blob: a0ad29911a0e1d07da56252a359e53fa7f9a2bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package buildbucket
import (
buildbucketpb ""
bbv1 ""
miloProto ""
logDogTypes ""
// GetSwarmingTaskID returns the swarming task ID of a buildbucket build.
// TODO(hinoka): BuildInfo and Skia requires this.
// Remove this when buildbucket v2 is out and Skia is on Kitchen.
// TODO(nodir): delete this. It is used only in deprecated BuildInfo API.
func GetSwarmingTaskID(c context.Context, buildAddress string) (host, taskId string, err error) {
host, err = getHost(c)
if err != nil {
bs := &model.BuildSummary{BuildKey: MakeBuildKey(c, host, buildAddress)}
switch err = datastore.Get(c, bs); err {
case nil:
for _, ctx := range bs.ContextURI {
u, err := url.Parse(ctx)
if err != nil {
if u.Scheme == "swarming" && len(u.Path) > 1 {
toks := strings.Split(u.Path[1:], "/")
if toks[0] == "task" {
return u.Host, toks[1], nil
// continue to the fallback code below.
case datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
// continue to the fallback code below.
// DEPRECATED(2017-12-01) {{
// This makes an RPC to buildbucket to obtain the swarming task ID.
// Now that we include this data in the BuildSummary.ContextUI we should never
// need to do this extra RPC. However, we have this codepath in place for old
// builds.
// After the deprecation date, this code can be removed; the only effect will
// be that buildbucket builds before 2017-11-03 will not render.
client, err := newBuildbucketClient(c, host)
if err != nil {
build, err := buildbucket.GetByAddress(c, client, buildAddress)
switch {
case err != nil:
err = errors.Annotate(err, "could not get build at %q", buildAddress).Err()
case build == nil:
err = errors.Reason("build at %q not found", buildAddress).Tag(common.CodeNotFound).Err()
host = build.Tags.Get("swarming_hostname")
taskId = build.Tags.Get("swarming_task_id")
if host == "" || taskId == "" {
err = errors.New("not a valid LUCI build")
// }}
// extractDetails extracts the following from a build message's ResultDetailsJson:
// * Build Info Text
// * Swarming Bot ID
// TODO(hinoka, nodir): Delete after buildbucket v2.
func extractDetails(msg *bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage) (info string, botID string, err error) {
var resultDetails struct {
// TODO(nodir,iannucci): define a proto for build UI data
UI struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
} `json:"ui"`
Swarming struct {
TaskResult struct {
BotID string `json:"bot_id"`
} `json:"task_result"`
BotDimensions struct {
ID []string `json:"id"`
} `json:"bot_dimensions"`
} `json:"swarming"`
if msg.ResultDetailsJson != "" {
err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(msg.ResultDetailsJson)).Decode(&resultDetails)
info = resultDetails.UI.Info
botID = resultDetails.Swarming.TaskResult.BotID
if botID == "" && len(resultDetails.Swarming.BotDimensions.ID) > 0 {
botID = resultDetails.Swarming.BotDimensions.ID[0]
// toMiloBuildInMemory converts a buildbucket build to a milo build in memory.
// Does not make RPCs.
// In case of an error, returns a build with a description of the error
// and logs the error.
func toMiloBuildInMemory(c context.Context, msg *bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage) (*ui.MiloBuildLegacy, error) {
// Parse the build message into a buildbucket.Build struct, filling in the
// input and output properties that we expect to receive.
var b buildbucket.Build
var props struct {
Revision string `json:"revision"`
var resultDetails struct {
GotRevision string `json:"got_revision"`
b.Input.Properties = &props
b.Output.Properties = &resultDetails
if err := b.ParseMessage(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(hinoka,nodir): Replace the following lines after buildbucket v2.
info, botID, err := extractDetails(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now that all the data is parsed, put them all in the correct places.
pendingEnd := b.StartTime
if pendingEnd.IsZero() {
// Maybe the build expired and never started. Use the expiration time, if any.
pendingEnd = b.CompletionTime
result := &ui.MiloBuildLegacy{
Summary: ui.BuildComponent{
PendingTime: ui.NewInterval(c, b.CreationTime, pendingEnd),
ExecutionTime: ui.NewInterval(c, b.StartTime, b.CompletionTime),
Status: parseStatus(b.Status),
Trigger: &ui.Trigger{},
// Add in revision information, if available.
if resultDetails.GotRevision != "" {
result.Trigger.Commit.Revision = ui.NewEmptyLink(resultDetails.GotRevision)
if props.Revision != "" {
result.Trigger.Commit.RequestRevision = ui.NewEmptyLink(props.Revision)
if b.Experimental {
result.Summary.Text = []string{"Experimental"}
if info != "" {
result.Summary.Text = append(result.Summary.Text, strings.Split(info, "\n")...)
if botID != "" {
result.Summary.Bot = ui.NewLink(
"https://%s/bot?id=%s", b.Tags.Get("swarming_hostname"), botID),
fmt.Sprintf("Swarming Bot %s", botID))
for _, bs := range b.BuildSets {
// ignore rietveld.
cl, ok := bs.(*buildbucketpb.GerritChange)
if !ok {
// support only one CL per build.
link := ui.NewPatchLink(cl)
result.Blame = []*ui.Commit{{
Changelist: link,
RequestRevision: ui.NewLink(props.Revision, "", fmt.Sprintf("request revision %s", props.Revision)),
result.Trigger.Changelist = link
result.Blame[0].AuthorEmail, err = git.Get(c).CLEmail(c, cl.Host, cl.Change)
switch {
case err == context.DeadlineExceeded:
result.Blame[0].AuthorEmail = "<Gerrit took too long respond>"
case err != nil:
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "failed to load CL author for build %d", b.ID)
// Sprinkle in some extra information from Swarming
swarmingTags := strpair.ParseMap(b.Tags["swarming_tag"])
swarming.AddBanner(result, swarmingTags)
swarming.AddRecipeLink(result, swarmingTags)
swarming.AddProjectInfo(result, swarmingTags)
task := b.Tags.Get("swarming_task_id")
result.Summary.Source = ui.NewLink(
"Task "+task,
swarming.TaskPageURL(b.Tags.Get("swarming_hostname"), task).String(),
"Swarming task page for task "+task)
// Use v2 bucket names.
_, bucket := buildbucket.BucketNameToV2(b.Bucket)
result.Summary.ParentLabel = ui.NewLink(
fmt.Sprintf("/p/%s/builders/%s/%s", b.Project, bucket, b.Builder),
fmt.Sprintf("builder %s", b.Builder))
if b.Number != nil {
numStr := strconv.Itoa(*b.Number)
result.Summary.Label = ui.NewLink(
fmt.Sprintf("/p/%s/builders/%s/%s/%s", b.Project, bucket, b.Builder, numStr),
fmt.Sprintf("build #%s", numStr))
} else {
idStr := strconv.FormatInt(b.ID, 10)
result.Summary.Label = ui.NewLink(
fmt.Sprintf("/b/%s", idStr),
fmt.Sprintf("build #%s", idStr))
return result, nil
// GetRawBuild fetches a buildbucket build given its address.
func GetRawBuild(c context.Context, address string) (*bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage, error) {
host, err := getHost(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := newBuildbucketClient(c, host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This runs a search RPC against BuildBucket, but it is optimized for speed.
build, err := bbv1.GetByAddress(c, client, address)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "could not get build at %q", address).Err()
case build == nil && auth.CurrentUser(c).Identity == identity.AnonymousIdentity:
return nil, errors.Reason("not logged in").Tag(common.CodeUnauthorized).Err()
case build == nil:
return nil, errors.Reason("build at %q not found", address).Tag(common.CodeNotFound).Err()
return build, nil
// getStep fetches returns the Step annoations from LogDog.
func getStep(c context.Context, bbBuildMessage *bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage) (*logDogTypes.StreamAddr, *miloProto.Step, error) {
swarmingTags := strpair.ParseMap(bbBuildMessage.Tags)["swarming_tag"]
logLocation := strpair.ParseMap(swarmingTags).Get("log_location")
if logLocation == "" {
return nil, nil, errors.New("Build is missing log_location")
addr, err := logDogTypes.ParseURL(logLocation)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "%s is invalid", addr).Err()
step, err := rawpresentation.ReadAnnotations(c, addr)
return addr, step, err
// GetBuild is a shortcut for GetRawBuild and ToMiloBuild.
func GetBuildLegacy(c context.Context, address string, fetchFull bool) (*ui.MiloBuildLegacy, error) {
bbBuildMessage, err := GetRawBuild(c, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ToMiloBuild(c, bbBuildMessage, fetchFull)
// ToMiloBuild converts a raw buildbucket build to a milo build.
// Returns an error only on failure to reach buildbucket.
// Other errors are surfaced in the returned build.
// TODO(hinoka): Some of this can be done concurrently. Investigate if this call
// takes >500ms on average.
// TODO( stop loading steps from logdog.
func ToMiloBuild(c context.Context, b *bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage, fetchFull bool) (*ui.MiloBuildLegacy, error) {
mb, err := toMiloBuildInMemory(c, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !fetchFull {
return mb, nil
// Add step information from LogDog. If this fails, we still have perfectly
// valid information from Buildbucket, so just annotate the build with the
// error and continue.
if b.StartedTs != 0 {
if addr, step, err := getStep(c, b); err == nil {
ub := rawpresentation.NewURLBuilder(addr)
mb.Components, mb.PropertyGroup = rawpresentation.SubStepsToUI(c, ub, step.Substep)
} else if b.Status == bbv1.StatusCompleted {
// TODO(hinoka): This might be better placed in a error butterbar.
mb.Components = append(mb.Components, &ui.BuildComponent{
Label: ui.NewEmptyLink("Failed to fetch step information from LogDog"),
Text: strings.Split(err.Error(), "\n"),
Status: model.InfraFailure,
// Add blame information. If this fails, just add in a placeholder with an error.
if blame, err := getBlameLegacy(c, b); err == nil {
mb.Blame = blame
} else {
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "failed to fetch blame information")
mb.Blame = []*ui.Commit{{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to fetch blame information\n%s", err.Error()),
return mb, nil
// getBlameLegacy fetches blame information from Gitiles. This requires the
// BuildSummary to be indexed in Milo.
func getBlameLegacy(c context.Context, msg *bbv1.ApiCommonBuildMessage) ([]*ui.Commit, error) {
host, err := getHost(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tags := strpair.ParseMap(msg.Tags)
bSet, _ := tags["buildset"]
bid := NewBuilderID(msg.Bucket, tags.Get("builder"))
bs := &model.BuildSummary{
BuildKey: MakeBuildKey(c, host, tags.Get("build_address")),
BuildSet: bSet,
BuilderID: bid.String(),
return simplisticBlamelist(c, bs)