blob: 58df3e16a523607a77d195d74d992808c0465fbe [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.percent(1), CSS.percent(2));
assert_equals(position.x.value, 1);
assert_equals(position.y.value, 2);
assert_equals(position.x.unit, 'percent');
assert_equals(position.y.unit, 'percent');
}, "Constructor accepts percentages");
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSPositionValue(CSS.deg(1), CSS.px(1));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(1), CSS.deg(1));
}, "Constructor throws if a CSSNumericValue that is not a length or " +
"percentage is given");
for (let xy of ["x", "y"]) {
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2));
position[xy] = CSS.em(3);
assert_equals(position[xy].value, 3);
assert_equals(position[xy].unit, 'em');
}, xy + " can be set to a length");
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2));
position[xy] = CSS.percent(3);
assert_equals(position[xy].value, 3);
assert_equals(position[xy].unit, 'percent');
}, xy + " can be set to a percentage");
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
position[xy] = CSS.deg(3);
}, "Setting " + xy + " to something not a length or percentage throws");
test(() => {
new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(50), CSS.em(2)).toString(), '50px 2em');
}, "toString returns the x and y cssText separated by a space");