blob: c27c809e299687294c268151eb51d3e467acf513 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// --site-per-process overrides for guest_view.js.
var GuestView = require('guestView').GuestView;
var GuestViewImpl = require('guestView').GuestViewImpl;
var GuestViewInternalNatives = requireNative('guest_view_internal');
var ResizeEvent = require('guestView').ResizeEvent;
var getIframeContentWindow = function(viewInstanceId) {
var view = GuestViewInternalNatives.GetViewFromID(viewInstanceId);
if (!view)
return null;
var internalIframeElement = privates(view).internalElement;
if (internalIframeElement)
return internalIframeElement.contentWindow;
return null;
// Internal implementation of attach().
GuestViewImpl.prototype.attachImpl$ = function(
internalInstanceId, viewInstanceId, attachParams, callback) {
// Check the current state.
if (!this.checkState('attach')) {
// Callback wrapper function to store the contentWindow from the attachGuest()
// callback, handle potential attaching failure, register an automatic detach,
// and advance the queue.
var callbackWrapper = function(callback, contentWindow) {
// Check if attaching failed.
contentWindow = getIframeContentWindow(viewInstanceId);
if (!contentWindow) {
this.state = GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_CREATED;
this.internalInstanceId = 0;
} else {
// Only update the contentWindow if attaching is successful.
this.contentWindow = contentWindow;
attachParams['instanceId'] = viewInstanceId;
var contentWindow = getIframeContentWindow(viewInstanceId);
// TODO(lazyboy): Call binding function to attach this guest.
// |contentWindow| should be used to retrieve the RenderFrame in cpp.
this.internalInstanceId = internalInstanceId;
this.state = GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_ATTACHED;
// Detach automatically when the container is destroyed.
internalInstanceId, this.weakWrapper(function() {
if (this.state != GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_ATTACHED ||
this.internalInstanceId != internalInstanceId) {
this.internalInstanceId = 0;
this.state = GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_CREATED;
}, viewInstanceId));
// Internal implementation of create().
GuestViewImpl.prototype.createImpl$ = function(createParams, callback) {
// Check the current state.
if (!this.checkState('create')) {
// Callback wrapper function to store the guestInstanceId from the
// createGuest() callback, handle potential creation failure, and advance the
// queue.
var callbackWrapper = function(callback, guestInfo) { =;
// Check if creation failed.
if ( === 0) {
this.state = GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_START;
this.contentWindow = null;
ResizeEvent.addListener(this.callOnResize, {instanceId:});
this.sendCreateRequest(createParams, callbackWrapper.bind(this, callback));
this.state = GuestViewImpl.GuestState.GUEST_STATE_CREATED;