blob: 3becca7694711270453f395956e7ffd209a02404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module webauth.mojom;
import "mojo/common/time.mojom";
import "url/mojo/url.mojom";
// This file describes the communication between the WebAuthentication renderer
// implementation and browser-side implementations to create public key
// credentials and use already-created credentials to get assertions.
// See
enum AuthenticatorStatus {
// The public key and attestation that is returned by an authenticator's
// call to makeCredential.
struct PublicKeyCredentialInfo {
// The base64url encoding of |raw_id|.
string id;
// An identifier for the credential.
array<uint8> raw_id;
// A blob of data containing the JSON serialization of client data passed
// to the authenticator.
array<uint8> client_data_json;
// The response data from the authenticator.
AuthenticatorResponse response;
// Contains the authenticator's response to the request to either
// create a public key credential, or generate an authentication assertion.
struct AuthenticatorResponse {
// A blob of data returned by the authenticator after creating a credential.
array<uint8> attestation_object;
// A blob of data returned by the authenticator after generating an assertion.
array<uint8> authenticator_data;
// Cryptographic signature proving possession of the credential private key.
array<uint8> signature;
// Information about the relying party and the account held by the user at
// that relying party. This information is used by the authenticator to create
// or retrieve an appropriate public key credential for this account.
// These fields take arbitrary input.
struct PublicKeyCredentialEntity {
// A unique identifier for the entity. An ASCII serialization of an origin
// for a relying party, and an arbitrary string specified by the relying party
// for user accounts.
string id;
// Friendly name associated with the entity intended for display.
// e.g. "Acme Corporation" for a relying party and ""
// or "+14255551234" for a user.
string name;
// Image associated with the entity.
// For example, this could be a user’s avatar or a relying party's logo.
url.mojom.Url? icon;
// Contains a friendly name for the user account (e.g., "John P. Smith").
string? display_name;
// Parameters that are used to generate an appropriate public key credential.
struct PublicKeyCredentialParameters {
PublicKeyCredentialType type;
// TODO(kpaulhamus): add AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm;
// Parameters passed into calls to MakeCredential.
struct MakeCredentialOptions {
// Relying party information.
// Corresponds to |rp| in MakeCredentialOptions.idl.
PublicKeyCredentialEntity relying_party;
// Information about the user.
PublicKeyCredentialEntity user;
// A blob passed from the the relying party server.
array<uint8> challenge;
array<PublicKeyCredentialParameters> crypto_parameters;
mojo.common.mojom.TimeDelta adjusted_timeout;
array<PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor> exclude_credentials;
// TODO(kpaulhamus): add AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria
enum PublicKeyCredentialType {
// Describes the credentials that the relying party already knows about for
// the given account. If any of these are known to the authenticator,
// it should not create a new credential.
struct PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor {
PublicKeyCredentialType type;
// Blob representing a credential key handle. Up to 255 bytes for
// U2F authenticators.
array<uint8> id;
array<AuthenticatorTransport> transports;
enum AuthenticatorTransport {
// Interface to direct authenticators to create or use a public key credential.
interface Authenticator {
// Gets the credential info for a new public key credential created by an
// authenticator for the given |MakeCredentialOptions|
// [PublicKeyCredentialInfo] will only be set if status == SUCCESS.
MakeCredential(MakeCredentialOptions options)
=> (AuthenticatorStatus status, PublicKeyCredentialInfo? credential);