blob: 5734e91cd2d1059694eeb8d85265cb4dcf962dbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_save_info.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class DownloadItem;
class ResourceContext;
class ResourceDispatcherHost;
class WebContents;
// Pass an instance of DownloadUrlParameters to DownloadManager::DownloadUrl()
// to download the content at |url|. All parameters with setters are optional.
// |referrer| and |referrer_encoding| are the referrer for the download. If
// |prefer_cache| is true, then if the response to |url| is in the HTTP cache it
// will be used without revalidation. If |post_id| is non-negative, then it
// identifies the post transaction used to originally retrieve the |url|
// resource - it also requires |prefer_cache| to be |true| since re-post'ing is
// not done. |save_info| specifies where the downloaded file should be saved,
// and whether the user should be prompted about the download. If not null,
// |callback| will be called when the download starts, or if an error occurs
// that prevents a download item from being created. We send a pointer to
// content::ResourceContext instead of the usual reference so that a copy of the
// object isn't made.
class CONTENT_EXPORT DownloadUrlParameters {
// An OnStartedCallback is invoked when a response is available for the
// download request. For new downloads, this callback is invoked after the
// OnDownloadCreated notification is issued by the DownloadManager. If the
// download fails, then the DownloadInterruptReason parameter will indicate
// the failure.
// DownloadItem* may be nullptr if no DownloadItem was created. DownloadItems
// are not created when a resource throttle or a resource handler blocks the
// download request. I.e. the download triggered a warning of some sort and
// the user chose to not to proceed with the download as a result.
typedef base::Callback<void(DownloadItem*, DownloadInterruptReason)>
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> RequestHeadersNameValuePair;
typedef std::vector<RequestHeadersNameValuePair> RequestHeadersType;
// Construct DownloadUrlParameters for downloading the resource at |url| and
// associating the download with |web_contents|.
static scoped_ptr<DownloadUrlParameters> FromWebContents(
WebContents* web_contents,
const GURL& url);
// Construct DownloadUrlParameters for downloading the resource at |url| and
// associating the download with the WebContents identified by
// |render_process_host_id| and |render_view_host_routing_id|.
// If the download is not associated with a WebContents, then set the IDs to
// -1.
// NOTE: This is not safe and should only be done in a limited set of cases
// where the download URL has been previously vetted. A download that's
// initiated without associating it with a WebContents don't receive the same
// security checks as a request that's associated with one. Hence, downloads
// that are not associated with a WebContents should only be made for URLs
// that are either trusted or URLs that have previously been successfully
// issued using a non-privileged WebContents.
DownloadUrlParameters(const GURL& url,
int render_process_host_id,
int render_view_host_routing_id,
int render_frame_host_routing_id,
ResourceContext* resource_context);
// Should be set to true if the download was initiated by a script or a web
// page. I.e. if the download request cannot be attributed to an explicit user
// request for a download, then set this value to true.
void set_content_initiated(bool content_initiated) {
content_initiated_ = content_initiated;
void add_request_header(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {
request_headers_.push_back(make_pair(name, value));
// HTTP Referrer and referrer encoding.
void set_referrer(const Referrer& referrer) { referrer_ = referrer; }
void set_referrer_encoding(const std::string& referrer_encoding) {
referrer_encoding_ = referrer_encoding;
// If this is a request for resuming an HTTP/S download, |last_modified|
// should be the value of the last seen Last-Modified response header.
void set_last_modified(const std::string& last_modified) {
last_modified_ = last_modified;
// If this is a request for resuming an HTTP/S download, |etag| should be the
// last seen Etag response header.
void set_etag(const std::string& etag) {
etag_ = etag;
// HTTP method to use.
void set_method(const std::string& method) {
method_ = method;
// Body of the HTTP POST request.
void set_post_body(const std::string& post_body) {
post_body_ = post_body;
// If |prefer_cache| is true and the response to |url| is in the HTTP cache,
// it will be used without validation. If |method| is POST, then |post_id_|
// shoud be set via |set_post_id()| below to the identifier of the POST
// transaction used to originally retrieve the resource.
void set_prefer_cache(bool prefer_cache) {
prefer_cache_ = prefer_cache;
// See set_prefer_cache() above.
void set_post_id(int64_t post_id) { post_id_ = post_id; }
// See OnStartedCallback above.
void set_callback(const OnStartedCallback& callback) {
callback_ = callback;
// If not empty, specifies the full target path for the download. This value
// overrides the filename suggested by a Content-Disposition headers. It
// should only be set for programmatic downloads where the caller can verify
// the safety of the filename and the resulting download.
void set_file_path(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
save_info_.file_path = file_path;
// Suggested filename for the download. The suggestion can be overridden by
// either a Content-Disposition response header or a |file_path|.
void set_suggested_name(const base::string16& suggested_name) {
save_info_.suggested_name = suggested_name;
// If |offset| is non-zero, then a byte range request will be issued to fetch
// the range of bytes starting at |offset| through to the end of thedownload.
void set_offset(int64_t offset) { save_info_.offset = offset; }
void set_hash_state(const std::string& hash_state) {
save_info_.hash_state = hash_state;
// If |prompt| is true, then the user will be prompted for a filename. Ignored
// if |file_path| is non-empty.
void set_prompt(bool prompt) { save_info_.prompt_for_save_location = prompt; }
void set_file(base::File file) { save_info_.file = std::move(file); }
void set_do_not_prompt_for_login(bool do_not_prompt) {
do_not_prompt_for_login_ = do_not_prompt;
const OnStartedCallback& callback() const { return callback_; }
bool content_initiated() const { return content_initiated_; }
const std::string& last_modified() const { return last_modified_; }
const std::string& etag() const { return etag_; }
const std::string& method() const { return method_; }
const std::string& post_body() const { return post_body_; }
int64_t post_id() const { return post_id_; }
bool prefer_cache() const { return prefer_cache_; }
const Referrer& referrer() const { return referrer_; }
const std::string& referrer_encoding() const { return referrer_encoding_; }
int render_process_host_id() const { return render_process_host_id_; }
int render_view_host_routing_id() const {
return render_view_host_routing_id_;
int render_frame_host_routing_id() const {
return render_frame_host_routing_id_;
const RequestHeadersType& request_headers() const { return request_headers_; }
ResourceContext* resource_context() const { return resource_context_; }
const base::FilePath& file_path() const { return save_info_.file_path; }
const base::string16& suggested_name() const {
return save_info_.suggested_name;
int64_t offset() const { return save_info_.offset; }
const std::string& hash_state() const { return save_info_.hash_state; }
bool prompt() const { return save_info_.prompt_for_save_location; }
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
bool do_not_prompt_for_login() const { return do_not_prompt_for_login_; }
// Note that this is state changing--the DownloadUrlParameters object
// will not have a file attached to it after this call.
base::File GetFile() { return std::move(save_info_.file); }
OnStartedCallback callback_;
bool content_initiated_;
RequestHeadersType request_headers_;
std::string last_modified_;
std::string etag_;
std::string method_;
std::string post_body_;
int64_t post_id_;
bool prefer_cache_;
Referrer referrer_;
std::string referrer_encoding_;
int render_process_host_id_;
int render_view_host_routing_id_;
int render_frame_host_routing_id_;
ResourceContext* resource_context_;
DownloadSaveInfo save_info_;
GURL url_;
bool do_not_prompt_for_login_;
} // namespace content