blob: b9d40047a730adce61bc0a9e2362cf029b774352 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('settings', function() {
/** @interface */
class ResetBrowserProxy {
* @param {boolean} sendSettings Whether the user gave consent to upload
* broken settings to Google for analysis.
* @param {string} requestOrigin The origin of the reset request.
* @return {!Promise} A promise firing once resetting has completed.
performResetProfileSettings(sendSettings, requestOrigin) {}
* A method to be called when the reset profile dialog is hidden.
onHideResetProfileDialog() {}
* A method to be called when the reset profile banner is hidden.
onHideResetProfileBanner() {}
* A method to be called when the reset profile dialog is shown.
onShowResetProfileDialog() {}
* Shows the settings that are about to be reset and which will be reported
* to Google for analysis, in a new tab.
showReportedSettings() {}
* Retrieves the triggered reset tool name.
* @return {!Promise<string>} A promise firing with the tool name, once it
* has been retrieved.
getTriggeredResetToolName() {}
// <if expr="chromeos">
* A method to be called when the reset powerwash dialog is shown.
onPowerwashDialogShow() {}
* Initiates a factory reset and restarts ChromeOS.
requestFactoryResetRestart() {}
// </if>
* @implements {settings.ResetBrowserProxy}
class ResetBrowserProxyImpl {
/** @override */
performResetProfileSettings(sendSettings, requestOrigin) {
return cr.sendWithPromise(
'performResetProfileSettings', sendSettings, requestOrigin);
/** @override */
onHideResetProfileDialog() {
/** @override */
onHideResetProfileBanner() {
/** @override */
onShowResetProfileDialog() {
/** @override */
showReportedSettings() {
cr.sendWithPromise('getReportedSettings').then(function(settings) {
const output = {
return entry.key + ': ' + entry.value.replace(/\n/g, ', ');
const win ='about:blank');
const div = win.document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = output.join('\n'); = 'pre';
/** @override */
getTriggeredResetToolName() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getTriggeredResetToolName');
// <if expr="chromeos">
/** @override */
onPowerwashDialogShow() {
/** @override */
requestFactoryResetRestart() {
// </if>
return {
ResetBrowserProxy: ResetBrowserProxy,
ResetBrowserProxyImpl: ResetBrowserProxyImpl,