blob: f98ea702ac7271d3c177e1656f4baf77cd02350d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* A payment integration test for a merchant that requests contact details and a user that has
* 5 contact detail options.
public class PaymentRequestMultipleContactDetailsTest extends PaymentRequestTestBase {
public PaymentRequestMultipleContactDetailsTest() {
// The merchant requests both a phone number and an email address.
public void onMainActivityStarted()
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
AutofillTestHelper helper = new AutofillTestHelper();
// Create an incomplete (no phone) profile with the highest frecency score.
String guid1 = helper.setProfile(
new AutofillProfile("" /* guid */, "" /* origin */,
"Bart Simpson", "Acme Inc.", "123 Main", "California", "Los Angeles", "",
"90210", "", "US", "", "", ""));
// Create an incomplete (no phone) profile with a the second highest frecency score.
String guid2 = helper.setProfile(
new AutofillProfile("" /* guid */, "" /* origin */,
"Homer Simpson", "Acme Inc.", "123 Main", "California", "Los Angeles", "",
"90210", "", "US", "", "", ""));
// Create a complete profile with a middle frecency score.
String guid3 = helper.setProfile(
new AutofillProfile("" /* guid */, "" /* origin */,
"Lisa Simpson", "Acme Inc.", "123 Main", "California", "Los Angeles", "",
"90210", "", "US", "555 123-4567", "", ""));
// Create a complete profile with the second lowest frecency score.
String guid4 = helper.setProfile(
new AutofillProfile("" /* guid */, "" /* origin */,
"Maggie Simpson", "Acme Inc.", "123 Main", "California", "Los Angeles", "",
"90210", "", "US", "555 123-4567", "", ""));
// Create an incomplete profile with the lowest frecency score.
String guid5 = helper.setProfile(
new AutofillProfile("" /* guid */, "" /* origin */,
"Marge Simpson", "Acme Inc.", "123 Main", "California", "Los Angeles", "",
"90210", "", "US", "", "", ""));
// Create a credit card associated with the fourth profile.
helper.setCreditCard(new CreditCard("", "", true, true, "Jon Doe",
"4111111111111111", "1111", "12", "2050", "visa", R.drawable.pr_visa,
guid4, "" /* serverId */));
// Set the use stats so that profile1 has the highest frecency score, profile2 the second
// highest, profile 3 the third lowest, profile4 the second lowest and profile 5 the lowest.
helper.setProfileUseStatsForTesting(guid1, 20, 5000);
helper.setProfileUseStatsForTesting(guid2, 15, 5000);
helper.setProfileUseStatsForTesting(guid3, 10, 5000);
helper.setProfileUseStatsForTesting(guid4, 5, 5000);
helper.setProfileUseStatsForTesting(guid5, 1, 1);
* Make sure the contact details suggestions are in the correct order and that only the top 4
* are shown. They should be ordered by frecency and complete contact details should be
* suggested first.
public void testContactDetailsSuggestionOrdering()
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
clickInContactInfoAndWait(, mReadyForInput);
assertEquals(4, getNumberOfContactDetailSuggestions());
assertEquals("Lisa Simpson\n555 123-4567\",
assertEquals("Maggie Simpson\n555 123-4567\",
assertEquals("Bart Simpson\", getContactDetailsSuggestionLabel(2));
assertEquals("Homer Simpson\", getContactDetailsSuggestionLabel(3));