blob: 97b817177a8e3d8bc84013c613486cbecd7459ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'settings-password-prompt-dialog' shows a dialog which asks for the user to
* enter their password. It validates the password is correct. Once the user has
* entered their account password, the page fires an 'authenticated' event and
* updates the setModes binding.
* The setModes binding is a wrapper around chrome.quickUnlockPrivate.setModes
* which has a prebound account password. The account password by itself is not
* available for other elements to access.
* Example:
* <settings-password-prompt-dialog
* id="passwordPrompt"
* set-modes="[[setModes]]">
* </settings-password-prompt-dialog>
* this.$
(function() {
'use strict';
const PASSWORD_ACTIVE_DURATION_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000; // Ten minutes.
is: 'settings-password-prompt-dialog',
properties: {
* A wrapper around chrome.quickUnlockPrivate.setModes with the account
* password already supplied. If this is null, the authentication screen
* needs to be redisplayed. This property will be cleared after
* |this.passwordActiveDurationMs_| milliseconds.
setModes: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* The actual value of the password field. This is cleared whenever the
* authentication screen is not displayed so that the user's password is not
* easily available to an attacker. The actual password is stored as an
* captured closure variable inside of setModes.
* @private
password_: {
type: String,
observer: 'onPasswordChanged_',
* Helper property which marks password as valid/invalid.
* @private
passwordInvalid_: Boolean,
* Interface for chrome.quickUnlockPrivate calls. May be overriden by tests.
* @private
quickUnlockPrivate_: {
type: Object,
value: chrome.quickUnlockPrivate,
* writeUma_ is a function that handles writing uma stats. It may be
* overridden for tests.
* @type {Function}
* @private
writeUma_: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return settings.recordLockScreenProgress;
* PASSWORD_ACTIVE_DURATION_MS value. May be overridden by tests.
* @private
passwordActiveDurationMs_: {
type: Number,
/** @override */
attached: function() {
this.async(() => {
/** @private */
onCancelTap_: function() {
if (this.$
* Called whenever the dialog is closed.
* @private
onClose_: function() {
this.password_ = '';
* Run the account password check.
* @private
submitPassword_: function() {
// The user might have started entering a password and then deleted it all.
// Do not submit/show an error in this case.
if (!this.password_) {
this.passwordInvalid_ = false;
function onPasswordChecked(valid) {
// The password might have been cleared during the duration of the
// getActiveModes call.
this.passwordInvalid_ = !valid && !!this.password_;
// Select the whole password if user entered an incorrect password.
// Return focus to the password input if it lost focus while being checked
// (user pressed confirm button).
if (this.passwordInvalid_) {
if (!this.$.passwordInput.focused)
if (valid) {
// Create the |this.setModes| closure and automatically clear it after
// |this.passwordActiveDurationMs_|.
let password = this.password_;
this.password_ = '';
this.setModes = (modes, credentials, onComplete) => {
password, modes, credentials, onComplete);
function clearSetModes() {
// Reset the password so that any cached references to this.setModes
// will fail.
password = '';
this.setModes = null;
this.clearAccountPasswordTimeout_ = setTimeout(
clearSetModes.bind(this), this.passwordActiveDurationMs_);
// Clear stored password state and close the dialog.
this.password_ = '';
if (this.$
/** @private */
onPasswordChanged_: function() {
this.passwordInvalid_ = false;
/** @private */
enableConfirm_: function() {
return !!this.password_ && !this.passwordInvalid_;
* Helper method that checks if the current password is valid.
* @param {function(boolean):void} onCheck
checkAccountPassword_: function(onCheck) {
// We check the account password by trying to update the active set of quick
// unlock modes without changing any credentials.
this.quickUnlockPrivate_.getActiveModes(modes => {
const credentials =
/** @type {!Array<string>} */ (Array(modes.length).fill(''));
this.password_, modes, credentials, onCheck);