blob: 4ba1d6de1bc4834177dbff3a7d8bd21113dd5ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'settings-internet-known-networks' is the settings subpage listing the
* known networks for a type (currently always WiFi).
is: 'settings-internet-known-networks-page',
behaviors: [CrPolicyNetworkBehavior],
properties: {
* The type of networks to list.
* @type {CrOnc.Type}
networkType: {
type: String,
observer: 'networkTypeChanged_',
* Interface for networkingPrivate calls, passed from internet_page.
* @type {NetworkingPrivate}
networkingPrivate: Object,
* List of all network state data for the network type.
* @private {!Array<!CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties>}
networkStateList_: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [];
/** @private */
showAddPreferred_: Boolean,
/** @private */
showRemovePreferred_: Boolean,
* We always show 'Forget' since we do not know whether or not to enable
* it until we fetch the managed properties, and we do not want an empty
* menu.
* @private
enableForget_: Boolean,
listeners: {'network-list-changed': 'refreshNetworks_'},
/** @private {string} */
selectedGuid_: '',
/** @private */
networkTypeChanged_: function() {
* Requests the list of network states from Chrome. Updates networkStates
* once the results are returned from Chrome.
* @private
refreshNetworks_: function() {
if (!this.networkType)
const filter = {
networkType: this.networkType,
visible: false,
configured: true
this.networkingPrivate.getNetworks(filter, states => {
this.networkStateList_ = states;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties} state
* @return {boolean}
* @private
networkIsPreferred_: function(state) {
// Currently we treat NetworkStateProperties.Priority as a boolean.
return state.Priority > 0;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties} networkState
* @return {boolean}
* @private
networkIsNotPreferred_: function(networkState) {
return networkState.Priority == 0;
* @return {boolean}
* @private
havePreferred_: function() {
return this.networkStateList_.find(
state => this.networkIsPreferred_(state)) !== undefined;
* @return {boolean}
* @private
haveNotPreferred_: function() {
return this.networkStateList_.find(
state => this.networkIsNotPreferred_(state)) !== undefined;
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onMenuButtonTap_: function(event) {
const button = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (;
this.selectedGuid_ =
/** @type {!{model: !{item: !CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties}}} */ (event)
// We need to make a round trip to Chrome in order to retrieve the managed
// properties for the network. The delay is not noticeable (~5ms) and is
// preferable to initiating a query for every known network at load time.
this.selectedGuid_, properties => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError || !properties) {
'Unexpected error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
const preferred = button.hasAttribute('preferred');
if (this.isNetworkPolicyEnforced(properties.Priority)) {
this.showAddPreferred_ = false;
this.showRemovePreferred_ = false;
} else {
this.showAddPreferred_ = !preferred;
this.showRemovePreferred_ = preferred;
this.enableForget_ = !this.isPolicySource(properties.Source);
/** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.dotsMenu).showAt(button);
/** @private */
onRemovePreferredTap_: function() {
this.networkingPrivate.setProperties(this.selectedGuid_, {Priority: 0});
/** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.dotsMenu).close();
/** @private */
onAddPreferredTap_: function() {
this.networkingPrivate.setProperties(this.selectedGuid_, {Priority: 1});
/** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.dotsMenu).close();
/** @private */
onForgetTap_: function() {
/** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.dotsMenu).close();
* Fires a 'show-details' event with an item containing a |networkStateList_|
* entry in the event model.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
fireShowDetails_: function(event) {
const state =
/** @type {!{model: !{item: !CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties}}} */ (event)
.model.item;'show-detail', state);