blob: 573254ab548f449e894a2b813cd1a036be685919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/chrome_proximity_auth_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/easy_unlock_auth_attempt.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/easy_unlock_metrics.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/easy_unlock_screenlock_state_handler.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/easy_unlock/easy_unlock_types.h"
#include "chromeos/components/proximity_auth/screenlock_state.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/remote_device_ref.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
class AccountId;
namespace base {
class ListValue;
} // namespace base
namespace user_manager {
class User;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
namespace proximity_auth {
class ProximityAuthPrefManager;
class ProximityAuthSystem;
} // namespace proximity_auth
class Profile;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace chromeos {
namespace secure_channel {
class SecureChannelClient;
} // namespace secure_channel
class EasyUnlockServiceObserver;
class EasyUnlockService : public KeyedService {
// Gets EasyUnlockService instance.
static EasyUnlockService* Get(Profile* profile);
// Gets EasyUnlockService instance associated with a user if the user is
// logged in and their profile is initialized.
static EasyUnlockService* GetForUser(const user_manager::User& user);
// Registers Easy Unlock profile preferences.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Registers Easy Unlock local state entries.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Removes the hardlock state for the given user.
static void ResetLocalStateForUser(const AccountId& account_id);
// Returns the ProximityAuthPrefManager, responsible for managing all
// EasyUnlock preferences.
virtual proximity_auth::ProximityAuthPrefManager*
// Returns the EasyUnlockService type.
virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
// Returns the user currently associated with the service.
virtual AccountId GetAccountId() const = 0;
// Gets/Sets/Clears the permit access for the local device.
virtual void ClearPermitAccess() = 0;
// Gets/Sets the remote devices list.
virtual const base::ListValue* GetRemoteDevices() const = 0;
virtual void SetRemoteDevices(const base::ListValue& devices) = 0;
// Gets the challenge bytes for the user currently associated with the
// service.
virtual std::string GetChallenge() const = 0;
// Retrieved wrapped secret that should be used to unlock cryptohome for the
// user currently associated with the service. If the service does not support
// signin (i.e. service for a regular profile) or there is no secret available
// for the user, returns an empty string.
virtual std::string GetWrappedSecret() const = 0;
// Records metrics for Easy sign-in outcome for the given user.
virtual void RecordEasySignInOutcome(const AccountId& account_id,
bool success) const = 0;
// Records metrics for password based flow for the given user.
virtual void RecordPasswordLoginEvent(const AccountId& account_id) const = 0;
// Sets the service up and schedules service initialization.
void Initialize();
// Whether easy unlock is allowed to be used. If the controlling preference
// is set (from policy), this returns the preference value. Otherwise, it is
// permitted if the flag is enabled. Virtual to allow override for testing.
virtual bool IsAllowed() const;
// Whether Easy Unlock is currently enabled for this user. Virtual to allow
// override for testing.
virtual bool IsEnabled() const;
// Returns true if ChromeOS login is enabled by the user.
virtual bool IsChromeOSLoginEnabled() const;
// TODO( Remove this legacy special case after M71.
virtual bool IsInLegacyHostMode() const;
// Sets the hardlock state for the associated user.
void SetHardlockState(EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState state);
// Returns the hardlock state for the associated user.
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState GetHardlockState() const;
// Gets the persisted hardlock state. Return true if there is persisted
// hardlock state and the value would be set to |state|. Otherwise,
// returns false and |state| is unchanged.
bool GetPersistedHardlockState(
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState* state) const;
// Updates the user pod on the signin/lock screen for the user associated with
// the service to reflect the provided screenlock state.
bool UpdateScreenlockState(proximity_auth::ScreenlockState state);
// Starts an auth attempt for the user associated with the service. The
// attempt type (unlock vs. signin) will depend on the service type.
void AttemptAuth(const AccountId& account_id);
// Finalizes the previously started auth attempt for easy unlock. If called on
// signin profile service, it will cancel the current auth attempt if one
// exists.
void FinalizeUnlock(bool success);
// Finalizes previously started auth attempt for easy signin. If called on
// regular profile service, it will cancel the current auth attempt if one
// exists.
void FinalizeSignin(const std::string& secret);
// Handles Easy Unlock auth failure for the user.
void HandleAuthFailure(const AccountId& account_id);
// Checks the consistency between pairing data and cryptohome keys. Set
// hardlock state if the two do not match.
void CheckCryptohomeKeysAndMaybeHardlock();
void AddObserver(EasyUnlockServiceObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(EasyUnlockServiceObserver* observer);
ChromeProximityAuthClient* proximity_auth_client() {
return &proximity_auth_client_;
EasyUnlockService(Profile* profile,
secure_channel::SecureChannelClient* secure_channel_client);
~EasyUnlockService() override;
// Does a service type specific initialization.
virtual void InitializeInternal() = 0;
// Does a service type specific shutdown. Called from |Shutdown|.
virtual void ShutdownInternal() = 0;
// Service type specific tests for whether the service is allowed. Returns
// false if service is not allowed. If true is returned, the service may still
// not be allowed if common tests fail (e.g. if Bluetooth is not available).
virtual bool IsAllowedInternal() const = 0;
// Called while processing a user gesture to unlock the screen using Easy
// Unlock, just before the screen is unlocked.
virtual void OnWillFinalizeUnlock(bool success) = 0;
// Called when the local device resumes after a suspend.
virtual void OnSuspendDoneInternal() = 0;
// Called when the state of the Bluetooth adapter changes.
virtual void OnBluetoothAdapterPresentChanged();
// KeyedService override:
void Shutdown() override;
// Exposes the profile to which the service is attached to subclasses.
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Checks whether Easy unlock should be running and updates app state.
void UpdateAppState();
// Resets the screenlock state set by this service.
void ResetScreenlockState();
// Updates |screenlock_state_handler_|'s hardlocked state.
void SetScreenlockHardlockedState(
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState state);
const EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler* screenlock_state_handler() const {
return screenlock_state_handler_.get();
// Saves hardlock state for the given user. Update UI if the currently
// associated user is the same.
void SetHardlockStateForUser(
const AccountId& account_id,
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler::HardlockState state);
// Returns the authentication event for a recent password sign-in or unlock,
// according to the current state of the service.
EasyUnlockAuthEvent GetPasswordAuthEvent() const;
// Called by subclasses when remote devices allowed to unlock the screen
// are loaded for |account_id|.
void SetProximityAuthDevices(
const AccountId& account_id,
const cryptauth::RemoteDeviceRefList& remote_devices,
base::Optional<cryptauth::RemoteDeviceRef> local_device);
// A class to detect whether a bluetooth adapter is present.
class BluetoothDetector;
// Gets |screenlock_state_handler_|. Returns NULL if Easy Unlock is not
// allowed. Otherwise, if |screenlock_state_handler_| is not set, an instance
// is created. Do not cache the returned value, as it may go away if Easy
// Unlock gets disabled.
EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler* GetScreenlockStateHandler();
// Callback for get key operation from CheckCryptohomeKeysAndMaybeHardlock.
void OnCryptohomeKeysFetchedForChecking(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::set<std::string> paired_devices,
bool success,
const EasyUnlockDeviceKeyDataList& key_data_list);
// Updates the service to state for handling system suspend.
void PrepareForSuspend();
// Called when the system resumes from a suspended state.
void OnSuspendDone();
void EnsureTpmKeyPresentIfNeeded();
Profile* const profile_;
secure_channel::SecureChannelClient* secure_channel_client_;
ChromeProximityAuthClient proximity_auth_client_;
// Created lazily in |GetScreenlockStateHandler|.
std::unique_ptr<EasyUnlockScreenlockStateHandler> screenlock_state_handler_;
// The handler for the current auth attempt. Set iff an auth attempt is in
// progress.
std::unique_ptr<EasyUnlockAuthAttempt> auth_attempt_;
// Detects when the system Bluetooth adapter status changes.
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDetector> bluetooth_detector_;
// Handles connecting, authenticating, and updating the UI on the lock/sign-in
// screen. After a |RemoteDeviceRef| instance is provided, this object will
// handle the rest.
std::unique_ptr<proximity_auth::ProximityAuthSystem> proximity_auth_system_;
// Monitors suspend and wake state of ChromeOS.
class PowerMonitor;
std::unique_ptr<PowerMonitor> power_monitor_;
// Whether the service has been shut down.
bool shut_down_;
bool tpm_key_checked_;
base::ObserverList<EasyUnlockServiceObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<EasyUnlockService> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos