blob: 43e0328134da374c3b25db34dd3881b04fd42170 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VRDisplay_h
#define VRDisplay_h
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/FrameRequestCallback.h"
#include "core/dom/SuspendableObject.h"
#include "core/events/EventTarget.h"
#include "device/vr/vr_service.mojom-blink.h"
#include "modules/vr/VRDisplayCapabilities.h"
#include "modules/vr/VRLayer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Forward.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/WTFString.h"
#include "public/platform/WebGraphicsContext3DProvider.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Interface;
namespace blink {
class NavigatorVR;
class ScriptedAnimationController;
class VRController;
class VREyeParameters;
class VRFrameData;
class VRStageParameters;
class WebGLRenderingContextBase;
enum VREye { kVREyeNone, kVREyeLeft, kVREyeRight };
class VRDisplay final : public EventTargetWithInlineData,
public ActiveScriptWrappable<VRDisplay>,
public SuspendableObject,
public device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayClient,
public device::mojom::blink::VRSubmitFrameClient {
unsigned displayId() const { return display_id_; }
const String& displayName() const { return display_name_; }
VRDisplayCapabilities* capabilities() const { return capabilities_; }
VRStageParameters* stageParameters() const { return stage_parameters_; }
bool isPresenting() const { return is_presenting_; }
bool getFrameData(VRFrameData*);
double depthNear() const { return depth_near_; }
double depthFar() const { return depth_far_; }
void setDepthNear(double value) { depth_near_ = value; }
void setDepthFar(double value) { depth_far_ = value; }
VREyeParameters* getEyeParameters(const String&);
int requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback*);
void cancelAnimationFrame(int id);
ScriptPromise requestPresent(ScriptState*, const HeapVector<VRLayer>& layers);
ScriptPromise exitPresent(ScriptState*);
HeapVector<VRLayer> getLayers();
void submitFrame();
Document* GetDocument();
// EventTarget overrides:
ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const override;
const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const override;
// ContextLifecycleObserver implementation.
void ContextDestroyed(ExecutionContext*) override;
// ScriptWrappable implementation.
bool HasPendingActivity() const final;
// SuspendableObject:
void Suspend() override;
void Resume() override;
void FocusChanged();
void OnMagicWindowVSync(double timestamp);
friend class VRController;
void Update(const device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr&);
void UpdatePose();
void BeginPresent();
void ForceExitPresent();
void UpdateLayerBounds();
VRController* Controller();
void OnPresentComplete(bool);
void OnConnected();
void OnDisconnected();
void StopPresenting();
void OnPresentChange();
// VRSubmitFrameClient
void OnSubmitFrameTransferred();
void OnSubmitFrameRendered();
// VRDisplayClient
void OnChanged(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr) override;
void OnExitPresent() override;
void OnBlur() override;
void OnFocus() override;
void OnActivate(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayEventReason,
OnActivateCallback on_handled) override;
void OnDeactivate(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayEventReason) override;
void OnPresentingVSync(
int16_t frame_id,
void OnPresentationProviderConnectionError();
void OnMagicWindowPose(device::mojom::blink::VRPosePtr);
bool FocusedOrPresenting();
ScriptedAnimationController& EnsureScriptedAnimationController(Document*);
void ProcessScheduledAnimations(double timestamp);
void ProcessScheduledWindowAnimations(double timestamp);
// In order to help the VR device with scheduling, never request a new VSync
// until the current frame is either submitted or abandoned. If vrDisplay.rAF
// is called earlier, defer the GetVSync until vrDisplay.submitFrame is
// called. If the rAF callback exits without submitting a frame, call it at
// that time.
void RequestVSync();
Member<NavigatorVR> navigator_vr_;
unsigned display_id_ = 0;
String display_name_;
bool is_connected_ = false;
bool is_presenting_ = false;
bool is_valid_device_for_presenting_ = true;
Member<VRDisplayCapabilities> capabilities_;
Member<VRStageParameters> stage_parameters_;
Member<VREyeParameters> eye_parameters_left_;
Member<VREyeParameters> eye_parameters_right_;
device::mojom::blink::VRPosePtr frame_pose_;
device::mojom::blink::VRPosePtr pending_pose_;
// This frame ID is vr-specific and is used to track when frames arrive at the
// VR compositor so that it knows which poses to use, when to apply bounds
// updates, etc.
int16_t vr_frame_id_ = -1;
VRLayer layer_;
double depth_near_ = 0.01;
double depth_far_ = 10000.0;
// Current dimensions of the WebVR source canvas. May be different from
// the recommended renderWidth/Height if the client overrides dimensions.
int source_width_ = 0;
int source_height_ = 0;
void Dispose();
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* context_gl_ = nullptr;
Member<WebGLRenderingContextBase> rendering_context_;
// Used to keep the image alive until the next frame if using
// waitForPreviousTransferToFinish.
RefPtr<Image> previous_image_;
Member<ScriptedAnimationController> scripted_animation_controller_;
bool pending_vrdisplay_raf_ = false;
bool pending_vsync_ = false;
int pending_vsync_id_ = -1;
bool in_animation_frame_ = false;
bool did_submit_this_frame_ = false;
bool display_blurred_ = false;
bool pending_previous_frame_render_ = false;
bool pending_submit_frame_ = false;
bool pending_present_request_ = false;
device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayPtr display_;
mojo::Binding<device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayClient> display_client_binding_;
device::mojom::blink::VRPresentationProviderPtr vr_presentation_provider_;
HeapDeque<Member<ScriptPromiseResolver>> pending_present_resolvers_;
using VRDisplayVector = HeapVector<Member<VRDisplay>>;
enum class PresentationResult {
kRequested = 0,
kSuccess = 1,
kSuccessAlreadyPresenting = 2,
kVRDisplayCannotPresent = 3,
kPresentationNotSupportedByDisplay = 4,
kVRDisplayNotFound = 5,
kNotInitiatedByUserGesture = 6,
kInvalidNumberOfLayers = 7,
kInvalidLayerSource = 8,
kLayerSourceMissingWebGLContext = 9,
kInvalidLayerBounds = 10,
kServiceInactive = 11,
kRequestDenied = 12,
kFullscreenNotEnabled = 13,
kPresentationResultMax, // Must be last member of enum.
void ReportPresentationResult(PresentationResult);
} // namespace blink
#endif // VRDisplay_h