blob: 48c1d10e73fc1794ad0b59944234ae290bc5080a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
* Unit tests for the AutofillContact class.
public class AutofillContactTest {
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{"Jon Doe", "555-5555", "", true,
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", "",
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", ""},
{null, "555-5555", "", true,
"555-5555", "", null,
null, "555-5555", ""},
{"", "555-5555", "", true,
"555-5555", "", null,
null, "555-5555", ""},
{"Jon Doe", null, "", true,
"Jon Doe", "", null,
"Jon Doe", null, ""},
{"Jon Doe", "", "", true,
"Jon Doe", "", null,
"Jon Doe", null, ""},
{"Jon Doe", "555-5555", null, true,
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", null,
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", null},
{"Jon Doe", "555-5555", "", true,
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", null,
"Jon Doe", "555-5555", null},
{null, "555-5555", null, true,
"555-5555", null, null,
null, "555-5555", null},
{"", "555-5555", "", true,
"555-5555", null, null,
null, "555-5555", null},
{null, null, "", true,
"", null, null,
null, null, ""},
{"", "", "", true,
"", null, null,
null, null, ""},
{"", "555-5555", "", false,
"555-5555", null, null,
null, "555-5555", null}
private final String mPayerName;
private final String mPayerPhone;
private final String mPayerEmail;
private final boolean mIsComplete;
private final String mExpectedLabel;
private final String mExpectedSublabel;
private final String mExpectedTertiaryLabel;
private final String mExpectedPayerName;
private final String mExpectedPayerEmail;
private final String mExpectedPayerPhone;
public AutofillContactTest(String payerName, String payerPhone, String payerEmail,
boolean isComplete, String expectedLabel, String expectedSublabel,
String expectedTertiaryLabel, String expectedPayerName, String expectedPayerPhone,
String expectedPayerEmail) {
mPayerName = payerName;
mPayerPhone = payerPhone;
mPayerEmail = payerEmail;
mIsComplete = isComplete;
mExpectedLabel = expectedLabel;
mExpectedSublabel = expectedSublabel;
mExpectedTertiaryLabel = expectedTertiaryLabel;
mExpectedPayerName = expectedPayerName;
mExpectedPayerPhone = expectedPayerPhone;
mExpectedPayerEmail = expectedPayerEmail;
public void test() {
AutofillProfile profile = new AutofillProfile();
AutofillContact contact =
new AutofillContact(profile, mPayerName, mPayerPhone, mPayerEmail, mIsComplete);
mIsComplete ? "Contact should be complete" : "Contact should be incomplete",
mIsComplete, contact.isComplete());
Assert.assertEquals("Contact's profile should be the same as passed into the constructor",
profile, contact.getProfile());
assertContact(profile.getGUID(), mExpectedPayerName, mExpectedPayerPhone,
mExpectedPayerEmail, mExpectedLabel, mExpectedSublabel, mExpectedTertiaryLabel,
contact.completeContact("some-guid-here", "Jon Doe", "999-9999", "");
Assert.assertTrue("Contact should be complete", contact.isComplete());
assertContact("some-guid-here", "Jon Doe", "999-9999", "",
"Jon Doe", "999-9999", "", contact);
private void assertContact(String id, String expectedName, String expectedPhone,
String expectedEmail, String expectedLabel, String expectedSublabel,
String expectedTertiaryLabel, AutofillContact actual) {
Assert.assertEquals("Identifier should be " + id, id, actual.getIdentifier());
Assert.assertEquals("Name should be " + expectedName, expectedName, actual.getPayerName());
"Phone should be " + expectedPhone, expectedPhone, actual.getPayerPhone());
"Email should be " + expectedEmail, expectedEmail, actual.getPayerEmail());
Assert.assertEquals("Label should be " + expectedLabel, expectedLabel, actual.getLabel());
"Sublabel should be " + expectedSublabel, expectedSublabel, actual.getSublabel());
Assert.assertEquals("TertiaryLabel should be " + expectedTertiaryLabel,
expectedTertiaryLabel, actual.getTertiaryLabel());