blob: 7f3cb3dd6eca2b4c138eaf3589bcb5144561ea33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for displaying the IP Config properties for
* a network state. TODO(stevenjb): Allow editing of static IP configurations
* when 'editable' is true.
is: 'network-ip-config',
behaviors: [I18nBehavior],
properties: {
* The network properties dictionary containing the IP Config properties to
* display and modify.
* @type {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties|undefined}
networkProperties: {
type: Object,
observer: 'networkPropertiesChanged_',
* Whether or not the IP Address can be edited.
editable: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* State of 'Configure IP Addresses Automatically'.
* @private
automatic_: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
* The currently visible IP Config property dictionary. The 'RoutingPrefix'
* property is a human-readable mask instead of a prefix length.
* @private {{
* ipv4: (!CrOnc.IPConfigUIProperties|undefined),
* ipv6: (!CrOnc.IPConfigUIProperties|undefined)
* }|undefined}
ipConfig_: Object,
* Array of properties to pass to the property list.
* @private {!Array<string>}
ipConfigFields_: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [
readOnly: true
* Saved static IP configuration properties when switching to 'automatic'.
* @private {!CrOnc.IPConfigUIProperties|undefined}
savedStaticIp_: undefined,
* Polymer networkProperties changed method.
networkPropertiesChanged_: function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (!this.networkProperties)
const properties = this.networkProperties;
if (newValue.GUID != (oldValue && oldValue.GUID))
this.savedStaticIp_ = undefined;
// Update the 'automatic' property.
if (properties.IPAddressConfigType) {
const ipConfigType = CrOnc.getActiveValue(properties.IPAddressConfigType);
this.automatic_ = (ipConfigType != CrOnc.IPConfigType.STATIC);
if (properties.IPConfigs || properties.StaticIPConfig) {
// Update the 'ipConfig' property.
const ipv4 = this.getIPConfigUIProperties_(
CrOnc.getIPConfigForType(properties, CrOnc.IPType.IPV4));
let ipv6 = this.getIPConfigUIProperties_(
CrOnc.getIPConfigForType(properties, CrOnc.IPType.IPV6));
if (properties.ConnectionState == CrOnc.ConnectionState.CONNECTED &&
ipv4 && ipv4.IPAddress) {
ipv6 = ipv6 || {};
ipv6.IPAddress = ipv6.IPAddress || this.i18n('loading');
this.ipConfig_ = {ipv4: ipv4, ipv6: ipv6};
} else {
this.ipConfig_ = undefined;
/** @private */
onAutomaticChange_: function() {
if (!this.automatic_) {
const defaultIpv4 = {
Gateway: '',
IPAddress: '',
RoutingPrefix: '',
Type: CrOnc.IPType.IPV4,
// Ensure that there is a valid IPConfig object. Copy any set properties
// over the default properties to ensure all properties are set.
if (this.ipConfig_)
this.ipConfig_.ipv4 = Object.assign(defaultIpv4, this.ipConfig_.ipv4);
this.ipConfig_ = {ipv4: defaultIpv4};
// Save the static IP configuration when switching to automatic.
if (this.ipConfig_)
this.savedStaticIp_ = this.ipConfig_.ipv4;
// Send the change.'ip-change', {
field: 'IPAddressConfigType',
value: CrOnc.IPConfigType.DHCP,
* @param {!CrOnc.IPConfigProperties|undefined} ipconfig
* @return {!CrOnc.IPConfigUIProperties|undefined} A new IPConfigUIProperties
* object with RoutingPrefix expressed as a string mask instead of a
* prefix length. Returns undefined if |ipconfig| is not defined.
* @private
getIPConfigUIProperties_: function(ipconfig) {
if (!ipconfig)
return undefined;
const result = {};
for (const key in ipconfig) {
const value = ipconfig[key];
if (key == 'RoutingPrefix')
result.RoutingPrefix = CrOnc.getRoutingPrefixAsNetmask(value);
result[key] = value;
return result;
* @param {!CrOnc.IPConfigUIProperties} ipconfig The IP Config UI properties.
* @return {!CrOnc.IPConfigProperties} A new IPConfigProperties object with
* RoutingPrefix expressed as a a prefix length.
* @private
getIPConfigProperties_: function(ipconfig) {
const result = {};
for (const key in ipconfig) {
const value = ipconfig[key];
if (key == 'RoutingPrefix')
result.RoutingPrefix = CrOnc.getRoutingPrefixAsLength(value);
result[key] = value;
return result;
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasIpConfigFields_: function() {
if (!this.ipConfigFields_)
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.ipConfigFields_.length; ++i) {
if (this.get(this.ipConfigFields_[i], this.ipConfig_) != undefined)
return true;
return false;
* @return {Object} An object with the edit type for each editable field.
* @private
getIPEditFields_: function() {
if (!this.editable || this.automatic_)
return {};
return {
'ipv4.IPAddress': 'String',
'ipv4.RoutingPrefix': 'String',
'ipv4.Gateway': 'String'
* Event triggered when the network property list changes.
* @param {!{detail: {field: string, value: string}}} event The
* network-property-list change event.
* @private
onIPChange_: function(event) {
if (!this.ipConfig_)
const field = event.detail.field;
const value = event.detail.value;
// Note: |field| includes the 'ipv4.' prefix.
this.set('ipConfig_.' + field, value);
/** @private */
sendStaticIpConfig_: function() {
// This will also set IPAddressConfigType to STATIC.'ip-change', {
field: 'StaticIPConfig',
value: this.ipConfig_.ipv4 ?
this.getIPConfigProperties_(this.ipConfig_.ipv4) :