blob: 60ec1ccbf338faf1edf91f014e6b7ee4e0e3a6a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'settings-clear-browsing-data-dialog' allows the user to delete
* browsing data that has been cached by Chromium.
* This file is forked as clear_browsing_data_dialog_tabs.js until the new
* CBD UI is launched.
is: 'settings-clear-browsing-data-dialog',
behaviors: [WebUIListenerBehavior],
properties: {
* Preferences state.
prefs: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* Results of browsing data counters, keyed by the suffix of
* the corresponding data type deletion preference, as reported
* by the C++ side.
* @private {!Object<string>}
counters_: {
type: Object,
// Will be filled as results are reported.
value: function() {
return {};
* List of options for the dropdown menu.
* @private {!DropdownMenuOptionList}
clearFromOptions_: {
readOnly: true,
type: Array,
value: [
{value: 0, name: loadTimeData.getString('clearDataHour')},
{value: 1, name: loadTimeData.getString('clearDataDay')},
{value: 2, name: loadTimeData.getString('clearDataWeek')},
{value: 3, name: loadTimeData.getString('clearData4Weeks')},
{value: 4, name: loadTimeData.getString('clearDataEverything')},
/** @private */
clearingInProgress_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @private */
isSupervised_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isSupervised');
/** @private */
showHistoryDeletionDialog_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @private {!Array<ImportantSite>} */
importantSites_: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [];
/** @private */
importantSitesFlagEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('importantSitesInCbd');
/** @private */
showImportantSitesDialog_: {type: Boolean, value: false},
/** @private {settings.ClearBrowsingDataBrowserProxy} */
browserProxy_: null,
/** @override */
ready: function() {
this.$.clearFrom.menuOptions = this.clearFromOptions_;
'update-sync-state', this.updateSyncState_.bind(this));
'update-counter-text', this.updateCounterText_.bind(this));
/** @override */
attached: function() {
this.browserProxy_ =
this.browserProxy_.initialize().then(() => {
if (this.importantSitesFlagEnabled_) {
this.browserProxy_.getImportantSites().then(sites => {
this.importantSites_ = sites;
* Updates the footer to show only those sentences that are relevant to this
* user.
* @param {boolean} signedIn Whether the user is signed in.
* @param {boolean} syncing Whether the user is syncing data.
* @param {boolean} otherFormsOfBrowsingHistory Whether the user has other
* forms of browsing history in their account.
* @private
updateSyncState_: function(signedIn, syncing, otherFormsOfBrowsingHistory) {
this.$.googleFooter.hidden = !otherFormsOfBrowsingHistory;
this.$.syncedDataSentence.hidden = !syncing;
* Updates the text of a browsing data counter corresponding to the given
* preference.
* @param {string} prefName Browsing data type deletion preference.
* @param {string} text The text with which to update the counter
* @private
updateCounterText_: function(prefName, text) {
// Data type deletion preferences are named "browser.clear_data.<datatype>".
// Strip the common prefix, i.e. use only "<datatype>".
const matches = prefName.match(/^browser\.clear_data\.(\w+)$/);
this.set('counters_.' + assert(matches[1]), text);
* @return {boolean} Whether the ImportantSites dialog should be shown.
* @private
shouldShowImportantSites_: function() {
if (!this.importantSitesFlagEnabled_)
return false;
if (!this.$.cookiesCheckbox.checked)
return false;
const haveImportantSites = this.importantSites_.length > 0;
['History.ClearBrowsingData.ImportantDialogShown', haveImportantSites]);
return haveImportantSites;
* Handles the tap on the Clear Data button.
* @private
onClearBrowsingDataTap_: function() {
if (this.shouldShowImportantSites_()) {
this.showImportantSitesDialog_ = true;
// Show important sites dialog after dom-if is applied.
this.async(function() {
} else {
* Handles closing of the clear browsing data dialog. Stops the close
* event from propagating if another dialog is shown to prevent the
* privacy-page from closing this dialog.
* @private
onClearBrowsingDataDialogClose_: function(event) {
if (this.showImportantSitesDialog_)
* Clears browsing data and maybe shows a history notice.
* @private
clearBrowsingData_: function() {
this.clearingInProgress_ = true;
const checkboxes = this.root.querySelectorAll('.browsing-data-checkbox');
const dataTypes = [];
checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => {
if (checkbox.checked)
const timePeriod = this.$.clearFrom.pref.value;
.clearBrowsingData(dataTypes, timePeriod, this.importantSites_)
.then(shouldShowNotice => {
this.clearingInProgress_ = false;
this.showHistoryDeletionDialog_ = shouldShowNotice;
if (!shouldShowNotice)
* Closes the clear browsing data or important site dialog if they are open.
* @private
closeDialogs_: function() {
if (this.$
if (this.showImportantSitesDialog_)
/** @private */
onCancelTap_: function() {
* Handles the tap confirm button in important sites.
* @private
onImportantSitesConfirmTap_: function() {
/** @private */
onImportantSitesCancelTap_: function() {
/** @type {!CrDialogElement} */ (this.$$('#importantSitesDialog')).cancel();
* Handles the closing of the notice about other forms of browsing history.
* @private
onHistoryDeletionDialogClose_: function() {
this.showHistoryDeletionDialog_ = false;