blob: ae1bfe04aae948d3476be858fd350a1ad3cf20e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This behavior bundles functionality required to show a password to the user.
* It is used by both <password-list-item> and <password-edit-dialog>.
* @polymerBehavior
const ShowPasswordBehavior = {
properties: {
* The password that is being displayed.
* @type {!ShowPasswordBehavior.UiEntryWithPassword}
item: Object,
* Gets the password input's type. Should be 'text' when password is visible
* or when there's federated text otherwise 'password'.
* @private
getPasswordInputType_: function() {
return this.item.password || this.item.entry.federationText ? 'text' :
* Gets the title text for the show/hide icon.
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} hide The i18n text to use for 'Hide'
* @param {string} show The i18n text to use for 'Show'
* @private
showPasswordTitle_: function(password, hide, show) {
return password ? hide : show;
* Get the right icon to display when hiding/showing a password.
* @return {string}
* @private
getIconClass_: function() {
return this.item.password ? 'icon-visibility-off' : 'icon-visibility';
* Gets the text of the password. Will use the value of |password| unless it
* cannot be shown, in which case it will be spaces. It can also be the
* federated text.
* @private
getPassword_: function() {
if (!this.item)
return '';
return this.item.entry.federationText || this.item.password ||
' '.repeat(this.item.entry.numCharactersInPassword);
* Handler for tapping the show/hide button. Will fire an event to request the
* password for this login pair.
* @private
onShowPasswordButtonTap_: function() {
if (this.item.password)
this.set('item.password', '');
else'show-password', this); // Request the password.
/** @typedef {{
* entry: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.PasswordUiEntry,
* password: string
* }}