blob: 7f96c57ee9744c2930c07fb1c9f9ca43a9def49a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'settings-internet-detail' is the settings subpage containing details
* for a network.
(function() {
'use strict';
const CARRIER_VERIZON = 'Verizon Wireless';
is: 'settings-internet-detail-page',
[CrPolicyNetworkBehavior, settings.RouteObserverBehavior, I18nBehavior],
properties: {
/** The network GUID to display details for. */
guid: String,
* The current properties for the network matching |guid|.
* @type {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties|undefined}
networkProperties: {
type: Object,
observer: 'networkPropertiesChanged_',
/** Preferences state. */
prefs: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* Whether the user is a secondary user.
* @private
isSecondaryUser_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isSecondaryUser');
readOnly: true,
* Email address for the primary user.
* @private
primaryUserEmail_: {
type: String,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isSecondaryUser') ?
loadTimeData.getString('primaryUserEmail') :
readOnly: true,
* Whether the network has been lost (e.g., has gone out of range). A
* network is considered to be lost when a 'network-list-changed' event
* occurs, and the new network list does not contain the GUID of the current
* network.
* @private
outOfRange_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Highest priority connected network or null.
* @type {?CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties}
defaultNetwork: {
type: Object,
value: null,
/** @type {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy|undefined} */
globalPolicy: Object,
* Interface for networkingPrivate calls, passed from internet_page.
* @type {NetworkingPrivate}
networkingPrivate: Object,
* The network AutoConnect state.
* @private
autoConnect_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'autoConnectChanged_',
* The network preferred state.
* @private
preferNetwork_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'preferNetworkChanged_',
* The network IP Address.
* @private
ipAddress_: {
type: String,
value: '',
/** @private */
advancedExpanded_: Boolean,
/** @private */
networkExpanded_: Boolean,
/** @private */
proxyExpanded_: Boolean,
listeners: {
'network-list-changed': 'checkNetworkExists_',
'networks-changed': 'updateNetworkDetails_',
/** @private {boolean} */
didSetFocus_: false,
* Set to true to once the initial properties have been received. This
* prevents setProperties from being called when setting default properties.
* @private {boolean}
networkPropertiesReceived_: false,
* Set in currentRouteChanged() if the showConfigure URL query
* parameter is set to true. The dialog cannot be shown until the
* network properties have been fetched in networkPropertiesChanged_().
* @private {boolean}
shouldShowConfigureWhenNetworkLoaded_: false,
/** @private {settings.InternetPageBrowserProxy} */
browserProxy_: null,
/** @override */
created: function() {
this.browserProxy_ = settings.InternetPageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
* settings.RouteObserverBehavior
* @param {!settings.Route} route
* @param {!settings.Route} oldRoute
* @protected
currentRouteChanged: function(route, oldRoute) {
if (route != settings.routes.NETWORK_DETAIL)
const queryParams = settings.getQueryParameters();
this.guid = queryParams.get('guid') || '';
if (!this.guid) {
console.error('No guid specified for page:' + route);
// Set basic networkProperties until they are loaded.
this.networkPropertiesReceived_ = false;
this.shouldShowConfigureWhenNetworkLoaded_ =
queryParams.get('showConfigure') == 'true';
const type = /** @type {!chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkType} */ (
queryParams.get('type')) ||
const name = queryParams.get('name') || type;
this.networkProperties = {
GUID: this.guid,
Type: type,
ConnectionState: CrOnc.ConnectionState.NOT_CONNECTED,
Name: {Active: name},
this.didSetFocus_ = false;
/** @private */
close_: function() {
this.guid = '';
// Delay navigating to allow other subpages to load first.
requestAnimationFrame(() => settings.navigateToPreviousRoute());
/** @private */
networkPropertiesChanged_: function() {
if (!this.networkProperties)
// Update autoConnect if it has changed. Default value is false.
const autoConnect = CrOnc.getAutoConnect(this.networkProperties);
if (autoConnect != this.autoConnect_)
this.autoConnect_ = autoConnect;
// Update preferNetwork if it has changed. Default value is false.
const priority = /** @type {number} */ (
CrOnc.getActiveValue(this.networkProperties.Priority) || 0);
const preferNetwork = priority > 0;
if (preferNetwork != this.preferNetwork_)
this.preferNetwork_ = preferNetwork;
// Set the IPAddress property to the IPV4 Address.
const ipv4 =
CrOnc.getIPConfigForType(this.networkProperties, CrOnc.IPType.IPV4);
this.ipAddress_ = (ipv4 && ipv4.IPAddress) || '';
// Update the detail page title.
this.parentNode.pageTitle = CrOnc.getNetworkName(this.networkProperties);
if (!this.didSetFocus_) {
// Focus a button once the initial state is set.
this.didSetFocus_ = true;
const button = this.$$('#titleDiv .primary-button:not([hidden])') ||
this.$$('#titleDiv paper-button:not([hidden])');
if (button)
if (this.shouldShowConfigureWhenNetworkLoaded_ &&
this.networkProperties.Tether) {
// Set |this.shouldShowConfigureWhenNetworkLoaded_| back to false to
// ensure that the Tether dialog is only shown once.
this.shouldShowConfigureWhenNetworkLoaded_ = false;
/** @private */
autoConnectChanged_: function() {
if (!this.networkProperties || !this.guid)
const onc = this.getEmptyNetworkProperties_();
CrOnc.setTypeProperty(onc, 'AutoConnect', this.autoConnect_);
/** @private */
preferNetworkChanged_: function() {
if (!this.networkProperties || !this.guid)
const onc = this.getEmptyNetworkProperties_();
onc.Priority = this.preferNetwork_ ? 1 : 0;
* @param {{detail: !Array<string>}} event
* @private
checkNetworkExists_: function(event) {
const networkIds = event.detail;
this.outOfRange_ = networkIds.indexOf(this.guid) == -1;
* @param {{detail: !Array<string>}} event
* @private
updateNetworkDetails_: function(event) {
const networkIds = event.detail;
if (networkIds.indexOf(this.guid) != -1)
* Calls networkingPrivate.getProperties for this.guid.
* @private
getNetworkDetails_: function() {
if (this.isSecondaryUser_) {
this.guid, this.getStateCallback_.bind(this));
} else {
this.guid, this.getPropertiesCallback_.bind(this));
* networkingPrivate.getProperties callback.
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} properties The network properties.
* @private
getPropertiesCallback_: function(properties) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
const message = chrome.runtime.lastError.message;
if (message == 'Error.InvalidNetworkGuid') {
console.error('Details page: GUID no longer exists: ' + this.guid);
} else {
'Unexpected networkingPrivate.getManagedProperties error: ' +
message + ' For: ' + this.guid);
// Details page was closed while request was in progress, ignore the result.
if (!this.guid)
if (!properties) {
console.error('No properties for: ' + this.guid);
// Detail page should not be shown when Arc VPN is not connected.
if (this.isArcVpn_(properties) && !this.isConnectedState_(properties)) {
this.guid = '';
this.networkProperties = properties;
this.networkPropertiesReceived_ = true;
this.outOfRange_ = false;
* networkingPrivate.getState callback.
* @param {CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties} state The network state properties.
* @private
getStateCallback_: function(state) {
if (!state) {
// If |state| is null, the network is no longer visible, close this.
console.error('Network no longer exists: ' + this.guid);
this.networkProperties = undefined;
this.networkProperties = {
GUID: state.GUID,
Type: state.Type,
Connectable: state.Connectable,
ConnectionState: state.ConnectionState,
this.networkPropertiesReceived_ = true;
this.outOfRange_ = false;
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkConfigProperties} onc The ONC
* network properties.
* @private
setNetworkProperties_: function(onc) {
if (!this.networkPropertiesReceived_)
this.networkingPrivate.setProperties(this.guid, onc, () => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// An error typically indicates invalid input; request the properties
// to update any invalid fields.
* @return {!chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkConfigProperties} An ONC
* dictionary with just the Type property set. Used for passing properties
* to setNetworkProperties_.
* @private
getEmptyNetworkProperties_: function() {
return {Type: this.networkProperties.Type};
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {boolean} outOfRange
* @return {string} The text to display for the network connection state.
* @private
getStateText_: function(networkProperties, outOfRange) {
if (!networkProperties.ConnectionState)
return '';
if (outOfRange) {
return networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.TETHER ?
this.i18n('tetherPhoneOutOfRange') :
return this.i18n('Onc' + networkProperties.ConnectionState);
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean} True if the network is connected.
* @private
isConnectedState_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.ConnectionState == CrOnc.ConnectionState.CONNECTED;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isRemembered_: function(networkProperties) {
const source = networkProperties.Source;
return !!source && source != CrOnc.Source.NONE;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isRememberedOrConnected_: function(networkProperties) {
return this.isRemembered_(networkProperties) ||
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isCellular_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR &&
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy} globalPolicy
* @return {boolean}
* @private
connectNotAllowed_: function(networkProperties, globalPolicy) {
return networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI &&
!!globalPolicy.AllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToConnect &&
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy} globalPolicy
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showConnect_: function(networkProperties, globalPolicy) {
if (this.connectNotAllowed_(networkProperties, globalPolicy))
return false;
// TODO(lgcheng@) support connect Arc VPN from UI once Android support API
// to initiate a VPN session.
if (this.isArcVpn_(networkProperties))
return false;
return networkProperties.Type != CrOnc.Type.ETHERNET &&
networkProperties.ConnectionState ==
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showDisconnect_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Type != CrOnc.Type.ETHERNET &&
networkProperties.ConnectionState !=
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showForget_: function(networkProperties) {
const type = networkProperties.Type;
if (type != CrOnc.Type.WI_FI && type != CrOnc.Type.VPN)
return false;
if (this.isArcVpn_(networkProperties))
return false;
return !this.isPolicySource(networkProperties.Source) &&
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showActivate_: function(networkProperties) {
if (!this.isCellular_(networkProperties))
return false;
const activation = networkProperties.Cellular.ActivationState;
return activation == CrOnc.ActivationState.NOT_ACTIVATED ||
activation == CrOnc.ActivationState.PARTIALLY_ACTIVATED;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy} globalPolicy
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showConfigure_: function(networkProperties, globalPolicy) {
if (this.connectNotAllowed_(networkProperties, globalPolicy))
return false;
const type = networkProperties.Type;
if (type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR || type == CrOnc.Type.TETHER)
return false;
if ((type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI || type == CrOnc.Type.WI_MAX) &&
networkProperties.ConnectionState !=
CrOnc.ConnectionState.NOT_CONNECTED) {
return false;
if (this.isArcVpn_(networkProperties) &&
!this.isConnectedState_(networkProperties)) {
return false;
return true;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showViewAccount_: function(networkProperties) {
// Show either the 'Activate' or the 'View Account' button (Cellular only).
if (!this.isCellular_(networkProperties) ||
this.showActivate_(networkProperties)) {
return false;
// Only show if online payment URL is provided or the carrier is Verizon.
const carrier = CrOnc.getActiveValue(networkProperties.Cellular.Carrier);
if (carrier != CARRIER_VERIZON) {
const paymentPortal = networkProperties.Cellular.PaymentPortal;
if (!paymentPortal || !paymentPortal.Url)
return false;
// Only show for connected networks or LTE networks with a valid MDN.
if (!this.isConnectedState_(networkProperties)) {
const technology = networkProperties.Cellular.NetworkTechnology;
if (technology != CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.LTE &&
technology != CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.LTE_ADVANCED) {
return false;
if (!networkProperties.Cellular.MDN)
return false;
return true;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {?CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties} defaultNetwork
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy} globalPolicy
* @param {boolean} networkPropertiesReceived
* @param {boolean} outOfRange
* @return {boolean} Whether or not to enable the network connect button.
* @private
enableConnect_: function(
networkProperties, defaultNetwork, globalPolicy,
networkPropertiesReceived, outOfRange) {
if (!this.showConnect_(networkProperties, globalPolicy))
return false;
if (!networkPropertiesReceived || outOfRange)
return false;
if ((networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR) &&
(CrOnc.isSimLocked(networkProperties) ||
this.get('Cellular.Scanning', networkProperties))) {
return false;
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.VPN && !defaultNetwork)
return false;
return true;
* @return {!TetherConnectionDialogElement}
* @private
getTetherDialog_: function() {
return /** @type {!TetherConnectionDialogElement} */ (this.$.tetherDialog);
/** @private */
onConnectTap_: function() {
if (CrOnc.shouldShowTetherDialogBeforeConnection(this.networkProperties)) {
}'network-connect', {networkProperties: this.networkProperties});
/** @private */
onTetherConnect_: function() {
this.getTetherDialog_().close();'network-connect', {
networkProperties: this.networkProperties,
bypassConnectionDialog: true
/** @private */
onDisconnectTap_: function() {
/** @private */
onForgetTap_: function() {
// A forgotten network no longer has a valid GUID, close the subpage.
/** @private */
onActivateTap_: function() {
/** @private */
onConfigureTap_: function() {
if (this.networkProperties && this.isArcVpn_(this.networkProperties)) {
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('networkSettingsConfig'))'show-config', this.networkProperties);
chrome.send('configureNetwork', [this.guid]);
/** @private */
onViewAccountTap_: function() {
// startActivate() will show the account page for activated networks.
/** @type {string} */
/** @private */
showTetherDialog_: function() {
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
toggleAdvancedExpanded_: function(event) {
if ( == this.CR_EXPAND_BUTTON_TAG)
return; // Already handled.
this.advancedExpanded_ = !this.advancedExpanded_;
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
toggleNetworkExpanded_: function(event) {
if ( == this.CR_EXPAND_BUTTON_TAG)
return; // Already handled.
this.networkExpanded_ = !this.networkExpanded_;
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
toggleProxyExpanded_: function(event) {
if ( == this.CR_EXPAND_BUTTON_TAG)
return; // Already handled.
this.proxyExpanded_ = !this.proxyExpanded_;
* Event triggered for elements associated with network properties.
* @param {!{detail: !{field: string, value: (string|!Object)}}} event
* @private
onNetworkPropertyChange_: function(event) {
if (!this.networkProperties)
const field = event.detail.field;
const value = event.detail.value;
const onc = this.getEmptyNetworkProperties_();
if (field == 'APN') {
CrOnc.setTypeProperty(onc, 'APN', value);
} else if (field == 'SIMLockStatus') {
CrOnc.setTypeProperty(onc, 'SIMLockStatus', value);
} else if (field == 'VPN.Host') {
// TODO(stevenjb): Generalize this section if we add more editable fields.
CrOnc.setProperty(onc, field, value);
} else {
console.error('Unexpected property change event: ' + field);
* Event triggered when the IP Config or NameServers element changes.
* @param {!{detail: !{field: string,
* value: (string|!CrOnc.IPConfigProperties|
* !Array<string>)}}} event
* The network-ip-config or network-nameservers change event.
* @private
onIPConfigChange_: function(event) {
if (!this.networkProperties)
const field = event.detail.field;
const value = event.detail.value;
// Get an empty ONC dictionary and set just the IP Config properties that
// need to change.
const onc = this.getEmptyNetworkProperties_();
const ipConfigType =
/** @type {chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigType|undefined} */ (
if (field == 'IPAddressConfigType') {
const newIpConfigType =
/** @type {chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigType} */ (value);
if (newIpConfigType == ipConfigType)
onc.IPAddressConfigType = newIpConfigType;
} else if (field == 'NameServersConfigType') {
const nsConfigType =
/** @type {chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigType|undefined} */ (
const newNsConfigType =
/** @type {chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigType} */ (value);
if (newNsConfigType == nsConfigType)
onc.NameServersConfigType = newNsConfigType;
} else if (field == 'StaticIPConfig') {
if (ipConfigType == CrOnc.IPConfigType.STATIC) {
const staticIpConfig = this.networkProperties.StaticIPConfig;
const ipConfigValue = /** @type {!Object} */ (value);
if (staticIpConfig &&
this.allPropertiesMatch_(staticIpConfig, ipConfigValue)) {
onc.IPAddressConfigType = CrOnc.IPConfigType.STATIC;
if (!onc.StaticIPConfig) {
onc.StaticIPConfig =
/** @type {!chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigProperties} */ ({});
// Only copy Static IP properties.
const keysToCopy = ['Type', 'IPAddress', 'RoutingPrefix', 'Gateway'];
for (let i = 0; i < keysToCopy.length; ++i) {
const key = keysToCopy[i];
if (key in value)
onc.StaticIPConfig[key] = value[key];
} else if (field == 'NameServers') {
// If a StaticIPConfig property is specified and its NameServers value
// matches the new value, no need to set anything.
const nameServers = /** @type {!Array<string>} */ (value);
if (onc.NameServersConfigType == CrOnc.IPConfigType.STATIC &&
onc.StaticIPConfig && onc.StaticIPConfig.NameServers == nameServers) {
onc.NameServersConfigType = CrOnc.IPConfigType.STATIC;
if (!onc.StaticIPConfig) {
onc.StaticIPConfig =
/** @type {!chrome.networkingPrivate.IPConfigProperties} */ ({});
onc.StaticIPConfig.NameServers = nameServers;
} else {
console.error('Unexpected change field: ' + field);
// setValidStaticIPConfig will fill in any other properties from
// networkProperties. This is necessary since we update IP Address and
// NameServers independently.
CrOnc.setValidStaticIPConfig(onc, this.networkProperties);
* Event triggered when the Proxy configuration element changes.
* @param {!{detail: {field: string, value: !CrOnc.ProxySettings}}} event
* The network-proxy change event.
* @private
onProxyChange_: function(event) {
if (!this.networkProperties)
const field = event.detail.field;
const value = event.detail.value;
if (field != 'ProxySettings')
const onc = this.getEmptyNetworkProperties_();
CrOnc.setProperty(onc, 'ProxySettings', /** @type {!Object} */ (value));
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean} True if the shared message should be shown.
* @private
showShared_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Source == 'Device' ||
networkProperties.Source == 'DevicePolicy';
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean} True if the AutoConnect checkbox should be shown.
* @private
showAutoConnect_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Type != CrOnc.Type.ETHERNET &&
this.isRemembered_(networkProperties) &&
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @param {!chrome.networkingPrivate.GlobalPolicy} globalPolicy
* @return {boolean}
* @private
enableAutoConnect_: function(networkProperties, globalPolicy) {
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI &&
!!globalPolicy.AllowOnlyPolicyNetworksToAutoconnect &&
!this.isPolicySource(networkProperties.Source)) {
return false;
return !this.isNetworkPolicyEnforced(
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {!CrOnc.ManagedProperty|undefined} Managed AutoConnect property.
* @private
getManagedAutoConnect_: function(networkProperties) {
return CrOnc.getManagedAutoConnect(networkProperties);
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean} True if the prefer network checkbox should be shown.
* @private
showPreferNetwork_: function(networkProperties) {
// TODO(stevenjb): Resolve whether or not we want to allow "preferred" for
// networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.ETHERNET.
return this.isRemembered_(networkProperties) &&
* @param {!Array<string>} fields
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasVisibleFields_: function(fields) {
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
const value = this.get(fields[i], this.networkProperties);
if (value !== undefined && value !== '')
return true;
return false;
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasInfoFields_: function() {
return this.hasVisibleFields_(this.getInfoFields_());
* @return {!Array<string>} The fields to display in the info section.
* @private
getInfoFields_: function() {
/** @type {!Array<string>} */ const fields = [];
const type = this.networkProperties.Type;
if (type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR && !!this.networkProperties.Cellular) {
'Cellular.ActivationState', 'Cellular.RoamingState',
'RestrictedConnectivity', 'Cellular.ServingOperator.Name');
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.TETHER && !!this.networkProperties.Tether) {
'Tether.BatteryPercentage', 'Tether.SignalStrength',
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.VPN && !!this.networkProperties.VPN) {
const vpnType = CrOnc.getActiveValue(this.networkProperties.VPN.Type);
if (vpnType == 'ThirdPartyVPN') {
} else if (vpnType == 'ARCVPN') {
} else {
fields.push('VPN.Host', 'VPN.Type');
if (vpnType == 'OpenVPN')
else if (vpnType == 'L2TP-IPsec')
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI) {
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_MAX) {
fields.push('RestrictedConnectivity', 'WiMAX.EAP.Identity');
return fields;
* @return {!Object} A dictionary of editable fields in the info section.
* @private
getInfoEditFieldTypes_: function() {
/** @dict */ const editFields = {};
const type = this.networkProperties.Type;
if (type == CrOnc.Type.VPN && !!this.networkProperties.VPN) {
const vpnType = CrOnc.getActiveValue(this.networkProperties.VPN.Type);
if (vpnType != 'ThirdPartyVPN')
editFields['VPN.Host'] = 'String';
return editFields;
* @return {!Array<string>} The fields to display in the Advanced section.
* @private
getAdvancedFields_: function() {
/** @type {!Array<string>} */ const fields = [];
const type = this.networkProperties.Type;
if (type != CrOnc.Type.TETHER)
if (type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR && !!this.networkProperties.Cellular) {
'Cellular.Carrier', 'Cellular.Family', 'Cellular.NetworkTechnology',
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI) {
'WiFi.SSID', 'WiFi.BSSID', 'WiFi.SignalStrength', 'WiFi.Security',
'WiFi.EAP.Outer', 'WiFi.EAP.Inner', 'WiFi.EAP.SubjectMatch',
'WiFi.EAP.Identity', 'WiFi.EAP.AnonymousIdentity', 'WiFi.Frequency');
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_MAX) {
return fields;
* @return {!Array<string>} The fields to display in the device section.
* @private
getDeviceFields_: function() {
/** @type {!Array<string>} */ const fields = [];
if (this.networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR) {
'Cellular.HomeProvider.Name', 'Cellular.HomeProvider.Country',
'Cellular.HomeProvider.Code', 'Cellular.Manufacturer',
'Cellular.ModelID', 'Cellular.FirmwareRevision',
'Cellular.HardwareRevision', 'Cellular.ESN', 'Cellular.ICCID',
'Cellular.IMEI', 'Cellular.IMSI', 'Cellular.MDN', 'Cellular.MEID',
'Cellular.MIN', 'Cellular.PRLVersion');
return fields;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showAdvanced_: function(networkProperties) {
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.TETHER) {
// These settings apply to the underlying WiFi network, not the Tether
// network.
return false;
return this.hasAdvancedFields_() || this.hasDeviceFields_() ||
(networkProperties.Type != CrOnc.Type.VPN &&
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasAdvancedFields_: function() {
return this.hasVisibleFields_(this.getAdvancedFields_());
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasDeviceFields_: function() {
return this.hasVisibleFields_(this.getDeviceFields_());
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasAdvancedOrDeviceFields_: function() {
return this.hasAdvancedFields_() || this.hasDeviceFields_();
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasNetworkSection_: function(networkProperties) {
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.TETHER) {
// These settings apply to the underlying WiFi network, not the Tether
// network.
return false;
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.VPN)
return false;
if (networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR)
return true;
return this.isRememberedOrConnected_(networkProperties);
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showCellularChooseNetwork_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR &&
!!this.get('Cellular.SupportNetworkScan', this.networkProperties);
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showCellularSim_: function(networkProperties) {
return networkProperties.Type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR &&
!!networkProperties.Cellular &&
networkProperties.Cellular.Family != 'CDMA';
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isArcVpn_: function(networkProperties) {
return !!networkProperties.VPN &&
CrOnc.getActiveValue(networkProperties.VPN.Type) == 'ARCVPN';
* @param {string} ipAddress
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showIpAddress_: function(ipAddress, networkProperties) {
// Arc Vpn does not currently pass IP configuration to ChromeOS. IP address
// property holds an internal IP address Android uses to talk to ChromeOS.
// TODO(lgcheng@) Show correct IP address when we implement IP configuration
// correctly.
if (this.isArcVpn_(networkProperties))
return false;
return !!ipAddress && this.isConnectedState_(networkProperties);
* @param {!Object} curValue
* @param {!Object} newValue
* @return {boolean} True if all properties set in |newValue| are equal to
* the corresponding properties in |curValue|. Note: Not all properties
* of |curValue| need to be specified in |newValue| for this to return
* true.
* @private
allPropertiesMatch_: function(curValue, newValue) {
for (const key in newValue) {
if (newValue[key] != curValue[key])
return false;
return true;