blob: 3a5a6d520fdf555f9b5c6ed36857cc000de4005b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
* The handler for cast messages. It receives events between the Cast SDK and the page, process and
* dispatch the messages accordingly. The handler talks to the Cast SDK via CastSession, and
* talks to the pages via the media router.
public class CafMessageHandler {
private static final String TAG = "CafMR";
// Sequence number used when no sequence number is required or was initially passed.
static final int INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = -1;
private static final String MEDIA_MESSAGE_TYPES[] = {
private static final String MEDIA_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS[] = {
"pause", "seek", "stream_volume", "stream_mute",
// Lock used to lazy initialize sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.
private static final Object INIT_LOCK = new Object();
// Map associating types that have a different names outside of the media namespace and inside.
// In other words, some types are sent as MEDIA_FOO or FOO_MEDIA by the client by the Cast
// expect them to be named FOO. The reason being that FOO might exist in multiple namespaces
// but the client isn't aware of namespacing.
private static Map<String, String> sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes;
private SparseArray<RequestRecord> mRequests;
private ArrayMap<String, Queue<Integer>> mStopRequests;
private Queue<RequestRecord> mVolumeRequests;
// The reference to CastSession, only valid after calling {@link onSessionCreated}, and will be
// reset to null when calling {@link onApplicationStopped}.
private CastSessionController mSessionController;
private final CafMediaRouteProvider mRouteProvider;
private Handler mHandler;
* The record for client requests. {@link CafMessageHandler} uses this class to manage the
* client requests and match responses to the requests.
static class RequestRecord {
public final String clientId;
public final int sequenceNumber;
public RequestRecord(String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
this.clientId = clientId;
this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
* Initializes a new {@link CafMessageHandler} instance.
* @param session The {@link CastSession} for communicating with the Cast SDK.
* @param provider The {@link CafMediaRouteProvider} for communicating with the page.
public CafMessageHandler(CafMediaRouteProvider provider) {
mRouteProvider = provider;
mRequests = new SparseArray<RequestRecord>();
mStopRequests = new ArrayMap<String, Queue<Integer>>();
mVolumeRequests = new ArrayDeque<RequestRecord>();
mHandler = new Handler();
synchronized (INIT_LOCK) {
if (sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes == null) {
sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes = new HashMap<String, String>();
sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("STOP_MEDIA", "STOP");
sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("MEDIA_SET_VOLUME", "SET_VOLUME");
sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("MEDIA_GET_STATUS", "GET_STATUS");
static String[] getMediaMessageTypesForTest() {
static Map<String, String> getMediaOverloadedMessageTypesForTest() {
return sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes;
SparseArray<RequestRecord> getRequestsForTest() {
return mRequests;
Queue<RequestRecord> getVolumeRequestsForTest() {
return mVolumeRequests;
Map<String, Queue<Integer>> getStopRequestsForTest() {
return mStopRequests;
* Set the session when a session is started, and notify all clients that are not connected.
* @param session The newly created session.
public void onSessionStarted(CastSessionController sessionController) {
mSessionController = sessionController;
for (ClientRecord client : mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().values()) {
if (!client.isConnected) continue;
client.clientId, "new_session", buildSessionMessage(), INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
// Register namespace.
// Functions for handling messages from the page to the Cast device.
* Handles messages related to the cast session, i.e. messages happening on a established
* connection. All these messages are sent from the page to the Cast SDK.
* @param message The JSONObject message to be handled.
public boolean handleSessionMessageFromClient(JSONObject message) throws JSONException {
String messageType = message.getString("type");
if ("v2_message".equals(messageType)) {
return handleCastV2MessageFromClient(message);
} else if ("app_message".equals(messageType)) {
return handleAppMessageFromClient(message);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported message: %s", message);
return false;
// An example of the Cast V2 message:
// {
// "type": "v2_message",
// "message": {
// "type": "...",
// ...
// },
// "sequenceNumber": 0,
// "timeoutMillis": 0,
// "clientId": "144042901280235697"
// }
boolean handleCastV2MessageFromClient(JSONObject jsonMessage) throws JSONException {
assert "v2_message".equals(jsonMessage.getString("type"));
final String clientId = jsonMessage.getString("clientId");
if (clientId == null || !mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().containsKey(clientId)) {
return false;
JSONObject jsonCastMessage = jsonMessage.getJSONObject("message");
String messageType = jsonCastMessage.getString("type");
final int sequenceNumber = jsonMessage.optInt("sequenceNumber", INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
if ("STOP".equals(messageType)) {
handleStopMessage(clientId, sequenceNumber);
return true;
if ("SET_VOLUME".equals(messageType)) {
return handleVolumeMessage(
jsonCastMessage.getJSONObject("volume"), clientId, sequenceNumber);
if (Arrays.asList(MEDIA_MESSAGE_TYPES).contains(messageType)) {
if (sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.containsKey(messageType)) {
messageType = sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.get(messageType);
jsonCastMessage.put("type", messageType);
return sendJsonCastMessage(
jsonCastMessage, CastSessionUtil.MEDIA_NAMESPACE, clientId, sequenceNumber);
return true;
boolean handleVolumeMessage(JSONObject volumeMessage, final String clientId,
final int sequenceNumber) throws JSONException {
if (volumeMessage == null) return false;
if (!mSessionController.isConnected()) return false;
boolean shouldWaitForVolumeChange = false;
try {
if (!volumeMessage.isNull("muted")) {
boolean newMuted = volumeMessage.getBoolean("muted");
if (mSessionController.getSession().isMute() != newMuted) {
shouldWaitForVolumeChange = true;
if (!volumeMessage.isNull("level")) {
double newLevel = volumeMessage.getDouble("level");
double currentLevel = mSessionController.getSession().getVolume();
if (!Double.isNaN(currentLevel)
&& Math.abs(currentLevel - newLevel)
shouldWaitForVolumeChange = true;
} catch (IOException | IllegalStateException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send volume command: " + e);
return false;
// For each successful volume message we need to respond with an empty "v2_message" so the
// Cast Web SDK can call the success callback of the page. If we expect the volume to change
// as the result of the command, we're relying on {@link Cast.CastListener#onVolumeChanged}
// to get called by the Android Cast SDK when the receiver status is updated. We keep the
// sequence number until then. If the volume doesn't change as the result of the command, we
// won't get notified by the Android SDK
if (shouldWaitForVolumeChange) {
mVolumeRequests.add(new RequestRecord(clientId, sequenceNumber));
} else {
// It's usually bad to have request and response on the same call stack so post the
// response to the Android message loop. Runnable() {
public void run() {
onVolumeChanged(clientId, sequenceNumber);
return true;
void handleStopMessage(String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
Queue<Integer> sequenceNumbersForClient = mStopRequests.get(clientId);
if (sequenceNumbersForClient == null) {
sequenceNumbersForClient = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
mStopRequests.put(clientId, sequenceNumbersForClient);
// An example of the Cast application message:
// {
// "type":"app_message",
// "message": {
// "sessionId":"...",
// "namespaceName":"...",
// "message": ...
// },
// "sequenceNumber":0,
// "timeoutMillis":3000,
// "clientId":"14417311915272175"
// }
boolean handleAppMessageFromClient(JSONObject jsonMessage) throws JSONException {
assert "app_message".equals(jsonMessage.getString("type"));
String clientId = jsonMessage.getString("clientId");
if (clientId == null || !mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().containsKey(clientId)) {
return false;
JSONObject jsonAppMessageWrapper = jsonMessage.getJSONObject("message");
if (!mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId().equals(
jsonAppMessageWrapper.getString("sessionId"))) {
return false;
String namespaceName = jsonAppMessageWrapper.getString("namespaceName");
if (namespaceName == null || namespaceName.isEmpty()) return false;
if (!mSessionController.getNamespaces().contains(namespaceName)) return false;
int sequenceNumber = jsonMessage.optInt("sequenceNumber", INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
Object actualMessageObject = jsonAppMessageWrapper.get("message");
if (actualMessageObject == null) return false;
if (actualMessageObject instanceof String) {
String actualMessage = jsonAppMessageWrapper.getString("message");
return sendStringCastMessage(actualMessage, namespaceName, clientId, sequenceNumber);
JSONObject actualMessage = jsonAppMessageWrapper.getJSONObject("message");
return sendJsonCastMessage(actualMessage, namespaceName, clientId, sequenceNumber);
boolean sendJsonCastMessage(JSONObject message, final String namespace, final String clientId,
final int sequenceNumber) throws JSONException {
if (mSessionController == null || !mSessionController.isConnected()) return false;
// Map the request id to a valid sequence number only.
if (sequenceNumber != INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER) {
// If for some reason, there is already a requestId other than 0, it
// is kept. Otherwise, one is generated. In all cases it's associated with the
// sequenceNumber passed by the client.
int requestId = message.optInt("requestId", 0);
if (requestId == 0) {
requestId = CastRequestIdGenerator.getNextRequestId();
message.put("requestId", requestId);
mRequests.append(requestId, new RequestRecord(clientId, sequenceNumber));
return sendStringCastMessage(message.toString(), namespace, clientId, sequenceNumber);
// Functions for handling messages from the Cast device to the pages.
* Forwards the messages from the Cast device to the clients, and perform proper actions if it
* is media message.
* @param namespace The application specific namespace this message belongs to.
* @param message The message within the namespace that's being sent by the receiver
public void onMessageReceived(String namespace, String message) {
RequestRecord request = null;
try {
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject(message);
int requestId = jsonMessage.getInt("requestId");
if (mRequests.indexOfKey(requestId) >= 0) {
request = mRequests.get(requestId);
} catch (JSONException e) {
if (CastSessionUtil.MEDIA_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) {
onMediaMessage(message, request);
onAppMessage(message, namespace, request);
* Forwards the media message to the page via the media router.
* The MEDIA_STATUS message needs to be sent to all the clients.
* @param message The media that's being send by the receiver.
* @param request The information about the client and the sequence number to respond with.
void onMediaMessage(String message, RequestRecord request) {
if (isMediaStatusMessage(message)) {
// MEDIA_STATUS needs to be sent to all the clients.
for (String clientId : mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().keySet()) {
if (request != null && clientId.equals(request.clientId)) continue;
clientId, "v2_message", message, INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
if (request != null) {
request.clientId, "v2_message", message, request.sequenceNumber);
* Forwards the application specific message to the page via the media router.
* @param message The message within the namespace that's being sent by the receiver.
* @param namespace The application specific namespace this message belongs to.
* @param request The information about the client and the sequence number to respond with.
void onAppMessage(String message, String namespace, RequestRecord request) {
try {
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject();
jsonMessage.put("sessionId", mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId());
jsonMessage.put("namespaceName", namespace);
jsonMessage.put("message", message);
if (request != null) {
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(request.clientId, "app_message", jsonMessage.toString(),
} else {
broadcastClientMessage("app_message", jsonMessage.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create the message wrapper", e);
* Notifies the application has stopped to all requesting clients.
public void onApplicationStopped() {
for (String clientId : mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().keySet()) {
Queue<Integer> sequenceNumbersForClient = mStopRequests.get(clientId);
if (sequenceNumbersForClient == null) {
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(clientId, "remove_session",
mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId(), INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
for (int sequenceNumber : sequenceNumbersForClient) {
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(clientId, "remove_session",
mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId(), sequenceNumber);
mSessionController = null;
* When the Cast device volume really changed, updates the session status and notify all
* requesting clients.
public void onVolumeChanged() {
if (mVolumeRequests.isEmpty()) return;
for (RequestRecord r : mVolumeRequests) onVolumeChanged(r.clientId, r.sequenceNumber);
void onVolumeChanged(String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(clientId, "v2_message", null, sequenceNumber);
* Broadcasts the message to all clients.
* @param type The type of the message.
* @param message The message to broadcast.
public void broadcastClientMessage(String type, String message) {
for (String clientId : mRouteProvider.getClientIdToRecords().keySet()) {
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(clientId, type, message, INVALID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
public void sendReceiverActionToClient(
String routeId, MediaSink sink, String clientId, String action) {
try {
JSONObject jsonReceiver = new JSONObject();
jsonReceiver.put("label", sink.getId());
jsonReceiver.put("friendlyName", sink.getName());
jsonReceiver.put("capabilities", toJSONArray(mSessionController.getCapabilities()));
jsonReceiver.put("volume", null);
jsonReceiver.put("isActiveInput", null);
jsonReceiver.put("displayStatus", null);
jsonReceiver.put("receiverType", "cast");
JSONObject jsonReceiverAction = new JSONObject();
jsonReceiverAction.put("receiver", jsonReceiver);
jsonReceiverAction.put("action", action);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("type", "receiver_action");
json.put("sequenceNumber", -1);
json.put("timeoutMillis", 0);
json.put("clientId", clientId);
json.put("message", jsonReceiverAction);
mRouteProvider.sendMessageToClient(clientId, json.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send receiver action message", e);
* Sends a message to a specific client.
* @param clientId The id of the receiving client.
* @param type The type of the message.
* @param message The message to be sent.
* @param sequenceNumber The sequence number for matching requesting and responding messages.
public void sendEnclosedMessageToClient(
String clientId, String type, String message, int sequenceNumber) {
clientId, buildEnclosedClientMessage(type, message, clientId, sequenceNumber));
String buildEnclosedClientMessage(
String type, String message, String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
try {
json.put("type", type);
json.put("sequenceNumber", sequenceNumber);
json.put("timeoutMillis", 0);
json.put("clientId", clientId);
// TODO(mlamouri): we should have a more reliable way to handle string, null and Object
// messages.
if (message == null || "remove_session".equals(type)
|| "disconnect_session".equals(type)) {
json.put("message", message);
} else {
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject(message);
if ("v2_message".equals(type)
&& "MEDIA_STATUS".equals(jsonMessage.getString("type"))) {
json.put("message", jsonMessage);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to build the reply: " + e);
return json.toString();
* @return A message containing the information of the {@link CastSession}.
public String buildSessionMessage() {
if (mSessionController == null || !mSessionController.isConnected()) return "{}";
try {
// "volume" is a part of "receiver" initialized below.
JSONObject jsonVolume = new JSONObject();
jsonVolume.put("level", mSessionController.getSession().getVolume());
jsonVolume.put("muted", mSessionController.getSession().isMute());
// "receiver" is a part of "message" initialized below.
JSONObject jsonReceiver = new JSONObject();
"label", mSessionController.getSession().getCastDevice().getDeviceId());
jsonReceiver.put("capabilities", toJSONArray(mSessionController.getCapabilities()));
jsonReceiver.put("volume", jsonVolume);
"isActiveInput", mSessionController.getSession().getActiveInputState());
jsonReceiver.put("displayStatus", null);
jsonReceiver.put("receiverType", "cast");
JSONArray jsonNamespaces = new JSONArray();
for (String namespace : mSessionController.getNamespaces()) {
JSONObject jsonNamespace = new JSONObject();
jsonNamespace.put("name", namespace);
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject();
jsonMessage.put("sessionId", mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId());
jsonMessage.put("statusText", mSessionController.getSession().getApplicationStatus());
jsonMessage.put("receiver", jsonReceiver);
jsonMessage.put("namespaces", jsonNamespaces);
jsonMessage.put("media", toJSONArray(new ArrayList<>()));
jsonMessage.put("status", "connected");
jsonMessage.put("transportId", "web-4");
return jsonMessage.toString();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Building session message failed", e);
return "{}";
// Utility functions
* Modifies the received MediaStatus message to match the format expected by the client.
private void sanitizeMediaStatusMessage(JSONObject object) throws JSONException {
object.put("sessionId", mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId());
JSONArray mediaStatus = object.getJSONArray("status");
for (int i = 0; i < mediaStatus.length(); ++i) {
JSONObject status = mediaStatus.getJSONObject(i);
status.put("sessionId", mSessionController.getSession().getSessionId());
if (!status.has("supportedMediaCommands")) continue;
JSONArray commands = new JSONArray();
int bitfieldCommands = status.getInt("supportedMediaCommands");
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
if ((bitfieldCommands & (1 << j)) != 0) {
status.put("supportedMediaCommands", commands); // Removes current entry.
* Remove 'null' fields from a JSONObject. This method calls itself recursively until all the
* fields have been looked at.
* TODO(mlamouri): move to some util class?
private static void removeNullFields(Object object) throws JSONException {
if (object instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); ++i) removeNullFields(array.get(i));
} else if (object instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) object;
JSONArray names = json.names();
if (names == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) {
String key = names.getString(i);
if (json.isNull(key)) {
} else {
boolean isMediaStatusMessage(String message) {
try {
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject(message);
return "MEDIA_STATUS".equals(jsonMessage.getString("type"));
} catch (JSONException e) {
return false;
private JSONArray toJSONArray(List<String> from) throws JSONException {
JSONArray result = new JSONArray();
for (String entry : from) {
return result;
private boolean sendStringCastMessage(
String message, String namespace, String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
if (mSessionController == null || !mSessionController.isConnected()) return false;
PendingResult<Status> pendingResult =
mSessionController.getSession().sendMessage(namespace, message);
if (!TextUtils.equals(namespace, CastSessionUtil.MEDIA_NAMESPACE)) {
// Media commands wait for the media status update as a result.
(Status result) -> onSendAppMessageResult(result, clientId, sequenceNumber));
return true;
* Notifies a client that an app message has been sent.
* @param clientId The client id the message is sent from.
* @param sequenceNumber The sequence number of the message.
private void onSendAppMessageResult(Status result, String clientId, int sequenceNumber) {
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
// TODO(avayvod): should actually report back to the page.
// See
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send the message: " + result);
// App messages wait for the empty message with the sequence
// number.
sendEnclosedMessageToClient(clientId, "app_message", null, sequenceNumber);