blob: d20b858cbf9df70e4f4465ba79df9ebdbb60481e [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This test is prefixed with `chromium.` because the equivalent version
available in Web Platform Tests is known to cause timeout errors in the
Chromium automated build system. They should be maintained only to preserve
test converage until the corresponding versions in Web Platform Tests can be
made to pass consistently. See -->
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
promise_test(function(t) {
var script =
var scope = 'resources/simple.html';
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, scope)
.then(function(registration) {
return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
.then(function() {
return with_iframe(scope);
.then(function(frame) {
add_completion_callback(function() { frame.remove(); });
var channel = new MessageChannel();
var saw_message = new Promise(function(resolve) {
channel.port1.onmessage = function(e) { resolve(; }
var worker = frame.contentWindow.navigator.serviceWorker.controller;
worker.postMessage({port: channel.port2}, [channel.port2]);
return saw_message;
.then(function(message) {
assert_equals(message, 'PASS');
return service_worker_unregister_and_done(t, scope);
}, 'respondWith() invokes stopImmediatePropagation()');