blob: 11a5e336d8d574e287eb2f88de43234f55a1aa70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function() {
* The time in milliseconds of the animation updates.
* @type {number}
const ANIMATE_TICKS_MS = 20;
* The duration in milliseconds of the animation of the progress circle when the
* user is touching the scanner.
* @type {number}
* The radius of the add fingerprint progress circle.
* @type {number}
* The thickness of the add fingerprint progress circle.
* @type {number}
* The color of the canvas circle background.
* @type {string}
const CANVAS_CIRCLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 'rgba(66, 66, 66, 1.0)';
* The color of the arc/circle which indicates setup progress.
* @type {string}
const CANVAS_CIRCLE_PROGRESS_COLOR = 'rgba(53, 103, 214, 1.0)';
* The color of the canvas circle shadow.
* @type {string}
const CANVAS_CIRCLE_SHADOW_COLOR = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
is: 'settings-fingerprint-progress-arc',
// Also put these values as member values so they can be overriden by tests
// and the tests do not need to be changed every time the UI is.
/** @private {number} */
canvasCircleRadius_: CANVAS_CIRCLE_RADIUS,
/** @private {number} */
canvasCircleStrokeWidth_: CANVAS_CIRCLE_STROKE_WIDTH,
/** @private {string} */
canvasCircleBackgroundColor_: CANVAS_CIRCLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
/** @private {string} */
canvasCircleProgressColor_: CANVAS_CIRCLE_PROGRESS_COLOR,
/** @private {string} */
canvasCircleShadowColor_: CANVAS_CIRCLE_SHADOW_COLOR,
* Draws an arc on the canvas element around the center with radius
* @param {number} startAngle The start angle of the arc we want to draw.
* @param {number} endAngle The end angle of the arc we want to draw.
* @param {string} color The color of the arc we want to draw. The string is
* in the format rgba(r',g',b',a'). r', g', b' are values from [0-255]
* and a' is a value from [0-1].
drawArc: function(startAngle, endAngle, color) {
const c = this.$.canvas;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
c.width / 2, c.height / 2, this.canvasCircleRadius_, startAngle,
ctx.lineWidth = this.canvasCircleStrokeWidth_;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
* Draws a circle on the canvas element around the center with radius
drawBackgroundCircle: function() {
this.drawArc(0, 2 * Math.PI, this.canvasCircleBackgroundColor_);
* Draws a circular shadow around the center with radius
* @param {number} blur
* @param {number} offsetX
* @param {number} offsetY
drawShadow: function(blur, offsetX, offsetY) {
const c = this.$.canvas;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(-c.width, 0);
ctx.shadowOffsetX = c.width + offsetX;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
ctx.shadowColor = this.canvasCircleShadowColor_;
ctx.shadowBlur = blur;
c.width / 2, c.height / 2,
this.canvasCircleRadius_ - this.canvasCircleStrokeWidth_ / 2 + blur / 2,
0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.translate(c.width, 0);
* Animates the progress the circle. Animates an arc that starts at the top of
* the circle to startAngle, to an arc that starts at the top of the circle to
* endAngle.
* @param {number} startAngle The start angle of the arc we want to draw.
* @param {number} endAngle The end angle of the arc we want to draw.
animate: function(startAngle, endAngle) {
let currentAngle = startAngle;
// The value to update the angle by each tick.
const step =
(endAngle - startAngle) / (ANIMATE_DURATION_MS / ANIMATE_TICKS_MS);
const id = setInterval(doAnimate.bind(this), ANIMATE_TICKS_MS);
// Circles on html canvas have 0 radians on the positive x-axis and go in
// clockwise direction. We want to start at the top of the circle which is
// 3pi/2.
const start = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
// Function that is called every tick of the interval, draws the arc a bit
// closer to the final destination each tick, until it reaches the final
// destination.
function doAnimate() {
if (currentAngle >= endAngle)
// Clears the canvas and draws the new progress circle.
// Drawing two arcs to form a circle gives a nicer look than drawing an
// arc on top of a circle. If |currentAngle| is 0, draw from |start| +
// |currentAngle| to 7 * Math.PI / 2 (start is 3 * Math.PI / 2) otherwise
// the regular draw from |start| to |currentAngle| will draw nothing which
// will cause a flicker for one frame.
start, start + currentAngle, this.canvasCircleProgressColor_);
start + currentAngle, currentAngle <= 0 ? 7 * Math.PI / 2 : start,
currentAngle += step;
* Clear the canvas of any renderings.
clearCanvas: function() {
const c = this.$.canvas;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);