blob: 246663672eb281df9fd5c3befbaf54f588e214d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Indicates whether typemapping should be supported in this build
# configuration. This may be disabled when building external projects which
# depend on //mojo but which do not need/want all of the Chromium tree
# dependencies that come with typemapping.
# Note that (perhaps obviously) a huge amount of Chromium code will not build
# with typemapping disabled, so it is never valid to set this to |false| in
# any Chromium build configuration.
enable_mojom_typemapping = true
mojom_generator_root = "//mojo/public/tools/bindings"
mojom_generator_script = "$mojom_generator_root/"
mojom_generator_sources = [
if (enable_mojom_typemapping) {
if (!is_ios) {
_bindings_configuration_files = [
} else {
_bindings_configuration_files =
[ "//mojo/public/tools/bindings/chromium_bindings_configuration.gni" ]
_bindings_configurations = []
foreach(config_file, _bindings_configuration_files) {
_bindings_configurations += [ read_file(config_file, "scope") ]
foreach(configuration, _bindings_configurations) {
# Check that the mojom field of each typemap refers to a mojom that exists.
foreach(typemap, configuration.typemaps) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
read_file(_typemap_config.mojom, "")
if (is_mac && defined(configuration.typemaps_mac)) {
foreach(typemap, configuration.typemaps_mac) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
read_file(_typemap_config.mojom, "")
} else {
_bindings_configuration_files = []
_bindings_configurations = [
typemaps = []
variant = "blink"
for_blink = true
typemaps = []
# Generates targets for building C++, JavaScript and Java bindings from mojom
# files. The output files will go under the generated file directory tree with
# the same path as each input file.
# Other targets should depend on one of these generated targets (where "foo"
# is the target name):
# foo
# C++ and Javascript bindings. Other mojom targets should also depend on
# this target.
# foo_blink
# C++ bindings using Blink standard types.
# foo_java
# Java bindings.
# Parameters:
# sources (optional if one of the deps sets listed below is present)
# List of source .mojom files to compile.
# deps (optional)
# Note: this can contain only other mojom targets.
# DEPRECATED: This is synonymous with public_deps because all mojom
# dependencies must be public by design. Please use public_deps.
# public_deps (optional)
# Note: this can contain only other mojom targets.
# import_dirs (optional)
# List of import directories that will get added when processing sources.
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# visibility_blink (optional)
# The value to use for visibility for the blink variant. If unset,
# |visibility| is used.
# use_once_callback (optional)
# If set to true, generated classes will use base::OnceCallback instead of
# base::RepeatingCallback.
# Default value is false.
# TODO(dcheng):
# - Convert everything to use OnceCallback.
# - Remove support for the old mode.
# cpp_only (optional)
# If set to true, only the C++ bindings targets will be generated.
# The following parameters are used to support the component build. They are
# needed so that bindings which are linked with a component can use the same
# export settings for classes. The first three are for the chromium variant, and
# the last three are for the blink variant.
# export_class_attribute (optional)
# The attribute to add to the class declaration. e.g. "CONTENT_EXPORT"
# export_define (optional)
# A define to be added to the source_set which is needed by the export
# export_header (optional)
# A header to be added to the generated bindings to support the component
# build. e.g. "content/common/content_export.h"
# export_class_attribute_blink (optional)
# export_define_blink (optional)
# export_header_blink (optional)
# These three parameters are the blink variants of the previous 3.
# The following parameters are used to correct component build dependencies.
# They are needed so mojom-mojom dependencies follow the rule that dependencies
# on a source set in another component are replaced by a dependency on the
# containing component. The first two are for the chromium variant; the other
# two are for the blink variant.
# overridden_deps (optional)
# The list of mojom deps to be overridden.
# component_deps (optional)
# The list of component deps to add to replace overridden_deps.
# overridden_deps_blink (optional)
# component_deps_blink (optional)
# These two parameters are the blink variants of the previous two.
template("mojom") {
defined(invoker.sources) || defined(invoker.deps) ||
"\"sources\" or \"deps\" must be defined for the $target_name template.")
if (defined(invoker.export_class_attribute) ||
defined(invoker.export_define) || defined(invoker.export_header)) {
if (defined(invoker.export_class_attribute_blink) ||
defined(invoker.export_define_blink) ||
defined(invoker.export_header_blink)) {
if (defined(invoker.overridden_deps) || defined(invoker.component_deps)) {
if (defined(invoker.overridden_deps_blink) ||
defined(invoker.component_deps_blink)) {
all_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
all_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
all_deps += invoker.public_deps
group("${target_name}__is_mojom") {
# Explicitly ensure that all dependencies (invoker.deps and
# invoker.public_deps) are mojom targets.
group("${target_name}__check_deps_are_all_mojom") {
deps = []
foreach(d, all_deps) {
name = get_label_info(d, "label_no_toolchain")
toolchain = get_label_info(d, "toolchain")
deps += [ "${name}__is_mojom(${toolchain})" ]
# Generate code that is shared by different variants.
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
common_generator_args = [
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.import_dirs)) {
foreach(import_dir, invoker.import_dirs) {
common_generator_args += [
rebase_path(import_dir, root_build_dir),
generator_shared_cpp_outputs = [
generator_shared_target_name = "${target_name}_shared__generator"
action_foreach(generator_shared_target_name) {
script = mojom_generator_script
inputs = mojom_generator_sources
sources = invoker.sources
deps = [
outputs = generator_shared_cpp_outputs
args = common_generator_args
args += [
depfile = "{{source_gen_dir}}/${generator_shared_target_name}_{{source_name_part}}.d"
args += [
shared_cpp_sources_suffix = "shared_cpp_sources"
shared_cpp_sources_target_name = "${target_name}_${shared_cpp_sources_suffix}"
source_set(shared_cpp_sources_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources =
process_file_template(invoker.sources, generator_shared_cpp_outputs)
deps += [ ":$generator_shared_target_name" ]
public_deps = []
foreach(d, all_deps) {
# Resolve the name, so that a target //mojo/something becomes
# //mojo/something:something and we can append shared_cpp_sources_suffix
# to get the cpp dependency name.
full_name = get_label_info("$d", "label_no_toolchain")
public_deps += [ "${full_name}_${shared_cpp_sources_suffix}" ]
# Generate code for variants.
foreach(bindings_configuration, _bindings_configurations) {
cpp_only = false
if (defined(invoker.cpp_only)) {
cpp_only = invoker.cpp_only
variant_suffix = ""
if (defined(bindings_configuration.variant)) {
variant = bindings_configuration.variant
variant_suffix = "_${variant}"
cpp_only = true
type_mappings_target_name = "${target_name}${variant_suffix}__type_mappings"
type_mappings_path =
active_typemaps = []
enabled_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
generator_cpp_outputs = []
generator_js_outputs = []
generator_java_outputs = []
variant_dash_suffix = ""
if (defined(variant)) {
variant_dash_suffix = "-${variant}"
generator_cpp_outputs += [
enabled_sources = []
if (defined(bindings_configuration.blacklist)) {
foreach(source, invoker.sources) {
blacklisted = false
foreach(blacklisted_source, bindings_configuration.blacklist) {
if (get_path_info(source, "abspath") == blacklisted_source) {
blacklisted = true
if (!blacklisted) {
enabled_sources += [ source ]
} else {
enabled_sources = invoker.sources
foreach(source, enabled_sources) {
# TODO(sammc): Use a map instead of a linear scan when GN supports maps.
foreach(typemap, bindings_configuration.typemaps) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
if (get_path_info(source, "abspath") == _typemap_config.mojom) {
active_typemaps += [ typemap ]
if (is_mac && defined(bindings_configuration.typemaps_mac)) {
foreach(typemap, bindings_configuration.typemaps_mac) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
if (get_path_info(source, "abspath") == _typemap_config.mojom) {
active_typemaps += [ typemap ]
if (!cpp_only) {
generator_js_outputs =
[ "{{source_gen_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.mojom.js" ]
generator_java_outputs =
[ "{{source_gen_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.mojom.srcjar" ]
generator_target_name = "${target_name}${variant_suffix}__generator"
action_foreach(generator_target_name) {
script = mojom_generator_script
inputs = mojom_generator_sources
sources = invoker.sources
deps = [
outputs = generator_cpp_outputs + generator_java_outputs +
args = common_generator_args
if (cpp_only) {
args += [
} else {
args += [
if (defined(bindings_configuration.variant)) {
args += [
depfile =
args += [
args += [
rebase_path(type_mappings_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(bindings_configuration.for_blink) &&
bindings_configuration.for_blink) {
args += [ "--for_blink" ]
if (defined(invoker.export_class_attribute_blink)) {
args += [
} else {
if (defined(invoker.export_class_attribute)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.use_once_callback) && invoker.use_once_callback) {
args += [ "--use_once_callback" ]
action(type_mappings_target_name) {
inputs = _bindings_configuration_files
outputs = [
script = "$mojom_generator_root/"
deps = []
args = [
rebase_path(type_mappings_path, root_build_dir),
foreach(d, all_deps) {
name = get_label_info(d, "label_no_toolchain")
toolchain = get_label_info(d, "toolchain")
dependency_output = "${name}${variant_suffix}__type_mappings"
dependency_target = "${dependency_output}(${toolchain})"
deps += [ dependency_target ]
dependency_output_dir =
get_label_info(dependency_output, "target_gen_dir")
dependency_name = get_label_info(dependency_output, "name")
dependency_path =
args += [
if (enabled_sources != []) {
# TODO(sammc): Pass the typemap description in a file to avoid command
# line length limitations.
typemap_description = []
foreach(typemap, active_typemaps) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
typemap_description += [ "--start-typemap" ]
if (defined(_typemap_config.public_headers)) {
foreach(value, _typemap_config.public_headers) {
typemap_description += [ "public_headers=$value" ]
if (defined(_typemap_config.traits_headers)) {
foreach(value, _typemap_config.traits_headers) {
typemap_description += [ "traits_headers=$value" ]
foreach(value, _typemap_config.type_mappings) {
typemap_description += [ "type_mappings=$value" ]
# The typemap configuration files are not actually used as inputs here
# but this establishes a necessary build dependency to ensure that
# typemap changes force a rebuild of affected targets.
inputs += [ typemap.filename ]
args += typemap_description
source_set("${target_name}${variant_suffix}") {
if (defined(bindings_configuration.for_blink) &&
bindings_configuration.for_blink &&
defined(invoker.visibility_blink)) {
visibility = invoker.visibility_blink
} else if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
visibility = invoker.visibility
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
if (defined(invoker.sources) && !defined(bindings_configuration.variant)) {
data = process_file_template(enabled_sources, generator_js_outputs)
defines = []
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
if (defined(invoker.export_define)) {
defines += [ invoker.export_define ]
if (defined(invoker.export_define_blink)) {
defines += [ invoker.export_define_blink ]
if (enabled_sources != []) {
sources = process_file_template(enabled_sources, generator_cpp_outputs)
deps = [
public_deps = [
if (enabled_sources != []) {
public_deps += [ ":$generator_target_name" ]
foreach(d, all_deps) {
# Resolve the name, so that a target //mojo/something becomes
# //mojo/something:something and we can append variant_suffix to
# get the cpp dependency name.
full_name = get_label_info("$d", "label_no_toolchain")
public_deps += [ "${full_name}${variant_suffix}" ]
if (defined(bindings_configuration.for_blink) &&
bindings_configuration.for_blink) {
if (defined(invoker.overridden_deps_blink)) {
foreach(d, invoker.overridden_deps_blink) {
# Resolve the name, so that a target //mojo/something becomes
# //mojo/something:something and we can append variant_suffix
# to get the cpp dependency name.
full_name = get_label_info("$d", "label_no_toolchain")
public_deps -= [ "${full_name}${variant_suffix}" ]
public_deps += invoker.component_deps_blink
} else {
if (defined(invoker.overridden_deps)) {
foreach(d, invoker.overridden_deps) {
# Resolve the name, so that a target //mojo/something becomes
# //mojo/something:something and we can append variant_suffix
# to get the cpp dependency name.
full_name = get_label_info("$d", "label_no_toolchain")
public_deps -= [ "${full_name}${variant_suffix}" ]
public_deps += invoker.component_deps
foreach(typemap, active_typemaps) {
_typemap_config = {
_typemap_config = typemap.config
if (defined(_typemap_config.public_headers)) {
sources += _typemap_config.public_headers
if (defined(_typemap_config.traits_headers)) {
sources += _typemap_config.traits_headers
if (defined(_typemap_config.sources)) {
sources += _typemap_config.sources
if (defined(_typemap_config.public_deps)) {
public_deps += _typemap_config.public_deps
if (defined(_typemap_config.deps)) {
deps += _typemap_config.deps
if (defined(bindings_configuration.for_blink) &&
bindings_configuration.for_blink) {
public_deps += [ "//mojo/public/cpp/bindings:wtf_support" ]
if (!cpp_only && is_android) {
java_srcjar_target_name = target_name + "_java_sources"
action(java_srcjar_target_name) {
script = "//mojo/public/tools/gn/"
inputs = []
if (enabled_sources != []) {
inputs =
process_file_template(enabled_sources, generator_java_outputs)
output = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
outputs = [
rebase_inputs = rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
rebase_output = rebase_path(output, root_build_dir)
args = [
deps = []
if (enabled_sources != []) {
deps = [
java_target_name = target_name + "_java"
android_library(java_target_name) {
deps = [
foreach(d, all_deps) {
# Resolve the name, so that a target //mojo/something becomes
# //mojo/something:something and we can append "_java" to get the java
# dependency name.
full_name = get_label_info(d, "label_no_toolchain")
deps += [ "${full_name}_java" ]
srcjar_deps = [ ":$java_srcjar_target_name" ]
run_findbugs_override = false