blob: 0c1fef340021d645ff69d2851522aef1eaf87796 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview A helper object used from the Cookies and Local Storage Data
* section.
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* start: number,
* children: !Array<CookieDetails>,
* }}
let CookieList;
* @typedef {{
* data: !Object,
* id: string,
* }}
let LocalDataItem;
* TODO(dschuyler): add |filter| and |order|.
* @typedef {{
* items: !Array<!LocalDataItem>,
* total: number,
* }}
let LocalDataList;
cr.define('settings', function() {
/** @interface */
class LocalDataBrowserProxy {
* @param {string} filter Search filter (use "" for none).
* @return {!Promise<!LocalDataList>}
getDisplayList(filter) {}
* Removes all local data (local storage, cookies, etc.).
* Note: on-tree-item-removed will not be sent.
* @return {!Promise} To signal completion.
removeAll() {}
* Remove items that pass the current filter. Completion signaled by
* on-tree-item-removed.
removeShownItems() {}
* Remove a specific list item. Completion signaled by on-tree-item-removed.
* @param {string} id Which element to delete.
removeItem(id) {}
* Gets the cookie details for a particular site.
* @param {string} site The name of the site.
* @return {!Promise<!CookieList>}
getCookieDetails(site) {}
* Reloads all local data.
* TODO(dschuyler): rename function to reload().
* @return {!Promise} To signal completion.
reloadCookies() {}
* TODO(dschuyler): merge with removeItem().
* Removes a given cookie.
* @param {string} path The path to the parent cookie.
removeCookie(path) {}
* @implements {settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy}
class LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl {
/** @override */
getDisplayList(filter) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.getDisplayList', filter);
/** @override */
removeAll() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.removeAll');
/** @override */
removeShownItems() {
/** @override */
removeItem(id) {
chrome.send('localData.removeItem', [id]);
/** @override */
getCookieDetails(site) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.getCookieDetails', site);
/** @override */
reloadCookies() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.reload');
/** @override */
removeCookie(path) {
chrome.send('localData.removeCookie', [path]);
// The singleton instance_ is replaced with a test version of this wrapper
// during testing.
return {
LocalDataBrowserProxy: LocalDataBrowserProxy,
LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl: LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl,