blob: 7b655dd12a77d701453988d949295ead0b7dbf4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The spec for HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() defines the context
// creation attributes as type "any". In order to eliminate custom
// bindings for getContext(), we define a dictionary that contains the
// union of all of the context types' attributes. Note that it is not
// possible to use a union type for this purpose because two dictionary
// types are not distinguishable.
// Fortunately, there aren't any context creation attributes which are
// defined with different default values in different context
// specifications. (The "alpha" value, in particular, has a default
// value of true for both the Canvas2D and WebGL specifications.)
// The PermissiveDictionaryConversion extended attribute ignores
// non-object types (like 'true' and 'false') passed to getContext() for
// the attributes instead of raising TypeError, following the behavior
// of the previous custom binding.
// N.B.: Web IDL doesn't support multiple inheritance of dictionaries.
enum CanvasPixelFormat {
"8-8-8-8", // default
dictionary CanvasContextCreationAttributesModule {
// This is an experimental feature, but it is not hidden behind a flag in
// the bindings because origin trial bindings don't work in extensions.
// The trial's runtime flag is instead checked inside
// HTMLCanvasElement.getContext().
boolean lowLatency = false;
// Canvas 2D attributes
boolean alpha = true; // Also used for WebGL.
[RuntimeEnabled=CanvasColorManagement] CanvasColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
[RuntimeEnabled=CanvasColorManagement] CanvasPixelFormat pixelFormat = "8-8-8-8";
// WebGL attributes
boolean depth = true;
boolean stencil = false;
boolean antialias = true;
boolean premultipliedAlpha = true;
boolean preserveDrawingBuffer = false;
boolean failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = false;
[OriginTrialEnabled=WebXR] XRDevice compatibleXRDevice = null;