blob: b8b1263af399105c6e6552ec3edc0e9d4b0eee2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @typedef {{
* fontList: Array<{0: string, 1: (string|undefined), 2: (string|undefined)}>,
* extensionUrl: string
* }}
var FontsData;
cr.define('settings', function() {
/** @interface */
function FontsBrowserProxy() {}
FontsBrowserProxy.prototype = {
* @return {!Promise<!FontsData>} Fonts and the advanced font settings
* extension URL.
fetchFontsData: assertNotReached,
observeAdvancedFontExtensionAvailable: assertNotReached,
openAdvancedFontSettings: assertNotReached,
* @implements {settings.FontsBrowserProxy}
* @constructor
function FontsBrowserProxyImpl() {}
FontsBrowserProxyImpl.prototype = {
/** @override */
fetchFontsData: function() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('fetchFontsData');
/** @override */
observeAdvancedFontExtensionAvailable: function() {
/** @override */
openAdvancedFontSettings: function() {
return {
FontsBrowserProxy: FontsBrowserProxy,
FontsBrowserProxyImpl: FontsBrowserProxyImpl,