blob: 4fff1162a6b61da51e3b15b3f75a481c906fe57a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/move.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
namespace base {
// Provides a move-only encapsulation of a process.
// This object is not tied to the lifetime of the underlying process: the
// process may be killed and this object may still around, and it will still
// claim to be valid. The actual behavior in that case is OS dependent like so:
// Windows: The underlying ProcessHandle will be valid after the process dies
// and can be used to gather some information about that process, but most
// methods will obviously fail.
// POSIX: The underlying PorcessHandle is not guaranteed to remain valid after
// the process dies, and it may be reused by the system, which means that it may
// end up pointing to the wrong process.
class BASE_EXPORT Process {
MOVE_ONLY_TYPE_FOR_CPP_03(Process, RValue)
explicit Process(ProcessHandle handle = kNullProcessHandle);
// Move constructor for C++03 move emulation of this type.
Process(RValue other);
// The destructor does not terminate the process.
~Process() {}
// Move operator= for C++03 move emulation of this type.
Process& operator=(RValue other);
// Returns an object for the current process.
static Process Current();
// Creates an object from a |handle| owned by someone else.
// Don't use this for new code. It is only intended to ease the migration to
// a strict ownership model.
// TODO(rvargas) Remove this code.
static Process DeprecatedGetProcessFromHandle(ProcessHandle handle);
// Returns true if processes can be backgrounded.
static bool CanBackgroundProcesses();
// Returns true if this objects represents a valid process.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns a handle for this process. There is no guarantee about when that
// handle becomes invalid because this object retains ownership.
ProcessHandle Handle() const;
// Returns a second object that represents this process.
Process Duplicate() const;
// Get the PID for this process.
ProcessId pid() const;
// Returns true if this process is the current process.
bool is_current() const;
// Close the process handle. This will not terminate the process.
void Close();
// Terminates the process with extreme prejudice. The given |result_code| will
// be the exit code of the process.
// NOTE: On POSIX |result_code| is ignored.
void Terminate(int result_code);
// Waits for the process to exit. Returns true on success.
// On POSIX, if the process has been signaled then |exit_code| is set to -1.
bool WaitForExit(int* exit_code);
// Same as WaitForExit() but only waits for up to |timeout|.
bool WaitForExitWithTimeout(TimeDelta timeout, int* exit_code);
// A process is backgrounded when it's priority is lower than normal.
// Return true if this process is backgrounded, false otherwise.
bool IsProcessBackgrounded() const;
// Set a process as backgrounded. If value is true, the priority of the
// process will be lowered. If value is false, the priority of the process
// will be made "normal" - equivalent to default process priority.
// Returns true if the priority was changed, false otherwise.
bool SetProcessBackgrounded(bool value);
// Returns an integer representing the priority of a process. The meaning
// of this value is OS dependent.
int GetPriority() const;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
bool is_current_process_;
win::ScopedHandle process_;
ProcessHandle process_;
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
// A wrapper for clone with fork-like behavior, meaning that it returns the
// child's pid in the parent and 0 in the child. |flags|, |ptid|, and |ctid| are
// as in the clone system call (the CLONE_VM flag is not supported).
// This function uses the libc clone wrapper (which updates libc's pid cache)
// internally, so callers may expect things like getpid() to work correctly
// after in both the child and parent. An exception is when this code is run
// under Valgrind. Valgrind does not support the libc clone wrapper, so the libc
// pid cache may be incorrect after this function is called under Valgrind.
// As with fork(), callers should be extremely careful when calling this while
// multiple threads are running, since at the time the fork happened, the
// threads could have been in any state (potentially holding locks, etc.).
// Callers should most likely call execve() in the child soon after calling
// this.
BASE_EXPORT pid_t ForkWithFlags(unsigned long flags, pid_t* ptid, pid_t* ctid);
} // namespace base