blob: 6662138c1f0200761b9b5c7dade1ebd359320c5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/base/task_queue.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/base/task_queue_impl.h"
namespace blink {
class FrameScheduler;
namespace scheduler {
class MainThreadSchedulerImpl;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MainThreadTaskQueue : public TaskQueue {
enum class QueueType {
// Keep MainThreadTaskQueue::NameForQueueType in sync.
// This enum is used for a histogram and it should not be re-numbered.
// TODO(altimin): Clean up obsolete names and use a new histogram when
// the situation settles.
kControl = 0,
kDefault = 1,
// 2 was used for default loading task runner but this was deprecated.
// 3 was used for default timer task runner but this was deprecated.
kUnthrottled = 4,
kFrameLoading = 5,
// 6 : kFrameThrottleable, replaced with FRAME_THROTTLEABLE.
// 7 : kFramePausable, replaced with kFramePausable
kCompositor = 8,
kIdle = 9,
kTest = 10,
kFrameLoadingControl = 11,
kFrameThrottleable = 12,
kFrameDeferrable = 13,
kFramePausable = 14,
kFrameUnpausable = 15,
kV8 = 16,
kIPC = 17,
kInput = 18,
// Detached is used in histograms for tasks which are run after frame
// is detached and task queue is gracefully shutdown.
// TODO(altimin): Move to the top when histogram is renumbered.
kDetached = 19,
// Used to group multiple types when calculating Expected Queueing Time.
kOther = 20,
kCount = 21
// Returns name of the given queue type. Returned string has application
// lifetime.
static const char* NameForQueueType(QueueType queue_type);
// High-level category used by MainThreadScheduler to make scheduling
// decisions.
enum class QueueClass {
kNone = 0,
kLoading = 1,
kTimer = 2,
kCompositor = 4,
kCount = 5,
static QueueClass QueueClassForQueueType(QueueType type);
struct QueueCreationParams {
explicit QueueCreationParams(QueueType queue_type)
: queue_type(queue_type),
used_for_important_tasks(false) {}
QueueCreationParams SetFixedPriority(
base::Optional<TaskQueue::QueuePriority> priority) {
fixed_priority = priority;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetCanBeDeferred(bool value) {
can_be_deferred = value;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetCanBeThrottled(bool value) {
can_be_throttled = value;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetCanBePaused(bool value) {
can_be_paused = value;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetCanBeFrozen(bool value) {
can_be_frozen = value;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetFreezeWhenKeepActive(bool value) {
freeze_when_keep_active = value;
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetUsedForImportantTasks(bool value) {
used_for_important_tasks = value;
return *this;
// Forwarded calls to |spec|.
QueueCreationParams SetShouldMonitorQuiescence(bool should_monitor) {
spec = spec.SetShouldMonitorQuiescence(should_monitor);
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetShouldNotifyObservers(bool run_observers) {
spec = spec.SetShouldNotifyObservers(run_observers);
return *this;
QueueCreationParams SetTimeDomain(TimeDomain* domain) {
spec = spec.SetTimeDomain(domain);
return *this;
QueueType queue_type;
TaskQueue::Spec spec;
base::Optional<TaskQueue::QueuePriority> fixed_priority;
FrameScheduler* frame_;
bool can_be_deferred;
bool can_be_throttled;
bool can_be_paused;
bool can_be_frozen;
bool freeze_when_keep_active;
bool used_for_important_tasks;
~MainThreadTaskQueue() override;
QueueType queue_type() const { return queue_type_; }
QueueClass queue_class() const { return queue_class_; }
base::Optional<TaskQueue::QueuePriority> FixedPriority() const {
return fixed_priority_;
bool CanBeDeferred() const { return can_be_deferred_; }
bool CanBeThrottled() const { return can_be_throttled_; }
bool CanBePaused() const { return can_be_paused_; }
bool CanBeFrozen() const { return can_be_frozen_; }
bool FreezeWhenKeepActive() const { return freeze_when_keep_active_; }
bool UsedForImportantTasks() const { return used_for_important_tasks_; }
void OnTaskStarted(const TaskQueue::Task& task, base::TimeTicks start);
void OnTaskCompleted(const TaskQueue::Task& task,
base::TimeTicks start,
base::TimeTicks end,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> thread_time);
void DetachFromMainThreadScheduler();
// Override base method to notify MainThreadScheduler about shutdown queue.
void ShutdownTaskQueue() override;
FrameScheduler* GetFrameScheduler() const;
void SetFrameScheduler(FrameScheduler* frame);
MainThreadTaskQueue(std::unique_ptr<internal::TaskQueueImpl> impl,
const Spec& spec,
const QueueCreationParams& params,
MainThreadSchedulerImpl* main_thread_scheduler);
friend class TaskQueueManager;
// Clear references to main thread scheduler and frame scheduler and dispatch
// appropriate notifications. This is the common part of ShutdownTaskQueue and
// DetachFromMainThreadScheduler.
void ClearReferencesToSchedulers();
const QueueType queue_type_;
const QueueClass queue_class_;
const base::Optional<TaskQueue::QueuePriority> fixed_priority_;
const bool can_be_deferred_;
const bool can_be_throttled_;
const bool can_be_paused_;
const bool can_be_frozen_;
const bool freeze_when_keep_active_;
const bool used_for_important_tasks_;
// Needed to notify renderer scheduler about completed tasks.
MainThreadSchedulerImpl* main_thread_scheduler_; // NOT OWNED
FrameScheduler* frame_scheduler_; // NOT OWNED
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace blink