media: Separate renewal from default External Clear Key test

External Clear Key should be an external "Clear Key" key system which
behaves the same as "Clear Key" but is hosted externally (e.g. in a
separate process). It could support decrypt-and-decode by incorporating
codecs, or only support decrypt-only (same as default Clear Key
implementation in Chromium).

This will help us enable External Clear Key tests on multiple platforms,
e.g. on Android.

To do this, we need to move non-standard "Clear Key" features out of
the default External Clear Key test. This CL moves "renewal" test to a
new key system name: org.chromium.externalclearkey.renewal.

TEST=This CL splits a curent test into two tests.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#414291}
7 files changed