Script to generate buildbot json for both the perf waterfall and fyi

chromium.perf.json: This file should not change in overall content
although some of the ordering may be off.  I have also explicitly
set the shards for Win 7 Intel GPU Perf given the format my script
expects, which is the same as the current json file which doesn't
specify a shard.

Note: I have removed entries for bots that are not longer on our waterfall.  These include Win 7 Low-End Perf, Mac 10.9 and Mac 10.8.  This is simply cleanup and doesn't impact any functionality. This file is new and doesn't have any
configuration yet that will actually read this file.  The next
step is to trigger the jobs locally before I change the fyi recipes
to read from this json file.  Note: telemetry_perf_tests will be the
name of the gn target in a follow up cl.  Note that this file
will probably change as I iterate on getting the perf tests swarmed.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#415133}
3 files changed