_t*>(mem);
int off = stat_buf.st_size - kEndOfCentralDirectoryRecordSize;
for (; off >= 0; --off) {
if (ReadUInt32(mem_bytes, off) == kEndOfCentralDirectoryMarker) {
if (off == -1) {
LOG("%s: Failed to find end of central directory in %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, zip_file);
// We have located the end of central directory record, now locate
// the central directory by reading the end of central directory record.
uint32_t length_of_central_dir = ReadUInt32(
mem_bytes, off + kOffsetOfCentralDirLengthInEndOfCentralDirectory);
uint32_t start_of_central_dir = ReadUInt32(
mem_bytes, off + kOffsetOfStartOfCentralDirInEndOfCentralDirectory);
if (start_of_central_dir > off) {
LOG("%s: Found out of range offset %u for start of directory in %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, start_of_central_dir, zip_file);
uint32_t end_of_central_dir = start_of_central_dir + length_of_central_dir;
if (end_of_central_dir > off) {
LOG("%s: Found out of range offset %u for end of directory in %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, end_of_central_dir, zip_file);
uint32_t num_entries = ReadUInt16(
mem_bytes, off + kOffsetNumOfEntriesInEndOfCentralDirectory);
// Read the headers in the central directory and locate the file.
off = start_of_central_dir;
const int target_len = strlen(filename);
int n = 0;
for (; n < num_entries && off < end_of_central_dir; ++n) {
uint32_t marker = ReadUInt32(mem_bytes, off);
if (marker != kCentralDirHeaderMarker) {
LOG("%s: Failed to find central directory header marker in %s. "
"Found 0x%x but expected 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,
zip_file, marker, kCentralDirHeaderMarker);
uint32_t file_name_length =
ReadUInt16(mem_bytes, off + kOffsetFilenameLengthInCentralDirectory);
uint32_t extra_field_length =
ReadUInt16(mem_bytes, off + kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInCentralDirectory);
uint32_t comment_field_length =
ReadUInt16(mem_bytes, off + kOffsetCommentLengthInCentralDirectory);
uint32_t header_length = kOffsetFilenameInCentralDirectory +
file_name_length + extra_field_length + comment_field_length;
uint32_t local_header_offset =
ReadUInt32(mem_bytes, off + kOffsetLocalHeaderOffsetInCentralDirectory);
uint8_t* filename_bytes =
mem_bytes + off + kOffsetFilenameInCentralDirectory;
if (file_name_length == target_len &&
memcmp(filename_bytes, filename, target_len) == 0) {
// Filename matches. Read the local header and compute the offset.
uint32_t marker = ReadUInt32(mem_bytes, local_header_offset);
if (marker != kLocalHeaderMarker) {
LOG("%s: Failed to find local file header marker in %s. "
"Found 0x%x but expected 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,
zip_file, marker, kLocalHeaderMarker);
uint32_t compression_method =
local_header_offset + kOffsetCompressionMethodInLocalHeader);
if (compression_method != kCompressionMethodStored) {
LOG("%s: %s is compressed within %s. "
"Found compression method %u but expected %u\n", __FUNCTION__,
filename, zip_file, compression_method, kCompressionMethodStored);
uint32_t file_name_length =
local_header_offset + kOffsetFilenameLengthInLocalHeader);
uint32_t extra_field_length =
local_header_offset + kOffsetExtraFieldLengthInLocalHeader);
uint32_t header_length =
kOffsetFilenameInLocalHeader + file_name_length + extra_field_length;
return local_header_offset + header_length;
off += header_length;
if (n < num_entries) {
LOG("%s: Did not find all the expected entries in the central directory. "
"Found %d but expected %d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, num_entries);
if (off < end_of_central_dir) {
LOG("%s: There are %d extra bytes at the end of the central directory.\n",
__FUNCTION__, end_of_central_dir - off);
LOG("%s: Did not find %s in %s\n", __FUNCTION__, filename, zip_file);
} // crazy namespace